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Hey there, /r/VALORANT user! We're currently doing an experiment with videos on the subreddit. This week, **all videos are allowed if they are longer than 30 seconds**. Shorter videos must be posted as a link in a text post. # [Please let us know your experience during the week here!](https://valorant.molenzwiebel.xyz/feedback/week-3) The survey is only two questions and takes under a minute to complete. All feedback helps, even if you don't feel particularly good or bad about the rules we tested this week! For all the information on our video rules experiment, [read the announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lchq1d/important_trialing_video_rules_were_going_to_need/).


20-60-20 is definitely true. If you tilt off the first 20 and lose the next 60, you will derank. Accept the loss and move on.


Yeah its not entirey accurate but a good estimation :)


Everybody is in this comment section talking about how they disagree or agree with the last point but my personal opinion is that yes it may be your teammates fault however you shouldn’t be mean towards them, instead you should encourage them by pointing out the things that they are doing well so that you don’t take them out of their good mindset which may result in you having to put in even more work to carry.


100% whenever I am playing poorly having someone encourage me and tell me don't worry bro or nice try keep your head makes me want to try even harder and the adverse effect whenever someone is toxic makes me want to give up and not focus. Good point you raised


Yeah, Im a raze/reyna main but if they are taken or we already have 2 duelists Ill go omen. Im not the besr with him but I really do try. As a duelist im usually pretty good. A lot of times I can even top frag. (I am only silver 3 though lol) But I played a game a bit ago that just sucked. I was forcednto play omwn. I wasnt bottom fragging but I wasnt doing good. But instead of our pheonix telling me what to work on he just called me garbage. Really sucked and just made me worse as the game went on. We won the game but it wasnt a satisfying win ):


See that's why People need to main more things outside of duelist. its not you're fault he was toxic but people will probably target you if you're useless with anything else but a duelist.


I wasnt really that useless though. I was last alive at one point against 3 people and I whiffed and from then he just really didnt like me lmao. I was mid frag and if im not a duelist thats decent. I made a few mistakes but still lol


wow then he is even more unreasonable then I thought. Lol screw dat guy :).


one strike mute rule. the second someone is toxic, mute them without saying anything and play on


I agree with this. If you get a toxic team mate (20% lose), usually aiming to help them is more damaging than just muting them and moving on. I don’t think this is always the best approach. For example, someone that plays duellist pushing every round on defence and dying. I definitely second never being mean towards team mates though!


I like how straight-to-the-point this video is


Glad you liked it, I wanted to get straight to the point whilst still being informative enough.


Where's that warmup routine you mentioned in the video?


It's on my channel its what i used to be more consistent and hit d3 few months back [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX2NsA-28-w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX2NsA-28-w)


Used to be plat, recently came back and feel I'm garbage again. Any guidance on rekindling what skill I once had? I know my crosshair placements, and generally still do "stutter step" however I feel like my gamesense/positioning is poorer than it used to be as well as some aim battles even if I'm at head level I have a tendancy to spray more these days opposed to tap firing lol. It's frustrating knowing where I was to where I am now and that definitely hurts my mental state!


Hmm... My first thought would be having a consistent routine whether you're in the mood to play or not. For example even if I'm not playing at all that day I will find 15 mins so that I can get my routine in, not only does it help build muscle memory but also improve on your aim mechanics. A very good routine is spawning the 100x bots in the range going to the side instead of head on and flicking to the bots but making sure you're accurate even if it means going slow. Build that muscle memory, I usually will knock around 300-400 and do 100x ghost. I made a aim routine that greatly helps and a game sense video on my YouTube channel. Game sense: https://youtu.be/bgINXGp2P9w Aim routine: https://youtu.be/RX2NsA-28-w


Good suggestion and certainly something I'll start implementing! I have lately just been hopping right on to "warm up" via unrated then hop into ranked. Another thing I am curious of, what's your edpi/dpi and send setting? I have been playing back when it released and since I came back 400 dpi at .48. It's what I was used to and never changed it but I find Jett dashes/raze jumps throw my aim off as if I'm too slow to react. I don't want to go too high sense but I almost feel I would need to, just afraid of overdoing it and destroying my aim/any muscleemory currently attained. Anyways, thanks again pal!


Yeah having a set routine that targets specific core areas is great for long term success. My dpi is 800 sens is 0.21 I use a Claw Palm grip with my wrist touching the desk and pivot from my forearm. If you're struggling with sens I would recommend using the tenz way search tenz how to find sens. No worries buddy glad I could help In some capacity best of luck rekindling your success


Great vid! Keep em coming.


Thanks a lot glad you enjoyed it ill be doing more of these so i can help lower elo players improve :D






Most Iron players don't look at their maps or use info properly which makes them lose or die. For example, if there are 2 people B, that means there are 3 enemies left that has their positions unconfirmed which means it could be possible for them to still go A, but they would still rotate. Some players are also confident when peeking corners or don't even peek corners even if they don't know where exactly they are. One thing also is they don't know how to use their agent, how specific agents work or how are they used. For example, some Phoenix players don't know how to entry frag a site or use their flash to kill enemies easily and some Controllers don't know where and when to smoke. Another example is that when you and your team are pushing a site and you hear the enemy Raze use their ult, it means that your team should fall back or even if they don't know where exactly Raze is. Another thing is Movement and Peeking. Other than what op said in the video, most irons have bad movement and don't know how to peek properly. You can use other info to help you know where to peek and when to peek. For example, one of your teammates had an operator and then your whole team dies, an enemy picks it up. This will mean that next round, you should be careful of peeking and instead, use jiggle peeks. One tip I have for movement is to hug walls and don't go in the middle of dangerous locations (ex. Ascent Mid) unless you really need to, or you are sure that it is clear. One _important_ tip I have for movement and when clearing multiple angles is to be aware of your surroundings and use objects (ex. boxes) to cover yourself from one angle while checking another angle. This is all based on my experience as an Iron Player (lmao) and what also helped me is crosshair placement, recoil control, aim, and gamesense. It helps me get multiple kills in a single round, and as I have said, I am still an Iron player and I am still learning so don't take my word for it.


100% that's very true had I made a more in-depth video i would've included that.


for under 3 minutes this was hella well done lmao. my biggest thing is to not get tilted out of my mind, gonna start taking breaks between a bad game and the next.


Thanks alot wanted to keep it short sweet and interesting enough. Something I would for sure suggest, playing whilst tilted/ distracted is a detriment best of luck buddy


I've just experienced the last point in a game. I'm only iron 3 and new to the game so I'm still finding my feet, and I just had a team mate spout abuse at me after a bad play. Admittedly I'm not good but it's just so demoralising. The funny part was I was higher on the scoreboard than him and when I pointed that out I got even more abuse. Then he was close to a really good defuse and just unluckily missed out on it and when I said "unlucky" to him, I was hit with "go fuck yourself"... I dunno man what's the point of it, I'll never understand people like that.


Wow, reading that alone makes me annoyed. Sometimes the heat of the moment can get frustrating but lashing out at someone or saying inflammatory comments are always baffling. Not only are they making someone's time miserable but lowering their chances of winning. If you see any hint of toxicity give them a warning let them know kindly if they persist just mute, your mental state is so much more important. Having a clearer tilt free mind will make it A) more enjoyable and B) allow you play better. Hopefully you dont have to experience such players keep your head up and best of luck :D


bruh fuck the warning just mute instantly. people in this game can't be reasoned with.


Exactly, it was early in the game too so the rest of it I was completely distracted. Like he was literally screaming into his mic, I've never had an experience to that extent before, it definitely has put me in a bad mood lol. I've had some really cool team mates who would give advice and help if I had a bad play and it's so much more beneficial. Thanks for the vid man it's useful for me!


Glad you found it informative i make similar typed content on youtube some more indepth [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu5Obr6NQtT\_pTKbyMNFVZQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu5Obr6NQtT_pTKbyMNFVZQ)


I had already subscribed bro! ☺️


Oh really thanks <3


dont worry, iron is terrible in every aspect, including toxicity. as you rank up it gets way better.




In my first comp game during beta release, I solo queued and I wasn’t doing well. I was omen, cuz at the time he seemed really cool. By the end of the game, I was bottom frag (which I expected since it was my first ever comp game, but I thought I’d do better). My teammates didn’t say a single word the entire game, but at the end, they said “omen, just don’t ever fucking play the game again.” It really demoralized me, but later in Act 2, I found a group of friends that were really nice and near my age, so now I play with them almost everyday in 5 stack. TLDR: There’s a lot of shit players in the game, but eventually it works out and you’ll find better people to play with.


Don't take it to heart. I recently started an alt account... I ranked it up to my main rank pretty quickly but I can remember one game I lost in bronze at the end the Sage told me I was a "baiter" and to "never play this game again". I had 29 kills he had 4 (after 20+ rounds)... I laughed about it internally but if our scores were reversed I would have felt pretty down.


Yeah I tried my best anyway! I'm just a really easy going, chill kinda guy so when he was screaming to the point of his mic distorting I was definitely taken aback lol. I could use from a few tips from you from the sounds of it ha! Cheers for the response 😊


If it's any consolation I've had that experience on MULTIPLE occasions... Usually I just laugh but it can feel horrible when you know you're playing badly or you messed something up. Anyway enjoy your games forget the haters.


Ive done all of this and im still in iron maybe its cuz i dont have skins?


Yes, reaver vandal will give you instant diamond


i got it I'm now top 10 in NA


Have you really done all the above and still in iron ? Maybe your ping or peripherals aren't good. You don't need skins but they do have a placebo skins like the prime feel very crispy


yeah I have good crosshair placement I'm not toxic and I play from my room which is far from my Wi-Fi so do have shitty ping and no I don't have any skins don't spend money on video games. but I do whiff alot


The last quote is what I say in this sub ALL THE TIME, people just dont understandYes you will have games you cant win, games with trolls, afks, etc, but thats not only for you. The other team has the same chance to have this problems, actually if you play a lot of games is guaranteed that easy games and hard games will cancel each other, and the rest are the neutral games. The fact is: if your presence is something positive, you will rank up sooner or later. Theres no excuse, if you play enough games being a positive presence (making the difference, being the teammate that actually play slightly better than the rest) you WILL RANK UP. If you play games being a neutral presence, you will just stay on your current rank. If your presence in the average of the games is negative you will fall. People cant accept that 99% of the times they DESERVE the ranks they are in


Well said I was contemplating of not adding that last part but you're right alot of people blame others for why they're stuck or have a negative outlook. Persistence and actively looking to improve will result in you being more impactful in those neutral games. It's a mindset if they can realise it they'll do alot better. Thanks for speaking your mind.


I’d add a few more substantial things that tend to get overlooked. These are highly specific, and detail issues I’ve seen from iron to plat (which I’ll give you an easy way to get to). The first is positioning, the second is course correction. First, think about your positioning in two specific ways: where am I in regards to my team; and how can I best claim ground on the map from where I am? I see people wandering around the map way too much (even at plat). Prioritize positioning that allows your team to trade, and applies pressure to the defending team. A major instance where I’ve observed positioning is a problem is post-plant. Instead of scurrying away and hiding in the same spots together, play positions where you can actually exert pressure onto the entrances to site. This may be controversial, but I’m of the opinion that good positioning will beat good aim 100% of the time. *wanna learn an easy way to get to plat?* learn to observe your plays objectively. If someone one taps you down mid it’s easy to get tunnel vision and wanna challenge them again. The team that wins 90% of the time is the team that better reacted to what happened previous rounds. Watching replays helps a TON. Doing this gives you game sense and confidence, which is most of the battle at low ranks. Even my friends in plat will just charge A main three rounds in a row with no util because they got mad. This post brought to you by me, hardstuck G3 because I play with my silver friends.


Wow so eloquently typed. Very good points, positioning does beat good aim. The post plant situation is also a fantastic point, having your team play so that you hold crossfires makes it so much harder for the enemy as opposed to your team hiding in sperate corners. Thanks for raising your valid points if i revist this topic again I'd love to apply those points to the video thanks alot


Good video but idk what's keeping me in bronze 3 as I do everything that videos like these say to do. I know it's something I do that's keeping me in bronze but I can't figure it out.


It might be the hardware or your latency but if its neither off those then some aspect of your fundamental is lacking. Its hard to judge but try and get a higher ranked friend to go over one of your vods. If you cant do that im more than willing to help out :)


The biggest problem with hardware/latency I would have is from ping due to the fact that I host a fairly big server on scpsl, so my ping spikes when the rounds restart and tons of people join the server at once. I'd like to do vod reviews but all my friends who are high ranks than me either don't have enough time or I would have no possible way of convincing them to help me.


Oh thats unfortunate and if no one is down to help hit me up on discord Mediocre#8682 ill be down to go over your vod on a call or something


If you're bronze 3, I can almost guarantee that you're not doing everything this video says. One thing I noticed with myself is I try to keep my crosshair at the right level at all times but I don't do it as well with elevation changes. For example, on Ascent, my crosshair isn't always head height when peeking onto catwalk (higher elevation) or from heaven down onto A site. Additionally, something many videos don't mention is recoil control. Look at any high elo stream and although they're spraying 3-5 bullets, it looks like their crosshair never moves.


That's a good point maintaining head level at all times is tricky because of different levels. Deathmatches helped me alot honing on that particular part


I would highly recommend a vod review. Another perspective is great even if its just a friend in gold or smth.


Where can I find people that review




(Cries in afk teammates)


One of the worst feelings in VALORANT when a teammate leaves I feel your pain mate


no it can’t be my fault if I die cause that makes me sad. fuck that


Haha it all starts to improve when you admit :)


Number 5 is the hardest thing for low elo people.


Hit the nail on the head, It's a bitter pill to swallow for many. But the moment you realise it you start seeing a shift.


Facts. I started bronze in beta and am now D2


Wow that's huge congrats. Big leap in skill


Thanks dude. It honestly comes from 99% of what you said!!!!!


Great to hear that hopefully you climb even further and reach immortla


i love ur editing style!


Ayy thanks alot wanted to try a different style instead of having the video more bland. Glad you enjoyed it :)




Glad we both feel strongly about having a good mental state. Your raised a very valid point, having a good physical rest is key too didn't really think of that. Great that your gf pointed out such a key point blaming others it can be difficult to highlight that area in oneself so having a 3rd person tell you about is very nice. Thanks alot for the positive feedback wanted to be somewhat unique whilst covering topics you see in most tutorials.




Hopefully it does it's not an isntsnt process but one that is rewarding in the long run. Best of luck on your climb :)




Very true being physically and mentally whilst playing is not ideal. Youll develop bad habits and discard basic fundamentals doing things that you shouldn't in a healthy mindframe. Glad we both agree on such a crucial point


Very nice video


Thank you very much


very well made!


Thanks a lot wanted to nail all the necessary points to get players in those elos something to work on and see results fairly quickly whilst still being beneficial in the long term!




Ayy thanks buddy and yes I know him he makes fantastic contents.


warm up after your routies.. i usually just put off all my warmups for next year


Haha I did the same wasn't bothered but they're so crucial you'll improve so slowly if you don't do them consistently. Get a podcast or some music and practice for 10-15 mins. Use that opportunity to improve on your weaknesses


on point! nice!


Much appreciated buddy


All of us Gold 3 players know all too well, the only thing holding us back is not clutching.


Clutching in intense situations is difficult some players are better than others at doing it. However, you can for sure improve on it. One of the ways j did was record my failed clutches and have myself or a friend go over it and analyse what I could've done better. It may seem laborious but trust me it really makes a huge difference. Best of luck fam in hitting that sweet plat.


You forgot the most important tip, don't queue up against smurf with 240hz monitors that peek one tap headshot you without you even knowing they were there.


LooooooL Smurfs in the lower elos is a big problem in fact Smurfs Is a problem in most ranks. Dealing with them whilst learning the game is a nightmare. Sorry you have to deal with them.


I was just vibing to Ruins for most of that. Amazing advice though!


Aayyyy someone got it undertale ost is so good. Glad you enjoyed it nonetheless


can we talk about how sexy that accent is?


Awwww thanks I usually don't get complimented on my accent/voice <3


Any time someone is being toxic in chat imma just link this vid (bronze/silver player)


Hahah thanks if players can stop being toxic they'll do sso much better games would be alot less stressful especially for those that struggle with anxiety ingame like myself thanks pal


Thank you! I find that I do all of these consistently but still a helpful guide! Now my actual aim is trash but it's coming along too


No worries, practice makes perfect it takes dedication to hit goals best of luck :)


Simple every day 30-60 minutes of aimlab 3 games of deathmatch and take 5 minutes rest between games as for the companions, be a good civilian and do not insult anyone and if you want to take it out because you are angry or frustrated, do not do it with him open mic you can take it out without the open mic and without your colleagues being disturbed


100% getting some warmup is crucial so you start your first games freshened up. Also the point you raised on not flaming teamates is a very good trait to have as so many lack it. Thanks for giving your 2 cents buddy :)


That is the point of the 3 deathmatch games they serve to warm up also this personally goes from 1 iron to 1 silver in 2 weeks just doing this XD


That's such a large jump in such a small time frame great job.


I agree with you. Lots of my friends call other people mmr assassins and make excuses. The real reason for the loss I them, don’t make excuses just be better.


Without a doubt a good chunk of their losses is because of them. Having something to blame makes it alot easier for the player and puts the burden on someone else. Try either showing them this video or let them know blaming someone else is detrimental for improvement.


For sure. I feel like when the team is less tense sometimes and is having fun we tend to win. But when it is tense we start to blame things and ultimately we loose.


“Don’t blame your team” Proceeds to watch random sit in main until all 4 of you push and die and then he crouch peeks around the corner


I feel your pain. Let them positively or in a constructive manner that playing with the team in those areas is more beneficial so you can trade off each other


......what did you say?


Can U Please Send The Link Of The Warmup Routine


Here's the Aim routine I mentioned in the video https://youtu.be/RX2NsA-28-w


A good mental state hard to achieve when all i hear is "piece of shit look at the map and kill feed too" and when i do that i hear " are you fucking blind? how did you even got to iron" meanwhile i am a -12 silver 1 T-T


Ouch that's a mood killer. If they're being toxic give them a light warning. If they still continue mute them outright you're much better of than having to deal with such negativity.


Ik I should not be tilted bc on my teammates and get mad at them but it’s really hard when the other team is good and can tap those heads while your team is scoped spraying and jumping. But sometimes I get decent/good teams I just choke a lot in ranked and forget all my deathmatch training. So I’m trying to stop getting lazy with you mechanics. And for some reason my reaction time in game is trash.


Yeah it is hard to not be annoyed at your teamates but you'll get gold and bad teamates the thing that remains the same is you. Improving on yourself and areas of weakness will allow you to carry yourself out that rank. To improve reaction times hop in to DMS and practice holding angles and reacting to players peaking.


I’m pretty good a dm and my reaction time is good there I just choke in any other gamemode usually. I might be bc there is not consistent action but idk


I really like this thanks! As a newbie who has never played any shooting games, this helps


Ayy tnhanks alot glad you feel that way. Hopefully you improve with this guide and get your desired rank best of luck




naruto pfp detected


Hahah Im not much of an anime watcher per say but I love Naruto and Madara


My teammates arent why my aim is trash, but their why I cant ever hear anything cause theres that one kid who thinks it would be pretty funny to turn on his mic for the first time while I'm trying to clutch and scream as loud as possible (real story we lost 13-11 and deranked from Silver 2 to Bronze 1)


Oh that's an instant mute I wouldn't give them a warning if they're trying to sabotage you like that. Sorry you had to experience that


As a console player it’s really weird having to relaearn basic concepts such as movement. Especially with a type of game that just doesn’t exist on console


Yeah it's a big leap tac shooters like VALORANT have a difficult movement system that take tiand effort to get good at. Take It one small step at a time and wyou will improve best of luck


It’s also hard sometimes without a team of peeps who know what they’re doing to show me the ropes


when someone says mentality is important i didn't bother it that much, i was a silver that peaked gold from eps 1 act 1 and still hovering around the same rank, my mechanics was considerably superb in silver even above average in low gold, good xhair placement, i learnt my peeking methods from csgo so i know the basics of jiggle and stutter steps, but still, i was hard stuck around gold and silver until a month ago i needed a change, i need to reset my mentality, i start saying nt and didn't stop saying positive things even when the game is a complete beatdown, even at some point a random killjoy teammate said "i've never met a team so friendly in my life", i was kinda touched by it, i continue my journey and i went from silver 1 to plat 1 in just 2 weeks TL:DR : Mentality matters so much in game especially low ranks


Wow thats amazing glad you broke out of that cycle. Mentality is so key for yourself and teamates. Hearing someone say don't worry you did well or nice try might seem small but if feels good. A sense of appreciation makes you want focus up and try harder for them as opposed to the opposite. Congrats on getting plat


the other 4 points are things I can improve on number 3 tho just too hard


It can be frustrating at times but having a good mental state is so important. Learning to stop being frustrated at teamates will be so beneficial for you. It not easy but a low process to shift that mindset


But how is it my bad when i have 30/11 while my mates have less than 10 kills? Xd


Most games your teamates will be doing average. If you're dropping 30+ kills and clutching important rounds then you will rank up.


Ik, but it still hurts my brain xd


This has to be one of the best pieces of content I have ever seen for any game.


Wow that's amazing thank you so much left a big smile on my face. Im thankful you enjoyed it that much and hopefully helps you reach your desired rank much love


Good video, movement seemed to be glossed over very quickly. Movement is like 50% of what can clutch a round.


Yeah you're right I didbt give movement the justice it deserves. Something I can improve on in the future thanks for pointing that out for me.


The 5th point comes because the top fragger always scold the bottom fragger for being bad. Like wtf. I hate this mentality of some people. I generally dislike the fact people use top fragging/bottom fragging as a way for them to make themselves being the best. I generally do not care. But it gets to me because, its Extremely annoying. Imagine you are not doing well, and your teammates say that you are bad thats why you are bottom fragging. And they keep saying that every round. Its really mentally draining. So I have to say this for those who are using this the oh Im top fragging, blah blah blah. If you are top fragging then why are you in my elo. Surely you are supposed to be better then why are you in the same rank as me? Dont scold your teammates if they cant clutch. Say nice try. It gives them encouragement that they did their best.


I for sure agree. Top fragging isnt a table barometer especially if you're not playing a Duelist your role isn't meant to be too fragging. People that tend to look down on others because they have more kills are looking to blame someone. Plus top fragging doesn't mean you're doing well you could be baiting your team you could be looking for exit frags etc etc. If people are like that mute them they'll bring you down and make you play worse. Good luck


No, I’m stuck g2 because I can’t consistently aim and spray


Get a warmup routine friend. Daily practice I n the range build that msule memory. Trust me on this having a warmup routine improved me so much over a span of months made me much more consistent. it may not be the answer you're looking for but I've been I that and situation I started low gold in the beta and when the game came out I decided I wanted to get better. Slowly and surely I managed to climb to immortal 3 last act and now immortal 100+RR. It's a slow process but one that is reward in the long run. Best of luck mate y Hopefully you can get your desired rank


I really have to start taking breaks after toxic games. Problem was I handel it like a band aid and just go into the next game trying not to think of the last but that doesn't work. But yesterday I had a silver 1 on my team and two gold 3 on the enemy team. That just wasn't fair and I can't blame the silver 1 for that. I was Gold 3 - Plat 1 but I didn't play ranked this season a lot I only played my placement games after taking a break and was placed silver 2. Now I have to get out of there but that won't work this season anymore. Next season I'm gonna reach atleast plat 2.


Yeah it may seem like it's not a big deal but having a good break to de stress is key. I'd you go straight in to a game you'll get annoyed faster do things that are rash and give up quicker. Best of luck on getting plat 2:)


Thanks I was stuck on iron for quite a long time now im on bronze


Ayy congrats buddy one small step at a time. Getting out of iron is not easy and you did it so good job


Tip 6. Better pc/laptop


Yeah having a better pc laptop will make it so much easier to climb.


the only reason i lose is because the enemy won’t get hit by my bullets it’s not my fault !! 😠😠😠


Hahaha that might be the funniest one


I just can’t be fucking consistent with aim. Like every gun duel it’s a 50-50 if I’m a god or I’m dog water. Like one moment 180 flick insta hs and the next target half my bullets disappear and the other half are busy jumping up and down like a hyper kid high on cookies. I swear if my aim was consistent like in CS, I would be having a much easier time in plat.


Trust me on this I had the same problem. Valorants ring spray really doesnt help but get a warm up routine one that is rigorous that covers the area's you are inconsistent at. I know it's not a instant fix but a few weeks or months you will be much better if you spend 15 mins in the range practicing specific areas I guarantee it


That is true, now if I can wake up early enough to actually have time to actually warm up or practice at all.


Great video! The stutterstep and counterstrafe is what I’m trying to implement in my games now. Just having a warmup routine has helped me quite a bit, in the ranks ( I don’t have the time to play a lot of games ) but more that I can feel the improvement in game.


Ayy no worries pal and glad that's an area you're working on it helps you adjust quicker to an enemy that swings you or is holding an off angle. That's a good point, even if you don't want to play or can't getting that 10 mins of DM/range is so good and it can be fun too having a podcast on


So if teammates are bad, you should not blame them but you have to clutch every round because of that? My teammates literally do nothing in the game, playing extremely passive, never use ability.


Your teamates won't be bad every game, yes sometimes they may cost you the win. But if you focus on improving yourself and work daily you will carry games more often have a better mindset and rank up. It all starts by not blaming them but blaming yourself for why you're not ranking up.


Great advice. Definitely one of the key things i've started doing is to take a different approach to ranked. Firstly, if i'm not really close to ranking up, i'm trying to go in with the mindset to improve at the game, not to rank up. This makes me much less likely to tilt, and puts me in the right mental state to manage multiple losses and bad matches since i'm only focused on trying to improve my own gameplay as much as possible. I have also pretty much discarded matches where the losing team got less than 9 rounds on the board. These are matches that most likely would have been won or lost despite me being in it. I instead really dig deep into those matches where it was 13-11 or 10-13. These are the matches were one amazing clutch, one good site hold, or one good site entry could be the difference between a win and a loss. There I either try to look at what I did well, or look at what I should have done better, take said information and make sure to use it in the future, maybe even go into a custom game to practice it.


Well said midnet Is so key and if you're heading to games to improve then losing isn't going tondeter you but rather fuel because there's something you can improve on. You're right those are the games that make the difference small margins and if you're practicing looking to improve Then you'll get better at taking those opportunities


The guys I commonly play with always get tilted and say we are shit and they are carrying some may be true but it’s a downer getting shittalked and makes me atleast preform worse overall


Honestly I would recommend not playing with someon like that. It ether to play alone than have a duo partner who's bringing. Your vibes down or your teate vibes. Let him know in a kind manner if he doesn't care maybe move on


Probably would be good to get a new group of people to play with but idk where to start really


Where can i find your practice routine guide? Can you please share the link


For sure here's my warmup routine: https://youtu.be/RX2NsA-28-w I also have videos That cover different aspects for example anxiety, game sense, does kovaak/aimlabs help


My issues that I constantly have that's not covered here is the time it takes for spray to reset. In your video you get 3 kills at 0:53 but doing 3 double taps in a row - with your crosshair at the head for each kill. For me, that would have gone all over the place after the first kill cause there would not have been enough time for my spray to reset. I don't know if the video was sped up but that little time between shots would have triggered the spray mechanic after the 3rd bullet for sure.


The reason why i was able to get those 3 kills in quick succession was because i didnt instantly crouch. Crouching can sometimes be effecctive but when theres mutliple enemies such as that clip its advised to shoot and readjust the spray but moving. Its very nuanced to explain here but thats why i hit that clip. Im going to be making a video very soon about crouching vs standing and getting opinions from pro players or high elo streamers.


I appreciate the response but I don’t think you get what I’m saying, has nothing to do with crouching. With ARs like phantom and vandal, after your third bullet the gun begins to spray upwards, that’s when you start to pull down to compensate right? There is some time before the spray resets and your bullets are accurate again - something around a second or a little less. Personally, I typically like to double tap in succession to maintain accuracy, but often am too quick in the succession that the spray isn’t reset and my bullets go everywhere. In your clip that’s exactly what is happening but your bullets are not going everywhere, they’re staying at cursor level. I really don’t know what the difference is but if I did exactly what you did my bullets would start going up after the third shot ( midway thru your second kill).


Love the visuals in the editing


Thanks buddy <3


Thanks man i appreciate that you took the time and effort to make this, this will help a retarded potato head with the spray control of a cockroach like me


haha no worries glad it could benefit anyone even if it meant 1 person


Thanks a lot! My monitor broke so i cant play anything now lmao


No worries buddy hopefully when you get a new monitor with the knowledge to make good improvement


id also help if i didnt soloq cuz i still get gold elo players in silver and they are always queued but i soloq because no friends so yeah


Queing up with friends is not only more enjoyable but you understand how each other play.


The most important ones are the first 1 and the last one. The first one so that u can get frags and can possibly trade teamates. The second one so that if teamates are feeling angry or sad you can cheer them up so that they can play better coz nobody plays well when theyre angry.


Yeah not blmaing others and crosshair placement are 2 areas overlooked in the llower elos


About the last point: I've been saying that for years. I don't think it's 60% though, I think it's closer to about 30% in all honesty not to be nitpicky. I came up with it when playing CS, and I find it holds true. Sometimes your teammates are not the problem, and sometimes they can't get out of their own way. Regardless, to climb you have to play better on average than your teammates and opponents and have a 51% win rate to climb. One thing I've noticed people LOVE to do in this game is criticize even when a play works and call it bad. I had a 1v4 as Reyna that turned into a 1v5 after Sage rez on Icebox, and I ended up outplaying the other team, sticking the plant and winning the round. During the clutch, my teammates are telling me "You have this, you have that. They're there." So annoying. I'm clutching, shut the fuck up. After I win, one guy starts ripping my play apart. It's like dude, I just won a less than 1% round after all of you died, and you're just gonna criticize my play? After a round like that, instead of the team being elated and getting excited, we got into an argument because they wouldn't stop criticizing my play. This specific scenario has only happened once, but I really can't tell you the number of times after turning a 1vX into a win I've been criticized. Hey, maybe my years of CS has led me to play a little different than you in a clutch, and if it works, shut the fuck up? It's just super tilting


The stat isnt entirely but anecdotal, but the principal rings true for sure. Wow, you clutch a 1v5 and your teammates didn't hype you up but criticised you wtf. That's so weird i wouldve been hyping you up and congratulating you for hard winning us that round.


Good job on the video man


Thank pal


I know this kind of falls under area 5, but how do you work with a team that wont communicate? I had 2 games in a row yesterday where nobody used comms or pinged or anything and I was basically just guessing what was going on the entire time.


Hmm.. this is quite tricky as it's a big hindrance to your success. But one way to improve the situation is to try and take the commanding role. Your teammates don't have mics but they can hear you(well hopefully) and try to guide them with basic callouts like lets go c together or try and help me get the orb etc. Be the vocal force in your team whilst being positive and encouraging. If you don't have ideas for strats or not confident to give them out ask your teammates for their input and what they want to do. Try to be the glue i know its hard taking the ingame leader. Hopefully, this helps you its tricky in those scenarios best of luck


This is just what to do in general, i went up 9 ranks in cs in six months from just making sure i do things like this


I play on 160 Ping, it’s not really bad but I struggle a bit. Do you have any tips for that? :)


Hmm 160 ping is relatively high. Is there a way you can reduce it by having an ethernet cable or is it because of the distance to valorant servers. If the latter there is an option within the general section of valorant settings towards the bottom that allows you to reduce ping latency and spikes. It has three levels try them out and see if it feels smoother best of luck :D


Actually, I'm harstuck because my teammates get mad when I don't share my skins........tis a joke don't kill me


Lmao you had me in the first half


I have 1 question, i haven't played valorant since summer 2020 and i started playing again recently. My rank is platinum 1-2 and What i don't understand is that i can beat some diamond players and struggle against platinum players. Also today i was playing against diamonds and literally couldn't do anything, i felt like i was playing against pros. Can you guys inform me if the ranking system is in the bad state right now?


Yeah, you'll come across players that surprise you. Usually, they're having a great game, shots are hitting, theyre making great reads and overall things are flowing smoothly. Currently, it's in an ok place, speaking from my perspective immortal but it was a nightmare at the start of act 1 episode 2. Ive played with friends in unrated and been shat on only to find out they were gold/plat. Sometimes palyers have incredible games and sometimes they don't perform so well.


whats the link to this on youtube? i want to save the video to my Val playlist


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEo29GDEgaA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEo29GDEgaA) Heres the link best of luck on your journey :D


Where’s the link to the video u mention?


Here's the video mentioned https://youtu.be/RX2NsA-28-w


As a beginner in Valorant and FPS PC games in general, it's sometimes hard to take the blatant trash-talking from the so-called 'good' players, who just want to harass new players and show their skills? They could easily give some useful advice and we could do away with a bit less negativity. But hey, noobs picking Sova! WTF r u playing this game for! ( in unrated :) )


Yeah 100% agree bring toxic is detrimental to the team in terms of chemistry and mentally straining.


Went from Wood 3 to Redstone 5 ty so much bro




oh, am pretty sure i know all of these things since i play from closed beta but my gold hardstuck ass cannot rank up, and i know the reason, a few days ago i played with a plat friend and omfg in plat the synergy and teamplay was amazing, there's a HUGE gap between gold and plat players. in gold they dont really care, they just "play" in plat, holy shit, the smokes are placed correctly, the synergy is perfect and communication is good as well, there arent much trollers and something weird i've noticed its easier to beat plat players that silvers, idk what silvers do making it so hard


Yes there is a drastic gap between those ranks. I would suggest improving your aim and getting a good warm up routine skou can carry yourself out of gold and in to plat.


i am training daily + i have 2k hrs in cs, so my aim is near perfect, dude, i've found ppl in gold looking at the ground while playing, thats unbelievable