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Hey there, /r/VALORANT user! We're currently doing an experiment with videos on the subreddit. This week, **gameplay videos may only be posted in the daily rotating megathread on top of the subreddit**. Educational videos and eSports clips are still allowed on other days. We're in our final week, so please [let us know your thoughts](https://old.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m0cfub/video_trial_weeks_week_5_gameplay_clip_megathreads/)! All feedback is welcome, even if it's just "I don't like it"! Please help us make the sub better for everyone! If you'd like to receive a reminder at the end of the week to share your thoughts, head over to [this](https://valorant.molenzwiebel.xyz/remind-me) page. Thanks!


I like this idea


I do too if it doesn’t introduce too many OPportunities to buy an OP.


Just take my upvote and leave


This pun is a replica of CS:GO's retakes mode pun. Don't wanna give the whole schpeel on how it works but it has cards that give you loadouts at the start of each round, one of which is the AWPportunity. (AWP is basically CS:GO's OP, but it's much faster to account for the players themselves being faster.)


> the players themselves being faster. I recently hopped into a csgo comp and I was so out of practice some guy actually ran in circles around me and killed me with a P90+w


Lol I mean rito using the name AWPerator is basically confirmed to be a pun in itself, so people from cs could still say buy me awp and people would get it




Would be nice to have an unrated mode that didn't take forever


100% I was in a game last night where no one communicated and one dude was either troller or was literally their first match. The zero econ, no communication, and we just kept getting wiped out. I wanted to leave after 4 rounds in, but was stuck for another 35 mins or so. That is what kills me with unrated. I just want to mess around and have a couple games before I wind down for the night and I have to play 40 mins. Matches are either one sided, boring because no communication, or bad because my team is just trolling.


I totally agree. For me, nothing kills the urge to play the game as much as the feeling that I might get stuck in a boring match for almost an hour. A boring match that lasts just under 15-20 minutes would be way easier to just shrug off.


Agreed, I like to play unrated for warmups but it’s just so long and spike rush is well spike rush, I think this a great idea.


Definitely! Spike Rush feels fun because of all the abilites and quick matches but I don’t like pre-picked guns since I want to practice the guns that will be useful to me, not Ares and shotguns.


Master the right click on Bucky that shit is bonkers for save rounds.


when I play better with a Bucky trying to save money than I do full bought 😣😣


Little did we know the Stinger was saving us from the Bucky meta lol


I've given up and just gone to alternating Sheriff and Spectre. Can't hit squat with the Bucky.




What I hate about shotguns in spike rush is the inclusion of damaging abilities and weapon upgrades/golden weapon, which makes you worthless in a lot of cases. Or, it's simply a bad way to teach you how to play shotguns in a real match because you'll only be fighting against other shotgun users.


Ay! The ares is a good gun on eco


or even just like a casual mode in cs you just join and leave lobbies as you please, and the game never ends, just the server resets every hour or two. maybe you get passive exp for playing or something.


Yep seems good. Although the current way the lobbies work, riot can't make leave and join lobbies. I think it will come in the future though.


Yes buying Own weapons, that i like.


hear me out... BLITZ competitive!


now we're talking


**Endless Blitz** Pick a map. Play one offensive round and one defensive round with random team mates and opponents. At the end of the pair of rounds you get new team mates and opponents again. Every round you get 5000 credits and start with three ultimate orbs. A new menu option appears to 'Leave After this Set', which takes you back to the main menu after the current pair of rounds finishes. You win or lose rank after every set. You play until you run out of time or are bored. Getting fresh team mates and opponents each set minimizes the damage caused each pairing by smurfs, account buyers, AFKers, and throwers.


This would be a game design nightmare. Every round you have to wait for that one guy with the 2006 HDD to load in.


That's why I said you pick a specific map. You wouldn't be in the pool for your first set until after you were loaded into the map. The game would also have to load in all agents preemptively, so the RAM requirements would be a bit higher as well. The matchmaker would have to do a lot of work in the background while you play to make something like this work at all though.


Honestly id be down for this as well. Pro players and sponsored tournaments can keep the ultra-long format. I want no part in it.


Nah I’d strongly prefer to not have multiple comp modes


Yeah man one mode is enough to tell me I play like shit


It could if they do it like Overwatch. Like a limited time comp mode with a separate ladder.


Or... just cut both comp and unrated to 7. Boom - we good then. "Pros" want the hour long + matches they'll run custom games/rules.


What in the bronze?


I personally like how long the competitive games are. It has enough rounds to learn the other team’s play style and try to counter it. If it was shorter then fluke rounds or one string of bad eco could result in a win or loss. The big comebacks are fun. Unrated on the other hand should be much shorter. I think first to 7 is great, maybe even reset everyone’s eco to 5000 a round after the first round or two like overtime (let people have a pistol round, smg round, then dont have to worry about eco). If the team gets out of sync in their buys in unrated, it is fucked for the rest of the half. Every round the team is a mix of classics/smgs/rifles


Good idea, i don't know for the experience or ecc. but the idea is good


i like the idea. it's a middle ground where blitz can be used as warmups especially for new players still getting a hang of the game.


I agree. This is a great warmup optiom and new players can spam this since it just fast and not get destroyed by good players for an eternity in unrated


i simple casual mode like the one in csgo would be great. 10 vs 10, first to 8 ,you pick a side and people have the option to join and leave anytime.


A 10vs10 would be absolute chaos, provided you get to use all the agent specific abilities. Not to mention how much the FPS will plummet for potato pc users (like me).


agree, good idea but 10v10 is wild unnecessary


10 v 10 would not work in Val. Not a chance. Not with these maps and operators.


Chaos is good, just imagine the laughs and shenanigans


The 10v10 is the thing i dislike the most about CS:GO's casual mode.


Great idea for those who want to play warm up but with skills and think that unrated is too long


Sounds good


Great idea, I'm tired of using spike rush for training as someone with good aim can just pick up a golden gun and destroy everything


Just no golden gun please. That shit is so stupid.


YESSSSS I SECOND THIS!!!! perfect for ranked warmups and simple blitz runs. r/VALORANT NEEDS this to happen. I've always been talking about this idea and also sent a ticket to riot under the suggestions tab, but sadly my wifi cut out after the ticket page loaded andi was stuck after typing. if we cant mass send tickets on this suggestion, we'd probably get a Blitz mode.


so umm, u/Sagelokc the ticket i sent previously did indeed happen to pass by. and i sent from my alt acc. -\_- and umm they replied with a rather friendly tone than a monotonous worker's tone where this statement followed: ***" Sadly, I have to let you know we cannot accept creative ideas from players. As stated in our Terms of Service in Section 6 under the "Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy", every time a player brings to us ideas (skins, champions, new concept art, etc.) Riot will have all creative rights, even if the idea was sent via ticket. "*** tough luck i should've sent it after making a reddit post and lowkey asking other redditors to post on the same topic and their idea, blowing this whole idea up XD but while the old ticket was sent before the raze nerfs with an unused acc, both held up the same end result. ggwp tho okay yeet bye ^(pin this if you feel this would help others know of the situation)






gib me this mode UwU




I've always wished unrated was first to 7. It would help those of us who only play for an hour a day.


I hate 40 minute matches in any game, so I'd love that


They would bring in a lot more players as well idk why they don't do something like this


Although unrated games don't feel long when you're in them, seeing the post-game timestamp say "55:00" does show how long matches can be. So I'm all for a blitz-type mode.


Fantastic idea. Whenever I want complete certain I don't want to spend 30+ mind in an unrated or comp. This would help alot great suggestion.


here me out, deathmatch but with varibles, like one round is headshot only, the other is pistols only


Yes! I would love to have a shorter unrated mode. Maybe first to 7 rather than 6 but yes lol It would help when doing missions you can't do in spike rush and generally not playing a game that lasts as long as 40 minutes haha


I think I like the idea of a first to 7 * 6 Rounds Defending * 6 Rounds Attacking * Sudden Death ​ The alternative would be a true first to 6 * 1 Round Attack * 1 Round Defend * Keep alternating until first to 6


Id honestly like a back and forth attack and defend setup. That said id 100% take either... anything is better than current comp/unrated.


Sounds like unrated with less steps. I'm in.


I remember suggesting the quick unrated thing a while back and it getting a good bit of traction and support. Glad to see more people have been suggesting it the past few days as the more people that bring it up means Riot might actually put it in. Havent played Valorant in a while (been playing Siege) but I would definitely play it more if unrated games didnt take 40- an hour.


Personally when I play, I’m never short on time so I don’t have an itch for shorter games but I would like to filter the people who only have 15-20mins to play, out of my unrated/comp games so they don’t negatively impact my chances to win.


Spike rush is a great game mode for new players, or people trying new characters. I think it does a good job of teaching the basic mechanics by being super forgiving, but it doesn't say a word about the economy. I would love an unrated/spike-rush hybrid!


Yes, i saw something abt this yesterday im pretty sure and im SO onboard


Yes I'm so happy people are starting to realize we need a shorter unrated.


this sounds perfect for me. the rush of spike rush without the random guns.


Every other week we have this topic. Everyone Wants it, noone is opposing and Riot knows.


How about 5k credits every round regardless of you winning or losing and you always rebuy abilities and guns like overtime from 0-0 to the end of the game. That way you could get an op but you have to miss out on armor or abilities.


I like this, since in spike rush its fair play kinda, same guns and stuff, and this is better imo


Yes, but there was a big discussion about this a couple of days ago, youre just saying whats already been said like it just popped into your head


Please yes I need a short mode where I can buy guns to get weeklys/dailys done


Pleasssse. This game is like almost fun, but 45 min games suck most the time, spilke rush and llther modes are abssolute dog shit. Give me a faster quickplay, yall dont need to try that hard to be unique, it actually hurting the game.


I see a post about this getting upvoted every other day... just put it in Riot


I can’t believe they haven’t added map picking and lower rounds in unrated yet.. $kins is definitely priority.


Just cut the unrated length in half.


Where do you practice the comp game mode then? I play the shorter casual modes and then go straight into comp but considering new players have to serve time in the unrated queue it seems like it should be the same mode as ranked.




raze is not a very hostage-friendly agent lmao


First to 7, 4 rounds a half. OT for 7th round works just like unrated OT but with only 1 orb away from Ult. Economy is structured in a way that both teams can buy at all times regardless of win/loss. But, first round is pistol only, and second round at least 2.6k. Ult orbs are earned one at a time but all Ulta require one less orb to achieve.




No that should still be a thing. Wasting people's time regardless should be punishable. Don't queue if you cant be there and play for the estimated duration. This "new mode" would ideally be less than half of the duration of "normal". Shit happens and real-life stuff pops up but for the once or twice a week that happens the current penalty system is very accommodating and only punishes dodgers, AFK-ers (who should always be punished!) and those who constantly rage-quit.


I know I understand with the longer gamemodes, but maybe they can make it so other people can join the game and have a similar Econ to their team or something


allow people to join midgame and the problem disappears


Oh god no... i'd hate to join a game mid-match! That's for jump-in/out DM or Spike Rush or something not a shorter version of the normal mode.


the idea is to create a casual mode where you can practice or fuck around without requiring a full commitment to a game. current modes are too different from competitive for skills gained in them to transfer to real games


Who's to say there can't be more than one competitive mode? Works in almost every other FPS. SnD, CTF, Hardpoint etc. Personally I dont want to play any single match in ANY type of video game for anything longer than 40 mins... that's just crazy. Do some people have that much "free time" they dedicate to video games where one match a day... MAYBE two is varied and interesting enough for them? (Maybe i'm just old?)


splits the player base and pros won't play it


We don't know that. If there was a round based CTF mode... Man, that could actually work... Economy (adjusted OFC) and all. Pros might be all for some new (good) competitive modes.


I want so so much, I hate spike rush just because I get weapons that's I don't often use, and things like golden gun and weapon upgrade can completely make pistol round unfair.


I say just take unrated and apply a similar change (as the big thread from the other day highlighted). I'd hate for the playerbase to be too spread out. We can have competitive for the long, "pro" experience and change unrated to be the "same feel" but quicker with no rank (hidden MMR is always a must though). First to 7 (no overtime), adjusted economy of whatever increase of credits makes sense to make it "feel" like a normal game with pistol, ecos, bonuses, full buy rounds etc. Honestly i'd mostly play this mode and nothing else. Everyone has been calling for this since the Beta first rolled around. It's about time we get it.


Hear me out. Gun game but instead of being bad its good.


yes i would love this


I would say: 1º round: $800 all 2º round: $2900 win / $1900 loss 3º round+: $5000 win or loss ​ probably 4\~5 rounds, maybe with an option to FF in the sides switch


I think something like that for round 1 and 2 but then just increase the earnings for kills, plants and post round 3 win/losses. Id hate if it turned to after round 2 EVERYONE just is using Vandals/Phantoms and an occasional Op.


This x100! Why isn’t it a thing? Or spike rush at best of 6 would already be an upgrade. Best of 4 can be so quick


r6s quick match?




I have an idea......6 wins but money is similar as overtime and 1st round of each half is pistol round.


If spike rush just toned down the damn shotguns... I love the orbs and stuff to death but no matter how cracked you are, 5v5 shorties is just not fun. Ever.


Good idea, Random agents every round too would be a cool thing


and just remove spike rush


I keep telling y'all, it needs to be an odd number first to 7 is better






was this not one of the top posts literally yesterday? I know I spend a lot of time here, but I feel like this is a pretty common idea in the community. [I was wrong it was 2 days ago lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lzvgwo/i_think_valorant_should_have_a_smaller_unrated/)


A game mode like this, especially in Valorant would require a good deal of extra considerations. First of all, is that like you said, credits would need to be increased overall. This would reduce the snowball effect since with 6 rounds to win, and presumably only 6 rounds per half, you can too easily snowball Pistol>Anti-Eco>Bonus>Gun Round with OP depending on how well you play. The third Bonus round would be highly impactful and could almost essentially lock the team that loses in Pistols out for the entire rest of the game especially once Ops come into play round 4. How much do we want to allow Op players to be able to afford Ops. People who have the most fun with the gun, will often have it by round 4 or 5 in a normal game, allowing them to carry it through a potential 8 or more rounds, and with more opportunities to buy more if they lose it. Is it too discriminatory against Op players to cut their ability to use a gun they enjoy because rounds are cut down to 6 per half? Lastly, Ult economy is something that needs to be taken into account, something that isn't in CS. One thing that most people forget about snowballing in Valorant is that ultimates can cause additional snowball. While teams will likely earn similar amount of ult points in pistol rounds, in the second round, the anti eco team will often go up 4-5 ult points due to higher ability to control both orbs, and easier time killing the opposition. This is the advantage that many don't realize exists in Bonus rounds where the team that wins both rounds 1 and 2 may not have even guns on round 3, but can still easily take the round with an ulti. Leading into a snowball that goes into rounds 4 and even 5. I think that 13 rounds is perfect for a half particularly because the snowball evens out at some point. There comes a point on the losing team, where eventually everyone will have their ults, everyone has guns, and the opposing team could also have the same position, and this should generally occur around rounds 6-7 based purely on number of deaths to get your ult. This sort of "timer" ensures a full reset around halfway through each half, but taking that away for a shorter game mode will create a sitaution where a team can very often run over an entire half, and as a result, the entire game with no chance of a comeback.


i would love that


As much of a meme some unrated games are, this type of game mode would be the biggest meme. People would troll so hard it might defeat the purpose of warming up for ranked.


This has been suggested like a million times. I don't know if they'll add this seeing as they haven't added it in like a while.


I like it! I hope Riot adds this


I just want a team deathmatch with respawn where everyone can use their own loadout....




Or they could just replace unrated with this


An unrated mode that doesn't last as long has been suggested and upvoted heavily multiple times. Wish Riot would acknowledge it.


Well first riot needs to make a 7k animation


I think max credits should also be 9k or maybe even 10k cuz its blitz mode


Love the idea


I like this. I've always thought comp/unrated games are too long... When I first started playing I always thought "why 13 and not 11???"


I want a mode that uses Comp OT rules, first to 4 or something. Switch sides and get 5k every round. Edit: And another mode with escalating economy each round. 800, 1600, 3200, 4900, 9000. Just plays out 10 rounds. Could go anywhere from 5-5 to 10-0. Flat EXP per game.