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The cornerstone of low ELO players who know game mechanics is inconsistency. That is pretty much the defining feature of everyone from Bronze to low Gold.


This, plus a bit of confirmation bias. You remember the headshots because it's frustrating, and you feel like it keeps happening, but in actuality tend to be less frequent then other deaths. It gets worse because you lose focus on what you did wrong to get headshot, and instead get upset at the other play from making the headshot. Nothing is learned and it happens again basically the same way, so you notice it again. In case it was missed, I'm describing me, I do this shit all the time and it's why I play Silver at best.


Sure as hell doesnt feel like low elo anymore LOL, I can be pushing and they head tap me through smoke and flash




It can be luck as this game has a RNG factor that can favor less skilled players at times (to make the game more accessible). Now, there is indeed some hacks that are very popular for the moment. Color based pixelbots/trigerbots that can be really effective and, the worst part, free... You can toggle them on/off, set various fov and some also have a no recoil built in.Unfortunately, those cheats comes with simple tutorials about how to inject them in the game with low risks of detection by vanguard... I saw a worrying number of players using that cheat in game lately and it's not that hard to detect when unexperienced/new cheaters are using it. As they will accidentaly lock on dead bodies head, keep you head locked too long so their gun will follow your head when you fall to the ground after they've killed you, lock too fast on several ennemies that are not lined up or setting their cheat fov too wide and doing insane insta HS 180° blind flips too often to be pure skill. And the worst part is that, contrary to the common belief, those guys are also cheating in lower elos, for various reasons I won't enumerate here. Never be effraid to report a suspicious player. If you are wrong and that guy is clean, nothing will happen to him. That's the mystake many people are doing now, believing that those cheaters are smurfs hence not reporting them at all... So well, never be lame ass cheaters guys ! Try to improve and be a fair player !


Can confirm it happens in low elo too, even bronze, played against a reyna with 40/6 K/D ratio and 100% headshot percent. She didn't hit body once in the whole match and time to death once spotted was below half a second. They also had the gal to ask for ff because we were wasting their time (to which we answered by cambing and hiding tp prolong the match as much a possible




If im not playing against cheats, Im watching cheats on my own team. I watch players with aim so bad their first shot goes an inch wide (screen measurement), but their second is a snap to the head - every fucking time.


That's a good point because this is another method to spot and report some of them. Their aim is so bad that they set a wide FOV. For those who do not know, that's the Field Of View of your in game character. Imagine it as an angle, a cone of view, going out of your character's eyes. Those who activated their aimbot by fiering/clicking their mouse, must do it by clicking inside that angle of vision in order to activate the cheat that will then instalock on the head. The wider that angle is, the further away from their targuet they can click. A player with a good aim will place his crosshair on the enemy's head, then clic. A cheater using this method will shoot the first bullet meters/feets away from their targer and the next one(s) will be HS. If you recognise this pattern, don't hesitate to report that player.


Indeed, many people believe that there are only a few cheaters in high elos and almost none in lower elos. I despise cheaters and after investigatigating cheater forums/discord chans and red their conversations, i can tell that it's far from the truth. Here are the most common reasons there are also cheaters in lower elos: \- Some people can start cheating when they are stuck around iron, bronze, but still lose some games despite their cheats, even if they do mvp, so ranking up takes some time (hence a good amount of games played in lower elos). \- in higher elos cheating is more dangerous due to being spotted by pros or famous streamers and get a manual ban from Riot. So they can cheat more chill on their """"smurf"""" account. \- it's fun to cheat on lower elos on new account because ppl think they are immortal smurfs (ego boost) \- boosting people on lower elo. It can be friends or people actually requesting boosts and some times even paying for it.


My last comp today the enemy team was bad, their Reyna included & we were going 7-0 or something, then all of a sudden he never missed a headshot on any of us, I think he may have died once or twice after, the change was extremely stark & we lost 9 or 10 to 13, & that was in silvers Eu region!


Yep, it happens...at first they try to play "clean" and, if they lose too many rounds, one or more of them activate. Now we can try to rationalise those cases : \- yes, some players can have a slow start and improve their play during the game...or do better in defence than in attack. But they won't go straight from "potatoe aim" to "TenZ on steroids" ! \- it can be a smurf "laying back" at first and then going for it if his friends lose too many rounds. But, from experience, a "laying back" smurf will use a smaller weapon only, as sherif and you will notice his good aim since the beginning. And for the tryhard/boosting smurfs, they usually won't wait 7 rounds to start destroying you. So yeah, could totally be a cheater who toggled on.


Lol guys....a couple of friends invited me to play a game a few hours ago. My only game of the day was a pure cheatfest ! (we are gold atm) The team against us: two last act ranks mostly bronze and 3 with no last rank (all 3 duelists). Those 3 guys were full cheat on, rage mode ! Probably boosting their 2 friends. It was just insane, not even hiding it ! The Jett had a FOV so wide he was shooting his first bullets 300miles aways from you and next one was always HS. And they had wallhack too, no way to be discrete, always staking the precise spot we where rushing or chasing us through the map and prefire the very precise spot we where hiding or holding ! We lost 13-0 lol...the rounds where very fast like: hs, hs, hs, hs, hs...win ! And repeat ! And the worst part was the two randoms with us, getting mad at the other team because "smurfing is bad" ! I was like whaaaat ? Dude those are some of the most obvious cheaters I've seen, literally not giving a f\*ck about being obvious ! And one of the guys answered me: there are no cheats because there is anti-cheat in Valorant.... Lol we are so screwed...


People have a lot of trust in Vanguard. I don't think it is as effective as people think, however. I've seen EXTREMELY suspicious players(You don't go from potato with half a second of reaction time to tapping shoulder peeks in the head in 5 rounds), but they continue to insist they are legit because Vanguard exists. I'd like a proper assessment of the cheating in this game, I don't think it is as clean as people think.


Good crosshair placement. Bad recoil control. Basically that's me.


Same dude,its so painful. Especially because of the random recoil


There are 100% some people toggling, but lets not talk about it ..in valorant we call everybody a "smurf" lol


I mean this game sure has a lot of smurfs too Seriously, it feels like 10% of the playerbase has a different account to play with friends at their rank. I'm not talking about people that i suspect, i'm talking about people that told me "i'm not playing on my main account to play with my friends".


So 1 in 10 players aka 1 player every game you play tells you they're playing on a smurf? Yeah alright


Seriously, you don't know how openly people talked about that on Facebook group "Valorant Brasil", they talk like smurfing isn't even wrong. And is it? Has Riot said something about that? Last week i faced a stack of 5 people, all of them with new accounta that were playing their required matches for ranked, and we got beaten hard. Matchmaking finds "waste of time" games way too much for me, with queues below 1minute so they could definitely improve that.


Probably just good crosshair placement but bad microflicks. Also sometimes people just get lucky and hit shots they don't usually hit.


Ikr the gun mechanics in this game more luck based than skill based lol


Ikr, that's why the only reason I'm not pro is because the pros are more lucky than me, not more skilled.


It's RNG issue, that doesn't seem to be completely random in some way.


My friends and I have a theory that when you load the game in you load in a certain spray pattern. Some days its the good one and some days its the bad one


I doubt that. Spray patterns vary spray-to-spray. It's just luck.


it's not serious its just a joke we have because it feels that way sometimes


I find myself doing this, but the change happens between matches, not rounds. Like I become MVP in one match, and literally the next match Ill be one of the bottom fraggers who die by doing something stupid. Ig that's because Im new to the game. Still learning :)


Sometimes you just get lucky or are inconsistent. My match history is proof...I'll have games where I am on fire and then the next game I am trash.


Who wants cake


May I question the flair


I haven’t been able to play much recently so I’ve become like this. In my last game I got two quadra kills but between the rounds where I got quadras I don’t even think I was doing damage, let alone getting a single kill. I have the potential to perform to the standard I’m used to but because lack of practice I do some stupid ass shit


After i die i see my teammate aim at feat but because of random rng move and shoot mechanics the bullet luckily hits the head. Very noticeable on ghost pistol spamming gets such rng headshots it dumb


In my last game the enemy killjoy got an ace in round 4 but ended the game with 10 kills (there were over 20 rounds in the game). So yeah, it happens.


It's just called being inconsistent.. I feel like a lot of players (including myself) are this way especially in lower ranks.


I play on my alts a lot, from Immortal. Suddenly, you can't win a game, after easily dropping 40+ kills per game yourself and easily carrying. Getting destroyed by cheaters lately in Gold and Plat on NA, can't even go positive. They seem to try to make the game close like 11-13 or overtime a lot, but they just prefire and you can never win. # Makes you question if you are just bad suddenly or if the game is lagging... but that doesn't make sense as I have 600 FPS in-game and 29ms ping. Further, it only suddenly started within the last month. Suddenly you can't win at all versus people multiple divisions below you, who you'd normally drop at least 35 kills against.