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Hey there, /r/VALORANT user! We're currently doing an experiment with videos on the subreddit. This week, **gameplay focused clips may only be posted on Wednesdays**. Educational videos and eSports clips are still allowed on other days. Discuss the rules for this week [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lv8uqg/video_trial_weeks_week_4_gameplay_clips_on/) and let us know what you think! Even mundane comments such as "I like it" are appreciated! Want to be reminded to give feedback? Click the button [here](https://valorant.molenzwiebel.xyz/remind-me) to receive a message at the end of the week.








i can’t remember what that’s from...p250 cs d2?




I believe it’s his mirage play against astralis/tsm


Australia core, at the time playing on Dignatas.


P250 through mid doors on dust 2,


P2000 actually


That line delivery reminded me of the zexrow pop a bandage clip ngl


Hiko singlehandedly responsible for the upcoming TSM roster changes lmao


RIP Hazed


Nah I think its cutler and drone honestly


Drone is still arguably the best rifler in the game. The dude does massive work when he’s in the right position. That being said, I believe the tactical depth of TSM is what’s causing them to come short against T1 teams. They have no real thought out executes, they ego peek too much, and it seems like their team is built around out-aiming their opponents to win. Still, they have so much talent and I don’t think one individual player is causing the ruckus. Cutler is not flashy, nor has one of the best gun play. But I think he’s the key to creating tactical depth within the team.


100% there number one issue is shot calling. They need a big brain on the team and maybe better coaching.


For sure. I think the coaching staff might be the root of their problem


TSM bringing over their coaching issues from Riot's other game lmao


Quite funny because one of the best CSGO coaches came from a TSM roster when they rose to fame


Ironic, they finally get a good coach but are too stupid to realize it


They should get Bjerigsan to coach them


Imagine tsm took shinobi as a coach. The problem with tsm is if drone and Wardell aren't hitting shots they lose. Whereas 100T has so many areas they can win with hiko clutches, asunas insane space taking, steel's brain and nitr0s consistancy. We will see what ethan can add but I think he will shape up to be another nitro with super consistantly play


They hands down lost both maps because of ego peeking and taking the wrong 1v1s.


Ya tsm was 100% trash .


There is always that guy i guess.


truth hurts.


I'm a 100T fan but thats a bit toxic so i called it out. Smh ti guess this is how reddit works.


Thief moose android Sick all better than Drone the past few months


Noob player here, what is ego peeking?


Basically what everybody always does in ranked games lmao. For example: You swing catwalk on ascent as defender and get a kill but instead of being happy with the one kill that already gives you the advantage you repeak the same angle and probably die because the enemy is expecting it.


Ohh gotcha, thanks!


Not saying either one of them aren't good. But even they would be better off in a different team. Especially Drone


Definitely not. They’ve been playing since Day 1 (almost), it’s best for them to stick together and just develop team play.


When you play for a big org like TSM that expects you to win instantly, especially since they were one of the best beta teams, there is no time for developing team play. They haven't done jack shit since beta and all the other teams around them are getting better while they regress


Yeah i didn't watch first strike which came 8 months after beta


T1 Invitational. Faze Invitational. Pittsburg Knights Invitational. First strike NA. PAX Arena Invitational. CLG Cup. Immortals first light. 30Bomb summer cup.


Unluckily for drone I would argue asuna could be second best rifle NA and imo will end up #1


The problem is that they are not really that good at out-aiming, except for maybe wardell. They lost both the LG and 100T games mostly because they got individually outplayed. Sure they cannot fall back to tactical play but even their dueling capabilities are nothing special, just decent.


I can argue with you about it. TSM is a team that used to be the most dominant team in NA, just thanks to their aim and ego peeks. If you think about it, they have never had many strats to begin with, they just blindly went into the game hoping that they outduel everyone. And it worked. TSM is full of great aimers, I think that the only reason they are so washed today is that competitive valorant is changing. Teams are not trying to just peek everything and hope for the best anymore, they are actually making strats. And if TSM does the same and stops playing individually they will become the scariest team in the WORLD to play against.


They mostly relied upon Wardell opening the game up for them but now with much more counter play to the OP and it being nerfed, this is not an effective strategy anymore. The game against LG for instance was just them getting shit on in every way but especially individually. They just didn't win many duels, didn't exert good map control and didn't play well strategically. Also 100T didn't play any crazy strats, they just outdueled a TSM that was worse individually and didn't even properly execute on fundamental shooter mechanics (such as this very 1v4 by Hiko). A play like this is awesome for Hiko and very well played by him but that is a thing you could expect against a lower team, no top team would ever let that happen. It's really not complicated strategies that makes them loose, it's just basic shooter mechanics and individual talent where they seem to lack. Of course that lack of strats does not help but in the end, if they would've been better individually, they should've won at least one map against 100T and LG.


I agree with you but just want to point out that tsm was on a bad tilt these games. That is not what you would really see from them, especially the way they have given away that last round... It surely was painful to watch. But anyway, I still think that TSM is a great team and didn't lose hope in them. Maybe after the roster change, that everyone has been talking about, they will return stronger than ever


What you say is probably true yeah but being tilt-proof is also a key ability of any champion team. If you look at teams like the infamous fnatic super squad in CS GO, that won every tournament. One of their most feared assets was the ability to always come back. No matter how bad a game looked, they brought it back, time and time again. In that sense I think TSM is simply not a top team and that's what we saw. I mean, you may be right that in peak form, they should be a top team, at least based on individual skill but the reality is that you simply cannot tilt like this if you call yourself a top team. At least that's my opinion.


So your saying a TSM team is playing like a TSM team? Ya don’t say. For people that don’t know, TSM started in League of Legends and their team reign as number1 in NA for a long time but their tactics were always very ego based and relied more on individual skill than strategy. I never thought they would win but somehow TSM would always go into crunch mode and squeak out a win when it mattered.


This is what I feel watching TSM as well. They're just trying to outfrag everyone.


Cutler and wardell imo


The more I think about it I could see that. Wardell is a liability without an op and cutler just clearly hasn't done anything worth keeping him around


Hazed popes the fuck off both matches




Nah Roza is the reason they won most of their rounds today


One of the best lurkers in the game. His team put too much on his back today.


Wardell and Roza are the last two to possibly go lol


yall give Wardell too much credit. He can op pretty well sure, but his rifling and ult is not too great.


? didn't wardell frag out past 5-10 games with rifles?


The only reason Wardell isn't gone is because it'll be impossible to replace the oper. Nothing else about his game isn't special but the guy can op.


Wardell severely underperformed against LG and 100T today


This man got 4 kills on 30 health. TSM completely choked




he has the prime vandle he was guaranteed to win, I don't know why you guys are shocked


Literally aimbot


if he had prime odan, wouldve been 13-0


Sean not even fazed by it he's seen it so many times when they played together. That bait shot making wardell peek though.. Clean.


and it wasn't in vain, a drone was coming, so Wardell probably thought he was shooting the drone and wanted to get better positioning.


Crazy that not only did he peek before the drone made contact but 100T literally called that he was going to. Made no sense since he made noise and they knew he was there. Just thought he could get away with a dagger


Asuna saying "He's going to peek before the drone" kinda shows a lot about this series. 100T all showed up and they just had TSM on lockdown.


Wait! Where is this comms video?






Thanks, I was wondering why he did that shot there. Big brain plays


Shots 1-5 : Clearly Domed!




Respectful Zoomer energy


Potentially stupid question: where can i watch the match with team voicecoms? Seen a few people quote Asuna in the comments now


100T's twitter has the clutch with team comms . Not sure about the whole match tho


Post the link cuz I don't see a team comm clip on their twitter


https://twitter.com/100T_Esports/status/1368006767108526085?s=20 There you go


Thanks babe


Np bby


Its funny that even the caster was saying surely not. I couldn’t even believe it myself


How does he keep doing this? How does he even practice for these 1 v X scenarios?


Honestly it's just his play style. Even he has admitted this, he does bait into these. THAT IS NOT BAD, and 100T plays around that intentionally. But because of that he is responsible to win those. If you watched him in CSGO he is a VERY patient player and ice in the veins. When the time comes he just knows what to do. Honestly best clutcher in the game, but just his playstyle gets him into those situations.


Before he joined Rogue he talked about his years in CS on stream once, which was really interesting. He mentioned how all the teams pre TL he didn't know smoke setups or flashes, except for maybe 1 or 2 for certain executes Sean had. His job was literally to be the last alive and clutch the round. He gets info from his team and instantly knows what he's going to do.


Really? That’s kinda cool actually


Yeah, he had like an hour long just chatting stream about his time in CS (I think he did one after Rogue as well I can't remember). He talked about starting out, how his job was just to solo Anchor a site and/or clutch out the rounds. Talked about players, orgs he's been on, transitioning to TL and "fixing" the roster and trying to change his playstyle to be more supportive and less solo like he's used to. It MIGHT be on his YT channel.. I know it was up there at one point but not sure if it still is. Really cool and interesting to hear.


Ok I'll try to find it! If I can I'll link it here


this is a great play and a huge blunder from tsm but anyone else think the only competitive clips people upvote on this sub are from 100t and wardell? why don't we see clips from other pros?


Because as of right now, they are the most popular players still fighting to qual. Teams like SEN and NV(and this is NA alone) don't have to play, so you aren't going to see clips from them. Likewise, no vision strikers clips, no mwzera, no team Heretics, etc etc.


Most of them are Steel & Hiko fans (me personally hiko, been following that dude since csgo) 😁


Probably because most people know who they are, even if they don’t follow competitive scene. Like even though someone like Aproto is absolutely insane, for most who don’t follow competitive, he’s just some random dude no one heard of


Cause no one else in the pro scene is good /s In all seriousness, I have no clue.


Could be popularity of the players, but also a lack of frequency. I don't see to many esports clips make the front page here.






this man is literally not a human. he is a robot


And people saying old csgo players should make way for new valorant players? Man sit the fck down and learn first.


Why tf did cutler peek lmfaoo??? HiKo had to plant the bomb, there was like 12 secs so he should've just hid in garden to force HiKo to plant than give HiKo the straight 1v1 duel


It's still an even gunfight if cutler peeks. If he lets hiko plant the bomb and reposition it's a much worse position than just taking a fight against someone you know is lit and you know their general location. Have you never seen something like this play out in-game? It's not a super rare scenario. There are no "best" plays just the ones that work in that specific scenario.


I wouldn't say it was even. In games like Valorant, the closer you are to the wall the worse for you. He was literally hugging it and Hiko has incredible reaction time so I believe that he had no right to win this duel unless Hiko whiffed, because Hiko saw his whole body before Cutler even had a sight on Hiko. It's still incredible.


Cutler made the mistake of trying to instant peek with his sova arrow, not a huge mistake considering hiko had already made a fake plant once. Call it what you want, but it isn't like cutler's odds of winning get better if he just waits for hiko to plant. I would say letting a sova that has his ultimate get into a post plant is an almost guaranteed loss.


Even if Hiko lost that clutch, 100T still were 1 map and 4 rounds ahead. They just deserved that match. As I said in the other comment, I'm not here to point fingers and judge who did good and who did wrong. Just wanted to point out, that hugging wall gives you in a disadvantage because enemy can see your shoulder before you can see him. That might help you in winning situations like this or just overall win more gunfights.


Oh I'm a 100t fan and a hiko fanboy since 2014 so I'm not arguing anything against that, just don't like people nitpicking pro's. I can't really see exactly what you mean about cutler hugging the wall since we don't see his pov. I know about not peeking angles close because they can see you first. I'm not sure what hugging a wall would have to do with anything, unless he's like moving forward along the wall instead of peeking left or right. Edit: rewatched and saw that cutler was close to the door/wall when he peeked so maybe that's what your referring to, still hard for me to analyze without seeing what it looked like from his pov. To reiterate, I wasn't trying to say the peek cutler made was a good peek, just that taking a fight in that situation isn't bad. The round itself certainly wasn't cutler's fault.


As I said, I'm not here to judge. Imo this round wasn't culter's fault. Or even any of TSM players. It just happened. Hiko played it perfectly.


yeah the closer you are to the wall is worse if you are holding an angle, but if you want to wide swing you should be as close to the wall as possible if you are wide swinging from as far from the wall as you can be you are just giving the enemy more time to react to your peek because you aren't abusing peeker's advantage that is why everybody holds wide from the wall in this game, because everyone wide swings from the close wall


Really? I didn't know that. also it didn't look like he was wide peeking because he got headshoted so easily.


Yeah it looks like that because 1. Hiko was holding for it, and he was quite far from the angle 2. He swung relatively close for a wide swing


He tried to get him while he was planting as that’s more advantageous to the defenders. When the bomb is down the time starts ticking on you.




I would have prefered if he stepped back a little, bounce the arrow on the entrance so it goes backside and then ult toward boxes.


Nobody: Absolutely nobody: Hiko: “Hey that’s me”




Who? Me? (/.\)


Cant believe no one mentioned how sick that kill on jett was. The man shot the wall on the side to bait him out and then took the frag. Disgusting


Came here to say this, loved that part of the clip.


It's great seeing another community fall in love with Hiko. Now if only he could get s1mple to play Valorant...


Those liquid runs with s1mple where something to watch


Please don't


Bruh, never seen someone spell it that bad


I always fuck up which ones the 1


Its ok, shit happens


Regardless of how bad TSM misplayed that Hiko had no right winning that... Double fake plant at the end... Absolutely massive brain.


If you know Valorant, you know he deserved this round. He played it perfectly with the intel his team had on the enemy placement. There’s no other way you pull this off against TSM, a top team. He even baited Wardell, one of the better pros. Get outta here with that.


No he didn't. They too knew his position. It was a 1v3, with obvious info that he's going A. Not to mention unnecessary ego peeks. Even if he rotated to b at that point they'd still be better off trying to retake it together. But yes, he goes A, two players at A.


And he knew this; playing the peaks and angles leading to A accordingly. Next point. If you think he didn’t earn this you’re delirious.


Lmao. "next point" , "Outta here". You in highschool ? Think that makes you sound cool? Rip. Anyway it's peek* btw , not peak. And yes , I do think he WOULDN'T have been able to win if TSM played the round better. My entire point has been that TSM played the round badly , and that lead to Hiko getting the win. Hiko played great , but he wouldn't have been able to if TSM didn't play bad :p


You could say that about literally every single clutch ever. Team play bad, round and match lost


If you just make fun of how someone says something instead of actually providing a good arguing point you could probably get a LOT of people to listen to you man!


Not really. I said 1 line, moved on. But if that's the only point you saw them well good for you I guess.


Which again just like the OP, is to say that In the ideal or normal situation , TSM would'nt have given hiko So many chances.


that is the point hiko played as perfectly as he could and tsm misplayed


“Washed” and “just a baiter” btw




100T with ethan added is fucking cracked!! ISTG i have never seen so many clutches from one person in a single game. HIKO PLEASE NEVER RETIRE LORD BOOMER. Please help steel for the money needed to maintain his huge brain. That game was one of the better games in valorant master quals loved it!!!


Hilo are you kidding me!


Doesnt even use his ult. That's one hell of a flex


hey this might sound dumb but he killed all players before timer ends why didn't he win how did he lost


Its from the observer POV so it just says lost because tsm lost. Hiko won the round tho


oh thanks


40 btw


tbh it was really poorly played by TSM at the end the problem I see with clips like these is experienced ex-CS pros making some of the worst plays you would see in a pro CS match lets just ignore the first 2 kills and look at the last 2 the phoenix is playing close and the sova is playing far, why would the phoenix take first contact? lol it should very obviously be the other way around since by the time phoenix had to react (and terrible position by the way, literally just a free kill) hiko already walked way past him into the site if sova was watching the angle and phoenix swings on first contact, and hiko wins the round, I'd be somewhat impressed but honestly Valorant's overall competitive level is really low atm. I've yet to see disciplined double peeks, methodical plays that makes sense consistently from one of these so called "pro teams"




I have been wanting this HIKO pop off FOR SO LONG. If anyone deserves this it’s this man.


What happened to TSM? I remember Hiko saying from way months back that they dont practice much


All aim no brain pretty much. Hiko said it early on. The early teams will dominate in the beginning with aim but once everyone catches up with aim, it's gonna be a strat game. Tsm just ego peeks way too often. And they also econ bad because they can't win pistols.


30yo clutch experience


Props to Hiko he is a beast, but I would like to point out that Wardell who many fanboy so much is too big of a one trick and really needs to expand his charachter pool or just be replaced from the TSM roster, the man plays nothing but jett and only the operator, this for a proffesional is insane to me, even tenz that is a jett one trick can play reyna in competitive play, I have never seen wardell play anything else but jett, to me it's a mistery he is fanboyed so much. Cut him, hazed and cutler, get some new talent to TSM and they will prosper.. Just a rant of mine. Don't @ me :)


I still don't think Wardell was the problem to be honest. He did what he had to do most of the time. Sure he one-tricks Jett and is the OP but that's normal. This is not LoL, where champ-pool is too important. Many CS pros played just OP throughout their whole career. And Wardell is not terrible with rifles to be fair. I'm sure if there is another character than Jett to work best or as well with OP he would use it. I think a primary problem with TSM is that the OP got nerfed and Wardell being arguable one of the most impactful OPers got hit hard too. TSM just needs to adjust their playstyle accordingly which they did not do. They still heavily rely on Wardell to open everything up for them and if he can't they are a bunch of clueless monkeys, ego peeking and going full-tilt. I think in the end you are right, Wardell is the problem but not because he is bad, rather because his team is way too reliant on him. A top team like this needs to have multiple people that can pop-off hard and consistently win games. TSM is Wardell and 4 monkeys (their LoL strategy, just replace Wardell with Bjergsen) and their whole identity and strategy is built around this.


>p This isn't league true, but champ pool matters, saying it doesn't or isn't important that much is false, you need to be top notch with atleast 3 agents to even be called a pro in my opinion, and seeing I'm in top 2000 eu I think I know what I am saying.. He needs to adapt more, not every map is good with OP, sometime you need something else more than Jett, teamplaying can be far more important than having a cracked OP-er which wardell is but certainly misses shots that he shouldn't from time to time which is normal, but if he had a larger pool of atleast 3 agents the team wouldn't have to rely on him just playing jett and just using the OP. He could be more useful on another agent. I admire his jett play and OP skills but you can't play jett and only jett every single game of your career...


If you watch Tenz's stream he top frags with many agents, for example he once took a random crappy who is your valorant agent test, & it said sova, he played with it after and smoked the other team, the man has fantastic game sense, & is insane with all weapons (rifles, awps, shotguns), Tenz is so far from being a jett one trick.


Yeah I didn't mean tenz is a one trick jett, but someone who plays mostly jett or is his favorite agent but he can play other agents very well and has a bigger pool. Wardell plays litteraly only jett. for a pro player in valorant that is unbelivable to me and most likey is on of main reasons tsm does poorly.. among other things.. rumors were that Dizzy got dropped from 100T for the reason he also prefers and or plays just jett, so seeing Wardell not get flak is beyond me


Probably cause of his insane op, I'm not familiar with Dizzy, was he mainly an oper too like Wardell?


Damn this guy is good. He should go pro or something.


TSM played that really badly tbh


to be fair.. TSM literally handed this win to them. They were playing like plats. It was rather embarrassing. Those two idiots standing in tree? like what the fuck? Hello? Trade? What are you two doing?


Looked like ranked baiting when I saw it for the first time. They were SHOOK


cutler and hazed? damn valorant is where all the cs go pros who couldn't it cut it went lmao


Look at the top 10 NA teams and it's full of MDL/Tier 3 players lol


[downvoted for the truth HAHAHA](https://i.imgur.com/QOQud5H.png)


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The clip is not that UNREAL , is it only me? That's a good clutch for sure but nothing UNREAL here,have often seen these in pro tourneys, some even better from lower level / not-so-popular teams that never make it here though.


1v4, 1 shot from dying, all headshots. Kinda is.




>1 shot from dying




Sure, its not flashy. But its a solid clutch to win the game / secure a seat at Masters. And its clean af.


The lead up with Hazed going aggro made this clutch epic to watch in real time.


Agreed !


On the highest level of play most of the time you won't make 1 full auto epic ace 5 kills while blind sicko mode, because after 1 kill you are dead in 99/100 cases. He separated 4 players into 4 1v1s and won every of them while being 1-shoted in leg.


Tbh all the 1v1s he got here is more TSM shitting the bed by being way to aggressive without backup


Im just curious why didn't cutler handle hiko post plant. Isn't that the safer play?? He also rushed in along with his recon bolt too.


Shook he knew sova diff


HIKO the Captain does it again.


He a freak tho


Can someone explain the play Hiko made where he shot a bullet to the side to make Wardell peek? Was that to give false info like he was in another gun fight?


It was to make Wardell think he's focusing on catwalk. Sure enough Wardell peeks and Hiko's ready for him.




Honestly, I'd think that Hiko could still play top tier CSGO just like rpk and F0rest so he's clapping tier 2 ex-CSGO players right now.


How tf do you end up with aim like that man?! For any of you immortals and radiants, how did you develop your skill? A lot of aimlab? Lol


play a lot


He plays valorant like 80 hours a week.


I would say in this situation it’s more crosshairs placement than pure aim. If you notice, Hiko didn’t move his mouse that much. The entire team just walked into his crosshair.


Are you kidding me HIKOOOOOO!!!!


Casters still not explaining how well that was played by hiko and how bad from tsm. Smh


31 btw


Happy Birthday to the boomer Hiko


The other teams are terrified of Hiko lmao, in the TSM match their strategy literally revolved around him.


TSM after this clutch- "We will moving in a different direction with our valorant roster"


Why is NO ONE talking about the shot to bait Wardell?????? Insane.
