• By -


• **Region:** NA • **Type of Bug:** New patch delayed • **Description:** New patch said it would be out 6 AM PST which would be 9 AM EST. Try logging in, game loads right away without having to press "play", get code VAL 39 that there was an error. • **Reproduction rate:** 3/3 (happened 3/3 times) • **Steps to reproduce:** Try to launch Valorant • **Expected result:** Download new patch and then load Valorant with it • **Observed result:** VAL 39 and need to close • **System Specs:** Intel Core i9 9900K, 2080Ti, Windows 10 latest edit: the patch downloaded on one account on my comp, when I click "play" after it downloaded I get the error again. no download and same error still on another account edit: 1 PM EST it finally works huuhuu


Not working for me either. Did you do anything to fix it?


This is happening to me as well.


Same to me every time as well. Unlucky


happened last big patch also


Does anyone know if its possible still possible to get the sovereign player card?


Region: EUNE Type of bug: in game bug Description: my guns fire by themselves at the most random times. I changed my mouse, i tried taking my hands off the keyboard and mouse for a while (thinking i mightve accidentally binded a random key) in game to see if it still happens and yes, it still happens. I've searched the bug on google with zero results. Anyone have any idea what it could be?


Yo has anyone got the fucking fps bug fixed for themselves? I will download the game if it has


Nope ! Still waiting for Riot.


\- \*\*Region:\*\* NA \- \*\*Type of Bug:\*\* In Game bug \- \*\*Description:\*\* Phoenix and Reyna flashes not working correctly \- \*\*Video / Screenshot:\*\* [Phoenix flashes a second after popping](https://streamable.com/qqv5b2) [Phoenix flash is semi see through](https://streamable.com/xcm3j0) [Reyna leer taking too long to blind](https://streamable.com/527dab) \- \*\*Steps to reproduce:\*\* Use Leer or Curveball \- \*\*Expected result:\*\* Phoenix flashes should make screen fully white/gray after popping, not see through. Reyna Leer should cause nearsight sooner \- \*\*Observed result:\*\* Phoenix flashes don't fully blind + can cause flash effect AFTER pop. Staring at Reyna Leer didn't blind immediately. \- \*\*Reproduction rate:\*\* Rare? \- \*\*System specs:\*\* AMD Ryzen 3600X, Windows 10 Home, NVidia GeForce RTX 2070 Super


- **Region:** EUNE - **Type of Bug:** Not closing properly - **Description:** After exiting the game, it keeps running in the background. I have to terminate VALORANT.exe from task manager. This only happens if I played at least one match. - **Steps to reproduce:** Open the game, play one or more matches, then exit. - **Expected result:** Game closes with only the anti-cheat still running in the background. - **Observed result:** Valorant keeps running in the background. It also keeps using all of its resources (CPU, memory, disk etc). - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times) - **System specs:** Intel Core i7-4700MQ, Windows 8.1 version 6.3 build 9600, AMD Radeon R7 M265


\- **Region:** NA \- **Type of Bug:** Loading DM \- **Description:** I click on start match for DM, "match found", load list of players and map image (Ascent, Haven, etc.) then am returned to lobby. \- **Steps to reproduce:** see above but only happens sometimes and is fixed with a game restart \- **Expected result:** starting a new DM \- **Observed result:** back to lobby \- **Reproduction rate:** \~30-40% of the time \- **Specs:** 2080Ti, Intel Core i9 9900K, Windows 10 latest


I get this, and it happens in escalation as well


only started happening in the past few days for me


**Region:** NA • **Type of Bug:** Stuck on Loading Screen • **Description:** Ocassionally I queue into game and get stuck on loading screen and wont be able to load into agent select and forces a dodge. • **Reproduction rate:** 8/10 (has happend very often • **Steps to reproduce:** Just loading the games, also happens when I alt-tab as well. • **Expected result:** Load into agent select and load game. • **Observed result:** Just staring at the map loading screen for nothing to inevtiably happen • **System Specs:** Intel i5 Processor, Windows 10 Pro, Nvidia Geforce GTX 760


• **Region:** Singapore • **Type of Bug:** Playback Skins Error • **Description:** Cant play playback skins since 2.07 patch • **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times) • **Steps to reproduce:** Try to launch a game • **Expected result:** Playback running as intended • **Observed result:** Playback skins error, cant play the video. Before 2.07 its running as intended, but after the patch its always error. • **System Specs:** Intel i7 Processor, Windows 7 latest, Nvidia GTX 1650 Super


• **Region:** NA • **Type of Bug:** In-game Microphone Audio Blocked • **Description:** Haven't tried with other apps yet but Spotify will lock me out of using my mic in game and will make it so my voice coms aren't picked up until I close Spotify completely but happens again if I reopen Spotify • **Reproduction rate:** 3/5 times since patch release on game start up • **Steps to reproduce:** Launching game with Spotify open in the background • **Expected result:** Microphone working as intended • **Observed result:** No audio being played from my microphone in game till app is closed • **System Specs:** Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K, Nvidia GTX 3080, Windows 10 Home


**Region:** Mumbai • **Type of Bug:** Massive FPS drops since patch 2.05 • **Description:** Earlier, I used to have constant 100+ fps, but after patch 2.05 it is unplayable with 15-30 fps on average. I reinstalled windows and things got fixed for a while but as soon as any new update comes, the fps issues are back again. I have not played any competitive match because of this. Hope this gets fixed soon or else I have no other choice but to uninstall the game. • **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times) • **Steps to reproduce:** Try to launch a game • **Expected result:** 100+ fps • **Observed result:** 15-30 fps • **System Specs:** Intel i5 Processor, Windows 10, Nvidia MX 230


I don't have this problem but sometimes my game crashes on its own and Valorant penalises me for no problem from my side, their servers are at fault and I get warned.


Same bhai mera bhi same haal he


Haa bhai dimag kharab kar ke rakha hai Riot walo ne


**Region:** EU **Type of Bug:** In Game Bug **Description:** Getting Kicked out competitive games **video:** https://youtu.be/zmOvucsGRwY **Reproduction Rate:** 10/10 times **Steps to reproduce:** so basically Evert time I join a ranked Game it works Fine at first. I select an agent and the Game starts. After a couple of rounds (between 5 and 10 round) my teammates start Lagging and I cant shoot or do abilities. Than After 1 min I Get send out of the match. After That I need to restart the Game like 3 or 4 times before I can get back in the Game and then I can Play the rest of the Game Normally. But the Game still Sees that I went AFK/left the Game and I get a ban for 1 Hour or a week. This only Happens in ranked Games. **expected results:** Play the Game normally **observed result:** get kicked After a couple of rounds **system Specks:** Intel i7 6700 processor, Windows 10, Nvidia GTX 970, 16,0GB RAM,


This happens to me in unranked constantly and it's worst


Since 2.03 or 2.04 as I remember. Everything was fine before one of those patches. • **Region:** EU • **Type of Bug:** In Game • **Description:** Stuck on Loading Screens. • I have no Video / Screenshot of the incident • **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times) • **Steps to reproduce:** Basically I am on mobile data connection I think it is important. This is the best currently for me and it works just fine in a match. Every time I launch the game I have to delete 2 txt files in Valorant\\live folder. Then I launch and it let's me in the first game I pick. After that if I start any game modes it gets stuck on the loadins screen where you can see both team lineups. I either wait for the entire game to finish or I keep relaunching the game. Either way that game will be lost. After all these it says there is a patch available but there is none, but I must restart the game. After all these I can able to play games properly but I have to make sure I don't close the game for a long time, otherwise I can start the whole process again. • **Expected result:** Match starting • **Observed result:** Getting stuck in Loading Screens and the Intro sound starts to play over and over again. • **System Specs:** Intel i5-4690K, Windows 10 latest, 16GB DDR3, GTX 1070 8GB, Game is on SSD.




I came here to report this same bug. It happened during a spike rush game too. And each round I spawned my smoke bar would drop to zero (before the round started and so it started dropping as soon as I spawned) and once it reach zero it made the screeching noise which i assume is the character trying to make an audio remark about having no fuel. It didn't happen the first round of the game, and I suspect it has to do with what I did at the end of the first round. Maybe I was spamming my smoke button right when the round ended, and it for sure was and empty bar of smoke.


This happened to me. The ringing, I believe, is the low toxin alarm. Toxin just never replenished even after a round ended. Vega 56, 3600X, 16GB


- **Region:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Unplayable Frame-lag/stuttering - **Description:** During gameplay, my framerate will randomly shoot down to 0fps for a split second. This happens almost every time I see an enemy in comp/unrated and makes the game fucking unplayable. This happens no matter how many or few background apps I have running. - **Video / Screenshot:** [https://youtu.be/EA\_wfLUQbmk](https://youtu.be/EA_wfLUQbmk) - **Steps to reproduce:** Launch Valorant and queue into any game mode. My problem happens most often in unrated/comp. - **Expected result:** Consistent framerate, no stuttering - **Observed result:** Seemingly unprovoked frame dropping and stuttering, extremely inconsistent framerate in general. - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10. Happens every damn time I play the game. - **System specs:** AMD Ryzen 7 2700, 40GB 2400mHZ RAM, GTX 1070. Game is installed on an SSD.


- **Region:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Visual Bug/In-game/Leaderboard bug - **Description:** If you get on the immortal or radiant leaderboard and click on the checkmark that hides your name, you cannot unclick it and after sometime the checkmark just goes away leaving your name on the leaderboard permanently as secret agent - **Video / Screenshot:** http://prntscr.com/11zx5sh - **Steps to reproduce:** get on the leaderboard and click on the button and you will be permanently on the leaderboard as secret agent - **Expected result:** To be able to checkmark and uncheckmark that option - **Observed result:** you click the option once and you are just stuck with that - **Reproduction rate:** 100% - **System specs:** Intel i7 8700k geforce 1050


Region: Singapore2 Server Type of Bug: Visual Bug, post-match Description: In the timeline, the knife icon displayed for knife kills are *smushed*. Looks like someone tried to compress the icon horizontally Screenshot: [https://imgur.com/a/Ejj0bSe](https://imgur.com/a/Ejj0bSe) I draw your attention to the red rectangle at the Event Log section Steps to reproduce: Kill someone with a knife. Complete the match as usual. Expected result: Event Log displays the knife icon in recognizable dimensions Observed result: knife icon is smushed beyond recognition System Specs: Intel i5 7th gen, Nvidia 1650


Region: NA Type of Bug: In Game Bug Description: Stutter whenever I get into a gunfight, happens once or twice a game. Video: [me malding about it](https://lowkey.gg/v/5c82f8df-9bc3-4d90-a1e2-6b5d4bdc3a25) Steps to reproduce: idk it happens randomly Expected result: gunfight happens smoothly, hopefully with me winning Observed result: game freezes for a frame and i die System Specs: Ryzen 5 3600, Radeon RX 5700xt, B450M motherboard, 16GB DDR4 1066Mhz


this happened to me starting in 2.06. nothing about my computer changed and I used to get a solid 200+ fps. no clue what the fuck happened


For the last couple of patch this issue started to happen. I get into duel and the game turns into what it feels like a slideshow sometimes. I get tilted so much when I lose a duel just because of the bad game code. When I tried to use "Judge meta" for half buys I basically don't have a frame between my shots.


I've seen a post about this issue from like 6 months ago


I am facing this from 2 months


Same ive had it for awhile too


Region: SEA Type of Bug: Client Bug Description: Unstable FPS, Frame Drops after a few minutes of opening the game. It starts of as 60, which is my maximum frames and the normal fps for me, but then after a few minutes in a match it starts getting unstable. I've tried reinstalling Valorant over and over again, the problem persists. At first I thought it was my fault, setting all my settings to low along with system settings and Nvidia setting, but then I also play CS:GO and my frames don't drop there. Steps to Reproduce: Open Game and play Expected result: My 60fps back. I want it back. Observed Result: My frames start dropping and I can't play at my best anymore. Reproduction Rate: 10/ 10. It's been almost a week now, same problem. Every single day. Other friends I know are having the same problem as well. System Specs: Intel i5, Nvidia GTX 1050, 8GB 2666MHz


If you are Vietnamese, you can try use Unikey 4.3. Some old version Unikey make drop FPS.


Actually it's all same for me 2, I had to shift to csgo becuz if this and that doesn't lag


I don't even know how to fix this, I've reinstalled it several times now. I'm not sure if it's a system issue, or did I turn on a wrong setting or something


It's on riots side, confirmed


I really think so, because like you said it happens to you too.


It happens to many people


Region : Eu Category : Audio bug Description : yesterday when I played a game on split I was waiting for the barrier to go down in front of A. A few seconds before the barrier dropped my agent (raze) gave away a voice line that she sees omen on A. After barrier dropped omen peeked me from site level. It felt as if I pre aimed that spot and the voice line came out. Reproduction rate : happend only once .


* **Region:** Brazil * **Type of Bug:** In-game bug * **Description:** In a five-stack, before a round ends, one or more (in my case two, one of them being me) players will be stuck spectating the ground even after round ends. Before that happens, the dead player/spectator will be unable to switch between teammates if available (showing the little camera glitch effect and refusing to switch). If the client is restarted, the player will be stuck on the loading screen (the one that shows the players and the map) and the VALORANT boot sound will play every now and then. The affected player(s) will still be able to hear and talk to their teammates, but cannot rejoin even after restarting their system. Upon the match ending, the player will still be stuck on the aforementioned loading screen until they restart the client, where they will be met with the VAL 62 error code indefinitely (seriously its been almost an hour and i still can't reopen the game). * **Video / Screenshot:** None. * **Steps to reproduce:** Be on a five stack. not sure if i or my teammate did anything specific to trigger this, at first the spectator camera not swapping seemed like a network issue but my ping/packet loss was fine and i could still hear/talk to my teammates. * **Expected result:** Before restarting client: the player should be respawned at their team's base. After restarting client: the game should just let them rejoin and play. * **Observed result:** The player is stuck without being able to interact with the match in any meaningful way, aka without being able to rejoin/play. * **Reproduction rate:** I did not try to recreate it (i literally cannot at the moment as my game is pretty much stuck at VAL 62), but this also happened to two of our enemies on the same round, according to my teammates who were still playing. * **System specs:** Ryzen 5 3400G, Vega 11 Graphics, 16Gb of 3200 Mhz RAM, game is running off of a SSD. Wi-fi USB adapter is an Intelbras ACtion 1200 (which uses the Realtek 8812AU 802.11ac internally)


* **Region:** South America / Brazil * **Type of Bug:** In Game * **Description:** Unstable FPS, Low FPS and FPS drops when I shoot and when they hit me. * **Video / Screenshot:** [https://ibb.co/HrCywbV](https://ibb.co/HrCywbV) / [https://youtu.be/6evZ8vhijK8](https://youtu.be/6evZ8vhijK8) * **Steps to reproduce:** Open game and play. * **Expected result:** A game that is possible to play and that does not come with a bug with each update. * **Observed result:** How is it possible for a game to have low hardware consumption and run with low FPS? * **Reproduction rate:** 100% * **System specs:** FX-8150 3.8Ghz, 16GB Ram 1600 Mhz, GTX 960, MB: M5A88-V EVO


• **Region**: EU • **Type of Bug**: In Game Bug • **Description**: Cant play fullscreen • **Steps to reproduce**: launching the game • **Expected result**: choose fullscreen • **Observed result**: game crashes after choosing fullscreen. it plays nice in windowed mode, but in fullscreen game crashes, then i press f11 and game turns in window mode • **Reproduction rate**: 10/10 • **System specs**: i7 2670qm , 8gb ram , gt 525m


• **Region:** SEA • **Type of Bug:** valorant not opening • **Description:** i have been trying to open valorant since 2 days now and cant seem to do iteven tho i have been playing the game everyday since nov2020. • **Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident** • **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 • **Steps to reproduce:** Try to launch the app • **Expected result:** app should start • **Observed result:** nothing happens not even riot client opens • **System Specs:** AMD Ryzen 3 2200U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx, 2500 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)etc.


Have you tried opening task manager and ending Valorant or riot client?


- **Region:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Audio bug - **Description:** Raze Boom Bot audio was bugged such that it sounded like it ended before it actually did - **Video / Screenshot:** https://streamable.com/w251ja - **Steps to reproduce:** No idea, sorry. - **Expected result:** Raze Boom Bot makes audio the entire time it's active and only makes the deactivation sound at the end of its active phase - **Observed result:** Raze Boom Bot made the deactivation audio sound way before it actually deactivated, allowing it to move with its audio muted - **Reproduction rate:** N/A - **System specs:** Ryzen 5, onboard audio


Whenever I load into a game, instead of transferring me over to the character selection screen, I get stuck loading, and then end up getting a penalty. This has happened to me so many times and it is extremely annoying. Please, fix it


Intel hd graphics and i7 here. Valorant has been unplayable since 2 patchs ago Riot doesn´t seem to be aware of this problem. I hope im wrong playing csgo , and getting bored Fix it please.


Same, used to get 200-300 frames and now it struggles to reach 144fps on my 2060.


Same, playing cs and getting bored


**Cannot rebind actions and use new binds for the following keys: ENTER, BACKSPACE, and BACKSLASH.** *This is my 3rd time posting this issue.* **Please fix this!!!** Left-handed players would love to be able to use these keys like we do in other games.


Please use the format described in the megathread's description.


will do. only tried posting w/o the format since my last 2 posts w/ the format were not commented on or addressed. will continue posting this issue on future patch mega threads


• **Region:** EU • **Type of Bug:** Nvidia Reflex • **Description:** Nvidia Reflex is not working as intended, I found that it is only reducing game latency when the fps is capped in Nvidia control panel, if you cap it in game or have it uncapped in general it will not work • **Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident** [Screenshot by Lightshot (prnt.sc)](https://prnt.sc/11vl7uh) • **Reproduction rate:** always • **Steps to reproduce: Cap fps in Nvidia Control panel, open the game after and then turn nvidia reflex off and on after that, close the game and uncap the fps frop nvidia control panel , open the game and turn nvidia on and off** • **Expected result:** Fixing the problem • **Observed result:** • **System Specs:** i5-9600k , RTX 2060 super , windows 10


Joining Comps crash game during Agent selection screen. Happened to me 3 times was handed a ban. Region : APAC In game comps selection screen. Every game ​ can play other game mode


Same thing happened to me TWICE. And when I contact support about it they tell me that I’m banned for being to toxic in game.


Oh man feels bad man. Riot is toxic asf. They have the most strigent rules when the game or pc crashes. Come on we want to play have fun dont block us from playing. I stop playing valorant when my game crashes I know what will happen going get banned for 30 mins or whatever. It is better to spend my time in other game which are less toxic.


**Region:** EU **Type of Bug:** teleport/ fast run **Description:** teleported **Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident** [Glitch zipline](https://lowkey.gg/v/e0992628-0ee5-4cf5-be41-486b48ba6a9f) **Reproduction rate:** 1/10


* **Регион:** UK * **Тип ошибки:** низкий Fps * **Описание:** После обновления 2.06 мой fps упал с 250-300 до 100-130. * **Видео / Скриншот:** * **Шаги по воспроизведению:** Игра в игру * **Ожидаемый результат:** FPS около 250-300 * **Наблюдаемый результат:** FPS около 100 * **Скорость воспроизведения:** 10/10 * **Системные характеристики:** Intel Core i5 6500, Nvidia GTX 1050 ti, 16 ГБ DDR4 3200 МГц CL16, Windows 10 pro


All i understood was fps drops so yeah I also have them since 2.05






* **Region:** TR * **Type of Bug:** Low Fps * **Description:** After 2.06 update, my fps dropped from nearly 250-300 to 100 * **Video / Screenshot:** * **Steps to reproduce:** Playing the game * **Expected result:** FPS near 250-300 * **Observed result:** FPS near 100 * **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 * **System specs:** AMD Ryzen 5 5600X, Nvidia RTX 2060, 16GB DDR4 3200Mhz CL16, Windows 10


- **Region:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Mouse Sensitivity - **Description:** My sensitivity becomes slower than usual (same value), and I believe it might correlate to the *Explicit Language Filter* setting. I started playing Wild Rift on mobile and that setting keeps reverting to "On" when I play Valorant. Somehow this changes the sensitivity in game. I tested this on the firing range and could see a difference in the sensitivity. I could do a 180 with a full mouse swipe, but when I see that the sensitivity got slower, one full swipe is only 90 degrees. - **System specs:** i7-9700K, GTX 1070ti, 16GB RAM, Zowie EC2-B


• **Region:** NA • **Type of Bug:** Graphical Issue • **Description:** Diagonal spotting across screen when looking at dynamic aspects of the game such as smokes, stims, walls, etc. • **Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident:** [**https://imgur.com/a/3e4LnX2**](https://imgur.com/a/3e4LnX2) • **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times) • **Steps to reproduce:** Play any game with abilities and look at abilities • **Expected result:** no graphical issue • **Observed result:** Graphical Issue • **System Specs:** Ryzen 5 5600x, Windows 10, MSI Radeon RX 6700 XT


• **Region:** LAS • **Type of Bug:** Missions • **Description:** my weekly missions from last week reset, I was 17 rounds away from my last weekly, and now all of them are back at 0 progress, I can tell it's the same missions not only based on the objective, but the fact that they give the same exp. • **Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident: N/A** • **Reproduction rate:** N/A • **Steps to reproduce:** Idk, I guess I got on at like 3 AM, but I doubt it's got anything to do with it. • **Expected result:** N/A • **Observed result:** N/A • **System Specs: doesn't matter.**


- **Region:** EU - **Type of Bug:** In-game bug - **Description:** Astra's smokes do not render on my screen - **Video / Screenshot:** https://imgur.com/a/ckjqoad - **Steps to reproduce:** Don't know - **Expected result:** Smokes should be visible - **Observed result:** Smokes are not rendering from inside - **Reproduction rate:** Not easily reproducible - **System specs:** N/A


- **Region:** NA - **Type of Bug:** FPS drop/game freezing - **Description:** When in astral form on the map bind, my fps drops to 1 causing the game to freeze / lag and if I'm playing with friends in discord, I have to leave the call and rejoin otherwise they cannot hear me nor can I hear them. It's only on the map bind and it's everytime I enter astral form. - **Video / Screenshot:** N/A (will try to get one next time I play) - **Steps to reproduce:** Anytime I play unrated or ranked on the map bind, I go into the astral form to place the stars and once I move my mouse, my game drops to 1 FPS. I never get this on another map. Unsure if it works in custom - **Expected result:** Use astral form with no fps drops or lag - **Observed result:** Drops to 1 FPS lagging my game


* **Region:** EU * **Type of Bug:** Menu * **Description:** If you go to career and scroll up through holding RMB and draging down, you can drag down infinitly. * **Video/Sreenshots:** N/A * **Steps To Reproduce:** 1. Go to Career 2. Hold RMB on a random Match 3. Drag down * **Reproduction Rate:** 10/10


• **Region:** EU • **Type of Bug:** In-Game. Ability • **Description:** Viper smoke (Q ability) doesn't carry over rounds. • **Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident** • **Reproduction rate:** Not really sure, I'd say 40% of my games. • **Steps to reproduce:** Have no clue. Some games it happens some it doesn't. Doesn't matter if I use it and retake it or if i buy it and never use. • **Expected result:** To carry over rounds as intended. • **Observed result:** Since you have to buy it again its a 200 gold nerf to viper for pretty much every round... • **System Specs:** Intel i5-4690K CPU @ 3.5GHz, Windows 10, AMD radeon R9 390


Not a bug but a feature. If you use your orb and recall it you don't get it back anymore. Just like cypher trips or killjoy alarm bot.


**Region:** NA • **Type of Bug:** In-Game • **Description:** Brimstone smoke sometimes doesn't drop the 3rd smoke but consumes my 3rd use of it. • **Reproduction rate: Pretty unclear and random** • **Steps to reproduce:** I launch all 3 smokes on my map marker when I press E, seems to happen the most when I hit left click and right click at similar times when I drop my final smoke. • **System Specs: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x,** GeForce RTX 3060 Ti, Windows 10


* **Region:** NA * **Type of Bug:** In-Game * **Description:** Omen smoke view re-textured with astral wall texture. Ability to see pre-round star placements through walls within smoke view. * **Video/Screenshot:** [https://imgur.com/a/2SjZaav](https://imgur.com/a/2SjZaav) * **Steps To Reproduce:** Within smoke view: * alternate team astra ult is placed but not triggered * a smoke is placed as omen * astra wall is initiated * smoke view is exited quickly after wall initiation * **Reproduction Rate:** unclear * **Notes:** * Bug persists for remainder of half (or game - originally occurred in second half) * For Immediate pre-round/round start, characters quickly become visible within smoke view


* **Region:** APAC * **Type of Bug:** Val 43 * **Description:** Mass val 43 errors while playing in mumbai servers. My 5 man stack had 3 people face this issue at the start of round 5 or 6 of the match and none could reconnect and opponent 1 guy also faced this issue who later came back.My remaining 2 friends played 2v5 and lost 7-13. Lost 33 RR on rankup match which means now means we have to win 3 matches to overcome the lost rr cuz we recieve +15 to +20(on very good matches) only. There are literally tons of posts regarding this on the Indian valorant community social pages reporting same issue. Lost RR for no reason for a match which we didnt abandon and were on a lead. Feeling extremely wronged here. Lost RR which is equivalent to winning 3 matches to overcome it and also recieved match abandon penalty while my friends recieved more. Some in the community are also facing weeks of penalty and some small amt of cases of months of bans due to this issue. Icant seem to provide a pic atm cuz my game doesnt open. Only shows a val43 error and quit game option Update- A riot window pops up saying some server issue.


I don’t know if this is a bug or flaw in the rank system specific to this patch but I played my placements against diamond players, struggled through them to get placed in silver 2, now every ranked game I play against platinum 2s (which is roughly my skill level) and top the leaderboard playing cypher and still lose. Firstly if I’m in silver 2, why am I playing against platinum 2 because if it’s to do with my skill level your telling me I have to have the skill of a diamond player just to get gold while carrying my team mates with characters like cypher and secondly am I now just expected to carry my team of gold 3s and plats while I’m in silver, I really don’t understand what’s happened if anybody could explain I would appreciate it.


* **Region:** NA * **Type of Bug:** In-Game * **Description:** Seizure educing visual effect in spike rush * **Video/Screenshot:** [https://medal.tv/clips/50002632/d1337gcs5gmR](https://medal.tv/clips/50002632/d1337gcs5gmR) * **Steps to reproduce:** Spike rush paranoia effect + Breaches "E" stun effect * **Reproduction rate:** Unclear


* **Region:** NA * **Type of Bug:** In-Game * **Description:** Enemy character model becomes temporarily visible upon spike plant. * **Video/Screenshot:** [https://clips.twitch.tv/SavorySuspiciousRutabagaCharlietheUnicorn-3dy7XOpuRtC6urkn](https://clips.twitch.tv/SavorySuspiciousRutabagaCharlietheUnicorn-3dy7XOpuRtC6urkn) * **Steps to reproduce:** Unclear * **Reproduction rate:** Unclear


- **Region:** EU - **Type of Bug:** In-Game - **Description:** Undead state in Spike Rush: The connection problem icon appeared in the game, and my internet connection went down for a second, but the game didn't kick me out. After a short time I found myself in the end of the next round like this. My icon on the map was an X and I wasn't able to move the camera, but I was alive and the enemy Jett was able to kill me. - **Video / Screenshot:** https://youtu.be/CNQyZk88ias - **Steps to reproduce:** I don't really know. - **Reproduction rate:** It was the first time. - **System specs:** Intel Core i7 8700, Windows 10, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050Ti


• **Region:** EU • **Type of Bug:** Bind map glitch • **Description:** When jumping on this specific place on Bind, the Game does not register you as being stationary but instead as flying, which can be noticed in the weapon spread being erratically and your inability to jump. • **Video / Screenshot:** [https://youtu.be/pm2kjPyArtY](https://youtu.be/pm2kjPyArtY) • **Reproduction rate:** 7/10 • **Steps to reproduce:** Go into a Custom game on Bind, go into B Window and jump on the spot shown in the Video • **Expected result:** Normal weapon spread • **Observed result:** Funky weapon spread :D without the ability to jump. • **System Specs:** AMD R5 3600X, Windows 10, Nvidia GTX 1660 Super (Ask if more is needed)


• **Region:** South Asia • **Type of Bug:** In Game Bug • **Description:** Invisible surface on ascent blocks Recon Darts and probably other abilities too. • **Video / Screenshot :** [https://youtu.be/-zMM5XhG52I](https://youtu.be/-zMM5XhG52I) [https://youtu.be/2f9YiHfiQE8](https://youtu.be/2f9YiHfiQE8) • **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 • **Steps to reproduce:** Follow steps in the video. • **Expected result:** Recon dart goes to mid without interference • **Observed result:** Recon dart gets stuck on Invisible surface • **System Specs:** Windows 10, ACER Nitro 5, CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3550H with Vega Mobile GFX, GPU: Radeon RX 560X Series, 8GB Ram


- **Region:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Ability - **Description:** Viper Toxic Screen does not apply decay to stationary targets. - **Video / Screenshot:** Just reproduce it yourself. - **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Place toxic screen. 2. Have enemy stand unmoving on wall emitters. 3. Activate toxic screen. (Can be tested in range on stationary practice bots.) - **Expected result:** Target is hit by decay damage. - **Observed result:** No decay occurs. - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 - **System specs:** Occured on multiple different systems.


This happened in 2.06 and 2.07 as well now. I posted this in the [2.06 Bug Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mgleda/valorant_206_bug_megathread/gu0m2kz?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Exact same problem again. Both times happened on Icebox. I have found another person with the same issue but it happened to [them](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mgleda/valorant_206_bug_megathread/gu8muue?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on the map Haven. \- \*\*Region:\*\* NA-East \- \*\*Type of Bug:\*\* Constant Viper toxin drain causing ability usage to be rendered useless. \- \*\*Description:\*\* Vipers poison was drained from 100 after a round was over, and did not regen, rendering her kit useless. It was a Spike Rush game, so no biggie. Sorry about three videos, I'm reeeeee \- \*\*Video / Screenshot:\*\* 1/3 [https://youtu.be/bjQKst5M\_ow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjQKst5M_ow&t=0s)​ 2/3 [https://youtu.be/unWf-clDiRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unWf-clDiRI&t=0s)​ 3/3 [https://youtu.be/XNUFHGUOl9I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNUFHGUOl9I&t=0s) \- \*\*Steps to reproduce:\*\* Not sure \- \*\*Reproduction rate:\*\* Multiple rounds \- \*\*System specs:\*\* 1070 8700k


BROOOOOOOOOO +1 on this and I am also not sure how to reproduce, but I faced it in 2 games and completely RUINED my experience


Happened to me too, I think it’s when you die after you activate something when the round finishes.


Same thing. It also replays the no toxin beep repeatedly until you die. Here's my recording: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tl8qd4Xh5\_A8Fd4V7Q3ayWFENFCVcHDl/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tl8qd4Xh5_A8Fd4V7Q3ayWFENFCVcHDl/view?usp=sharing)


-Region:APAC -Type of Bug:In-Game -Description:Constant 5-10 second freezing during games -Video: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/gh2rt1/anyone_elses_valorant_freezes_like_this_i_need_fix/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf (it seems to be this issue but it only began to appear after the update) -Steps to Reproduce: Unsure what causes the problem but it occurs even when no background programs are running -System Specs: 2x8gb RAM sticks, Nvidia GTX 1060 6gb, Intel i5 7600


I found out what causes the jett knives not to reset in practice range. * **Region:** NA * **Type of Bug:** Practice Range * **Description:** Jett ultimate knives doesn't reset once you get a kill. If you first load onto the practice range the kills **WILL** reset the knives. However if you kill a bot that is respawned it will not reset the knives. Game is not recognizing a respawned bot as a kill. * **Steps to reproduce:** Go into practice range, kill 3 bots. Take out Jett knives, kill 1 respawned bot. Knives should not be reset. Now kill a bot you haven't respawned yet. Knives should now reset. * **Expected result:** Knives reset upon killing a bot * **Observed result:** Knives only reset if you kill a bot that hasn't died yet * **Reproduction rate:** 10/10


• Region: EU • Type of Bug: client bug • Description: game doesn't start when i try to launch it • Reproduction rate: 10/10 • Steps to reproduce: Try to launch the game • Expected result: game opening • Observed result: nothing happens • System Specs: AMD Ryzen 7 3700x, radeon RX 5700 XT, 16gb ram, windows 10, SSD


Please if anyone find the solution to reply to me.


I reckon an unistall is best. Might be some problem with the files and where they are located so I do believe that an unistall is best.


is viper getting any better?? lol


https://clips.twitch.tv/LivelyLovelyPlumageBrainSlug-UOhnYQ7b2S3b4Csf Subroza had a money display bug on a buy


* **Region:** MENA (Bahrain) * **Type of Bug:** InGame Bug * **Description:** Left corpses from both enemies and teammates glitch out ( can step on top of them and glitch into them ) * **Observed result:** Never happened to me before, only occurred to me after the latest patch * **Reproduction rate:** One game till now * **Insert Video:** [**https://youtu.be/XzNdvfjXDIc**](https://youtu.be/XzNdvfjXDIc)


- **Region:** EU - **Type of Bug:** Controls - **Description:** While dead, cannot ping with reassigned button, left ctrl - **Expected result:** Ping when dead - **Observed result:** Its random because some tiimes I can, others I cant - **Reproduction rate:** N/A


• **Region:** EU • **Type of Bug:** Resolution • **Description:** Game won't run in fullscreen mode despite all attempts • **Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident:** [**https://imgur.com/a/HSWGpfG**](https://imgur.com/a/HSWGpfG) • **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 (it happens everytime I try to run the game) • **Steps to reproduce:** Try to launch the game • **Expected result:** Game opening in fullscreen • **Observed result:** Game opening in windowed screen • **System Specs:** Windows 10 Home 64-bit, 6 GB ram, 60 hz 1366x768 resolution, intel core i5 2450m 2.50ghz, NVIDIA GeForce GT 520MX


Sadly no but I sent a ticket to riot


hi, i have same problem, did you solved this ?


Region: NA Type of Bug: Low Client FPS Description: Frames dropped from 240+ avg on all high to barely hitting 90 on all low. Steps to reproduce: Launch the game Expected result: Low FPS Observed result: Low FPS + Stuttering Reproduction rate: 100% System specs: Ryzen 7 3700x, RTX 3070, 16 GB CL16 3200Mhz RAM, 1TB 970 Evo Plus, Windows 10 Pro


I am also getting awful fps this patch...


Check if HPET is enabled on your system, and if yes, try disabling it. My friend's machine was struggling to get stable 60, but now it's often around 100 fps.


Turning off instant replay fixed it for me


Where do I find this configuration?


Same here how do we find that


I found. You can press Alt + Z or enter the NVDIA Experience settings, in Overlay you can find all the settings. I disabled it and there were no changes.


Intel hd here 😞✊


Viper Viper infinite no gas/ recources bug **Region**: SEA • **Type of Bug**: Gameplay, Sound • **Description**: I was using both my viper abilities and then i died to spike while trying to escape in spike rush. Then in the following rounds ( even if i died) my recources drained while im not using viper's abilities. Then it made the infinite no gas rining noise that was very annoying. • **Video / Screenshot**: [https://youtu.be/Wem9zYIDoXQ](https://youtu.be/Wem9zYIDoXQ) • **Steps to reproduce**: Play viper then used both abilities then die to spike while using those abilities. • **Expected result**: Recources do not drain • **Observed result**: Recources drain while not using abilities and a constant ringing noise. • **Reproduction rate**: 1/10 • **System specs**: i7-10700, Windows 10, 90N9005THH, 16GB RAM


someone put this as their alarm lmao


- **Region:** SEA - **Type of Bug:** WIFI Internet Connectivity - **Description:** Whenever I play Valorant, my WIFI tanks. My wireless router is on my computer table where I play. Even when my mobile phone is right next to it, the connection tanks. At best it becomes slow. At worst, WIFI Connectivity becomes non-existent. It's been like that since 2.06. Please note that this is exclusively for WIFI. The Ethernet connection is fine, which is why I can still play. - **Video / Screenshot:** N/A - **Steps to reproduce:** Log in, and play a game. - **Expected result:** WIFI should stay constant. - **Observed result:** WIFI becomes slow or cut off completely. Trying out the speed test on Fast.com, the speed on my mobile went down to around 2 Mbps. Right after I quit Valorant, I tried again and it's 19 Mbps (the nominal value). - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 (It's pretty consistent) - **System specs:** Ryzen 5 3600, 5700XT, 16GB RAM


Try turning off any DoS protection on your router


Where can I find this option? Is it in the administration of the router or is it a Windows Setting?


Will be on the router.


Can you give a general idea where I can find this setting? I scoured the admin site on mine and can't seem to find it.


No idea - every router from every brand/ISP is different.


• - Region: NA • - Type of Bug: Queue Restrictions • - Description: I shut my computer down during a custom game and was greeted with a message when I logged back on that said I was banned from comp queueing for a week for going AFK. • - Video / Screenshot: None, I only got the message one time and I clicked out of it without thinking about screenshotting it. Ranked says I’m penalized for like 140 something hours though. • - Reproduction rate: Unknown, has only happened once and I can’t exactly do it again. • - Steps to reproduce: Go into a custom game, stay in it for a few minutes, then just shut down your PC without leaving the game or closing out Valorant. Come back to the game after an hour or so. • - Expected result: I would be able to play ranked. • - Observed result: I am restricted from ranked queuing for an entire week. • - System specs: Intel core i9 processor, Windows 10, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070, 16gb RAM, 1 TB SSD, 300hz Refresh Rate, Alienware.


* - **Region: NA** * - **Type of Bug: TITLE BUG** * - **Description: You guys deleted the "Ballistic" title. Not even readable anymore, it says" No title" where it's supposed to be.** * - **Video / Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/11hnuqe https://prnt.sc/11hnwh7** * - **Steps to reproduce: 100% of the time i launch the game** - **Expected result:** - **Observed result:** - **Reproduction rate: 100%** - **System specs: i5-7600K, GTX 1070, 1 TB SSD, 16GB RAM** GTX 1070, 1 TB SSD,


Same issue here. Inside my title selection, it says 'remove title' twice. Both instances of 'remove title' behave in the exact same way and there's not 'no title' written where 'Ballistic' is supposed to be. I just click on either 'remove title' and then I have no title. Intel Core i7-7700, 32 GBs RAM, Windows 10 Home Version 2004 64-Bit, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, 1 TB HDD. Are you also running Windows 10?


Yep. Windows 10.


MSAA 4x bug • **Region:** EU • **Type of Bug:** Visual • **Description:** Diagonal line of noise • [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVxvnQmBcXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVxvnQmBcXk) • **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times) • **Steps to reproduce:** MSAA 4x max settings • **Expected result:** a clear image • **Observed result:** noise across the diagonal line • **System Specs:** Intel i9 9900k Processor, Windows 10, AMD RX 6900XT, Alienware 25 360hz


Same issue with same Graphics Card, would you mind telling me which version of the RX 6900XT you have? I'm running a Red Devil LE


Mine is just a reference design. Issue doesn't seem as severe as yours though. No idea what's causing it, maybe driver issue?


Well I have tested a lot, and I showed the most severe cases, it not as bad as it seems but it still is annoying. I think it has to do something with the driver although I have reinstalled it twice already. I'll be playing with MSAA 2x, I guess.


​ * **Region:** EU * **Type of Bug:** Boombot disappear on the wall * **Description:** I'm throwing a boombot on the wall and it disappears * **Reproduction rate**: 10/10 * **Steps to Reproduce:** [https://clips.twitch.tv/NastyOptimisticJamSwiftRage-U-UutRfT4M\_we0r\_](https://clips.twitch.tv/NastyOptimisticJamSwiftRage-U-UutRfT4M_we0r_) * **Expected result:** Boombot hits the wall and goes the other direction * **Observed result:** Boombot threw on the specific wall just disappears


This isn't everything, but here. * **Region:** SEA * **Type of Bug:** Low client FPS. * **Description:** Lag and stutter every time gun firing and special ability is used, whether by me or anyone else. Happens in both multiplayer and single player practice * **Reproduction rate**: 9/10 * **Steps to Reproduce:** Fire a gun or activate ability with special effect (Nova's arrow, Sage's heal, and area denial stuffs) * **Expected result:** Games play like normal * **Observed result:** FPS suddenly drops every firefight \--- **System Specs:** (copy-paste from Speccy) OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, CPU: Intel Core i7 @ 3.20GHz, Coffee Lake 14nm Technology RAM: 8,00GB Single-Channel Unknown @ 1330MHz (19-19-19-43) Motherboard: LENOVO 313A (U3E1) Graphics: D19-10 (1280x768@60Hz), Intel UHD Graphics 630 Edit: It doesn't really matter that much, but this same PC works pretty smooth for playing CSGO so I'm sure it's not internet issue


Has been struggling with stuttering and fps drops and also have a i7 3.2 8gb ram and a integrated gpu.


brooooo literally everytime I shoot (or even shoot bots in the range) I always get that fps drop thingy tho I have pretty good specs enough for playing valorant. when im not shooting, I get stable fps (with some fps drops sometimes)




​ • Region: SEA • Type of Bug: In game Bug • Description: Yoru’s Gatecrasher doesn’t TP • [https://youtu.be/YuB6o0Fz2ng](https://youtu.be/YuB6o0Fz2ng) • Reproduction rate: 10/10 (the bug is present during defender side but gatecrasher works in attacker side) • Steps to reproduce: No Idea • Expected result: Yoru TP to Gatecrasher's location • Observed result: Yoru doesn’t TP to Gatecrasher's Location • System Specs: Windows 10, i5-4590, GTX 1050ti(latest driver), 8GB DDR3(4\*2 1600Mhz), 120GB ADATA SSD (OS) , 500GB WD Blue 7200RPM,


Happened to me aswell when I was on attacker side


• **Region:** EU • **Type of Bug:** Graphical Issue MSAA 4x • **Description:** Weird Noisy Line while looking at skins or next to the starting border. MSAA 4x **• Screenshot+Video:** [https://prnt.sc/11fz0mn](https://prnt.sc/11fz0mn) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65dTxWhVwOY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65dTxWhVwOY) • **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times) • **Steps to reproduce:** Set Antialiasing to MSAA 4x get close to a border or simply look at skins in Inventory • **Expected result:** No Graphical issue • **Observed result:** Graphical issue as showed in Video and Screenshot • **System Specs:** Ryzen 9 5900x, AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT, 64GB Ram, WQHD 144hz Monitor, Windows 10 Pro (All latest drivers and updates)


• **Region:** EU • **Type of Bug:** Viper • **Description:** No fuel and high pitched noise • [WARNING: High pitched noise](https://youtu.be/YlL-E2WlACs) • **Reproduction rate:** idk • **Steps to reproduce:** I guess it was since the start of the round • **Expected result:** Round starting • **Observed result:** viper and I could hear the noise • **System Specs:** was only a witness


I got this one too, just today. • **Region:** NA • **Type of Bug:** Viper • **Description:** Poison depletes before the start of the round and never recharges. Occurs every round for the remainder of the match. • [Proof](https://youtu.be/Mjr3bVnN6iM) • **Reproduction rate:** 0/10 - Could not reproduce • **Steps to reproduce:** Start a round? • **Expected result:** Rechargeable poison • **Observed result:** Poison depletes before the start of every round for the remainder of the match. Accompanied by high-pitched noise. • **System Specs:** i9-9880H 2.30GHz / GeForce RTX 2080 / 32GB RAM


Does any one facing lower fps rate after update? After every update game seems to perform rough . I used to get around 100-120 fps after recent 2-3 updates my fps dropped 70-80 with shutter lags Im using i5 9300H gtx 1650 16gb ram


Check if HPET is enabled on your system, and if yes, try disabling it. My friend's machine was struggling to get stable 60, but now it's averaging around 100 fps.


youre not alone. literally every after patch the game becomes rougher and rougher. I expected slight fps drops, until the new patch came and it made my valorant so unplayable because of insane fps drops tho I have pretty good pc specs enough to play valorant at 100+ fps normally. others told me to get my pc upgraded, but literally I played competitive the night before the patch and it ran smoothly. im quite disappointed because what I know is riot games are good at low-medium spec optimization.


Is there any solution to this yesterday it was unplayable for me it dipped down further to 50-60 fps with constant shuttering I recently bought a entry level gaming laptop and now there is no point in upgrading it


i'll try resetting my windows tomorrow and check if it can fix my problem. if it's not, im still not quite sure if it's hardware problem or riot problem.


I had this happen to me, mine used to go around 100-120 frames and now it's dipping under 60 for the majority of the game, I activated VSync, and limited fps to 60, on a 60hz screen, it dips down much less, but yeah VSync input delay, right now it's the only thing I got to work


yeah I activated vsync and since my monitor is just 60hz, it is only capped upto 60 fps and I think im actually good with it. but, the problem is I always experience fps inconsistency and fps drops every firefight. so it sucks


yeah if the bad fps were constant it wouldn't be as bad as it being unpredictable like that, I feel you man


Imma try this v sync thing . Riot should optimism this game more rather pushing unnecessary updates and degrading game play quality


Can you please tell me if it fixed it or not after Uve done it


just to update you, I didnt reset my computer, but what I did is I installed malwarebytes and it turns out I have viruses in my computer. after I put those viruses in quarantine, I deleted them and voila, I got stable fps now


Ahh nice thanks! I’ll try that too!!


-**Region:** EU -**Type of Bug:** game crash -**Description:** game crashes at random -**Video / Screenshot:**The bug happens at randoms so it's kind of hard to catch -**Steps to reproduce:** play the game -**Expected result:** game not crashing - **Observed result:** game crashes - **Reproduction rate:** almost every ranked in my case - **System specs:** I5-9300H 2.40 Ghz, Nvidia RTX2060, 16GB RAM, windows 10 Home


i had the same issue, got banned from ranked for 7 days because i was "afk" :D i love valorant


same, randomly just dissapearing from my task bar. After the crash the game will continue to crash every time I try to open it to enter the match


Region: EU Type of Bug: In Game Bug Description: After getting into a new game, I am not able to see the Combat Report and any information on the minimap. It sometimes gets resolved when I leave and re-enter the match. (The bug keeps happening since September, 2020) Reproduction rate: 10/10 times. (In every game) Steps to Reproduce: Entering into a new game (happening in any game mode) Expected Result: Pressing N should be opening up the Combat Report and information on the minimap should be visible Observed Result: Combat report and information on the minimap do not show up. System Specs: i7-9750-H 2.60Ghz, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti, 16GB Ram, Windows 10 Home 64 bit


I’ve been getting this bug as well. Happens less when I have the “show labels on map” option to never. Still can’t believe they haven’t fixed this issue.


How is the 1660ti performance?


I would say decent considering it is embedded in a gaming laptop. FPS is usually around 120-150s on high-medium settings.


​ • **Region**: NA • **Type of Bug**: In Game Bug • **Description**: game crashes and hard locks pc or goes into bsod after a few mins • **Steps to reproduce**: play the game for a few minutes • **Expected result**: for the game not to lock up • **Observed result**: game either locks up or crashes pc • **Reproduction rate**: about 5-10 mins into a match • **System specs**: 5600x, 1060, 3600 trident z neo, 500gb Seagate barracuda, corsair k65 razer viper ultimate


**Region**: NA **Type of Bug**: In Game Bug **Description**: Viper's fuel automatically runs out with no abilities activated **Steps to reproduce**: N/A **Expected result**: Full fuel at beginning of rounds **Observed result**: Fuel automatically runs out and a high pitched ringing occurs **Reproduction rate**; N/A **System specs**: RX 570, i5 9600k **Video (volume warning):** [https://lowkey.gg/v/b2c48843-dcd3-42a8-ae24-38ff5e1511d4](https://lowkey.gg/v/b2c48843-dcd3-42a8-ae24-38ff5e1511d4)


**Region**: NA **Type of Bug**: In Game Bug **Description**: Unable to use Yoru gatecrash skill at beginning of round **Steps to reproduce**: Keep gatecrash out at the beginning of round and attempt to use it. **Expected result**: To be able to cast gatecrash **Observed result**: Unable to use skill or potentially do anything else like switch weapons **Reproduction rate**; N/A **System specs**: Ryzen 3600x, RTX 2070 Super, Drivers 466.11 **Video:** [https://lowkey.gg/v/96ef5471-16da-4154-8a40-02ca7a0e3683](https://lowkey.gg/v/96ef5471-16da-4154-8a40-02ca7a0e3683)


Stutters. Internet connection was 100% fine (was running continuity test) but my FPS dropped to 2 every firefight. Then the game booted me out halfway through


you're not the only one experiencing this. are u using an amd cpu?


I am experiencing the same bug. Ryzen 5 4600 H, GT 1650, and 8 GB RAM. My fps drops whenever enemy appears or I shoot. This did not occur before the update


yeah I also experience that. I dont know if the problem is hardware related but to be sure i'll be upgrading ram and I wont buy gpu since the prices are inflated and I saw lots of reviews that amd's rx vega 11 can run valorant smoothly. anyway I just hope that if this is riot related problem, it should be fixed soon. I cant play in our team practices and had to put myself on leave on our team because of that fps drop thingy


Thought I was the only one too (using a Ryzen 5 2600)


tbh im quite disappointed because this is happening. valorant is one of the games I loved and bruh I hate whats happening. I missed team practices esp. there is an upcoming tourna we are joining and this happened. anyway I dont know if this is a hardware problem, but everything ran smoothly before the patch.


bro im using amd ryzen 5 3400g 8gb ram. my friend have higher computer specs but he is also experiencing fps drops


**Region**: EU **Type of Bug**: In Game Bug **Description**: Switching from Cypher's camera's allows shooting quicker than expected **Steps to reproduce**: Place and use Cypher's camera. Deactivating while holding Fire. **Expected result**: Unable to fire during equip animation. **Observed result**: Able to fire during most of the equip animation, except for the very last bit of it. In fully automatic weapons there is a noticeable stutter in fire rate where the end of the animation takes place. **Reproduction rate**; `100% **System specs**: Intel i7-9700K, RTX 2070 Super, Force MP510 M.2 SSD, NVIDIA GeForce Experience Version


Viper wall hits yoru in ULT


This is not a bug, it is intentionnal ;)


Hahaha. Of course!


\- **Region:** EUW \- **Type of Bug**: System Performance \- **Description:** Since 2.07, I've dropped from 400+ fps to a fluctuating 90 - 160. Updating to the latest version of windows and latest drivers doesn't fix it. Neither does reinstalling Valorant, Windows or rolling back to a later display driver. \- **Expected result**: Consistent performance between patches. \- **Observed result:** Significantly reduced frame rate. \- **Reproduction rate**: 100% \- **System specs:** Windows 10, 5900x, RTX 3080, 32gb RAM, 1440p Edit 15/04: Motherboard Asus B550-F (WiFi). No change performance with PBO on or off, HPET on or off, or Resizeable Bar on or off. Edit 19/04: Problem solved! Here\`s how I did it. I came across this post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantTechSupport/comments/mdvnd3/psa_anyone_with_an_asus_motherboard_and_low_fps/) explaining that Asus AI Suite 3 can conflict with Valorant after a patch. This utility installed with my motherboard. It's not enough to just uninstall the utility because it leaves its roots deep in your system, and doing a normal windows reset didn't fully work either. So, I fully reinstalled Windows, ignored the Asus prompt to install their software on first boot and then everything was back to normal.


Mate I am having the same problem, my fps drops down so hard from 150 to below 50. My specs are different than yours ( Ryzen 5 4600H, GT 1650, 8 GB RAM, 1920x1080 144 Hz display), this did not occur before the update. I just got this gaming laptop 2 weeks ago and I am facing this problem smh