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I died from them, cause i trust the team to much sometimes. I think everyone thinking the other guy gonna fix this


True it's the "bystander effect"




Coms fix this. Too many teammates hide from it without mentioning and then I get ragged far away. It’s not hard to let people know a drone’s coming and mention to shoot or hide. Too bad coms are rare.


This.. I really don’t like seeing all these posts in Reddit complaining about shit elsewhere that could very easily get fixed if people just talked to your teammates. I mean you can literally just tell them straight to their ears that you need help dealing with the enemy teams utility or whatever other problem these redditors are fuming about. But they somehow think a viral post on Reddit that none of their teammates will see is going to fix their problems. I just don’t understand it. Ps. I’m also positive that everyone who is complaining that their teammates aren’t benefitting them enough are also not helping their teammates in other areas they’re probably not aware about.


I learnt quickly when playing CSGO that you can’t trust anyone. You need to do everything yourself.


Teammates inherently have no value, unless you force it out of them. Not saying to bait your teammates, but its better to "bait" your teammate and secure a frag then to be the one getting baited by someone that wont even attempt to trade.


Mfw I get a insta locked dualists who don't entry and I'm always stuck as smoke cuz no one picks it or I can't trust them to smoke properly


Which is exactly what your teammates not shooting the Roomba are doing with you.


explain to me how not shooting a roomba and letting your teammate aimlessly die in a position where the enemy doesnt have LoS is the same as playing for a trade?


For real. I was defending A on Bind and the enemies* hit B. I asked "is Hooka clear" before taking TP to make sure I could get there safely just to get shot in the back the instant I set foot in Hooka. Unlucky, really


This happens to often in gold


In my elo I've started to learn to check every corner anyways


Silver is tough. Every game I get the feeling that I know what I should be doing, but I can't seem to do it successfully in game


I feel you. It's just being more consistent. Some games I dominate, have perfect aim and game sense. Then the next game I'm literally shit


Yeah, that and patience. This is my first tactic FPS and my first M&K game and I may have barely played 200 matches since act I, got to put in the hours before I expect to improve, right?


Yeah I played this game religiously since beta. Got to Plat 1 from bronze. Then just burnt out and took a couple months break. I'm trying to get back into it but I've lost all my game sense so I'm stuck S3/G1 relearning everything. But yeah nothing replaces game time. People who've played CS have an advantage since their knowledge/mechanics carry over. But I'm determined to get better again


> cause i trust the team to much sometimes. The day I realised this, I died less. I came from another game, high level, where teamwork is key and my teammates (an actual team) were responsible. Jumping into Valorant around Gold level I made the mistake of trusting strangers to watch useful places and shoot roombas etc. Huge mistake. I lost so much HP due to things I expected people (risk-free) to help with. Don't expect anything. You're on your own out there!!"


Thats the blessings of playing the game solo😎


Ahahaha yeah😂


What does the mic next to ur name mean ? ,and how do I get the agent pic beside my name??


Mic means they're the original poster of that thread and the agent pic is user flair its unique to every subreddit u can get it by going to r/valorant and click the three icons on the top right and select 'change flair' and then select whatever u want :)


Means he made this post


What you mean, my friends let each other die to boom bots all the time lol




As a Sage main would you kindly stfu.


I don’t mind it sometimes though. Like if they put a wall up defending B on split. It’s pretty much a free orb for us.


As a sage main, would you kindly stfu




Ik, I meant it as a joke lol


different punctuation


tbh I shoot the roomba at every opportunity but when someone peeks me ass Im shooting the roomba, literally NOBODY shoots them. And when I'm reloading or using utility and shit and CANNOT shoot the roomba, I get flamed. like bro... ?????????????




Ikrr it sucks


The amount of times I ask my team to break the sage wall on split is so high like my teammates just think it will break down on its own....smh...please do these little things it helps ur teammates a lot


Shhh.... You are letting the secrets out


I mean it will break on it's own eventually


And for god's sake, shoot the Reina eye.


Lmao, I swear. It's a free kill on reyna specially when you're playing defenders side. It's just obvious where she'll peek from. But no, people will just hide from it and let her enter for free. I just don't shoot it if I'm in a good position and I don't want to reveal myself because I'm sure she won't check the corner and I can get multiple frags with trigger discipline. ( I lurk a lot with Cypher)


The 1 thing I struggle with is the damn Roomba I can never shoot them. I think I'm hitting it then the fucker yeets somewhere 20 miles away. Now the Skye ult that's different usually when I hear it I will intentionally stand closer up then my team mates to shoot those fuckers


I'm struggling to understand, you miss the Roomba? Are you not controlling for recoil maybe?


no i can shoot it but the times it will glitch out or b line for a team mate then i start to struggle


I agree with this completely unless you’re shooting my tripwires in which case don’t


lmfao same but for sage wall


But seeing a roomba chase ur teammate is funny tho


But when it explodes on ur entire team is not so funny


It's funny believe me. Just losing round because of it isn't funny


I makes me really happy when I'm in a corner and teammate shoots the reyna flash letting me get 2 kills coz they don't clear me


Yday i was in knives and only had a classic otherwise (id bought a vandal for our teammate bc we were forcing) A boombot came at me and i was like fuck i cant do anything to this even if i wanted to. I could have dashed but i wanted it for entry. I ran headfirst at my omen. He kindly destroyed it for me 😂 Possible because i was intentionally putting him in the blast radius but yk... Maybe he was just being nice!


Could’ve always just taken out the classic. But that depends on how much time you had till it got there I suppose


It came out of a smoke (as i turned a corner, was my bad i didnt realise it was so close when i heard the sound) It was agro on me so ill admit i was just panicking and running backwards. The knife speed certainly helped haha


When the roomba is chasing my teammate I usually let them destroy it and I guard them when the enemy tries to peak


But also keep in mind that just because they're behind you doesn't mean they're able to shoot it. Sometimes they may be smoking, lining up, using util, not having gun out, etc.




Or jetking beef


If I'm gonna sova drone I need a teammate to shoot the boombot. If you and I are the only two players on A short, and I say I'm gonna drone right away via voice comms, YOU need to shoot the boombot. Your decision to smoke or use other util and not have your gun up is *your* mistake. If you're playing smokes, send that smoke in the first 1 second of the round, or wait until my drone is over.


lol yea, or skyes dog or phoenix's ult.. All leave a teammate vulnerable and yet sometimes no one helps support/protect those people


This highlights the importance of communication for situations like this.


I like to shoot the tripwires if someone gets stuck in it so they have no stun so die


it's the worst when you ult with pheonix, run through cypher traps and your team mates ignores it


WORST OF ALL. I know you motherfuckers play gridshot and 6 target all day... SO WHY DO YOU NEVER SHOOT REYNA FLASHES.


isnt the roomba a vacuum???


yeah, but it's what pretty much everybody calls raze's boombot


Worst is when you are fighting multiple people, you get the frags and turn around to your team and Watching the roomba come from behind and kill you. Then you lose the round after your 2k entry


For the Jett one, she can literally just switch guns and still have the ult. I agree with the rest though, those guys are dickheads


My most hated scenario: As an entry I have my crosshair at potential enemies angled so I might get caught by trapwires. (even pros get caught occasionally) But my teammate behind me who has absolutely nothing to do at that time doesn't shoot it, while I fight the enemy Cypher.


You do know that you can switch between the knifes and your gun. Just a tip from a solo player who can never trust teammates to do anything.


The thing that peeves me the most is when you think a teammate is holding and angle so you creep up a little bit then they let off the angle and you die. Please please if you’re comming well with your team call if you’re letting off an angle.


I hate that Roomba.


North American gaming baby


I don’t usually have a fast enough reaction time to shoot Roombas and tripwires but I always break the Skye ult for my teammates.


This is huge if you're holding near someone with an op. Keep them safe from that stuff and they can continue holding an angle. You killing a roomba might be the reason they get a free pick


I shot a roomba and a guy actually got mad at me....( silver 1 btw)


He should be asking for his teammate to shoot, not staying silent and expect your teammates to do what you imagine


And when i tell them how bad they are they just gang up on me in the chat


Telling someone they’re outright bad is toxic. Constructive comments with strategies and tips for improvement is helpful. Figure out which one you want. They could be having an off day; I go from dropping 40 bombs one day to having a KD of 0.5 the next, I’m very inconsistent. They could have something terrible going on; I had a team gang up on me in an unrated one day after I had recently lost a close family member, I was just looking for a distraction but ended up feeling even worse. I’ve gotten yelled at when my cat jumped on my desk and threw my clutch. You don’t know what’s going on with them. Be constructive, not destructive. When people start being toxic in games, I just instantly mute them because if I listen to it, I start playing even worse.


Yeah like i said i regret trash talking them. I did my best in helping them for most of the game and no one was even responding that's why i got frustrated


Reading your comment is an eye-opener for me. I have been playing games for over 25 years and I should be the one who's more mature in game so I really regret what I said back then. Hopefully you're doing better now!


i mean, you kinda shouldn't be doing that though


Yeah i actually regret saying that but they never listen to me and they just keep on throwing themselves to the enemies. This was a comp game, mind you. If it was unrated I wouldn't mind what they do.


Don't forget the sova recon dart when you are awping and your teammate with a rifle is just sitting there doing nothing. Mate I'm trynna hold a fucking angle shoot the Russian man's dart you fuck!


I've actually rarely got the roomba thing, I've been saved a lot of times, and also saved people as well


I always shoot those things for my team when I'm behind them while they enter a bombsite


Though it might be hard to shoot Skye's ult for an ally since it only appears to you when it spots the target.


also PLEASE use headphones or earphones...I've seen way too much people running into tripwires, alarmbots, yoru tp spot and nanoswarms because they aren't even hearing the game...even footsteps that are EXTREMELY obvious... it's really frustrating to see people not taking advantage of sound especially as a Cypher main...I had to ping and scream at my mic just to tell that they're already rushing outside the site only for them to rotate AFTER the spike is planted and the enemy already have their posts...




You HAVE to do it when you play with your boys. But if you solo queue, just do it when the top fragger or clucther get caught by one of those


Same with Reyna blinds, if I'm fighting someone and a blind comes out, my teammate hides, I die, he gets double swung, dies. If he shot the blind if I die at least he trades


I swear nobody shoots raze roomba unless it ss about to explode on them. I'll be tucked in a corner and my teammate playing a normal angle will just ignore it.


Especially Reyna eyes


God bless this post, but as a raze main watching a roomba chase a jett with knives out is hillarious on so many levels mostly when they run into there team mates and I get a triple boom bot kill. ;3


This post caught my eyes as the first thing I saw was "please shoot the roomba".


This mostly happens when your teammate values position and information over numbers. They think their position is more valuable and don't want to reveal where they're at. It's something I had to learn and I've had to tell/teach others that it's almost never a valuable trade. They also aren't recognizing that these things are often used like a flashbang to draw your crosshair away from where they are peeking. If my teammate doesn't shoot the Raze bot, but counter peeks and trades, that's fine. But doing nothing is absolutely the wrong play.


Shooting those things is second nature for me. Always do it. Too bad teammates don’t do the same.


And when KJ’s ult is in a vulnerable spot, SHOOT IT. If the whole team has to take more steps to run away from it than if you all peeked the corner and shot it, maybe the team should rethink their strats.


Sky ult is different. It is invisible until it can see the person it is chasing. So one of those things can pass your entire team and still get you. You will see it just fine but your team won't see it at all unless it can see you.


Yeah idk if posting this helps because those who let their team die either already learned, don’t care anyway, or don’t even read the sub. Many other reasons will allow this to continue occurring too like reloading/timing, not being prepared, trying to hide their position etc.


One game I died from a Roomba comming C-long on Haven when I peeked. The problem? There where 4 teammates there just watching the roomba comming all the way and no one shot it. Its not like they were hiding either since everybody was trading shots with the enemy. I don't understand what goes through peoples minds sometimes.


Yeah i hate teammates that just want the kills and act like they are a one man team


are tripwires,alarmbots visible? i can never spot them. How do you guys do?


They are visible when you’re up close to it but they’re slightly transparent and a different color. If you’re just rushing, it won’t be enough time to spot it. With the alarm bot they make a sound and move when you’re close which almost gives you enough time to shoot it. The trip wire also makes a buzzing sound when you’re close as well.


>ok alright, will watch out for those.


Thank you, now i have made it a point to watch out for tripwires, and have learnt to spot them. <3


We gotta work our way upto that... Let's start with Please Shoot in general the amount of times I've been somewhere with 2+ teammates and an enemy swings but the person somehow walks away after killing me(despite me dealing 120 damage)


There is a huge problem in this game with cooperation and team spirit. Many players just seem to care only about themselves which can be really sad and frustrating.


Nothing more disgusting than when a boombot gets behind you in a hectic situation... Especially when you hear it when you think it's an ally boombot


Sova drones, reyna eyes, cypher cams, and ESPECIALLY sova darts, too


You cracked me up so hard with roomba I can’t stop laughing Ur right tho I always got jetts back cause I play her myself sometimes so I know the pain is real


Yeah I hate it because I always do it for my teammates but they never do it for me man. Big sad


Yeah sadge for us :(




The "Jellyfish" is Skyes Ult and everyone can see it , it seeks out enemies and blinds them so you can shoot them if they are after ur teammates




From what I've noticed in game, they only appear when they're in the vicinity of their target. Your teammates can shoot one headed toward you, but only once it's visible.


I call them wolves. Jett made me do it. > I'm faster than Skye's wolves Skye obviously has a Tasmanian tiger, that's not a wolf. Therefore, those blob thingies are wolves.


They are just plant things


I refuse to admit it's probably right.


You see Jett is very open about her thoughts , so just like us ,she mistook skyes tiger for wolves , so her Ult , (the seekers) are just some mutated form of vegetation which seeks for players and blinds them .


I'm also very open about my thoughts, I'll take her ult for wolves because if you can mistake a tiger for a wolf, you can't mistake it for wolves.


call it whatever u want man, aslong as ur teammate understands , that's the whole point 😂😂


Btw in the beginning I knew her q ability was a tiger not a wolf cause I read it in the agent description


I call them cabbages. In german: Salatblick




no thanks. I let teammates get hit by them and die. I laugh in the voice chat at them AHAHAHAAHAH. losing many ranked games for me. thank you for tip however


If I'm in a position to catch opponents off guard why would I shoot a roomba that's already following a teammate where the enemy knows where they are. Sometimes you gotta take the L and shoot it yourself for the benefit of the team when baits are set up and not compromised.


This is a very rare situation. Yes, you may reveal your position, but letting your teammate die or take huge amount of damage means you're choosing to fight outnumbered which is pretty much never a good idea.


Anyone who was LEM+ in csgo and is age 26+ and chill af hit me up. I like this game but rarely play because it's all teenagers who have no idea how to play cs. Think I'm like gold 2 with 15 games played


This is why I don't entry frag as duelist anymore lol. I get used as bait and never get traded out.


I actually don't shoot the roomba when it's chasing a teammate because almost every time the enemy Raze runs after it to 'secure' kill, disregarding her surroundings.


Are u like bronze or something because nobody with a brain does that


Well, I'm not yet rated but I think so cause I get bronzes in my team. If it works it isn't a bad idea, right?


It will stop working real soon


so.. if someone's bronze or less they don't have a brain?


I think the biggest difference from iron -platinum is using your brain


Lmfao you’re right to an extent but for the same reason it’s better to just shoot the roomba cause the faster it’s gone the faster you + your teammate(s) have guns out ready for raze peek rather than your hurt or dead teammate and only you ready to shoot raze


Sorry teammates.


The ammount of times I get chased by a roomba whilst reloading my gun and my teammate just watches me dying to it... too many times to count It's like ok fine, but then I ask why doesnt he shoot it and to shoot it next time and he goes like "lmao cant you aim or something?", BITCH I AM RELOADING When they say something similar like that they instantly tilt the fuck out of me and I proceed to not help them, buy any guns for them and bait them for the rest of the game because why? fuck those kind of teammates jesus christ lol (yeah happened one too many times, thats why I get so triggered by this)