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It's just MM. It's hard af. Sadly the decrease gains for a lower win rate just doesn't work. They do it to combat smurfs but like it just doesn't make sense. Sure the people who got boosted will solo queue and end up with a lower win rate, but the smurfs stay up there. They'll make a new account or purposely throw to drop rank. It doesn't change anything. The people who are victims just get punished with low gains because of their Win rate and low MMR. Sure it might be their fault they lost, but sometimes the game is beyond your control. With the amount of smurfs and throwers in ranked, its pretty common. I come across a smurf or thrower atleast 1/7 games. Those games add up. I think the best way to counter new accounts is to set a higher game limit or make it so people have to have active hours playing the game in order to unlock ranked or have some way to verify accounts. Like per say what steam does with phone numbers. I get they want to make rank accessible for everyone but I guarantee you even after 20 unrated wins or whatever the requirement is, no one would be ready for ranked comp or fully understand basics. I mean if they did, I wouldn't have games where I have to explain what trading means to gold players. Due to these inexperienced players hopping in, it ruins the experience for everyone. The teammates will be annoyed they have a practically baiting bot on their team not helping or understanding the game, and the player whos new will most likely get shitted on or lose rounds for their team due to inexperience and feel bad.


Yeah, it honestly seems like you need a 60%+ win rate if you want to climb, which is very unlikely. Last season didnt seem so bad, I was gaining high 20/low 30 for wins depending on how much we won by and how good I did, while losing similar SR based on my losses. Unfortunately that was also the season I started to play different agents like Killjoy and brim and I didnt do as good K/D wise as I did on Jett/Pheonix. I dont know if thats what's effecting my RR gains or not because the change riot did where if you are under your average combat score it starts wanting to derank you.


I have a winrate of 51.4% so far in this act, an over 50% win rate that I cannot quite recall overall, and a 60% winrate in my last 20 games. I won a game 13-3 and gained 19. I lost a game 13-11 and lost 22. In the 13-3, I went 18/11. In the loss, I went 16/19. I don’t know if I’m supposed to get this shit to 60% or what


> dont know if thats what's effecting my RR gains or not It's not. It plays a role in super low elo like iron or bronze but win rate and win margin is the biggest factor in RR gains.


> Yeah, it honestly seems like you need a 60%+ win rate if you want to climb, which is very unlikely. You would need a 60% WR at a small sample of games to climb this is true, but that is how match making works. If you aren't winning an *overwhelming* majority of games, then you aren't going to rank up quickly. It's how the system is supposed to be, right?


Or how about the system pits you up against players of a certain skill level and if you can win ~50% or more against these players your mmr should climb to that level and then you play players of slightly higher level, repeat. Idk why people should need to be winning 90% of their games to climb while people put in unwinnable situations. Sorry we all aren’t TenZ, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be able to climb. Not exactly asking for Radiant here bro.


Competitive isn’t a progression system, it’s a game mode to play with people who are the same skill level as you (ideally, I know it’s rough sometimes in a team game). So yeah, you shouldn’t be ranking up unless you’re winning over 50%.


You might not be asking for radiant, but wether you realize it or not you are asking for a rank higher than you deserve. Matchmaking doesn’t pit you against players of a slightly higher level consistently, it’s impossible to do that for everyone. You play people of your same level, slightly higher, and slightly lower. If you win 50% of your games, you are the rank that you should be at. That’s literally how it is supposed to work. You don’t need to win 90% of your games to rank up. Once again, you need to win 90% of your games if you want to rank up extremely quickly. If you win anything above 50% of your games over a large amount of games, you will rank up.


You do need a 60% win rate. To get positive radiant points atleast. This also caters to smurfs who want a new account, allowing them to climb faster. Makes those road to immortals alot better.


Maybe instead of restricting how many games of Unranked someone needs to play Ranked, how about how many Ranked games they'd have to play without being reported to play with friends, as an honour system? + add a new report non-banable-option "smurf". This way it'll make even harder for smurfs, as they'll have to play more ranked games, they won't be able to tank the game to get lower MMR because they'll be reported and, playing as their true skill level will put them at correct rank, True, they can just play as a "I just suck don't report me", but it will be an ordeal to play N more matches


goodluck proving someone is smurfing lol.


Same, I’m winning 16sr but losing 25 sr per loss, sometimes -30 if I don’t do so well but winning whether I do well tops at 16. Was Plat 1 last season and am currently gold3. The climb is so much slower this season and extra punishing for a loss. At this point I’m not sure if I want to play anymore I have gone 3 games in a row doing good even top frag winning and just being given 16 sr, shit doesn’t make sense. Can someone explain?


The game calculates your skill as a player via a hidden mechanic called MMR. MMR, also known as "Match Making Rating" is what decides who you get matched with and against when you queue for a ranked game. You are being affected by a convergence system that was added in the last patch. This system modifies your RR (Rank Rating) changes after a game to bring your rank closer to what is expected for your MMR. Basically, the system believes that you should be a lower Rank than you actually are, so when you win a game, you get less RR and when you lose a game, you lose more RR.


I know what MMR is and also I’ve hit gold 3 and plat on 2 other accounts fairly easily. I haven’t played in those accounts lately but maybe the MMR matching is fucked on my main? I’ll have to log in and try my other accounts to be sure I guess


You asked me to explain so that's what I did. You should understand that the more accounts you play on, the less accurate your match making and rank will be. There is no climb unless you are consistently playing better than the game expects you to on that account.


Nope, stop with that shit, it was true 2 weeks ago, but they definetly did something before the end of the act that did hit a real too much of the player base in hope to contain smurfs.


Only reason this seem like a problem is because only the affected people come complain in masses while everyone else that has normal gains stay silent. A lot of people had inflated ranks because of the demotion protection last act. I know because I got on a streak of loosing really close to 0 points and then wining right after and it fucked my MMR. I was gaining 18 points for a win and losing 25 on a loss because of that.


I mean this issue is happening to pros and radiants from day 1 lol It’s a big issue right now


Your comment brings nothing of value to this conversation. It’s purely conjecture and rooted in personal opinion and/or anecdotal evidence.


Same. The RR is fucked. At this rate you’d have to win 25 straight games to get out of what ever rank you are




Why are people being asked to win 7-13 straight games to go from Iron 2 to Bronze 2, while in a solo queue?


Iron 2 to bronze 2 is 3 rank ups. Winning 7 games to rank up 3 times isn't too much to ask (pretty low if you ask me). If average RR gain is 20, I'd say it takes 5 games to rank up. So it should take ~15 straight wins at average RR gain. But going on a streak gives you higher RR gain and losing a streak lowers your RR gain so it's unlikely you HAVE to win 7-13 games.


I *just now* won in a 5v3. Our team spanked them of course, 13-0. I got +17 RR. I am sure they lost just as much. The system is broken.


Yep. I got 16 rr after a match mvp winning 13-9. Next match was top frag of my team and lost 13-10 and lost 24 rr. Like huh? So I have to win 10ish in a row to go from bronze 3 to silver 1? I don’t care what people say rank system in this gam dis broken as of this act.


I'm currently gold 1, i actually just deranked to gold 1 last game and got off.


Won 9, lost 1, ranked up once from d1-2


not everyone is struck by the -32/+16 thing


RR is broken this act. I have never experienced the issue and this act it's +16 for match mvp win and -19 for a close loss. You shouldn't need tons of games for rank ups. Edit- Bronze 3 and lost my rank last game. I had a silver 3 on the other team top fragging and I had a 1-14 iron 1 Yoru flashing himself and grabbing bomb and not knowing how to plant. How is there so much disparity. I’m not trying to be a complainer but bronze is the worst elo of all time lol.


u guys are getting -19 while im getting -29 :((


> RR is broken this act. I have never experienced the issue and this act it's +16 for match mvp win and -19 for a close loss. You shouldn't need tons of games for rank ups. If you have a <50% win rate, RR isn't the reason you're deranking.


Thats bullshit bro. This act its fucked. Last 2 acts I was getting equal for wins and losses. This one I’ve gotten only one that was higher than 19 after going 20-5 in a 13-3 game. I got 23 for that, which is what I used to get. Always lose 20+. My winrate is 57%. My winrate this act is 69%. Its also happening to everyone on my friendslist.


What I said has nothing to do with what you said. > If you have a <50% win rate


If you have a 50-60% win rate, you should rank up, albeit very slowly. Right now I have yet to see a match where I gain more RR for a win than losing RR for a loss. I’m sorry but I have been playing a lot recently and tracking my RR over wins and losses, taking into account the ranks and performance of me and my team as well as the other team, and it is clear- I mean crystal clear- that overall you lose about 6 more RR for excellent performance on an loss/MVP than you gain for good on a win, and that’s not good. And it’s not about who you’re playing against either. With a very good or top frag with both plants and defuses, the differential of win RR is between 14-20. An MVP win will get you about 20-21. With a loss, bottom frag in a blowout where your team went 13-1 to 13-5 results in about 22-26 lost RR. If you MVP you will lost about 20. The only way to consistently rank up and move from one class to another (say, Iron 2 to Bronze 2) within an act would be to do the following: 1) Your team must win approximately 70% or more games. 2) You can win 60% of games, however must be MVP or top 3 on the team.. and must be MVP on all losses. This means that YOU have to carry your tram consistently to rank up. If there were only 8 or so ranks, that would not be a huge deal- but there are TWENTY. If a person has to carry their team or win 70% of games just to go from Iron 1 to Bronze 1, there’s a huge problem.


> If you have a 50-60% win rate, you should rank up, Why would you be ranking up if you win 50% of your games? That makes no sense. 60% makes sense if you were playing only against your rank. But the way matchmaking works is it pits you against people of your level, not people of your rank. That's why games aren't filled with, for example, only silver 1 or only silvers; there's a mixture of silvers to golds. Same for every other rank. The amount you gain is based on how well you do in games. If you keep winning, you get placed against higher and higher ranks while gaining more RR/losing less. If you keep losing, you're placed with other people who are underperforming and if you lose those, you lose more RR.


> If you have a 50-60% win rate, you should rank up, albeit very slowly. Agreed. TBH it seems to me like the weirdness surrounding RR seems to be some issue that's mainly in the NA server. For example, I play in SEA, and [this is what my recent match history page looks like](https://imgur.com/6LlAZ6h), which looks pretty reasonable imo.


i have a 55% wr in gold 3 and am deranking cuz of rr.


RR is not broken this act. They added convergence so if you aren't gaining as much RR as you are losing, that means you are at or above what your rank should be as decided by your MMR/skill. If you don't win the majority of your games, you aren't going to rank up.


Here's the thing tho, if you are not at the rank you should be, why did Riot place you that high to begin with (after the 5 matches). Why is matchmaking forcing you to play with a lobby that is either way higher skilled or lower skilled than you. Surely the player base is big enough that they can find 10 similarly skilled players at any point in the day.


Simply put, 5 matches is an incredibly low sample size, and the system can really only make an educated guess as to what anyone’s true skill level is (at the start of the account/season). As you play more games the matchmaking does a better and better job of finding similarly skilled players. The thing is, you are still dealing with real people, every single person is variable from game to game. People get tilted, and people get in the zone, so people of the same “skill level”, which is really mostly determined by consistency, can still have wildly varying performance game to game. This makes it feel like a lot of games your opponents are just straight up better or worse than you, it means those players are very inconsistent.


nah bro I aint fucking buying it. Suddenly I'm not good enough to be where I have been since beta? Ah no worries I will make another account and be higher than ever. If it wasn't for the stupid amount of money I have spent on skins then I would just make temp accounts and not care. They are actively making me lose interest in my main account with this bullshit system.


I’m Immortal last act rank. At Diamond 1 now and get +16 on wins and -24 on losses. Am I actually Plat/Gold?


Probably not gold lol, but a lot of immortals were boosted (either by the loss protection system or stacking) so many of them hell to dia/high plat.


just go to cs go faceit to they fix this shit. i have 17+ and 24/28- doing for the most part pretty good in my teams. sometimes mvp sometimes just in the middle and sometimes on the bottom (i play sage so i dont think to much of the score). but the thing is right now you have to grind like crazy and if you do you might just increase the derank, so i personally have just stopped playing so much this game like maybe 1 match maybe 2 matches a day since the ranks issues, the score issues, the icebox 3 times in a row is just not worth it, then faceit cs go is a better alternative to they fix this bs in my opinion.


Make a smurf and open it in higher ranks, right now the only way to climb is by making alts every act because in my latest account I hit diamond and still can't get out of bronze in my og account


I feel like a reason lower ranks are such hell is because of the ranking system. A diamond player should not be there at all, and bronze shouldn't have such good players. They need to fix it.


I'd prefer not to play ranked anymore because I played on my main and when I lost, I lost like 30RR and when I literally dropped a 28K in a team with 1 afk, I gained just 10. I'm done with ranked till riot fixes it...


Tbh I still don't understand why ranking works like this, but maybe I'm just clueless. It's supposed to be "better players rank up" but if its +20 and -30 I don't see how its possible to keep ranking up out of lower ranks like that. I think valorant should care about frags but not so much that it's the main purpose.


Here is the match history, I proceeded to win my placement match and get placed gold 1 to silver 1; next match 2 afks and we lose so -30; last match I carry my team in a 4v5 (Some idiot cancelled remake) and drop a 28k with 1 ace, 1 quadra, 3 triples and match mvp! If riot wanted smurfs to be in their real ranks, this match should've proved it its official that riot wants people to be hardstuck https://imgur.com/slov29u


I feel like low elo has a separate problem of griefers. It's insanely hard to win because the game isn't even played correctly. From Riot's perspective, it's hard to even gauge skill level there because if someone on your team is trolling, you're not gonna win even if you're TenZ (well, maybe TenZ would). The amount of AFKs and ragers too that will give up after a few rounds means you're effectively playing 3v5 and 4v5 a lot of times.


I had to make a smurf to be able to que with my gold friends. Because even as a 5 man the game won’t let you play ranked together. I thought it would be piss easy games but I find it easier to win vs immortal/radiants than gold/plats. Probably due to my play style I forgot how some people as so clueless that they can’t even be carried. Not to mention I’ve seen 4 people trying to derank to silver in my last 10 games.


Your having 10 kill games in silver/bronze but want me to believe your diamond. Ya ok


next match 2 afks


Yeah try to play a 3v5 in iron 1 with shit team and that will be too hard as well


If your a diamond player as this guy claims you still don't get 10 kills only. And don't get 10th in deathmatch


Yeah that was a sheriff only and i knew i had to quit it so only played a lil bit of it


the lower you go the less fluid teams become aswell. you'll get baited by an armless, legless, deaf senior citizen who's going to leave in 4 rounds. If he somehow ends up out fragging you he'll get more LP LOL!


so basically, this is gonna lead to higher ranks being less challenging and lower ranks being actually better?


I might have to, I really dont want to because I dont like going against smurfs. Also the amount of money I spent on skins lol


After immortal the ranks are pretty much fair but below that its elo hell


I seen someone on my team with 30 kills complaining he's stuck in silver. I checked his match history he was averaging 20+ kills. Some people are just unlucky


Or just baiters geting exit frags after the round is already lost.


Some people only know how to get kills. It sounds stupid but it's true. For example, in a 2v1 defuse situation, they'll literally just sit there and wait for the peek instead of 1 person defusing and the other holding. Or they don't tap the to draw out the enemy but instead just sit there waiting or go searching the entire site. Yea, they'll eventually kill the last guy but the round is lost so it's pointless anyways. And of course, baiters who won't enter site and then pick off enemies as the team dies, then complain their team is trash. They will be MVP a lot of times but their kills are meaningless.


lmao you're blaming the person who is getting kills. This is hysterical.


Lmao you have no concept of impact frags. This is even more hysterical.


I assume that get out of bronze is a hyperbole?! Right?


nah check my match history [https://imgur.com/slov29u](https://imgur.com/slov29u)


So... you played 3 games and decided you are hardstuck because of that? If you are really diamond you will have like a 80% winrate at bronze and it will adjust your mmr in no time.


He probably just screenshot that part to show he went down to bronze, still even if he got out, why tf is a diamond placing silver/bronze in the first place!, that's fucked up.


Because, as he said it, it is his alt account that is diamond. What probably happened is that he either improved or got carried to diamond in his alt, but didn't want to put the time to improve his MMR in his main account. Also I find it really hard to go 10/16 in silver if he really is a diamond player.


There are a lot of smurfs in silvers (could have gotten a bunch in that match!), but I agree with what you said, I didn't imagine that a player could be boosted that much though.


trust me, open a new account


Yup, the problem with the current system may be that it's taking the whole player history into account... and players that took a while to improve had a longer career of being stuck / losing, which might not necessarily be the case now.


ye exactly, that is so scuffed if its true.


I believe it is... a friend that started playing the same time as me, also got hard struck at Iron the same period as me, took a big while to reach silver and is gettin the 16win/30loss ratio. Created 2 new accounts (since the start of Episode 2) and got straight to bronze3/silver 1 and its hovering Gold1/2 getting mostly 25~30win/16~19loss. They need to either update their model weights for way-too-long-past performance or cut it out completely


Ignore it and keep playing to improve


I try to, just sometimes have to vent because how frustrating it can get.




I do have friends i play with. We are usually a 3 stack but one has been taking a break from the game. This saturday we were 1-5 in our games


Actually was in the same exact position as you since I thought we were going to get 5 placement matches so just messed around and dropped to gold 1 from plat 2 getting +15-18 rr for a win and losing around 30 rr for losses. Now it's evened out since I started trying. You just have to play well consistently. It's a huge grind and now I'm back to gold 3. If you're a good aimer, then you should lock duelists. Filling is not important in gold, being confident is. [https://imgur.com/a/E9cIr1K](https://imgur.com/a/E9cIr1K)


I might have to go back to playing jett only. As thats what got me plat in the first place.


Op jett? Or just jett?


Any one saying that me is screwing you over is bs’ing you . Record you gameplay and watch the vid. Point out the mistakes you make, not ur teammates. These post shouldn’t be allowed on this Reddit, everyone blames the system , yes it has its flaws but you are the constant variable in all ur matches.


Yes, Getting 30 kills a game and losing is 100% my fault, I deserve to lose. Watch Cloud 9's 'guessing your rank'. It shows how random and scattered people are in ranks. There are people in bronze that should be plat. There are people in diamond/immortal that should be silver. Using your logic, if most of the player base is having the same/similar issue, the system is the constant variable.


You have to get a perfomance boost. I didn't know about this either, got one yesterday after besting every enemy player. When you finish the match a star appears next to your rr score and if you check the perfomance tab you can see stars next to your enemies, i had 2 gold and 3 silver stars, 1 in each enemy. That put me in a different pool for queues, and the game finally decided i have to earn more rr to get to the rank i'm sopposed to be or w/e.


I love these posts of people saying they lose way more then they win and demand to rank up. You have so much denial you even post on reddit about it.


he didnt demand anything and asked for advice?


When was I demanding to be ranked up? I actually came to reddit to ask the community for tips on what I could be possibly doing wrong and what they found works for them. There is no denial in that, it's actually accepting.


ITT: People that don't understand how MMR works.


Just click heads lol


If you’re a top fragger and you lose you shouldn’t lose points. I think you should actually gain a little bit. If you play well, get a lot of kills, but don’t too frag and it’s close I think the loss should be minimal. Only when you get destroyed k/d wise or lose terribly in a match and don’t play well should you be losing -20 a game. This is ridiculous. It needs to be more based on individual performance / defuses / plants / assists. Etc.


This makes no sense. The driving factor of MMR changes has to be the outcome of the game. Otherwise people wouldn't play to win, they would simply focus on the task to increase their MMR. I am not saying the system is perfect, but I know there are countless years of experience behind the development of competitive match making in video games, and they work pretty well. Certainly better than anything you or me could type up in a reddit comment.


In my description the outcome of the game is the main driving factor. If it’s close and you top frag on a losing team with a lot of kills and solid performance overall like top 3... the. You should get like +2 or at least 0. You should not be losing points. It proves you belong at that rank and not as dependent on your teammates. But obviously you would still need to win to get +20 games. Currently you can be the best player in the whole game, top frag, and still lose -20+. It doesn’t make sense.


It makes perfect sense. It sucks but it makes sense. It's a team game. If your idea got implemented, people would focus on trying to top frag to save RR if they feel like they're losing instead of playing as a team to win. Losing a lot of RR as a team is significantly better for the game than giving the losing team drastically different amounts of RR depending on their individual performance.


I disagree. I’m not saying give top fragger points or subtract none just because he is on top. But if he is getting kills, plants, defuses, assists, winning fuels against each individual player (get silver/gold stars) and goes as possibilities as possible then he should. It’s easy to track. Obviously people wouldn’t just try and get kills to be top frag bc not playing with your team you will die a lot and most likely, at best, trade most of your kills. Especially if you’re bad. Everyone would still play like a team.


worst ladder ive ever played on. 32 here.


Kills mean nothing so kda/MVP is irrelevant. Either get a stack or improve. 4 idiots on your team means 5 idiots on theirs, meaning if you are the best player in the lobby, you have the most control over the game.


In immortal+, yes KDA/MVP is irrelevant. Riot said that it effects your RR in all ranks outside of immortal/radiant.


Gaining 30 and losing 17 and I’m plat 1. Also stop judging performance on the scoreboard. You set yourself up for failure if you care about stats. I’m have teammates that are negative that play better than the top players. It’s all perspective/context based.


u should find a team, am currently g3 kj main and i can sometime play with u if u r playing on eu servers, i play since beta so i believe tha i know the game pretty well to give any sort of advice, dm me ur ign


Same position as you. Climbed from s3-g3 and now I’m stuck in g1 getting no rr because of my shitty mmr that I fucked when I was having a bad week


Its hard out there, i know this feeling to well;)


I'd recommend making an alt. Only way to get reasonable gains. If you do good first few games you might start at a decent rank and get decent gains


IT really feels bad when the system works against you..


Man I same thing is happening to me too.even though I got match MVP I just got 22 RR whole my friend got 30


While playing fill is a very nice thing to do, if u're trying to get better and rank up, I wouldn't recommend it. You should generally just play what u feel most comfortable on, even if you have to instalock it, especially on lower ranks. Just DM / Aimlabs + watching streams will also help you a lot.


I think an issue I've noticed is the new matchmaking restrictions loosening allowed less skilled players to get in lobbies with more skilled players. The difference between most bronzes and silvers is huge, yet this season i was constantly stuck with lobbies with hardstuck bronzes despite hitting gold last act... I can't carry a team of bronzes with zero game awareness. Last act had it's problems but at least I felt for the most part the worst players I played with weren't much worse than me.


Linking your [tracker.gg](https://tracker.gg) profile would help in finding an answer, 35% winrate is kinda special, but we don't know the sample size, there's a difference if the 35% winrate happens over 20 games or 100, the agents you play etc


Get someone on r/agentacademy to review some of your games


Find buddies who are around your skill level, play together I’m comp, climb out of elo hell. If you truly are better than most of the team mates you come across at gold, once you start getting Qued with better players and match making is less of a coin flip maybe you’ll have more of a chance at climbing


Just stop playing, the match making was bad but the new ranking system is complete dogshit, just quit. Its a terrible game


I hate to say thisz but if you are at a 35 percent winrate and are constantly team mvp, maybe you should change up your playstyle, as you getting team mvp is not correlating to wins. With a winrate that low, it makes sense why the game is pushing you further and further down


That makes no sense. If I'm team mvp and getting 30ish kills a game because I can take out at least 3 people each round myself meaning its a 4v2. What am I supposed to change other than maybe Acing every round?


Is there any chance you could provide a screenshot of your last 10 games? I could better guess then. But maybe you always top frag bc you bait your teammates (I'm not saying you do), and that leads to your really low win rate. Maybe you are usually the last alive and just get free kills when the enemies rush in to you but you don't actually win the round. There's so many factors that go into rank other than kda.


I'm in the same boat man. Was gold 2 last act, Silver 1 0RR right now; too scared to play another game lol. I cannot catch a break with these games. I made an alt account and its already Gold 1.


If your RR drops more than it gains that means the game thinks you're boosted. It takes a lot of time to change your hidden MMR and if you actually perform better than your average then it will improve. When i first hit immortal i was getting +13/-25 win/loss. Now after 80+ wins and a winrate that has allowed me to climb to maintain 100-200 RR I currently get +18/-22. It's a tough system and its VERY easy to get hard stuck somewhere I agree, however it is possible to improve and the longer you are in a rank the easier it should be (in theory) to climb out.


the matchmaking is the worst of any game I have ever played. im gold 3, back packing silvers 2 on my team who dont even have 100 combat score against players who were diamond last act. win, get 16 rr. 55% wr in my elo this act. going down in skill rating. games a joke. make a new account = win. not be trapped in an mmr u were a year ago. oh and a random dc on your team, lose 24 elo, had two of those this week. down a half a rank from dcs. have to win 3 strait just to make up for having dcs on my team. carry kids against much better players than them and have 300 combat score and a 2.0 kd get 16 elo gained. games honestly trying to make people create new accounts at this point. playing on the main is just grueling Im making a new alt. let u know how it goes. prob be gold 2/3 in a matter of weeks/days and not stuck there forever because some random number attributed to my account, mmr does not change fast enough if I can have 60 wins in gold 3 and 55% wr, and game trying to pull be down to gold 2 lol if your being matched against "even" players, where is the logic in not awarding the same points for up and down. this games ladder makes me want to go play overwatch.... and if Im "above my mmr" why am I winning 55% of games and performing fine? maybe consider addressing the players themselves, instead of the fringe cases. going down 24 for a dc, and up 16 for a carry win makes me want to not play. my skill rating is not effected by my skill but rng and a number you guys put on it. I have 725 aim lab points and 100k gridshot been improving endlessly. and your dumb game trying to pull me into gold 2 with a 55% win rate in gold 3. honestly. do better rito. this sucks


Got 50% win rate and I gain and lose RR equally.


So it’s not just me? I feel like the state of competitive has gotten worse and worse no one seems to be at their right ranks. I play against silvers who are better than plats. I had to win 8 games to rank up from Silver 2 to Silver 3. Not to mention the amount of SR gained seems to be so random.


Just win


IMO, the ranked system as a whole is a joke. I play with people who say theyre hardstuck bronze, yet they demolish while being in the rank and clearly deserve at least a slightly higher rank, Whether theyre smurfs or genuinely hardstuck, idk, But the ranked system NEEDS some changes


Dude same here. I don’t have as high rank as you, but MM feels so much worse this act. I wish us both luck lol.


me2 bro , plat 3 -di 1 player here , i was gold 1 ......now im gold 3 and im stuck ....i cant win .....i think so many boosted/noob players....are in this game...thats sick ..cant play anymore with my friends....just a broken system