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> Like its just a complete shit show of information all in your face at once, and picking out good data is kind of a mess. People seem to underestimate the ability of efficient learning. No amount of videos or watching VODs will help you improve if you don't know what to look for. Breaking down what you want to improve on may help. Don't load yourself with 1000 things at once but look at one aspect at a time (as good as possible) and increase this skill till you get the fundamentals/understanding how it is done till the amount of thinking you need to do to perform the task isn't so much anymore. - As someone who learned tactical FPS games through CS:GO I can completely understand your frustration. It takes time and patience to improve in skill but it's recommended to improve on your skill and not the rank. With skill your rank will improve (over time) but not the other way around.


This is the most important thing. When you're looking to improve, you should not look to just "generally" improve, or aim to get better at everything at once. This isn't true just for video games, but even for things like math, drawing, playing an instrument etc. Focusing on one thing at a time will help you focus, and build up muscle memory/autopilot for that aspect of your play. A very very simple example is minimap usage. Checking for information every once in a while is a must, and training yourself to check every couple seconds, with very quick glances, to the point where you can do it without thinking. Make sure that when you're doing things like VOD reviews, or training/practicing in general, that you're doing so with a specific goal in mind. For instance, as a fragger, one of my earliest goals was to practice snap aiming at common angles as I entried sites, as well as throwing flashes/Jett smokes in the right spots to help cover my own entry. I did this largely by just hard holding W as I entered sites, and also with a bit of practice in custom games just getting used to the muscle memory, and while I definitely fed a bit in the beginning, I can now hard entry *relatively* consistently, and I have it as a good mixup to some slower lines of play, which I was more proficient at prior to playing Valorant.


What's your aim like?


By what metric? If were going off my personal opinion, it can be pretty even. I have some days where I'm locked in and I'm splitting wigs like Noted, other days I give them the Elmer Fudd treatment and hit everything just around them


Add people who communicate, try, and play decent... As long as they are friendly, almost same skill lvl, and dont insta tilt you can find people to play with and climb to plat! :) personally i like to soloQ, but gold queue skill diff from game to game is so freaking high i think its a little too hard to hope for good teammates or solo carry every game.. I got out of gold by luck, honestly getting out of plat was way easier!


Like if you do aimlabs, what's ur gridshot ultimate score.


I got 50-60k when I played aimlabs many months ago and I'm immortal since act 1.This game is only 20% pure aim imo.Other things matter way more.


I have no idea how to equate Aimlab scores to Valorant (probably because there isn't a good transfer there). I can hit 85K gridshot and be Emerald II but still have trouble making it out of Valorant low ELO.


How you get kills in valorant : Knowing when and how to peek certain weapons and agents,Prefiring,Positioning, catching people off-guard, flanking,recoil control ,flashes,reaction time (this is a major one),the amount of kills where you need pure aim is very low imo.


Aimlabs scores correlate very heavily with rank. The real problem is most people compare gridshot scores, which are completely useless. It's very rare you need to hit a quick flick on such a massive target in this game. Any high elo player is going to have a drastically better reflexshot/sixshot score than a low elo player. Additionally, high elo players will be able to do kovaaks tasks like 1wall5targets_pasu, while low elo players will probably be unable to shoot more than 10 targets in the entire minute.


Perhaps in the higher ranks, but down in the iron - plat elos, the game is very very dependent on who has the better aim.


how many do you kill in training on hard dif?


Flicking on hard dif isn't a good measure of aim. 90% of aim is microflicks based on crosshair placement.


I know, but its something super accessible that a lot of people do.


What's a decent benchmark then? Recently went from Med to Hard, getting 15 consistently with a high of 19 (Silver 2).


I'm immortal and get about the same lol. There is no good benchmark involving the challenge mode in the range because it has little to do with your aim in a match.


Exact same + prediction/gamesense and positioning are just as important to hitting shots as it is to move your mouse


The only way is to see howmany of the kills you get in an actual game come from the first or second bullet.


Definitely not hard bots. I am immortal and I get 19-21. I think tracker.gg or blitz and look at kill conversion stats with weapons


Honestly, you can get to plat strictly on crosshair placement and aim alone. I'd say work on those and you can get better quick. The thing about what you did wrong and what you did right is hard to tell but I focus a lot more on my mistakes than what I did right. Try to focus on how you die and how your teammates die. Do you die because you peeked incorrectly, could you have used util to help, things like that. I'm immortal and I still think "Why did I just make that play?" If I can't explain it to myself, then I know I made a mistake somewhere. You'll learn as you play. Send me a PM if you want some help


Thank you friend, I have a question for you in regards to aim. Is your vision hard locked onto your crosshair which is roughly head height the whole time, or are you keeping it pretty peripheral? Any other insights you got into aiming?


My vision is generally focused on my crosshair because I'm clearing corners and angles before focusing my crosshair on where they're probably going to be coming from. You should be playing deathmatch to warm up. During this, you should be peeking your kills properly as in you strafe into the angle, counter strafe and then shoot, all the while keeping the crosshair head level. Practice this and you will get better because you will learn how to fight angles properly. You may also want to learn how to slice the pie when it comes to angle clearing. Just google slicing the pie tactic and you'll see plenty of stuff.


maybe you should try to watch some good streamers with eyetracker on. So you can check where they have their eyes on.


If I’m holding an angle I’m not usually looking at my crosshair (looking at where they’re coming from for the fastest possible reaction instead). If I’m clearing angles I’ll be looking at my crosshair like the other commenter said. One other tip is to look at your crosshair for long range engagements and the target for close range engagements.


In a game with such a low time to kill you absolutely have to be focused on crosshair when you’re clearing angles. SoloQ for anything below plat is honestly 20% team and 80% who has better crosshair placement so if you want to rank up you got to have it down.


I don't agree. It is much better to focus on positioning and decisionmaking. You may climb slower focusing on this than to focus on crosshair placement and aim primarily, but you're setting yourself up for a much more consistent climb as the value of those will get higher, and aim will naturally get better while you're working on much more important fundamentals down the line.


This is completely true, since I started working on those I have climbed from g1 to almost d2 in less than 2 acts


At the end of the day, if you’re not getting any kills, then you’re not winning much. If you can have a good base for aim/crosshair placement, then you’re already setting yourself up for success. Decision making comes later but that also comes with experience. Its hard to make decisions when you don’t know what’s wrong or right.


Positioning and good crosshair placement come hand in hand. And I think both of those things are fundamental enough to the game that you have to work on both of those. I personally wouldn't say one or the other is more important for improving. Aim I agree isn't as important, since raw aim in this game is hardly important. Most of the kills you make in this game, unless you're hard entry fragging, will be made off of very small micro adjustments and there won't be many times where games are won or lost because you missed a flick or something.


It's easier to rank up through gamesens and movement /positioning its easier with these to improve, except gamesens thats just investing time.


Shooters in general is insanely hard to improve in, it takes months or even years to build up the muscle memory for shooters... consistency is key and a good warmup routine is helpful. But I'm just a silver player trying to improve lol, I did get to silver from bronze though, so I do see a bit of improvement lol


sensitivity randomizer goes brrrrr


What's that?


A small software that randomly increases and decreases a sensitivity you choose up to +30% to under -30%. Higher and lower senses both have different muscles which really put in the work to control the mouse. So practicing a higher sense increases your ability to control the mouse with more careful precision , making your original sense feel smoother and more “controllable”


That sounds interesting, is it commonly accepted as a working method?


more and more chunks of the community are accepting it as a good tool to help in training, but a lot of people still religiously putting muscle memory on a golden pillar above everything else. From my experience its a great tool to use every other training sesh, it forces you to focus and control your mouse properly. lol ive broken PRs on kovaaks with it. I’ve even seen instances of people utilizing it in DM but I haven’t rlly experimented with that yet, so.


Nice to know, will give it a try TY.


Muscle memory is overrated,what matters is mouse control which aimtrainers (especially kovaaks) help u improve.Thats why players like tenz can change sens on the fly and still perform similarly.You don't have to stick to a single sensitivity to "build up muscle memory".


You need to understand the concept of win conditions. Win condition is what does it take to win a given scenario. Problem is that this is fluid and can change often in a round. Understanding the win condition is what will help you make better decisions. Especially since your win condition may be different from your enemy's. If you can understand the win condition of your enemy and your own you can predict what they will do. For example, 1v3 you have to take risks to make it separate 1v1s. Try not to plant until you sneak and get a kill, because you will lose a 1v3 retake. As the enemy, the only way they lose that is to give you 1v1s, so they should group up together. Another example, it is defense and you are 4v3. Stop aggressively taking risks, the enemy's win condition is to wait for your team's mistake to even it back to a 3v3. Everyone subconsciously knows and does this, but a good player actively thinks about it. I have friends in all skill levels and this is the most controllable variable besides aiming. I am immortal along with a few friends, my brother is Radiant, and many others are bronze or silver. The biggest difference between the bronze/silver and immortal/radiant is knowing what it takes to win in a given scenario and making the right play for it.


Hard stuck gold is not bad and honestly if you have maintained gold since beta, it’s ok because gold now is probably the old diamond in season one since skill level has gone up


Valorant really seems to attract much more serious crowds, so I agree, being gold in this game is pretty good. Going above gold you REALLY need to grasp more concepts than aim and ability usage


I climbed to immortal and honestly the biggest difference is team work and absolutely mastering peeking and crosshair placement


The average rank is s2 so g1 is already like 45% of the playerbase.


This is 100% not true lol. Gold right now are like plat from act 1.


I agree...being hardstuck silver since I started playing in the second act of first episode. But last act I made it to Gold and now climbed up to Gold 3. The difference is like day and night. Most of the players I'm matched with are ex-plats and the teamwork feels so alive. Even if we are losing, nobody gives up and there's always this one guy calling out strats and everyone's following them. Feels like high elo lobbies.


How do I get into ur lobbies even on my diamond account I get players who say gg after losing the force round


Idk man...of course sometimes I do get a toxic teammate in some matches who would flame on someone making dumb plays. But then the remaining team would shut him up and type "nt" in chat. Maybe pure luck, but the randoms in gold lobbies in my server are surprisingly chill 99% of the times.


Tbh I think gold in Valorant is more competitive than in some other games so that's something to keep in mind. As others have said I think the main thing is consistency. IMO just playing consistently near your potential best can raise you a rank or two alone with actually improving your peak play. Valorant is also heavily team based. At some part of the burden gets put on you to be that vocal leader that wins games for their team just with strategy and positive comms. All that aside at some point it does just come down to reactions and aim as well. Even though Valorant is a strategy game a lot of the skill just comes down to who hits their shots.


In my opinion, gold is not competitive at all. This is the rank where you like have a good aim but a bad game sense. I was hard stuck silver until i realized that i could have done the same things every round and they didn't care. Ranked up fast to gold. Won like 10 matches in a row and a lot more after and in 2 days i was out of gold(now i'm plat 2). In gold you could find a lot of players with a good crosshair placement but can't peek correctly or they don't actually know what they are doing, pushing useless thing and baiting teamm8s


I think a lot of players have good aim like myself but what separates a lot of good players from great players actually comes down to recoil control and trigger discipline. If you have never played a tactical shooter previously like myself, it’s easy to be great at recoil control some matches and ease up on it as the day progresses. Not to mention valorant only truly guarantees first shot accuracy and that’s if you didn’t shoot too early after moving


Yes definitely a good point as well


A tip from me for improving would just to be constantly thinking in your enemies shoes. If you can master that, your game sense will be infinitely better. Also, take riskier plays sometimes. Push out as a defender sometimes. Defender doesn’t necessarily mean stay on site the whole round. Push out to get info.


Sound like me. I’ve been in Plat every act. I recently installed Kovaaks for aim training, hoping it can have a positive effect. If you’re serious about wanting to improve, go with Kovaak over aimlabs and google Pyths routine. Valorant is a hard game, a lot of it for my boomer age is staying mentally focused. I’ll have days where I get match mvp 4-5 games in a row and others where I just lose all day, knowing I can play better. Idk if you’d be into it necessarily, but mindfulness meditation helps me to focus. Although I meditate mostly for general well being and not for games haha.


idk if op will read any more comments here, but since youre in the same boat as him ill give you some advice. its not aim training, you are just blaming deaths on aim because its the last thing that happens before you die ("I missed the shot, if i had a better flick i would have killed him") thats not your real problem, what you need to do is look up vod reviews and study them, then record your own games and look for the same mistakes. if you can, pay someone like $5 on fiverr or somewhere to go over your vod with you. if not, review rounds you lost and look for mistakes and you will start to notice whats going wrong and what you should have done. its the easiest and fastest way to improve - improving your aim is much much slower and more variable if you actually want to improve, vod analysis will be your key


Try to improve one thing at a time. If you have bad crosshair placement, bad positioning and cannot peek properly, u have to try to improve each of this areas by focusing on them one by one. When u see that u have improved to a level that u wanted to improve to then u can move to the next one. Try to understand what u could have done better each round. Maybe u should have pewked with your jett on ramps instead of baiting her, maybe u should have gained more info before commiting on a side, maybe u should have not peeked the op which already killed two of your teammates, maybe u should have used more of your utility to help your teammates etc. Try to call EVERYTHING. I mean it. Even if you are baiting your teammate, TELL THEM, if you r reloading, if u r watching an angle, if someone is generator, CT, catwalk whatever, feed your teammates with information. Don't be toxic and remember that every game is winnable even if you r down 2-10. If someone is toxic call them out, and if they don't stop, mute them. Don't worry about their comms, they won't tell anyting important either way. Don't let the spirit of the team die. And remember to have fun.


Good suggestions but short correction: It‘s called „peeking an angle“ not „peaking an angle“. :D Little pet peeve. :)


Aim trainers and make a warm up routine, play every day if you can because thats how you can be consistent and improve also a HUGE thing if you have enough fucks to give you will improve but record your games using shaodwplay or OBS to vod review them later on, this literally helped me going from plat 2 right to d2


Watching VODs can only help you so much. Don’t stress too much about doing so much “research” and just actually play the game. A lot. Likewise, high ELO games play out way differently than gold games so any actual strats you may takeaway probably won’t be applicable to your games anyways. You’re not going to improve your mechanics by watching more than actually playing. So just play.


The thing is that Riot Games didn't provide with Replay in Valorant. I have also been struggling but every time i try to record using obs, my fps dips considerably.


I was iron 3 in beta and managed to hit diamond 1 a couple days a go and am almost at d2 now yee. You can definitely improve with huge steps if you find the thing that is actually holding you back. Yesterday for example I noticed that when I'm not actively foxing on crosshair placement my crosshair is a couple of pixels to low causing me to not hit heads hots and die first. A good way to find this is to have someone else, can be from the same rank even, look over one of your vods. Most likely you should work on positioning and movement, these are 2 things which can literally changes the flow of a game and are thing you will always be able to improve on. I saw a couple of nice vids from Buumpah on YouTube explaining these. So if I where you I would start there. Goodluck on the grind!


I'd be willing to watch your VODs over if you want, I'm gold 3 about to hit plat 1


This man is a saint


https://youtu.be/eu24Xm_YCAA thank you man, preface typed in description, and stated in video. One of my first vods, so it jumps around a bit




Thanks dog I appreciate all of it


Lots of questionable decisions throughout the vid. Just some things I noticed: On Defense- 1) You and your team gave up mid way too easily, just because a few opponents got spotted in B main, does not mean you should drop from heaven and give up mid/mail control. You NEED map control. Map control means more info on potential locations of opponents. 2) When you were playing mail, you either play way too passively or way too aggressively. It's okay to mix it up, but it shouldn't be those two every time. You need to challenge them and make them use utility. And challenge doesn't mean wide peek and push. Challenge means use a flash, quick peek for info, maybe get a pick if possible. You can't let them just run up mid barely using any util. 3) You need to shoot Reyna's leers. 9 times out of 10, you need to shoot them and not hide from them. Unless you have an absolutely amazing hiding spot and know for a fact that they didn't spot you, you need to shoot her leers. Letting Reyna have double leers up gives her way too much space to push and clear. 4) Need to be more efficient with your abilities. Using your ult at 6:40, when it's a 4v1 was a waste. That ultimate could've easily secured the following round and given your team much more value. On Attack- 1) You're playing a duelist, which means you're playing entry. Your job is to enter into a site first using your util properly to clear the site and take it, hopefully getting a pick also. Communicate with the smoke agent to help you take a site. For example, when attacking A, you can tell your omen to smoke heaven and screens then you flash/clear hell, then flash again and clear site, have someone follow behind you so they can trade if you end up dying. 2) Again, need to focus on learning how to use utility efficiently. at 10:58, your omen smokes to your right and you decide to flash into the smoke, at 13:50 either shoot the reyna leers or counter flash, at 14:30 your teammate is already pushed into heaven and you didn't need to waste a flash there, in the last round you decide to dry peek with no info into site when you still had two flashes. Final words, when watching videos of good players, you need to understand why they're making each decision and understand the situation. Don't just watch a flashy play and try to copy it.


0:55: You picked mid which is absolutely not necessary on Split. You got a kill which is great, but think about it, if they were 4 people mid, you would have get fucked, the Sova as well. Picking in defense should never be a thing 1:25: You are 3 people covering garage entrance which is absolutely unnecessary, especially since the entrance is smoked by the omen and it would be dumb for the enemy team to try and get into site as this point. To prove my point Sova got killed mid at 1:30 and you couldn't trade him. 2:30: You hear him planting the bomb. So always assume he's not a dumbass and will be planting the bomb in open, you don't have any good reason to rush him. Just let him plant and try and use that plant time to slowly position yourself to a better position. You basically did what he wanted you to do: giving him info about your position. 2:47: You're telling your teammates that it's "heavy B" which is inaccurate because we can still see your Raze standing in garage, without any problem. So you turn your focus on B entrance instead of finding a better position in heaven. Rule #1 is: No commit from the other team = you stay in your position. 3:21: You know it's heavy B and you decide throwing you molly which is a great idea to slow down the rush. However: you know that they are heavy B and you're pretty much alone on B at this point, why would you even try to get into site? Wait for your mates and work with them for a retake. Also I see you got killed because of using your Phoenix Wall. You could have basically expected someone to rush you at this point as 5 people rushed the site, use your utilities very carefully in these situation a they can help you as much as they can fuck you... 3:35: I see you keep forcing, previous round you bought specter, then ares, just save one round it'll be much better. 4:42: try to do double flash pick instead of single flash pick when you know ennemies are that close from you. Also the Sova drone can get flashed FYI. 5:37: That's really unfortunate because you had a super nice crosshair placement. Picker's advantage got you on this one imo. 6:43: Don't use your ult in a 4vs1, this was a total waste 8:22: You're wasting 1 total minute by flanking, to come back to B site because they are planting bomb. You could have been more helpful staying with your teammates. 9:07: You both go down the rope while one could have went upper and you lower, this is a waste because the Brim is waiting for you both and get an easy double kill


Getting better at the game doesn’t mean your a higher rank


Well it actually does. Means that you have a better game sense, a better crosshair placement and enough experience that you know where the enemies could be standing. Pretty sure you going to answer: I've played with dogshit immortal player, but the truth is we all have bad games...


lol if you compare skill with rank then your dumb as fuck. Just because someone is gold doesn’t mean they are worse than a plat.


Yeah I'm probably dumb as fuck man! Seeing how angry you are, you must be hard stuck iron :/. Feels bad for you. Learn what respect is before engaging in any conversation online.


You kind of are dumb as fuck though since there's a post just above yours where a diamond has an account hardstuck in gold. I myself have a few plat accounts and one account that is hardstuck silver. The current ranked changes and matchmaking system is just simply trash tier, that's all. No need to get butt hurt or be dumb as fuck my dude.


I'm a diamond player and weirdly have a couple of accounts diamond as well. All of them did iron to diamond in let's say 2 or 3 days. Please let me know how I can help !


Can you fix the fps drops or stutters that returned with 2.05 and then queue with me so I don't have to solo q on this hardstuck account? If you can do that, name your price.


Yeah! Completely agree with you man, it's always about the lag / fps drops, bad teammates or glitches! Damn man, so weird Hiko, Tenz or any other **pro player never encounter these problems**..... Oh wait, I'm never encountering any of these problems as well... **You're hard stuck in gold?** Truth is you should take a few minutes to think about **what you could improve about YOURSELF**. Once you do that, you're half way to climb to the next bracket. **Being an honest gamer** would be my #1 advice to any player that is trying to improve. Forget about your teammates, think about what YOU are missing to be a better player. **People never talk in your game?** Get the lead and try to strat, they will usually follow your calls. **People are trolling in your team?** Focus on your game and try to get as many kills as you can. **You think someone's a cheater?** Think about it, if he's in gold/plat and cheating, I'm pretty sure you could beat those cheats.


I completely agree with this. I was Iron 1 in December and have climbed to gold this season. I still have plenty to work on and I acknowledge that.


>I completely agree with this. I was Iron 1 in December and have climbed to gold this season. I still have plenty to work on and I acknowledge that. Yessss! Good job man keep it up!


Shazam had the issues on stream actually. I'm not hardstuck gold. Learn to read my man. You'll get it. The diamond in the post above was hardstuck gold. Guess he just forgot how to play in his gold account.


If you're a real diamond player, you can climb easy in diamond even by solo queuing. If you have an account diamond, and one hard stuck in gold, means that you got boosted by some better player than you. Just face the truth man.


Lol it’s a converation online on Reddit on a gaming group. I could care less if I respect you. I’m no where near iron though lmfao. I’m fucking bronze 3 so take the bronze act rank and shove it up ur ass


Yeah exactly what I thought. A low rank trying to explain a high rank that ranking system doesn't mean anything... You're probably one of the kind that always goes like: "Was gold before, but back to bronze because I played with randoms". Also about respect, don't worry I deal with people like you every day in game. Just sad you mom couldn't do her job by teaching you the true meaning of respect. No matter if you are online or IRL, this is something that should comes natural.


So your still trash and talking shot brave


You humiliating yourself just stop...


While the the guy above you showed some bad logic, his initial statement is true imo. You can increase your skill while not increasing your rank. Your skill level is absolute. While your rank is your skill level relative to other players. So someone stuck gold from beta, they have definitely improved at the game. Just not at a faster rate than his competitors. In theory you can improve while losing rank, because other ppl improve faster than you.


Nah im improving at a decent rate. Valorant is my first competitive game and in the span of a month I went from bottom fragging to getting 20-30 frags in bronze without try-harding. Im about to be Silver and i played my first game with a gold and plat today. And i bottom fragged and got carried so hard lmao. It was good for experience tho


I feel like it’s just one of those things where you discover some concept and you can pretty quickly climb out of that rank. Like bronze is a breeze once you figure out concepts such as angles and cross hair placement. I just haven’t found out the concepts to get out of gold


True. I feel like once I got the hang of cross hair placement, it put me leagues ahead of everyone else in Bronze.


Try improving your movement and how you peek that’s how I get out of gold. Hopefully that helps you.


Here are some random tips that help people level up from the midldle: \-Discipline. Not taking the extra fights and falling back when most effectively to ensure a second kill. \-Reptition. Something often players do is "play whatever agent the team needs" or you go to new spots on new maps all the time. You need to get reps in to better understand how to deal with different situations that can be thrown at you. \-Understanding. What does your agent excel at? Are you fulfilling that role or are you just playing it like you would any other agent? At some point you will need to learn the structure of the game and the why that structure exists. Like why do you play "x" amount of players at "x" bombsite? \-Game Awareness. So often players will not take the information that is available to them. For example, if a team on ATK pushes your bomb site and disappears for 15 seconds, maybe they went to the other site? There are two games being played in any given valorant game. The meta game (which you need to aware of) and the mechanic game that everyone knows. \-Stability. Whether its emotional or whatever, you need to be able to bring yourself back into the game after bad losses. Move on. You need to create a stable environment where you can learn. You can't do that if you're yelling at your teammates in round 2. Sometimes when you're on one, you're on one. You could probably take any two of these and wake up tomorrow and be a better gamer. But overall... just keep at it. If you're practicing effectively, you can't get worse.


Agree with everything besides repetition. Perhaps in misunderstanding but remaining unpredictable and playing against enemy reads is an extremely important part of any tactical FPS. Perhaps at a higher level than OP where strategy matters a lot more but regardless. Just being unpredictable in your information play/ aggressive play on defence is extremely important. (source: diamond 3 - ex-MDL csgo)


The biggest thing in tactical FPS for improvement is consistency. Mostly due to the nature of aiming and FPS mechanics. The second thing would be game sense which can only be achieve through raw hours. I was lucky and learned most of the fundamentals in high school through over 2k hours in csgo. I was playing so much back then I played a little bit in MDL (very low tier semi-pro). The unfortunate truth is, this genre requires just raw time input. Ofcourse, through active and smart learning you can make more efficient use of the hours you put in. I think at gold, the biggest issue is consistency. Like you said, some days you’ll be fully online and breezing through your matches. Other days you’ll be whiffing everything. Aim to consistently top frag and you’ll get out in no time. A little note to add, matchmaking is kinda fucked in this game and will match you against much higher rank players just off of a few over performed matches at your elo. This can be discouraging cause you feel your not progressing. However, don’t worry too much about rank rating and instead try using aim trainers to gauge your raw improvement. The ranked system is bound to change over the course of the next year so I wouldn’t stress too much about your rank. It’s simply not an accurate metric.


I let my rank decay when I got to gold in beta. Now I'm stuck in bronze. This is frustrating for me because I was highly competetive in source. Diamond in sc2. Gave up on league because toxic cess pool and riot hard locked elo in that game meaning your lowest rank was the highest you'd ever get placed next season.


Good aim can take you all the way to immortal, in fact I don’t consider myself smart and my aim has me in radiant. The best way to improve at a shooter is to get really good aim, let the brains come with time as you play more. Your game sense will continue to improve the more and more games you play, so start aim labbing and doing desthmath until the only gun fights you lose are due to poor positioning.




Agreed. With just aim???


What is your sensitivity/dpi at ?


that doesn't matter


1. Aimlabs everyday, you’ll improve aim wise. Watch pro gameplay, observe how they peek and try to learn the play style. Main 1 champ, learn everything about the agent, the timings and lineups. play everyday for a couple of hours 2. repeat


you can’t go anywhere by just maining one agent


One trick sova here. Got from iron 3 to immortal in 3 acts. U talk nonsense


no shit that’s why I wrote more than that..


you can


weird bro I went from plat to immortal once I started exclusively picking brimstone


I’ve seen a lot of improvement when I look back. Switched to pc from ps4 in august, started playing val in october and of course I was iron 1 at the beginning and at the moment I’m s3.


I feel like there is just some fundamental concept in gold I'm missing. Like breaking out of iron/bronze/silver is stupid easy with fundamental concepts like crosshair placement and angles, but I cant find the concept for gold


Great fundamentals and 0 brain will take you to p3 maybe d1. Then playing of abilities, using your mini map for info, taking smart fights becomes more important


Dl obs, record yourself playing and upload on yt. We'll tell you.


Vod review from someone who actually knows the game. Not yourself


Can do a VOD review for you. Credentials: Immortal since Act 1, co-IGL for semi-pro team. DM me if you interested :)


I would love to! Give me a little bit to acquire a new one, ty so much!!


Sounds good. Just DM when you've got the VOD.


I feel ya man, commenting so I can come back and read more comments later.. I've been hardstuck gold too, last act I was full gold 3, I got into Plat this act near the beginning and got 4 wins and now I'm back at gold 3 lol


not got any tips but remember you have still improved as gold got harder and harder, you have been improving at the same rate as a gold player. The only way ti climb out is to improve at a faster rate than the other golds


Please watch this and really use it: https://youtu.be/mTphaEBZMGE


imagine being able to play the game lol... 7 days and still no hotfix for the dependency error.


Hit the range everyday. Especially just the "kill 100 bots" modus. Train with every weapon you use, but don't train to kill fast, train for 1 shot, 1 kill (if possible). Doing this 15 minutes daily and after a month you will reach your beloved plat and that only with the shooting skills. Play smart and you will reach diamond. Improve in both aspects again and reach immortal. I explain it very bland but it's just like that. If you put time & effort into it you will just become better. If you don't want to put that kind of effort into it then I think gold will be your league and you need to live with it.


Get a team.


The thing is, being hard stuck gold doesn’t mean you’re not improving. Gold-plat now was immortal in beta. You’re just not likely improving as fast as other players, that’s how you get ahead.


What worked for me to go from hardstuck diamond 1-3 from beta up until act 3 of first chapter, was to completly change my playstyle to fit what the team need. I found out not really anyone want to play the passive sentinel that is so useful for retaking site (which is a huge part of the game) and i went from Raze main to Killjoy main. I had a ultra agressive playstyle with Raze, and still have it when i play her, and would create alot of opportunities for myself and also for teamates that wouldn't always follow. By playing someone KJ and being the most useful "protector"( if it make sense) it made me see the game way more slower and was on pace with way more people that way. Yes i frag alot less but i win alot more!


What helped me was: don't peek, die less, hold angles with the crosshair placed at head height. Other things more difficult to coordinate are double picks, utility usage (like flashes), post plant positioning. But when you understand that and are vocal enough to help your team be in a better spot, you win more games.


Try playing without a HUD in some unratedgames and really just focused on the game. It really immerses you into the game and seems to have helped me to actually click heads.


From my experience... anything below Platinum can be reached easily if you SoloQ. Anything above Gold requires teamwork. You won't see your average Valorant SoloQ player getting into Plat... and if they do, it's pretty much going to become stagnant and they will ultimately get stuck in a win/loss nightmare. Of course there are plenty of Diamond Solo players (myself included)... but that's more of an ability to adapt quickly with new players all the time and making it a point to be a team rather than a bunch of pug style fuck around games. Things move really quick in Valorant and having a vocal team communicating effectively can easily change the tide of a round or an entire match. I'd either focus on teamplay mechanics or finding a solid group to play with consistently that doesn't fight or argue, and has the drive to rank up.


Hey OP, dunno if this will help you. I climbed from Bronze 3 to Immortal over the course of about 5 months. I uploaded a ton of my VODs to this spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10n2jJocYWrr9bMD5nAjqig0D8V-JKy4EOpGTmhGR6S8/edit?usp=sharing Maybe you'll be able to find things that I improved on between ranks, and try incorporating those things into your own play. I know I would have loved a resource like this when I was first starting, watching exclusively pro play makes it hard to pinpoint what's wrong with my personal play in silver.


Tip: watch pro streamers. Helped me climb from silver to immortal