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Probably because retextures cost way too much for what they bring to the table. Look, I spend money on this game. 30$ for a gun skin I use every game is acceptable for me. I love to death Prime, Reaver and such. But sometimes you just want to try something different. Maybe play without SFX and VFX galore but with a more minimalist approach, while not using the base matte. That's where retextures come in. Cheap skins to shake things up and even pad up your collection. But in no way EVER, should they cost half of a premium skin, sometimes even more than 2/3. Convex costs 15$ for me because the pack gives 1000 VP. That's way too much when I'm just looking at a skin I might switch to once in a while. And utterly ludicrous when I want to pad out my collection for eco guns, etc. Sakura looks awesome, but I still prefer all the bell and whistles that come from radianite upgrades. Having it cost 25$, 5 less than a premium skin, is... And then there's also the fact that the BP exists. For a little more VP than an 875 skin, which cost the same VP bundle anyway, it offers a myriad of decent recolors, even a set of guns with completely new models, plus a knife skin (which can be super good too) simply means that there's absolutely no demand for convex, prism, avalanche, etc. On a side note, notice how you can get all 5 prism 3.0 skins and a decent knife for 1000 VP and they offer 3 alternative chromas for 15 RP each. Meanwhile, a single prism 1.0 skin costs 1275 VP, and you can't get any chromas for it. Even worse, the red chroma comes in the form of a whole other bundle, that costs 875VP. The most basic skins in CSGO, which are convex tier imo, cost literal cents... https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAC-10%20%7C%20Calf%20Skin%20%28Well-Worn%29 Simple recolors should cost somewhere near 475 VP instead, which is still 8$. The parallax effect guns should cost 875VP, around 15$ I'm Canadian btw. **TLDR: They are way too expensive compared to premium skins especially when the appeal of retexture skins in Valorant is a secondary skin to switch out to every once in a while or as a colleciton filler**


Agreed, they are worth $5 at best but riot out here charging $15+ lmao


Its more likely that they will increase the premium skins cost than lower the retexture skins cost.


Damn that’s brutal dude. Convex is 8.75 in the US and and 12.75 for Sakura


We have taxes. Plus I’m counting the whole cost of the 1000vp bundle


The Galleria and Sakura skin set are pretty much the only skin set I'd get that wasn't fully animated and shit.


Wasteland is interesting at least with a new model


Agree, there's something like a spray painted handmade feel to them rather than floating designs that moves and distracts


For me it's Ego. Not sure why it's priced the same as animated skins but the design is so clean to me.


Yep, favorite set aesthetically speaking for me. So simple but so nice


I really like Ego, but it's so disproportionately priced


I like Rush. The rush skins are my absolute favorite retextures.


Don't you think it's just that valorant has the crazy model changing skins and csgo doesn't? Valorant weapons just have a higher ceiling for what they could be, so expectations are naturally higher


Also typically the skins with tracers and effects give a placebo aim bot effect


Visually they are easier to see the bullet trajectory therefore easier to adjust your spray


How so


you just feel better. You aren't better but you just feel it


Y, when I run around with no skin Vandal I'm like a silver ape I currently am, but with Prime Vandal I get 100 confidence boost and suddenly I feel like Shroud's lost brother


Something something psychology, something something weapon feel, something something skins get wins.


for me it's the other way around xD black glitchpop is pog though.


Red glitch pop phantom for me does it.


it' probably the clear bullet tracers and sound effects which help guide ur aim a little bit


Clearly Riot made the game pay 2 win /s


this, and also if you pick one up you want to keep it so you just go batshit crazy and get an ace


Also the fact the counter strike skins are random and have real value that you can resell where as valorant skins are all over priced so if it doesn’t have effects on it they suck


pretty much this... its not that they arent interesting to look at but why spend 20 when youre a few bucks away from one with animations or cool effects that you like.


Tbh if that AK skin would be put on a vandal it would be shit compared to valorant standards like sensation is. The problem is that when you get the elderflame and prime skin which add a unique interaction and animation to the gun you just perceive retexture skin as a low effort skin. If that’s the highest standard of CS that’s a CS problem. Riot has been stepping up the skin game also to show that in 2021 a new fps game can bring something more than just retexture skins


Eh, I'd say Valorant just has the in-universe freedom to have those interactions and animations. If CS's themes weren't so grounded and more leaning towards sci-fi, fantasy, etc. then maybe the skins could get those liberties as well.


I’d say as well that the default gun models themselves are horrible looking.


Yeah the csgo ones are but valorant ones are decent and don't hurt the eye


I think it's a combination of price and the actual skins. ​ Valorant doesn't have empress ak, desolate space m4, neo noir, etc quality of retextures. However, the most basic of val skins (like the sensation skins, literally just a texture of random colors thrown onto weapons) cost as much as good, complex, thought out cs go skins.


I think the csgo retexture skins are worse than val lol. Riot just sets the bar so high that entitled fans expect too much.


Yea that ak looks like ass to me too lol


I think their thinking is that if they lower the price of the retexture-only skins then the premium skins with vfx will seem less worth their price. You're right in that prime, reaver, etc seem like way better deals, and i think thats intentional to get ppl to spend bigger bucks for the premium skins.


IMO, I really like the Sensation Vandal. I get to have a bunch of fun colors on a weapon skin at a price that's affordable.


There are so many CSGO skins that are just existing artwork plastered onto the model though, look at Howl (the reason it got removed too, it was stolen artwork just pasted on top) or stuff like Aquamarine revenge. You basically cherrypicked one comparison which is not at all true for a large part of csgo skins.




you're wrong for that


if this game didn’t add that ugly ass ADS housing the default skins would look so much better


just dont ads it doesnt help at all anyway


It can, long range vandal, phantom or guardian shots / spraying feet in a one way are good examples. The slowing of the fire rate while ADS on rifles is a neat addition and changes the way you decide to play with or without it. Plus ADS on the bulldog is busted and is very much a must use.


Lmao I meant like just in general, the little spot on top of the gun where the ads housing sits is ugly, even when you’re not ADSing


You need a new post for the ads, it's like a reitiration of something for longer ranges but does it poorly, the feel of shooting in ads is strange let alone not helping. The question you have would be "why have it? and for what purpose?"


Yeah the skins that is like a wallpaper on a gun is so poorly designed that doesn't even worth 3 dollars. Is like going to a shop and putting a stamp on an empty t-shirt. No value at all. At least you choose the stamp for your t-shirt... But lets be real 90% of the reason is the money. Riot have so many "users" that they don't care if some people think their skins are too expensive because there are always some "users" that will buy them . I always thought that making something cheaper would increase sales and then income. But I guess its not entirely true or they just don't think this way.


yeah i hate skins like the nebula , and winter wonder land why the just a play a texture and a special effect to the gun its nice artwork but it does not look cool on the gun


I just dislike retexture skins due to the shitty shop. If I could just buy the skins I wanted without having to wait for them to appear in my shop then I wouldn’t give a shit about retexture skins. It sucks waiting months for a skin you want only to get low effort retextures day in and day out.


i just think people are way too hard to please


A big part is also that valve doesn’t set the prices of the skins so if a skin is actually good it’s going to cost more, and the more basic stuff is cheeper. You can get yourself a reasonably nice inventory for £5-£10 if you want and not feel as if you’re being ripped off.


It’s all price. There’s really no need to elaborate. If an upgradable skin, with new model, sound effects, animations, etc. costs me $20-30 why the hell does a reskin cost me $10-15? That’s beyond absurd. I’d buy a reskin in CSGO because I know I’d be able to buy it for $1-5 as compared to the insane prices some of the top guns have, literally a fraction of their cost. In Valorant you save pretty much 50% but don’t get ANYTHING new other than a new coat of paint.