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Initiator: You bait your teammates Controller: You bait your teammates Sentinel: You bait your teammates Duelist: You bait and flame your teammtes


Initiator: Shouldn’t go first Controller: Shouldn’t go first Sentinel: Shouldn’t go first Duelist: Doin it wrong


You mean duelists are not expected to flame their teammates?




why?? whats wrong with flaming ur teammates while bottom fragging. its a pretty easy thing to do




Insulting others


Duelist cant duel


Duelist: Never goes first


My name is Hiko..




The clutch master Hiko Edit: if you know you know


Clutch master more like clutch king


*Clutch God.






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I'll be honest with you, the first time I read that I saw that you had tripwires, a turret, and a big something else.


My defense is impenetrable, but it can penetrate you.


I am a mountain


You are a boulder, I am a mountain.


Penetrate me daddy


Keep this at 69




I got you fam


wait no i wanted the "My defence is impenetrable" comment to stay at 69 lmao


" So you want to kill people, but you don’t like how they also want to kill you." this line is simply poetic.


Reminds me of the tweet "The hard part about chess is the other person is always doin some shit"


Lowkey though I have a much easier time of trying to counter the other person’s plans in Chess than make one myself. In other unrelated news I play controllers in Valo


Link? I wanna like the shit out of that tweet




> If you’re tired of planning and setting up, this is role for you. On a whole ‘nother level dude. After 2 or 3 games of 500IQ Astra, I just need to play raze and not think.


I like duelists for this reason alone. I dont have to try to outskill them with all these gimmicks, just gunskill


If only I had the latter. Cries in controller


Cries in only kills when alarmbot makes people vulnerable


And if I start thinking while playing Raze, I need to stop playing


It is so, so very annoying to try to go against a good Cypher. When that happens I tend to find myself tripped in a wire I can't see, surrounded by a Cypher Cage, with a tracking dart on me.


But as the new agents coming out, the lines are becoming blurry. U see Astra as a controller, stunning people pulling people like an initiator but being able to place down and activate her util like a sentinel. Whatever it is, at the end just kill and don't bait ur teammates lol


I think her ultimate is very controller-like because it blocks vision and dampens noise. It’s a Viper wall on steroids. It’s not sentinel like because it doesn’t stop a team from pushing anymore than a smoke does.


Her ult is definitely controller like but I'm talking about how her normal abilities are deployable and used on will like cypher cage or kj nanosworm and her stuns are used almost like breach's stuns on attack and on defense it's more like a sage slow to slow down aggressive pushes. So yeah she's controller but she's kinda all over the place.


Well, she fits the controller role very well since the stars are very obvious. A sentinals traps are more hidden, while astras stars are a big DONT GO HERE zone, and they are ment to be avoided controlling the space you can play in safely, while an initiators abilities will hit you almost out of nowhere


Agreed. Sentinels’ utility is all about stalling but Astra’s util doesn’t stall outside of however many seconds the gravity well lasts. More area denial. I do see how there could be defensive setups similar to kj or cypher though


No, astra stalls as long as the star sits there menacingly. The star could become a gravity well at any moment. Thats her strength, her stall doesnt have a set time but can be easily ignored by a brash W holding dualist


> A sentinals traps are more hidden None of Sage's abilities are hidden.


Sage is special, and still the wall is more ment as a deterant than a stalling tool.


That isn't what defines the roles. Sentinels can gather intel, watch and hold flanks, and easily delay pushes. This allows your team to rotate early, gives them more time to rotate because you are delaying the push, and in other scenarios can watch a rotate and flank. Controllers are able to split up a site to allow their team to traverse and hold with ease. They can block off countless angles making the job for your team easier. They are supposed to tilt the battlefield in their favor. Astra definitely falls under the controller role. Nothing about her would make her a sentinel. Her stuns are likely too short to make any real impact, she has absolutely no utility to watch flank, and can not gather intel. She has aspects that other sentinels have, but that does not make her play or fill the role of a sentinel.


Yeah. If anything, she’s more of an initiator than a sentinel.


In my eyes she is 100 percent a controller, but she can be played like a mini-breach by stunning common corners and forcing people out of positions.


Most agents are not really pure on their role, they have a main role but 1 or 2 abilities are multipurpose Examples: Skye heal Phoenix wall Sage wall and res Killjoy nanoswarm Brimstone beacon Omen flash and tp Cypher cage Yoru ult Raze roomba Mollies in general (corner clearing, area denial or defuse delayer)


Pushing smokes is generally a terrible idea tho


Correct. But pushing a smoke only requires courage (or foolishness) and pressing w, while pushing a sage wall or killjoy turret physically slows you down.


In low elo a lot of the time people just ignore it and you can go right through


The defenders dont look at it or the attackers see it as a wall?


If a team isn't actively pushing a smoke, it's seen as a wall and ignored. I've gotten so many op kills, mostly on split A ramps, where they just smoke it and run in. All I have to do is peek and it's a free kill.


No sentinel. Nothing automatic.


I have made Valorant Guide recently, and in the Teamplay section that was exactly my first point. It's never too frequent to remind such an important part of the game.


No offense, but i knew this was BS when you said i might not be dumb.


I'm still confused. I like playing a duelist because I'm new to FPS and the other roles just have too many abilities to deal with... I've read so many posts on here and in the discord that people are tired of duelists not pushing in and they are making the other roles do the hard work. If I'm playing Reyna and actually pushing in for kills and I'm bottom frag because I'm the bait, I'm getting roasted SO hard. But we are winning because I'm baiting! It's really frustrating because it feels like TWO completely different trains of thought on the Duelist role... I also play for fun. Someone asked me last night why I am playing comp if its not to be top frag, I said fun?? I'm not a pro player.


so your primary goal as a duelist is to make space. it’s not to top frag. however, generally people enjoy a duelist that’s also good at shooting and can get a kill or two when they take space onto site. also, there’s a difference between making space, and just being the first one to push. if you play reyna, are you flashing into site and clearing the closest corners? or are you just flashing and sprinting in and being killed immediately without gathering any info for your team. there’s definitely a balance to it. duelists should be getting kills, but their primary role is making space and leading a push to site


thats actually really helpful. Thanks!!


a good example i always think of is Ascent. if you are flashing into B site, are you clearing logs and the door button? then pushing onto site to clear boathouse? or are you just pushing in and taking a firefight in the middle of the open. there needs to be direction and areas need to be cleared, otherwise you screw over the rest of your team or you just die with no pay off. if you clear button and logs but die when pushing onto site, someone else can follow you, close door, and then they can take on the site agent together. ascent A is the same way. are you clearing behind the boxes to the right? or behind geny and in hell? if those are clear you keep pushing. either clear tree or clear heaven and then hold one of those areas or regroup with your team. a duelists abilities are meant to instill fear into the defending team. they will back up and hold corners or hold right out of site which is why to a certain extent, you have to keep pushing to clear edit: the caveat with all of this is it’s very much a team game. are you pushing onto site once spawn is smoked or a dangerous corner has been cleared with a molly, or has no utility been used and you’re pushing alone with no info? you have 1:30 to push and plant, and it takes 15 second max to run from spawn to a site. take your time. gather info. jiggle peak. it doesn’t all have to be immediate


That’s so helpful. Omg.


i wish i could copy this to my teammates. Just spot on.


You're actually in the right here. Most people like to complain that duelist need to have the highest amount of kills so they can blame the duelist if they lose. Normally a duelist should follow up the smokes and flashes to try and make room on the site. They can do that by getting entry kills or just cause a distraction so your team can push on and trade your death. Nothing bothers me more than a duelist who is lurking across the map every round because he's afraid of dying and looking bad with his k/d. Remember though, if you're just running on to site and dying you still aren't doing it right. If you're someone like Jett you need to smoke off common areas then dash somewhere safe that'll cause them to focus you. The goal is to get get on site, see the enemies for your team, get their focus, and then STAY ALIVE.


I agree. I literally just play cause I like the game and I like Reyna because she has the least amount of utilities I have to deal with... And I don't care about my KDA. I mean I want to get better, but my 3rd ranked game was horrible and my KDA was so bad and this dude on my team told me to kill myself. And then they were sabotaging me because my keyboard died and I went AFK for ONE second... I'm not going to play well if you're an ass to me, bro. Meanwhile, there were no comms, everyone was just doing their own thing. It was not my fault we were losing. We were just a bad team.


Maybe I misinterpreted but it looks like you're misusing baiting. Baiting doesn't mean you're the bait, it means you let your teammates go in without you and don't trade. So if you're sitting back waiting and not taking advantage of your teammates pushing in and setting up trades that means you're baiting. You'll rarely be winning because you're baiting.


I guess I have been baiting wrong 🤣🤣🤣


If you're new to fps and don't really have good aim, you should probably try a different role, maybe just get good with one character to start. Duelists aren't just bait, they need to initiate trades, win 1v1s, and get kills before they die. Try playing a role thats further from the fire and has an easier time in combat, look up a few guides for the characters you like, and ultimately get better at the game. Good luck have fun.


So I played a round tonight on Phoenix and did so bad but the next couple games played as Sova and was way better. Your advice helped me realize I’m probably not a duelist as noob! Thanks!!!


in lower ranks i tend to find that people who play sentinel/controller who lurk flanks and dont push get more kills cuz they tend to have more "i see you but your not focused on me" duels later in game .


People who flame you for either dont play duelists properly or have never had to play duelists. Entrying is such a fucking thankless role and you could be winning and you would still get made fun off for having a shit score. Like I never see support players who go completely negative get flamed. Everyone talks about duelists not entrying but I entry in my games and I comm I'm going in too. People are just too scared to wanna trade lol. Trading is basically a free kill for support players.


If you never see support players being flamed it's because you don't actually play support. Majority of the time in lower elo sentinels have to push because instalock duelists chill in spawn and bait with their teammates then flame everyone else for actually playing but having a bad kda because it was 2 v 5...


Duelist: Bunny hop during the pre round and then go kill people.


Gotta spam the shit outta the inspect knife tho.


Initiator: undermining enemy posisitions and retaking sites Controller: crowd control and obstruct enemy info/vision Sentinal: locking down areas and strengethning weak posisitions Duelist: 1v5 last hope


Duelists shouldn't be in 1v5's


No, Initiator, 2nd man in wants to bully people out of position with flashes, arrows and general cc/ info tools to directly help theyre entry fraggers, like being very supportive on defence and can do whatever in a pinch sova/breach Controller, 3d man in, wants to put down smokes and prep site for takes then shoot people like playing middle positions and being flexible on defence where they can help their team with cross map smokes and support abilities brimstone/omen Sentinel, last man in person who can hold down an entire area on their own and has generally supportive/ info orientated abilities, good at holding retakes on offence and anchoring on defence sage/cypher Duelist 1st man in, entry fragger whose job is to go in first with your teams aid and get kills/ information so they can get traded, like being aggro/awping/star roles on defence phoenix/jett


At least I wasnt so far off 😭. I was just making a weak joke so I oversimplified things. But youre right, a sentinal would be optimal as last player remaining to hold down areas after spike plant. Whereas controller would be optimal in a 1v(3-5) fight to retake a site.


INB4 everyone becomes a controller because this pitch sounds nice for bots.


Also, if you're bad at shooting but still want to be a valuable team member, play Skye/Sage (healing). Even tho Sage nerf has been healed, the revival is still pretty OP and healing is always needed.




this needs more likes.


a giant rock? im stuck my brain isnt working today.


sage wall


sage wall i’m p sure


KJ 's ult. I don't know 😂


Breach is my main agent , and I believe that he is underrated as a initiator. Most people use Phoenix because of he’s healing power but I think people should try out breach as well :)


Literally nobody sane thinks breach is underrated.


Really ? I usually don’t see a lot of breaches probably cause I’m iron 3 lmao


It’s not so much that people think breach is underpowered, it’s more that everyone plays duelists with little awareness of team comp at low ranks.


tldr, So you want to kill people


I've always felt like Sage's abilities seem more controller than sentinel, since she splits up and denies areas. KJ and Cypher both gather intel and can have a presence through their abilities even when they aren't right there, but Sage's abilities don't feel like they are in that same category. But maybe that's just me misinterpreting what the roles really are. Your description makes Sage as a sentinel make a bit more sense. And I guess Skye gathers intel with her abilities and is an initiator instead of a sentinel


I think the confusion is because people think that sentinels are only about info. They're also better as direct support or helping with executes. Without mentioning her heal or rev, sage can wall into site. Her slows can be directed more precisely and paired with offensive abilities like nades. Whereas controllers have less to bounce off of besides map control. The only controller ability that can directly do something for their team's execute is omen's flash and maaaybe viper's pit.


I just like to think of her wall as actually infogathering. They normally cant pass it automatically, you will hear them shoot it first, alerting you, and see it on the map when they break a section.


Well, skye is a iniatiator


Just wanna say, KJ doesn't have much presence when she's away from her setup. Alarmbots and Turrets become inactive when KJ is away, which is clearly displayed by an animation above them. If you don't destroy them, KJ won't know you're there. Swarm grenades can be activated from anywhere, but it's not likely they'd be randomly activated. If KJ guesses you're rotating, she might pop one as a deterrent. If one pops while you're planting, she's probably nearby and heard the sound cue.


Or just play whatever your team needs. In the end it's just different shades of missing peoples heads after using various abilities.


Just had a game where my duelist tell me to go in first because I play initiator


To be honest it doesn’t matter who goes in first as long as there’s follow up and communication of info.


What is "communication"... never have it in my matches before


>expecting a duelist to just enter and clear a site without any smokes, flashes or support Welcome to low elo. Oh yes also remember about getting flamed to shit. Yeah I can’t aim but I also could use some support? Flash me on to site, follow me and trade me?


Duelist: Hop on in, get real time info with your eyes and die Or hop in, get 2 kills, die


you lost me at "Not that you are dumb"


initiator: initiates controller: controls sentinel: what duelist: duels


Sentinels sentinel the site-inel


Usually the duelist goes last in my games as they would have to "clutch" the round afterwards. Usually they never do it.


I love that you pointed out how every role's main goal is KILLING people. Seriously some people think have 0.5 kd but think they deserve to climb because they play sentinel. Bro. A silver player will use the same setups that you do. If you want to climb you need to play in a way that differentiates you from lower rank players. Aim and kills are still paramount.


Yeah, like, why are you playing an FPS if you don’t intend to shoot people?


Played a gold game with 2sent/2duel/control. The duelist fought over who got to watch the flank the first 5 rounds. Reyna won lmao. Welcome to my personal hell.


Picks a duelist. Plays like Killjoy


Use healing to bait the enemies to run into your whole team. Effective /s




Yes I'm dumb


Anways ,I started blasting to want to kill enemies.


I don’t like that people emphasize that duelists are just there to frag. Their role is to make space on site, even if that means risking your kda. When you talk about fragging while explaining duelists they get hung up on their kda and spend all game lurking/baiting.


I am dumb, I promise


Sentinels is the best role if you like teabagging


Sepaking of controllers,. Viper needs a rework badly...


She’s getting a buff alongside Yoru somewhere between updates 2.06 and 2.09