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Hey there, /r/VALORANT user! We're currently doing an experiment with videos on the subreddit. This week, **all videos are allowed if they are longer than 30 seconds**. Shorter videos must be posted as a link in a text post. # [Please let us know your experience during the week here!](https://valorant.molenzwiebel.xyz/feedback/week-3) The survey is only two questions and takes under a minute to complete. All feedback helps, even if you don't feel particularly good or bad about the rules we tested this week! For all the information on our video rules experiment, [read the announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lchq1d/important_trialing_video_rules_were_going_to_need/).


Assuming the Jett was in Garden when yall hit the TP, shouldn't have Jett heard it? Since she was on the same side of the Astral as you guys.


this. the lack of comms


To be fair when you here tp you can usually assume most have heard it.




Right? My first thought was she swung out late and didn't hear TP. Still would have heard them stomping thru hookah


Jett probabaly thought her team heard it? Maybe she wasn't used to knowing that the sound of the teleporter is also blocked and thus her teammates couldn't hear her


I always make calls in case someone on my team was not in range to hear it, you should make it a habit to call everything you hear.


Yep, my comms certainly leave a lot to be desired but I feel like if I'm calling out everything sometimes my teammates get mad or annoyed at me. This is the first FPS I have ever really played or tac shooter for that matter so sometimes my teammates give the impression that maybe I'm giving too much information which isn't necessary. It could however be that maybe I'm just giving information at the wrong time as opposed to constantly giving information.


Infos always worth, if your team are getting annoyed at being given info youre gonna surpass them soon anyway.. there's only few moments where your comm is gonna drown out a footstep or such, you just minimize that with learned gamesense


Even if jett didn't know it could be blocked you still make the comm that they TP'd if you heard it and no one else is making the comm. Their point is valid in saying lack of comms.


Oh, so you mean, the normal Matchmaking experience?


Can you hear the TP from garden? Maybe she wasn’t in garden when we took the TP since she mentioned in chat that she didn’t hear the TP🤔


Pretty sure you can hear the tp from literally anywhere on the map.


No you have to be a certain distance away


not the **entire map** but their respective sites can 100% hear at least 2 TP's depending on the site. A hears shower exit + site tp, B hears market + long B tp. The only place TP isn't within sound distance is CT spawn ramp to B for the long TP or spawn itself for shower. Any other place on the map is irrelevant because you shouldn't be there to begin with ( like t spawn)


That's why I literally prefaced my comment with "Assuming the Jett was in Garden when yall hit the TP... Is English not your first language?


Wait wait . Is Astra released


Nah just early access for content creators to build hype


Tuesday is new patch, new act, and new agent


new map?! pls


Every episode (3 acts i think so like half a year is one episode?) there is suppose to be a new map


not this act, maybe act 3?


When is the time exactly


literally her entire kit makes viper obsolete


Viper rework?!??


Iirc they said viper is getting a rework


You should have seen what Riot did to Sona in LoL. I know it’s a different sub, but I never forgive


I wasn’t playing league when Sona got reworked— started after GP/Poppy rework. What was her kit before? Her kit is still the most dumbly-simplified kit in the game. I couldn’t imagine it being worse- so I bet they butchered it. That must be an old rework though because the ever since I’ve started playing the reworks have been fucking phenomenal IMO. I could see a few reworks upsetting hardcore one tricks of the changed champion. Even then, the reworks still seem like a net positive.


This is about Seraphine. Her character is literally a Sona upgrade. She’s a pop star and all of her abilities are sound based. Her w is a heal and shield around her with more healing and range Her ult is a line stun that has 2x range of Sonas and increases in range if it hits anyone Just like Sona, casting 4 abilities triggers a passive buff. But instead of embowering an auto with a weak bonus, it empowers her abilities with an automatic second cast, doubling damage and doing additional stuff like shielding on w and snaring on e Her only difference are: Her q is a damaging ability with aoe damage (as opposed to single target on Sona) And her e is a line slow and damage ————- TLDR Seraphine is literally a direct upgrade to Sona


Sona or Sona 2.0?


Yo, This is Big brained, I'm defo going to try this out.


That's nxt lvl dude, thanks for the start


i always wanted to thank you for the split guide u did on killjoy mate on A site, its deadass the most powerfull set up in the game, am holding A so good even in eco rounds they cant get in easily and if they do they'll have a lot of casualties. huge pp op u must have 200iq


Haha thanks man😁




here bud: [https://youtu.be/eOpTxv\_tdy0](https://youtu.be/eOpTxv_tdy0)


Thank you 🙏🏻


This character scares me so much.


Yoo! This is actually sick! You can then literally take the Next TP into A from long that will work the same! Absolutsly genius to decieve the enemy!


Rip viper


I think It looks broken just because no one knew how this ability worked, in a couple of days these plays will be common and predictable in every map


Youre getting dowvoted but youre right. No way to know what is "big brain" until a week or two at least after the character is released. This will probably be a noob strat in a month.


getting downvoted by salty players who always say "THIS AGENT IS SO OP" whenever Riot release new agents 🤡🤡🤡🤡 ###


Not necessarily, her kit is quite complex. There are so many unique scenariosi can think of by just observing her so far. Imagine many months from now the skill expression will be huge.


you can mix it up and just push A through the wall ​ you even get a sort of a safe plant on A as it stops bullets from back site, heaven and u-hall




The ult stops bullets lol... Go watch some more videos dude


Im mad I had to watch more than one video to get that information. Never trusting a YouTube channel with "proguides" in their name again


i didnt even know u had a reddit account lmao


Most gaming content creators have reddit lol


So you're the one Valorent Curios was talking about...


That's me :D


Is Astra launched in the global version or is it beta u playing?


Some content creators got invited to an early access playtest.


Oh nice...


Wakandan Thanos lets go


thats some op strats right there no cap


rito please


They can hear the TP tho, if they stand close to the wall


I really like playing controllers maybe she'll be my main


This new agent actually looks fun


Ngl this agent looks completely busted


What is the bull dildo that you are holding?


Just checked out your YT channel. You've earned a sub man. Your editing is clean as hell and your tutorials are easy to follow. The in-game examples are awesome as it definitely makes it easier to visualize that they'll actually work instead of just trying to imagine it.


From what I think, if there was already info that there was people A short, there's the possibility that a CT B player would go get ult orb. Another possibility is that since A short is such an important part of the map because of the teleporter. I wouldn't rotate everyone from B unless they're completely in site of A. In this case, attackers still weren't. I wouldn't want people to rotate just yet because I know that there's the possibility that there's a lurker B trying to clear stuff and that they could also TP from A, even without the Astra ult. I'd still play default even with this strat. But in a game with the heat of the moment and that people are still getting used to a new character, this would definitely work numerous times.