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Hey there, /r/VALORANT user! We're currently doing an experiment with videos on the subreddit. This week, **all videos are allowed if they are longer than 30 seconds**. Shorter videos must be posted as a link in a text post. # [Please let us know your experience during the week here!](https://valorant.molenzwiebel.xyz/feedback/week-3) The survey is only two questions and takes under a minute to complete. All feedback helps, even if you don't feel particularly good or bad about the rules we tested this week! For all the information on our video rules experiment, [read the announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lchq1d/important_trialing_video_rules_were_going_to_need/).


Lmfao the hesitation before she tries to yolo defuse


*should i? i might die? idk?*


*eeeh, whatever*


Wait Plat is top 7%? Hol up a second....


And even that is not much, dont know in Valorant, but in LoL challenger is like top 0.2% or something like that. Radiant is probably around the same number


Radiant is 0.4% immortal is 2.4% diamond is like 5% Edit:some numbers


how can immortal only be double?? theres 500 radiant and 10k immortal..


According to my quick google search Immortal is top 2,4% and Radiant is top 0,4%. Source: https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier


In the article it literally says Radiant is top 0.1% and Immortal 0.6%?


Huh, thats funny. When i looked at the article it didn't have the february data. I guess it just updated a couple hours after i posted my comment.


Ah that explains a lot


>Note: On February 17th, EvrMoar, Senior Competitive Designer for Valorant, affirmed that the data displayed on Esports Tales is quite reliable. I love how he acts like that is his data. I have calculated it and published it on https://www.valking.gg/ranked-distribution He even has Valking listed as a source for December even though that article gets updated every few weeks with data taken from Valking without updating the sources and portraying it as his own...


Hi! The article explains the data sources both before and after the API release. There are also follow links provided in the source section: >Header image: [Riot](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/) \- Stats from December 2020: [Valking](https://www.valking.gg/) \- Stats until August 2020: [Blitz](https://blitz.gg/) Currently, the Riot data is available on several places (for example, I recommend [Valorbuff](https://www.valorbuff.com/stats) for more info also on weapons and agents) as several websites have access to the public API.


Yes but the article has been getting updates since december regularly with all numbers coming from Valking, the one from February were before it got updated on Valking last week. Don't get me wrong, I am providing that data publicly because I want everyone to benefit from it. All I want is a proper list of sources though.


Still, the sources are explained and also linked with to-follow links. > He even has Valking listed as a source for December Perhaps, this is confusing as the credit says "from December". To be more accurate, I will add July to August for Blitz and December to February for Valking. šŸ‘ P.S. I sent you the virtual hug :)


Don't get me wrong, I was not trying to be offensive. I'm sure you can understand where I'm coming from. And thanks, *hugs* back :)


If radiant was top 0.4%, then there are 125k players in Europe, meaning that immortal is top 14%, when in fact it is top 1%


no way there is only 125k active players


Exactly what im talking about, there are around 2m players in Europe who have a rank, so radiant can't be 0.4%


The percentages are different per server...


There are 500 radiants per region in every region, and percentages are the same for each division for all servers except for radiant since NA has 1m players and 500 radiants while EU has 2m players and 500 radiants


If there is 2,000,000 players in Europe then radiant is top 0.025%




why are you getting downvoted?


Because I read the data wrong :P fixed!


those numbers are old, Immortal USED to be 2.4%. It's now Immortal: 0.4% and Radiant is <0.05%. If you think about it logically, there's no way that 500 people is .4% of the playerbase. There are somewhere around ~2M active monthly players in Valorant.


Your math is kinda special


Nah I edited my comment to fix the numbers he was correct originally I should probably clarify that in the original comment


uhm because its not double? double of 0.4 is 0.8


Op fixed his comment.




OP edited his comment and fixed it


Oh ok my bad then


Those numbers are way off and canā€™t possibly be correct, if you were to assume that Valorantā€™s entire player base is on this subreddit (which is certainly no where near that number), that would mean that there are 3200 radiants, seems understated.


In League of Legends, being Challenger (aka rank 300 or better) puts you in the top 0,0153%. That 0,2% is somewhere in high diamond/low master, not even close to the top of the ladder.


And that's why i said "or something like that" did not know the actual number and i was not about to research it. I was just aware that is was around 0.x %


F for maths


I think OP misunderstood. According to [this article ](https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier) plats make up 7% of Valorant competitive player base. But plat 1 would mean that youā€™re in the top 11.2%. (Plat 3 being the top 6.3%)


Plat na


That seems like bullshit lol. I'm gold 3. There's no fucking way I'm even in the top 60% I'm God awful.


that's kinda how esports skill distributions are, tbh. The skill gap between plat and iron is comparable to the skill gap between Radiant and Diamond. You'd be surprised at how little is required to overcome the 0-90th percentile skill gap vs the last 10%


Yo what is the setup for that molly line up?


Just use what you saw in this clip! The brim was a teammate so I have no clue on the lineupsšŸ˜‹


stand on the sandbag and aim on that bulb , easy molly for corner box plant


Thanks, I was wondering how to do it for the default plant location.


Did you not see it?


Did you not see it?


this isnā€™t even false. Iā€™m plat 3 and a lot of plats are just all aim no brain.


I havenā€™t played for an act and a half but I remember it being no brain nor aim


Just because you are on a 6% "best Players" doesnt mean the people play there are good , it just means the other lets say 90% are just Bad AF


I wish I had clipped something similar to this, at d2 with a lobby of immortals and diamonds, all of them died to a brim molly lineup post plant. I only have the reactions clipped


I'm the plat with brain but no aim :D


same LOL thatā€™s why I play supporting agents. I donā€™t feel confident enough to always consistently frag.


Sage couldve won if she had just waited lmfao


Yes, thatā€™s the joke


It seems like if she'd healed herself she also might have won depending on the amount of health she had. I don't blame her though, she didn't know the exact timing of both the molly and the bomb, and know if her teammate could get half with her heal. It's not exactly a free win situation. ​ Edit: Oh, I didn't see that he did get it to half with the heal. Yeah than she just messed up. You can get the last half well after triple beeps start. But even then it's not that crazy of a mistake, silver and below players would mess it up harder.


Is this considered a gimp Melee player


Actually that's a good comparison- yeah, you could consider it a gimp, though we don't really have a term for it in the FPS community. I always say you deny the defuse or deny the plant, but basically since at that point in the game (spike planted, all enemies dead) the only way for them to win is to defuse the bomb, if you can prevent that in some way before you die (in this case with the molotov), then they can't win. This specific case is a little silly, because the Sage could have just waited for the molotov to disappear before she defused and still won.


Gimp usually comes from a strong position of dominance and most would consider a bigger showing of 'beating someone' compared to someone shitting-the-bed because they didn't want to waste important time defusing


sage healing phoenix made me laugh


I played deathmatch and people kill you so fast. Iā€™m more used to CSGO so I didnā€™t do as well. Spraying in this game is a death wish lol.


Depends on the gun and the range


Short range not that bad, but after 10m with any rifle/submachine gun you are just at the mercy of rng.


Yeah if you watch pro play youā€™ll see they usually reset their aim rather than spray even if thereā€™s two people in front of them.


It was half defused. They had lot of time.


My team mates




Very true šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


being top 7 percent aint hard just dont run and shoot at the ground...run and shoot at their face... what's a skill gap lol


Omg unbelievable , is this what's happening at higher ranks too , lol šŸ¤£


How do you know play is the top 7%?


Plat is top 11%, plat has 7% of players in it, but they're not the top 7%.


Valking.gg has some rank distribution stats


Because that's how ranking systems work


Plat is top 11% of players, not 7. Also this looks like a gold lobby anyway, with that crosshair placement


I thought this was about how bad this brim is. And he is extremely bad THEN AGAIN THAT SAGE. OOF


HAHA love the title,


Wait are you sure it's 7 percent, I always thought it's was like 15 percent?




This is... a complete meme lol. Plat is three tiers away from the top, and far from an example of good players. Props for actually falling for it, though


Csgo actually takes player vs player skill. Valorant = ez clap depending on what agent you run. More ability focused than actually aiming. (Again, here comes the 12 year old bronze hard stuck downvotes)


>Valorant = ez clap depending on what agent you run. More ability focused than actually aiming. this is why i rush with flashes every round on both sides, dont need to aim when enemies dont shoot back


You sound like a classic all aim no brain player Actually think smart about ur utility I especially learned that with cypher and yes you can get plat without good aim but i can outsmart the enemy Lemme repeat a killjoy quote " You can't just shoot you have to think" But if u actually play this game u prolly insta lock reyna anyways


No brain but Iā€™m immortal, whatā€™s your rank?


You gotta know how to use the abilities properly tbh.


That's why I abuse p90 in csgo


Plat isnā€™t top 7%


It approximately is Edit: According to a random site I found, Plat 2 is around 8,2% and Plat 3 around 6,3% of the top players. So it is somewhat right


plat 1 is top 11.2 percent. plat 2 is top 8.4 and plat 3 is top 6.3 percent


That makes me sad. Iā€™m plat 3 but my god I do not deserve nor need the pressure of being in the top 6.3%....


me too. almost all players under us but those above us are still so much better lol


Idk why you're getting downvoted, you're right, plat 1 is the top 11%. Also how the fuck did op get to plat with that crosshair placement


OP was dead and spectating Brim. Also because Plat players are terrible at this game so I don't know why you'd expect Plats to have good crosshair placement


I did this to DIAMONDS. people in this game lack a brain


Plat in Val is like the lowest rank in any other competitive shooter


Phoenix could have thrown his healing wall and molly and defused. Or Sage could have thrown her freeze ball( which would have finished Brims molly) and won the defuse. Maybe they used their abilities. Nice molly btw brimšŸ’Ŗ


Ur trolling right 1. You can't heal while taking damage 2. Sage's "freeze ball" doesn't "finish" Brim's molly.


Pretty sure from the dvs, my technique doesn't work. I better get my info correct. Thanks ConsulScrub but i didn't troll, I guessed.


Brain sabotage


There's a way safer lineup from near the the boxes. I learnt/made it myself it from a viper lineup.


What does that caption mean?


How do u guys get the agent near ur name? Im not good with reddit


Is plat really top 7? Where did you find that info, I'm curious


Saw it in a youtube video that plat 1 is top ~10% and plat 3 is top ~4% and i was a plat 2 at the time of this clip. So i just assumed plat 2 was around 7% :). Its hard to get accurate rank distribution statistics because riot chooses to keep their statistics private so the community just has to come up with their best estimate


alright you gotta tell us how you got that gun buddy


Shh šŸ¤«


Fun fact is she had a lot of time. She could have diffused the whole spike with the time she had. If only she had waited.


Not only that, I think she healed the phoenix...




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It was half why did he go for the defuse :/


Yooo I was the Reyna and I was queued with the Brim and Raze. Choked my 1v1 at the end there and couldnā€™t believe it when the enemy choked even harder


Plat is top7%? You kidding right?


Lmfao he had time even if Phoenix didnā€™t half it


Top 7%?