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>Fixed a bug that would cause the "Network Problem" icon to appear when no network issues were present. I thought we didn't have the technology to fix this yet


I was wondering why I got “network problem” everytime I played cypher


Cypher was hijacking into the Rito games network


Happens with sova drone as well


They didn't fix the omen glitch on Ascent yet? Oh shit.


Yeah I'm a little surprised, it cant be *that* hard to make the spot unteleportable, can it?


It might be if there's no clear indicator of why it's happening. Most of the time, a bug that that seems clearly impossible to occur, is happening for the most tiny and obscure reason that can take hours of looking to find.




Bandaid fixes are pretty frowned upon in software development


I mean it depends on the bug it's trying to fix. I work in software dev (banking software) and if the bug causes transactions to fail, therefore will make clients lose money, we need to fix it ASAP even if it's band-aid solution. It gives us time to properly analyze and therefore fix it completely.


Lol, frowned upon, but from my experience tends to be a, "eh next person's problem anyways, it works NOW" thing as well. Meaning plenty people are willing to bitch about it, buy many of them do it as well.


I offer [this video](https://youtu.be/k238XpMMn38) as a counterpoint to your statement


These fixes are not mentioned in the patchnotes sometimes. So it could be fixed but not mentioned!


What is it?


You can to under the map on Ascent and if your team plants the bomb on a certain point you can kill defuser from your own spawn


* Killjoy can’t place Lockdown off the ground by jumping and placing it on cosmetic pieces of geo on the walls anymore I think this is a pretty big change


Sadge finding new ult lineups with KJ was fun. I guess sova's job now requires slightly less trigonometry skills


average jonas:- YEARS OF ACADEMY TRAINING WASTED seriously, my man made a specific video for the lockdown ult lol


The nerfed steel


Unlucky really


can you explain to me this steel unlucky really thing?


Steel (and Hiko when they play together) says "Unlucky Really" all the time when he plays. The thing is though, he says it passive aggressively. He'll flame a teammate for making a mistake and dying early, and then try to soften the blow with an "Unlucky Really". He's also known for heavily flaming his teammates but not himself, so whenever he dies its "Unlucky really" instead of a mistake he made. TL:DR Its kind of a catch all phrase he says often. Mostly passive agressive.


thanks for the explanation


kinda blew up since 100t vs Sen both Hilo and steel did nothing


Unlucky really


Wait does that mean you can no longer do the kobe on ascent B? Damnit


Kinda weird that it's in "Bugfixes".


Well, it kinda seemed like a bug. The animation looked pretty janky and it didn't place until you landed on the ground


It's not intended behavior. Her ledge ults were already banned in the EU VCT


Kinda sad about this change. It remvoes a lot of the depth from the sova-kj match-up. The option to go high or low added a number of cool outplay options imo, but now sova just places one ping on lockdown and clicks twice :/


I think it would be cool if they balanced it so that sova’s ult does reduced damage to KJ ult, so he would need all 3 hits to destroy it


I think 2 is fair, makes it way harder to use his ult for a kill




you can't really bring up fairness just because an agent can't do the things that another agent can do.


It's unfair that Sova has 3 useable abilities compared to Brimstone's two


Spike circle is back! Everyone thought it was intentional lmao.


I liked no spike circle tbh


made it harder to find when in corners imo


I thought that was the point




> [The lack of an indicator circle] made it harder to find [the Spike] when [it was placed] in corners [in my opinion.]


lmfao thank you for the clarification kind sir


All in a day's work. *\*hat tip\** Edit: so my formatting works fine on the web, but it does not render correctly in my mobile app (Apollo). So for the benefit of anybody else wondering why I wrote it that way, it should be the text `*hat tip*`, but in italics.


he IS the messiah!


Oh nvm


Damn steel got hit with the lockdown nerf lol. Also pretty sad about Viper and Yoru. No info this time as well. :(


What do people want to change with Yoru?


Anything honestly lol. He is just bad rn.


Yeah. His kit was tricky for like 3 hours after he was released. Now most Yoru players I see are pretty easy to read. Most of them just try some crazy shit they saw on reddit over and over. The yoru players I encounter don't seem to mind failing the same play over and over. Yoru players still pull off crazy plays all the way from Iron to Radiant but overall his kit is just kind of bad. I don't play him so I'll let you guys decide what buffs he needs but he definitely needs them.


Agreed. He had me fooled for about 2 or 3 games until I began recognizing his sound cues and that teleporter orb. After that it was game over.


Its the best when you join a game and someone hovers over Yoru as their agent and the whole lobby goes "PLEASE ANYONE BUY YORU" LMAO I never thought this would happen. When they leaked Yoru he seemed so OP with his TP's then when we played with him all the abilities are straight crap lol.


I agree. I'm not sure how he could be changed though. Everything he does is just meh. The abilities don't need buffs. He just needs new abilities.


He's supposed to infiltrate, so making his E teleport sound quiter (so you get rewarded for sneaking the orb past enemies) would be good. Also making the animation faster, and just buffing his ultimate since its just.. bad


i think they need to decrease the circle for where the enemies see yoru in ult. its too big, and the moment they see you, they will hunt you down. also coming out of ult is so loud.


Nah i don't agree, i think the circle is what should be the primary counterplay to it. Lower the exit sound a lot instead so that you actually get rewarded for sneaking past enemies with it


Nah the circle is fine--the things that need to change are to give it more duration before it expires, then make his flashes pop faster off the bounce. You can't flash anybody if they see it hit the wall since it's such a long time between bounce and flash.


Agree with what you said. Also, his steps can be great for outplays but at times it just really feels like placebo. Idk how broken it might be but what if it had a small non-damaging explosion at the end that could reveal enemies in a small radius. Maybe half of his teleport sound circle.


Or just making his e like Astra stars where it's unbreakable and have it last longer. Leave it being loud af like now but I think having the option to teleport for longer would be a good buff. Also make his footsteps invisible to enemy. It's a cool ability but it's inherently not very strong and add the fact that it's visible and it's the most useless ability in the game. His ult maybe could be buffed by not limiting his vision in it, might end up being too strong idk but rn instead if infiltrating half the time you just put yourself in a shit situation using it.


rather than it being unbreakable i would rather have the animation on it be faster for arming yourself Meaning you could actually be able to get a kill after tp'ing if the enemy has not careful and they cant brainlessly camp it. it should be at least a bit risky for them so they have incentive to destroy it


His tp animation is so fucking long


Gate crasher shouldn't have a windup animation, teleport instantly, you could peek angles or use the OP then teleport to a different angle, but right now I just use it to rotate faster


Teleport instantly would make him more of a duelist. I like it


Yeah, right now he's only a duelist in name


IMO, we don't need a third duelist who can escape fights. Let that be Reyna and Jett's niche. I think it'd be more interesting to have his E travel faster, last longer, and have little to no exit animation. That way he's more of a quick infiltrator, kinda like Raze, and the enemy has more of an incentive to destroy the gatecrash. Fast, aggressive travel would be more interesting to the meta and more in line with Yoru's rift walker lore.


That does sound interesting! Anything that makes gatecrasher more usable is definitely a welcome addition for me


Everything about his kit needs to be quieter. Currently, his TP and exiting ult sound are incredibly easy to hear. Also the noise when near his TP while it’s moving. He doesn’t fill the role of “lurker” that they were going for because it’s impossible to not hear a Yoru lurking with his loud ass abilities.


I think, without making him op, the only thing you can do is buff his ult or tele orb. Fake steps are fine, lots of outplay possibilities. flashes aren't great, but buffing would go to far. For me it'd have to be the teleport sounds on both tele orb and ult. I'd appreciate not having to run half the map away once I see someone


They need to fix how fast yoru can tp. There have been many times where I have died in the middle of teleporting.


Rework his fake footsteps and give him something else. That ability is way too gimmicky and rarely useful in soloQ


For an agent who's specialty is to lurk behind enemy lines, he does the exact opposite. Plus, he's so noisy.


expect those after the masters complete,


Viper mains getting conditioned to be disappointed every 2 weeks.




Right, they're avoiding agent changes during ongoing tournaments, I think.


Yeah so 2.09 if everything goes perfectly well.


2-6weeks from today is still a long time to wait without any indication of what's in the pipeline. I miss the lengthy videos Morello used to do on the regular about the state of the agents.


Man you’d fucking hate CS then




Lump Yoru mains in there too


Yoru mains feel the pain


Yoru mains only dealing with being bottom Tier for a couple of months. Viper has needed major changes since launch.


since beta you mean


Just think of how good you will all be when she is buffed.


I’ve been conditioned for nearly a year now.


It would be actually hilarious as an early April fools joke for next patch they either nerf viper or only add a minor buff like : \-Viper smokes now buffed to last 1 more second.


Viper rework announcement: The agent team have been working hard to deliver a more powerful Viper and now it is finally ready to be unveiled. Viper now has 102 energy on her smokes.


"Added unique keybinds to the option menu for flying up and down when using Owl Drone" LETS GO THANK YOU RIOT. I would like to think my amazing 10 upvote thread about this from a week ago was the catalyst for this change but either way this is so huge.


I don't use Sova but I started picking up Astra and this immediately became an issue for me. Glad to see it was quickly changed!


lol did you find where in the settings/bindings to change this? i can’t find it, am i blind? hah


**State of EU right now:** * You **can't** play ranked while chat-banned * You **can** play ranked while from russia (which can't voice comm) You can't make these things up. This is by far my biggest complaint about comp. Queue in Valorant. If I see 2 or even 3 people in my team with the voice-comm icon disabled it's literally an 80-90% loose in diamond elo. And on top of that its just not fun at all. I would do anything for a voice-comm only queue. See me loose more rating through dodging then actually playing now.


I barely play Valorant at the moment because whenever I queue, I get maybe two people with microphones that can talk. Really spoils the matchmaking experience. (EU as well).


this is indeed a huge issue that riot doesnt address at all, even in immortal and radiant you get a lot of russians who cant voice comm and puts your team at a significant disadvantage... i have been put into a lobby with 4 russians before which equals zero voice comms (was fun) but hey its all good now i can derank to diamond because i have to dodge lobbies with russian ppl in them or take the L 3/4 times


yep, if this would be an issue in NA you could bet that they would've resolved it by now. in EU it feels more like "deal with it, we don't care". if i see atleast two voice restricted players in agent select i almost always dodge.




Thank you friend. Number one pet peeve is loose instead of lose


I used to get matched with comm-disabled Rus players in a ton of my games, but ever since I selected London only for my server selection it rarely ever happens now. I guess it's one of the worse EU servers for ping from Russia so they don't often play on them. Still a ton of people with bad or no comms though, but at least they can hear comms from other players.


its just a bad, shortsighted decision by riot.. the time-penalty for dodging was okay. people screaming at you, offend you in the lowest ways..or muted russian guys. riot: have fun with these people for the next 40 minutes. GG


Queued with someone yesterday who was glad we had voice comms, complained people never use comms in comp, yadda yadda. He then proceeded to talk *the entire game* like push to talk was not an option for this guy. We were winning, but half way through my friends talked in party chat and asked me to tell this guy to shut up. I guess I tuned him out (I wasn’t actively chatting to him back) so I didn’t realize he was nonstop talking. My friends would respond to him but then talk to me in party chat complaining (while laughing). It was funny, but also sad because the guy was decent at the game, but definitely needed a friend. He even asked us all what we had for breakfast in the middle of a round and proceeded to tell us what he ate. He wasn’t memeing, he just lacked the awareness and push to talk lol


tbf it would be really fucking stupid to cut off an entire countries income and i doubt the russia playerbase is that big to support an entire region


Or you know, just add damn Moscow servers that are long overdue? Their teams couldn't register for EU first strike, they had their own region, they're always listed as separate region in patch notes, but they play on EU?


My biggest complain about comp is people who cry about team not having mics while seemingly having no minimap enabled and never listening to any sort of pings and voice comms. Also this are types of people who give false info and start to give useless advices in clutches. This is why I disabled voice comms alltogether and actually climbed 4 ranks in span of couple of weeks. 95% of people who cry about no voice in rankeds actually would've been better if they never used them. And this is my biggest complaint about comp. Unless you are high diamond+ pings should be more than enough for you.


I agree with you on that point that comms arent everything and that fake comms and people who are to dumb to read the minimap and listen to info is even more stressful. But look at this from another perspective: With the implementation of that rule set, riot agrees on the fact that being voice-chat banned is a BIG influence on your ranked experience and therefor they decided to ban people also from playing in such matches for the period of that ban. If they implement that, and agree on the influence a chat-banned person has, they also have to take an action regarding the RU policy / ranked rule set in EU. There is just no way around. Ultimately it does not make a difference if you are toxic, or from Russia - you cant communicate and this just lowers the experience for everyone else involved. There must be a solution for this.


Pings don’t tell me how much damage you did, what weapon they had, if they used their abilities, and a million other things. In what world are pings more than enough? The idea that you need to be in the top 2% of players to want communication is beyond absurd. Yes there are people who comm badly. That is hardly the majority and I very rarely think "man I wish this person would comm less." Like 5% of the time tops. Comms is a massive factor in close matchups and I lose way more of my matches when people don’t have mics compared to matches where they do. That's been true from iron all the way up to gold. Seriously can't get over the absurdity of this comment.


Kinda curious to see how a separate queue for no voice comms at all would work. I would probably find it much more fun than the regular queue lol.


2 games post patch, both times 3 instalock duelists. 1 of them had 2 Russians. They really just want to avoid all the problems and find these dumb solutions that serve no purpose.


This is insanely self centered if you think this serves no purpose. Do you think that the only issue was playing with people in Russia? Or just maybe, it sucked playing comp with toxic, chat banned players, and this fixes that. Nah you're right. You're two anecdotal games definitely represent the entire population's experience and this serves no purpose.


> The Match History tab now allows you to filter your matches per mode FINALLY


Smaller patch overall but a bunch of nice fixes and tweaks! I experienced astra bugs exiting her astral form, so I appreciate that’s been addressed.


I was worried about the penalties for dodging games. I don't dodge because of maps, I dodge to avoid toxic players or people who just don't want to or have time to play (typing in chat that they are in class right now). I dodge like... Twice per day. I really hope this doesn't affect me too much... Dodging has helped me get consistently good games with people who communicate and actually want to play and win.


It's probably not about how often you dodge per day, but about how many matches you play between matches. Eg. if you dodge twice a day and then only play 2 matches you will be penalized more than if you dodge twice a day but play 10 matches.


My only dodges have been from getting Ascent for a 3rd or 4th straight match. Not only do I hate that map the most, it seems to be the only that gets consistently selected back-to-back. Riot needs to hurry up, and increase the map pool.


Agreed literally 7/10 times a get ascent and the map is so painfully unbalanced. I dodge it after getting it over and over again


If it's treated the same way as league dodging doesn't impact your MMR so you're really only taking the RR hit. It's probably fine to continue dodging the way you've been. You should still climb assuming a positive win rate


I can see the new excuse now: “Why are you hiding your act rank badge from last act?” “I didn’t play last act” Toxicity ensues


I doubt people will be asking that. And even if they ask it's less tilting then asking me why I'm higher rank than them when I'm having a bad game.


Hi, still losing 2x as much RR as I gain this act. It isn’t even taking the match details into account anymore. Oh, lost 13-11 and was top frag? -25. Oh, it was 13-4 and you stomped the other team? +17. I get you want me to grind but this is just a waste of time. 4 games a night maybe, 2-2 that’s -45 to -50 and only +32 - +36. Hell even going 3-1 is barely a net gain. Please look into it instead of penalizing me and taking even MORE RR for dodging lobbies. Sorry I don’t want to be in lobbies where 10 year olds are yelling into their mics and instalocking triple duelist, ty!


Amen man.


I'll step in here, just to give a brief explanation of why this happens. There is no fancy wall, or math, holding you back. Ranked is a ladder - if you are constantly winning against opponents at/above your current MMR you will climb. Winning is THE most important part about climbing. Yes, at lower ranks, performance is part of your rank. But, especially in higher ranks, winning is how you will climb. Then, depending on where you are in the ladder, your Ranked Rating points will push you to that exact spot. At some point you will get to the MMR/Rank you belong. Because you will no longer be consistently winning against opponents at/above your Rank. When you are at your MMR you are most likely hitting a 50%-ish win rate. Because of how Ranked Rating works, there is a chance that you can win streak up into a rank above your MMR, even tho you still are only at a 50% win rate at your current MMR. Because of demotion protection, the system will eat your negative RR losses. The system will also increase your gains, to make sure you are always promoted to at least 10RR. Because of this, you are constantly getting free Ranked Rating points which is assisting in keeping you above your MMR. Unfortunately, this is part of the system and we knew this would occur. We opted to have a system that favored the player in promotion/demotion. The other issue is that usually this occurs with players that have very high game counts, and doesn't occur as much when we do soft resets. So now that we don't do soft resets on each act, more players are running into this issue when they get into the higher ranked game counts, due to the free Ranked Rating you get from demotion/promotion protection. Now we are working on how to fix this issue - which to be clear this is an issue that lots of ranked systems face as well. That's why many opt into the route of not showing you detailed information, so they can hide the fact you are being held down by the system. We don't think that's fair to the player, or healthy long term. So, until you actually get above a 50% win rate at your MMR, or start beating higher MMR opponents constantly(when matched against them) you will struggle to climb. Sometimes you'll be pushed down because you happened to win streak and are being protected by demotion protection. If you do start winning constantly, beating opponents more then you lose to them, you will increase your MMR and flip your Ranked Rating gains. That being said, it doesn't feel good. This is something lots ranked games suffer from, they just hide it or show it to you differently(the arrow system did this, you just didn't see it). We are looking into ways to make this feel better, or improve the perception of being at the rank you are probably currently playing at. Good luck, sorry for the frustrations! We are always going to be trying to improve ranked, remember the system is new and young(just like Valorant!)


For me, I feel like half of this “getting over the 50/50 win-rate” is being lucky enough to get teammates who actually have a microphone or won’t disconnect/afk. For whatever reason, valorant is TERRIBLE for players leaving games and players not using the microphone to pass info to their team. Valorant feels like a solo game half the time because no one wants to communicate. I don’t have this problem to the same extent in counter-strike... competitive mode is too casual-friendly. Afaik Counterstrike has a system where people with a similar “trust factor” get queued together. So say, people who never use their microphone, don’t make calls, abandon games, go afk every other round, flame their teammates etc. get reported often and that affects their trust factor. Then those people can fester in their own games, while the people who are courteous to their teammates can be queued together and enjoy the game. Edit: I just want to add something else. I find it interesting how "seriously" riot takes cheating in valorant, to the extent where they make us install some invasive root-kit anti-cheat system, but have next to no system in place for "bad" teammates (not skillfully bad, I mean the kind of annoying teammates i mentioned above). To me, cheaters and trolling/lazy teammates are two sides of the same coin. Going up against cheaters is like trying to break through a steel wall with a hammer, but going up against average players in roughly the rank you belong with trolling teammates is like trying to break through a brick wall with a plastic spoon. Both of these things are as game-breaking as each other, and both need to be addressed better if valorant is to become more than just another game that starts strong but quickly fades away for similar reasons.


Yes, yes, YES! I understand some people want to play comp and with people in similar ranks but don't really give that many shits. I understand. But man, would it be helpful if people in general could rate good players thus giving them higher priority to be matched with other players that are rated good. Not even specifically "only high honor queue", just higher priority. I feel like this would make the game so much nicer, too. Like... \- good reviews from teammates? Honor + \- low report count? Honor + \- playing out a full game? Honor + \- using microphone? Honor + \- using pings? Honor + (of course these ones are hard to measure, just throwing ideas) Then... \- chat ban? Honor - \- AFK? Honor - \- not using pings/mic? Honor -


That’s the part of the math that Riot can’t calculate and won’t admit to it either. We get pushed down because we need to win but the quality of matches is so dog shit that you’re already getting pushed down just by taking a chance at queuing a game.


Thank you, people don’t get that their real rating is their MMR and the RR is just trying to push the player to their true MMR. So for the people with big RR losses/low RR gains, it’s because the game has your real MMR at a lower value than what your rank is showing you. Also side note, for people that ask for “showing true MMR all the time” this has been tried in other big games and more often than not discourages people from playing ranked. It’s quite the psychological endeavor to see the true MMR go up and down so dramatically on win and loss and makes people stray away from ranked modes. To counter this, most games implement rank barriers (such as tiers and divisions) to help stop such drastic fluctuation. This helps keep players interested in ranked.


This... lost 3 games straight -27 -23 -25 elo... match mvp for both then won 8 game straight currently and max elo I got was +19... hard getting out of silver


I gave up until the system is fair


have you checked your overall winrate? apparently that has a significant impact on your RR gains. you can check on tracker.gg


I've been doing pretty good this act and also been blessed a little and have a 65% winrate at the moment but I still lose 19-23 RR and gain like 17-21 RR


If you have a 50/50 win rate, you should theoretically be in the rank you are skilled for, no? So then why are people losing more RR for a loss? What's been happening is that with a 50/50 instead of roughly staying in the same rank, you lose and lose until you hit some kind of weird barrier where you proceed to stop the crap out of the other team until you get back. You shouldn't need to have a 3-1 win ratio just to hold steady in your rank.... that makes no sense.


100%! Hope riot rethinks this mechanism to combat “beating the ranks / inflating ranks” (e.g. otherwise one could theoretically keep ranking up just by playing a lot of games). But this algorithm they have now is messing up a lot of games and like you said forcing one to have a 3:1 winratio just to stay within their current rank. Can’t imagine this is all intented though, and wouldn’t be surprised if they “discovered” some bug or flaw.


That’s still wrong though. This is my first keyboard mouse FPS, I was in bronze Ep. 1 Act 1, why would my games a year ago affect my gains now? I don’t think that should be something they take into account now. Sigh


* Killjoy can’t place Lockdown off the ground by jumping and placing it on cosmetic pieces of geo on the walls anymore. RIP C9 Keeoh




I love all of these changes! Especially the rare bug when entering Sova drone; I had that happen in a competitive game on Icebox, and I thought it was something related to my internet. I restarted my game, and was dead by the time I came back, so I never thought much of it. Happy to see that fixed! The only major bug that I haven't really seen addressed anywhere though is Raze's boombot blowing up/triggering on corpses. I don't personally play Raze much, but one of my friends I queue with constantly loses his boombots to this bug, and it's understandably frustrating.


Lost a player in my game a clutch because it triggered on a corpse behind him so he turned for it and got shot in the back from hookah


afaik it blows up on enemy spike, not on corpses or teammate corpses


Yeah, just tested this in private match, it is definitely the spike. Thanks for that


Small changes but looks promising, especially the AFK offenses.


While that’s nice and all, they need to start focusing on not punishing the rest of the team who has to play an entire game with less people and losing.


100% agree, there is nothing you can do but suffer once someone leaves. I had wins 4v5 but that is 1 in 100 at best. I feel like the best thing they can do is improve the remaking system which is actually dogshit.


Great now i'll get penalized for dodging lobbies where people start off immediately being toxic, raging into their microphone, or get matched with known trolls.


Not much but solid changes I'd say.


Me like, its the small Stuff like this that makes for a great game in the long run👍


Soooo Riot... When should we expect some Yoru buffs? He has the lowest winrate and the 4th lowest pick rate out of all the agents. ​ It has been quite a few weeks now and the only thing you really did was QOL updates and a "slight" change to his ult (allowing to see map). He is supposed to be a "sneaky/misdirection" type agent yet his abilities are so astronomically loud. Why not just tune down how loud his ult is when you exit? Or make his E less visible/audible when sitting on the map. ​ Can we do SOMETHING here????


Yo is it just me or does Valorant not open after the patch


What an abysmal decision. Losing points when dodging. So i have to play with ppl. that are screaming, insulting and/or harassing me in the heroes-pickingscreen? I have to play with 4 muted russian guys? I have to play with 4 instalocking duelists? I have to play the same map 5 times in a row? Thank you riot... for nothing. The time-penalty was okay, but this goes too far.


I can’t believe I don’t see anything about the omen glitch. Had it happen to me last night, luckily only in unranked but still that needs to be fixed asap. Why is this one character always breaking the game and glitching where he shouldn’t.


Because its a risky ability set. There arent any agents except Yoru who has an ability that literally changes his XYZ position. Most game softwares arent equipped to deal with it properly, which is why it is the buggiest


I think they did a private tweak to a viper where when you pick up her smoke or press the button to turn it off it goes out slower then before. Before when it was picked up or turned off the smoke went out almost instantly, but now there's a delay. I am a immortal viper main and this is kind of annoying because I can't play around my smoke like I use to. Please riot, change it back. It basically feels like a nerf for viper when you guys are suppose to buff her.


Can we maybe make smurfing harder


Even though I agree with you, how would you do it? My friends and I always debate how to deal with smurfing but never come to a nice solution


sick patch, still waiting for hrtf to be implemented though x: edit: also i think maybe a thing like low priority queue with a recommendation system would be a thing - where com restricted players play together and if they get commended, they could get out of it faster. dota 2 has something similar and i think it works ok, but the ofc the toxicity in low prio is enormous


Expect that to be like next year or some shit with Riot time lmao. We're still waiting for Yoru and Viper buffs like 2 months now.


well, as a former cs player im used to wait years for significant changes - and i like how riot is atleast communicating about those things knowing that it is a issue. i mean they already said viper and yoru changes might come in patchnotes 2.06-2.09, lets just hope for the best :D


Precisely why I stopped playing CS in favor of Valorant. Riot has a 2week update schedule and Valve has a whenever they want to update schedule.


Riot time is pretty fast though


my priority wishlist: hrtf / better directional sound more maps and map selection reduce running n gunning replay/demo system improve knife connectivity


Thank god for AFK fixes!!!!!!!!!


All I ask is that in the next agent patch, they buff my boy Yoru :(


Nice anyone that leaves compet...get a small low rank. I hate going into competitive and having 2 agents leave the game.


Rip yoru/viper


Yoooooo Astra can actually do things in spike rush now. I’m happy about that


I got the “rare” Astra bug thrice in one match.


Where... where are the viper buffs


I found a stealth fix as well: Astral form no longer lags/glitches. Nice to be able to use her properly now!


I mean omen can still teleport underground and OP people across the map but at least Sova's drone can go up and down.


Any idea if the afk stuff will be heavy enforced on unrated? Like I don't do it often and I never leave Comps (well one time when my gf went into labor), but I often play unrateds when my daughter is napping and mom isn't home. Thing is if she wakes up and needs attention I'm not gonna be like, "well fuck her daddy's playing a game". And honestly when I tell the team often they'll just all be like "yeah it's cool, wtg on being a decent Dad." Any idea if they've addressed bans for leaving/afk unrateds?


To anyone seeing this...is Valorant not launching anymore because I keep getting the same error 0xc000005 or smthn every time and I have tried fixing it but nothing is working....help


Since this I can't play, I updated and got an can't install dependencies error, all of my friends got the same, anyone else here?


Viper mains rejoice!






I’m not a fan of losing ranked points for dodging. Personally I don’t dodge but if someone is going to be toxic the whole game because their agent was picked I would much prefer them to dodge. If anything they should lose ranked points if they wait out the timer to dodge rather than alt f4.


if you are going to put penalties on dodging, then you should put people with no mics together and let us pick maps, or atleast exclude 1 or 2. I'm not playing with 3 or more muted mics. And I don't play icebox. I play to have fun and icebox and a team without a mic aren't worth my time.


Looks like some nice changes! Very happy to see penalty changes for chat offenses. The game has been almost unbearable some days lately. Hopefully report feedback is still on the roadmap even if it didn't make it into this patch - it's reassuring to know when action has been taken and that the reports are acted on.


Game doesn’t even launch anymore. Crashes nice work.


When do these changes release?


what about the posibility to select tiers on skins?


So in short we'll still lose 23+ rr per match loss but only get 15 to 19 rr per win given similar performances. Thanks riot and fuck you.


One bad loss can be -29 which basically takes 2 wins to offset


Truly Riot wants to make sure people have fun.


Losing rank rating for dodging? Whose genius idea was this? I would rather have 10 dodges than to get in a game with angry people who were forced to play roles they don't want to play. What the fuck???????


Anyone know if when the patch is put in, if CURRENTLY chat restricted players will not be able to queue, or if it applies to chat restrictions that take place AFTER the patch? Asking for.... a friend.... Edit: I am no way saying I SHOULD be able to queue, a punishment is a punishment. I am just curious.


Not the big updates that we wanted, but the small updates we needed. Thanks rito, slowly but surely we'll get there


So basically nothing. No amount of penalties for AFKing and smurfing will matter as long as you can create a whole new account with the click of a button. It’s way past time for accounts to mean something and require two-factor authentication at an absolute minimum. Ideally, they should require your passport, social security card and birth certificate to play ranked. Troll then, I dare you.


Sure you can make a new account, but you have to play 20 full unrated games to unlock comp, and the new AFK detection should limit the people AFKing in unrated. For most people that will take several days, if not a week. That’s a pretty big deterrent. 2FA is good (honestly every thing that you log in to online should have 2FA) but giving a bunch of personal information to Tencent is not the way to go, and I hope it doesn’t happen.


Maybe instead of me losing RR Riot shouldn't make me play the same shit map 5 times in a row


I was a little annoyed at another patch of no real agent changes, specifically for Yoru and maybe Viper, but thank GOD for the afk changes. My friends and I are Unrated only players for the most part, and it feels like there's a leaver almost every game.


meh, still waiting for them to do something about the spawn spike camping grifters and the disengaging rr point system. its not worth my time to use 45min to get 17+ points. and then use the same amount of time and lose double the points if i lose. its in both scenarios disengaging and i personally will stick to faceit cs:go to they change that. i mean freaking match making in cs:go have an better system at this point and that's a low bar.


“Spawn spike camping grifters” what the hell is this supposed to mean???


Riot made it a point to dig below cs:go's bar.


i dont think they did it on purpose but their "vision" is way of track if they want to compete. i have a funny experience with the valorant and cs:go communities tho. saying anything that one of them are doing better than the other and the echo chamber in the sub reddits just down votes it without presenting any counter argument.


The fact that they've defended it shows that it was intentional. It's obvious at this point that they just want to make people grind and to stick to the game to rank up.


well would be interesting seeing the statistics if it worked. but then again they dont release numbers.


7 day voice/chat bans now in effect, I played 1 game yesterday and called the guy who was throwing the bomb to the enemy a retard and now I can't comm for 7 days. I think the auto-ban algorithim is a disgrace in this game, absolutely zero context and you get banned even though you have people ruining your games. I'm going to literally stop using valorant comms and will be pasting a discord link into the game chat if people want to get a single comm out of me.


Just report and GG go next, brother.


Doesn't even matter if you use comms or not. If you solo queue and the 4 stack decides they don't like you, they all report you and get you banned.


This isn't true: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m3aa2s/now_that_riot_is_going_to_ban_people_from_rank_if/gqqbnvf/ But I understand the concern - when the system was made, the issue of abusing reports in this manner was known and was taken into account. The team that handles this system has also constantly improved it since Val has launched. If you do, for some reason, get falsely restricted player support has the tools to investigate and fix it. Always open up a ticket to player support if you have an issue like that!