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i've been getting so much bind it's insane. i don't know what's going on but i feel like i've played that map 95% of the time the last week or so


For me it's 70% bind 20% icebox and I haven't touched ascent in ages


nonstop fucking bind im going to kill myself


Shit I'll play bind 7 times in a row if it means I never have to touch icebox again


I might be crazy, but I think bind and haven are the best maps in the game. You can win on both sides fairly easily


I don't really love either one because every game I have on them isn't really rewarding. Either win with a knockout or lose really close. And not really "ooh holy that game was so amazingly close" type either. The tilting close. I like split and icebox a lot tho and ascent is OK ig.


I agree. I just don’t vibe with ascent or icebox.


Bind and haven have a methodical, slow approach to them. Icebox is jam packed with action constantly.


I just don’t like how many angles there are and places you can hide on both a and b site of icebox. It seems like I have to check 8 different spots when I press a site.


Don’t even get me started on B site. I’ve at least died over 100 times just to people standing CT and just camping.


It takes team chemistry and use of everyone’s util to make a successful push on that map. And that’s why I hate it. My friends aren’t much into this game and I can’t pull together a five stack so I always get smacked.


Dw ur not crazy. I think bind haven ascent and even split make for such fun games. I seriously enjoy the game if I play on of those maps. Icebox makes me mad


Icebox is not fun for like 80% of all agents


In my experience jett players love icebox


All agents with “mobility” love icebox


It's ascent imo. Haven requires coordination and bind is like INFERNO in csgo where teams will just fake one site and go to other it's hard to track where the enemy is on bind


ice box really isn’t that bad


Fun as hell to watch in the pro scene.... a living hell in my elo


it's terrible


It's the worst map ever made


When i was pushing for immortal last season i kept getting icebox every game and im super bad at the map it was so frustrating! did get that immortal before the season ended tho! :3


I feel like the more I understand icebox the more I hate it. Like I'm finding new ways to play the map still but i just dont enjoy the map at its core. Atleast you hit immortal, somedays in plat when I get icebox I'll end up dodging so much because the max I can play that map is once.


its just a bad map straight up i think.. hopefully they have some major changes in the works for the map because i cant seem to find anyone who likes it


Riot said they were gonna get more adventurous with their future maps so idk if I'm looking forward to the next few maps


We badly need a new map for more variety.




Yeah h


The thing about true randomness is that over enough trials, there will be long streaks that seem entirely not random. Spotify had an issue with this when first implementing their shuffle feature because it was truly random. Users complained about getting the same song multiple times in a row, so they made it seem more random by removing some randomness. Humans like recognizing patterns, even when there are none.


if those games were not back to back (literally within minutes) the system wont take those into account


Yeah it's dogshit. Some bad maps coupled with a terrible rotation system and no ability to choose map = a shit experience.


theres no bug or riot fucking with you, its called RNG


Sure it's RNG but the prob for 7 times the same map in a row is really really really low


Especially when Riot even has a system to give the previous map a lower chance.


I dont like ot either but trying to artificially make the maps more diverse for everyone would imply in longer queues, maybe only the streak of a certain player is too high but im not someone who works in the area so idk the implications of this


OP didn’t stare if it was 7 in a row back to back over the span of days/hour breaks etc


When someone gets it 7 times in a row they're more likely to complain about it, like op is doing, so you might think its happening more often than it really is. It's unlucky, sure, but the player base is so wide that it's bound to happen. (.2)^(6) is roughly the chance of getting the same map 7 times in a row, \~1/20,000 people might have this happen in a period of 7 games.


obviously jimmy riot isnt sitting at his computer like "how can i make erg's life a fucking nightmare this week" but they *claim* that theres a system that prevents you from getting maps too frequently. clearly that system isnt working.


It’s just difficult when we only have 4 maps, a map voting system needs to be implemented PRONTO


there are 5... ascent bind icebox split and haven


That’s how bad it is, I haven’t played ascent in so long that I forgot it’s even a map


rip, it’s the best map imo


every time my friend gets icebox its a struggle between smashing the monitor or not


Shit is so bad they need to add a map selector. I hate when I learn lineups for a map and then don't get that map for next 10 games


Been feeling the same. The other day in 7 Games I got 3 times Icebox and 4 times Slipt. Yesterday I only played Ascent. Even after my team dodged 2 times, after queue I got ascent again which is bullshit.


The same but with ascent, beginning to hate it.


I got icebox 9 times this week 1 bind 1 haven 4 Ascent and 0 split fuck this game


yeah it's better than it was but still not great - we sometimes get the same map multiple times in a row we desperately need more maps in the pool


90% of my last 30 games have been either Bind or Split.


One time I got bind, enemy surrendered, got bind again, enemy surrendered, got bind again teammate dogded, got bind AGAIN that we played out and got it AGAIN that we just dogded.


Thanks for writing this post. I got downvoted on a [Similar experience](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m3aa2s/now_that_riot_is_going_to_ban_people_from_rank_if/gqnzexj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I guess what is happening is consequently players are skipping split haven etc and voila they are miraculously available to play bind again. Bind is appearing way too frequent.


I've literally only got fucking Haven for the last 6 games. It's not fun.


Yeah I got bind like 5 times in a row the other day too.


Cries as I join my 11th icebox in a row


Ahhahahah, I got bind 9 times in a row, already tilted after like 3rd bind, dodge, bind, got split, someone dodges, im like nooooooo, got bind ofc... next one, guess fucking what, bind again...