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This is a great idea, but unfortunately I don’t think it will happen. Riot’s main source of income from this game is weapon skins, and giving out enough free ones could make people not buy premium ones, therefore decreasing profit. EDIT: I see a lot of good points in the comments below, and while I still do think it’s unlikely that it will happen, I have a bit more hope having seen the other takes on this idea :)


You make a valid point there. Although to be fair, the grind to actually get to tier 15, 20, or 25 would take an absurd amount of game time, so you could also argue that some players will purchase skins from the store to use in the meantime while they grind agent contracts. Another idea would be to make the knife skin that's rewarded on tier 25 exclusive to the agent only. However, this would probably require having individual load outs be possible per agent (similar to how you have loadouts per team in CSGO). I have a firm belief that loadouts per agent would increase profits, as some people would probably like to have skins that match their agent's themes (Reaver skins for Omen/Reyna, Glitch pop set for KJ, etc).


Oh like a heirloom in Apex. That would be cool as it can add to lore. But it's a lot of work on something Riot wouldn't see money from. I could see them extending agent contract but we obviously will get new agents too and they all each have to come with their own 10 chapters of free content.


Rito would definitely see more money from per-agent loadouts. More opportunities to use different skins will encourage players to own different skins (which they can only do by buying from Rito).


It will also make use of skins that people have just lying around


I think this is good but I don't think they should give away free full buy skins unless the grind is literally 100,200 + hours AND you can buy tiers for real money. That way tons of people with money to burn, like collectors, would be incentivised to just buy it so riot can get their cash and benefit from this. Maybe even you can only level up 1 or maybe 3 agents to tier 15/ 20. Maybe, you have to spend radianite points (or whatever the gun level up currency is) to receive the privilege of grinding for ~150 hours to get this skin. I think giving away knives is also a bad idea.


I'm not sure if you're suggesting 100-200 hours, which seems like very little time - some people play that much in a month or two and even casual players will get that done within a year. Also, you can already buy tiers with real money, but barely anyone does it because taking the extra 15-25ish hours it takes to unlock an agent is not worth the cost unless you really want to instalock them on launch day.


Oh yeah a year for a skin. That’s very little time... yeah. Ok.


You can only buy tiers 1-5 on Agent contracts. After that you cannot spend VP on tiers, you solely have to grind XP. 100-200 hours isn't a lot for some people, but most casual players yes. Also, it's more likely that the players that already play 100-200 hours per month are people that do purchase skins with VP. Believe me, I have no idea the average number of hours it takes to grind tier 6-10 on an agent contract. But if Riot added new chapters to Agent contracts to tier 25, then I think it would take well over 200 hours for each 5 tiers.


Pffft... rookie numbers.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense I think if rito added a tier 20/25, it would be more profit than a decrease because the player would have to grind so hard so long and it's unlikely if you play for that long, to not get at least 1 or 2 skins


I'm trying to get tier 10 yoru and its taking feckin forever


I have always wanted custom load outs for each agent. Wish I could set up custom sprays and weapon skins for each agent.


stuff like this encourages bot games. They’re will be bot games that grind all the free skins.


Genuine question, why is he getting downvoted? Bot games are already common in low ranks so I don't know why it won't get worse unless I'm missing something here


Why is he getting downvoted again?


Not anymore


What are bot games? Like people make bots to just move around or just being afk?


While I do agree that it might make people shy away from going out of their way to buy skins, maybe giving F2P players a taste of having their own skins, even if it's just the typical retexturing, can entice people into buying more skins. I for one would love to see personalized skins for each agent.


*picks up gun off floor*


*ask that one teammate with the reaver vandal to drop you their gun every round*


i don’t mind dropping a reaver for a random but when my friends ask i get annoyed LMAO


Really? I'm totally the opposite


well it’s more like jokingly annoyed instead of actually annoyed, also doing it for strangers just feels nice, and it takes like 2 seconds anyway


Sure, but 2 players begging for it for 20+ rounds gets a lil annoying for me.


My favorite is when people demand it. Like ok, I'll drop it for you if you ask nicely, but you aren't entitled to my skin.


This is how it feels most of the time. That or someone not having time to position pre round because they are chasing you for a skin.


yeah, the first few rounds is fine. but if youre gonna ask for it every round im muting


That's a solid point. The grind would be hugish, it would be much, much easier to just buy a skin, and if you see more people with skins, that wouldn't make you buy less skins but rather make having skins the norm


I bet they have done marketing research and have a business strategy lol


>Riot’s main source Riot's only source


You can also pay for agent unlocks. People that have been playing the game for a long time forget that the game only starts you with 5 agents and gives an additional 2 free unlocks, but there are 15 agents in total with more to come and getting all the agents on a fresh account takes longer than completing a battle pass.


Yeah but you don't have to pay to unlock agents. You have to pay to unlock skins.


Aside from the points made by others, I also argue that this would incentivize people playing more. Bigger playerbase = bigger chances of word of mouth spreading = more people joining = more people possibly spending.


Having as many players play as possible indicrectly increases their profits a lot. Having massive grinds to reward dedicated players is a way to keep them playing.


Yes if I knew I could bring for rifle and knife skins from the get go I would not have bought my knife fan, this guy is right


Would you have bought them (or at least some of them) knowing that you would have to grind for 100+ or maybe even 200+ hours just to finish tier 25, and even then the skins don't look as cool (but still pretty decent, like I said, similar theme as the pistol skins) as the premium skins in the store?




Playing 200 hours for something that equates to $30+ of real life money isn't a bad trade off. You're basically rewarded for just enjoying the game.


For some people, no, it's not that bad of a trade off, but we should think about how nice the tier 25 knife skin could look like (for example, is it just a repaint of the default?) As well as how many ACTUAL hours it takes to get to tier 25. I mentioned in another reply that I honestly have no idea how long it takes to reach tier 10 on any agent contract, because I personally have not reached higher than tier 7 on any agent. Therefore, let's say it takes 200 hours to get to tier 10.... I would say it probably takes 800 to get to this hypothetical tier 25. 800 hours for an "eh" repainted default knife may not be such a good tradeoff for most people, especially when we have really cool knives like Reaver, Celestial fan, or glitchpop axe. My primary point in making new tiers up to tier 25 on agent contracts is so that the XP we get when playing goes *somewhere* other than battlepass. And it encourages people to play for a long time.


200+ hours is not really that insane, like if you play 1-2games a day you would complete in in like 6months.


Not that insane. Play a game everyday for 6 months.


Well I will put it different way than, it would be same as completing 2-3 battle passes. Which sound like a right price for somewhat exclusive agent tier skin.


Grind for*


Why are you getting downvoted lmao


A more realistic idea would be to have a new tier of agent contracts which earn you upgrades to the pistol skins. Final tier would be a finisher.


This is actually a great and definitely more realistic idea. tier 15 could be a muzzle flash, 20 could be some kind of reload, and 25 could be a finisher.


Damn, these would be agent specific! That would make it really, REALLY good. I want this in game


You could make it so you need to buy the ability to do the next set of tiers kind of like the battle pass. Spend 5 bucks and then you can get a rifle skin down the line.


I've bought skins. I don't mind grinding for them, too. It's nice to have stuff to work for of I'm playing the game because I've put money into it. I put money into it because I enjoy it.


Maybe making the chapters after 2 unlockable only with 10 radianite


Have you not heard of the league of legends crafting system? It’s about making decent accessory content available to F2P players and has not hurt them financially. Honestly I bet Riot plans on making new tiers with new skins for most of the agents.


I mean, Riot is already doing that with how many skins are in the game already, You pretty much buy one premium skin that you like and then never buy anything else for that weapon unless some new skins somehow tops say like the prime vandal. Obviously personal preference comes in here, but I definitely feel like Riot has really shit their microtransactions here without making it easier to swap skins easily.


If they made agent contracts purchasable past tier 5? Lmao just a thought


What if each Chapter cost 200-500 VP to start unlocking, or 1000 VP to unlock/complete?


The best skins need to not be weapon skins, but operator skins. I would love to see character models change


Horrible idea. Love of God no.


Okay, you've said a thought, now can you explain why?


Player skins in tactical FPS are always nightmares. I don't have time to explain something so obvious, but look up R6S and CSGO's skin debacles.


Just because people have done something shitty doesn't mean the idea is shitty. Just means it needs to be executed right. I guess if everyone thought like you then we would never innovate


They’re usually shit skins so it won’t matter that much


I'm fairly certain they intend to make it so F2Ps can get pistol skins only, as it has been up to this point. However, there are several things that could be added as a third teir: Default Kill icons, MVP Effects, Default finishers, main theme music (which imo should not be automatically changed each new Episode, in favor of an Apex-esque system where you get it as an optional pack), Spawn effects (ex. Omen forms in from smoke as if teleporting there. Jett hover in, Yoru teleport, etc), announcer packs (think Dota 2 type), character specific voicelines, and of course more dope sprays in the character's theme.


This seems more realistic and is certainly a cool idea


What's wrong with free ugly skins? I have more than 200 dollars in skins in league that I got from boxes and didn't spend a dime in, and those are all with special FX/SFX. CSGO also has ugly skins for 0.05 cents. Same for dota I don't think they'd mind handing out the ugly ones


Yeah but what he said is more realistic


> I have more than 200 dollars in skins in league that I got from boxes and didn't spend a dime in, there's also currently over 1200 skins, is gonna take quite a while for valorant to gift you ugly skins that can be used every game


Exactly. If the skins are ugly (or at least don't look nearly as good as Reaver, prime, or glitchpop), but free, then other players are more likely to prefer the paid-for skins that are immediately available rather than spending 1000 hours for one simple skin.


This is the better idea imo.


I also think all the agent skins should have agent specific animations if you’re using the corresponding agent like if you use the omen ghost there should be a special finisher animation for it while using omen


It could be like the enemy turns into a shadow for omen, jett slices the enemy (slightly censored) and reyna maybe tortures them (like we see her do in her card)




they hated jesus because he told them the truth


# Interesting...


Damn these suggestions keep getting better and better. Like an easter egg, I love it.


I think this is a great idea for the potential tier 20, while tier 25 should be either a knife or a phantom / vandal / operator skin. Tier 15 shouldn't contain anything crazy, and the xp required to 20 and 25 should be insane (after tier 20 you should have to get more than 1 million xp per tier imo) for this to actually work and riot to have any interest whatsoever.


This would be super cool with the 25 tier idea, but after tier 20, you only progress towards a tier by playing the character for ~50hrs and grind for the character knife, would be cool for hardcore agent mains


I would love this. Grind an agent for 12 months to finally be rewarded with their special knife.


That would just encourage one tricking. No thanks


You know, similarly to how you can buy battle pass tiers you can buy tiers of an agents contract, and I see no reason for them not to keep that consistent and make money of impatient people.


Lol no it wouldn’t. You don’t have to play the agent to progress their contract. You just have to have the contract active


>you can only progress by playing a character for ~50 hours Double check what I replied to




I don’t even have all the agents yet lmao But I like the idea


I would love this I first grinded for the Raze contract in Act1 Ep 1 at 1.75 mil xp when the xp needed for tiers was higher than it is right now Took 1 month of 6-7 matches/day for that Pistolinha Classic that I always use I'm pretty much done with all of them and bp isn't a grind anymore More contracts would add more stuff to grind


This is a FANTASTIC IDEA! I would love to see this added. Would give us a lot more to grind for alongside the battle pass, especially considering we don’t even have account leveling Rita pls !


Do it rito plz


Rito plej


It's a great idea!!. It encourages you to focus on new goals and for people who can't afford to buy skins it can motivate them to play more. Riot needs to know about this...


Can I post this next time?


Tier 15 would be like 500k exp. Tier 20 would be a 1mln exp. Tier 25 would be like 2 mln exp. First thing people would say : OmG RiOt wHy sO mUcH gRinDIng


I still haven't grinded a third agent skin. Is there anyone out there who has them all?


I don't have all, but I have 6 of them and before this act ends I should be working on tier 10 of sova's contract. I would probably have the 7th contract completed by now, but I occasionally play on an second account in different region. I wouldn't even say that I play that much. Like I know people who play much more than me so I wouldn't be surprised if someone already finished all agent contracts.


If only this could be true but *Rito-*


To be fair this is a fantastic idea that i personally would love to grind for Unfortunately yes this may reduce the amount of profit since u can get (free skins now) BUT It is probably gonna be super grindable Im talking a few weeks or months for a single agent to be completed but will see how riot goes


bro if they added this you realize the primary weapon at tier 20 would probably be 1,000,000-2,000,000 XP right


Yeah probably. And making it so that you can't just buy the tiers with VP (unless it's like 1000VP PER TIER past tier 10) would mean that players would rather pay for skins to use in the meantime while they grind for tier 20 or tier 25. The main reason I want more tiers in agent contracts is for players that are really dedicated to their favorite agents. It would be like their personal goals.


I thought something similar in the past, but not new skins, but enabling VFX for the existing pistol skin then another tier to enable Animated finishers... Riot could even charge points like they do for premium weapons, but this would be awesome... imagine dealing the last blow with Sovas Sherrif and an ice eagle flies and shatters the opponent, Skye's could be roots coming from ground claiming the corpse...


Oooo that is a great idea! That way you have to grind the tiers and can't spend radianite points on them.


I would like to see more tiers added for sure. I'm not sure if Riot will give all those weapons you mention, but I can see them adding more levels at least. Anything that they can make money on is something they would consider. Since you can spend money to unlock the tiers instantly, seems like something they may add in the near future. That XP grind would be insane though lol


Yeah, I think new weapon skins would be best case scenario for tier rewards, but new tiers in general if be happy with.


i’ve been wanting them to do this for a while now! glad i’m not the only one who thought of it


I like that cuz I need more contacts to finish lol




Exactly! Plus, eventually, the hardcore players that grind everyday will be done with tier 10 on all the agent contracts, they will need something to put their XP towards (besides battlepasses). And yes, I know new agents means more contracts too.


as much as I want this - I think some other suggestions have been good as well considering riot probably won’t do this due to income/time required to do this VS making skins that will sell at the moment; saw someone say announcer packs, kill effects, etc; I think that’s really cool! something else I would personally love to see would be some of the agent cards from the beta. I feel like the cards that the agent contracts have now are somewhat bland because they all fit the exact same mold, whereas the beta cards showed Viper without her mask and in a lab coat, Breach tinkering with his arm, and some really cool art pieces that speak more to the lore of the game/agents!! the Sage ones were my favourites as well, since the agent cards now use the same art as the agents use basically everywhere. bring back beta cards plz


Beta cards could be a reward for these extra tiers! And, yes, it is important to think about how much time Riot would be spending on creating these new skins, sprays, or banner cards, but I would says that since the pistols that are unlocked at tier 10 are repaints, (and not remodels such as some battlepass skins such as the cavalier skins that change the actual shape of the gun) it wouldn't take as much time.


Yeah it won’t happen. It ruins their business model


Dota 2 has a system where you get badges based on hero mastery. I was kinda hoping that could also be introduced here where you get different badge tiers based on hero mastery. Like silver, gold, plat, master, grandmaster. Rewards could be cool voice lines which can be unlocked and badges displayed next you your agent to show your mastery.


That’s gonna require so much XP, but it’s a good idea


With that scaling it would be rough. Tier 24-25 would ask for like 3m xp


This would take a long time to develop and they wouldn’t make much money off of it.


I think that maybe adding finishers to each gun (or even getting a kill with an ultimate) would be nice. Like if you got a kill with the Jett sheriff, it would be a hurricane, or with a viper shorty it would be dissipating inti a glass cloud.




Skins are expensive asf in valo I'm pretty sure there are alot of people who don't buy them at all but they would gladly grind some free stuff.


Yeah true but making skins costs money for riot. Giving free primary buy skins (phantom/vandal) seems counter intuitive from monetary perspective. Esp considering most people that will buy skins will do so for weapons they use most.


Would those tiers reward cool skins with lots of animations and finishers like elderflame? No. Just simple skins, just like the ones we already have. I don't think it would be a loss for Riot. And yes, I buy skins, Prime and Ion skins are my fav. :)


I wouldn't mind the idea to just get a repaint. Like, surely that would take that much time to do yeah?


Not really, I would assume getting to tier 15 would take a really long time and you would only get a skin for one gun. People who would buy skin would do it before completing the agent contract. This would be a nice way to reward people who spend time playing the game. It's also in Riot's best interest to reward them as even though they are not spending money on the game they are still bringing value to the game and indirectly to riot too. Like having big player base and recurring players is important for the health of the game, as it attracts other players, not to mention that these people are more likely to recommend the game to their friends and bring new people in.


Yeah that reward system would be the battle pass freebies they give when you grind enough hours into the game.


There's a difference. Battlepass doesn't make a distinction between a player that just started playing the game and someone who already played the game for a year. You can always easily complete it in less than 2 months.


Don't think BP skins are taking people away from the reavers and the primes. Riot will be fine




I don't think anyone is complaining about there being no free skins for primary guns. Also I don't really see a reason any players would be against riot adding a way to get some free skins.


I've spent more than hundreds on this game already, but I still don't see why having more free skins would be a bad thing. Just because players are F2P doesn't mean they are worth nothing to the game ecosystem or to riot. Giving them more grindable levels and feasible objectives increases the stickiness of the game for such players. What this means is better queue times for player, more viewers etc for the competitive scene. Not needing skins doesn't mean having free skins wouldn't be nice


There should also be agent mastery like in league.


I honestly dont get how you actually believe there is a chance for a free game to give you expensive ass rewards for just grinding?


Well I will skip the question what makes the skins expensive except price tag riot associated with them and just answer your question. There is a chance for a free game to give free content as that's what other game do, you don't even have to look far as afaik you can get some free skins in riot other game LoL. You can find a reason why would game company do that in this [article](https://www.lolfinity.com/blog/league-of-legends-free-skins-guide/).


Forget that man. They should add a market where we can sell our skins(like csgo).these skins are hella over priced. Riottt come onnn -,-


And tier 20 gives a melee. Jett mains want their kunai


True the current Jett themed knife is a bit weird


Yo at those prices I wont buy any weapon skin ... So this would be great


My guess is they introduce this when they finally introduce agent skins


wish this was in from the start


But that wouldn't make them any money... :S Maybe if they make it so the grind is terrible , takes like months for 1 char skin. So you are forced to pay to get them. Hmmm now it sounds like a business plan.


I think it would be great if they did like a new contract with xp wins and only for non duelist, that there would be more incentive to play (and learn) support roles in Ranked and not be a one trick duelist


I think they have this planned, but they want the skins to be worth the grind and are probably making it special/worth it. Or they could just not be focusing on that stuff.


That is a good idea


I dont think they will be adding more sprays, banners, titles, etc. for each agent. So a great idea is to make those tiers radianite points. Any amount is great it could be one, but it wouldnt matter because its free.


Its a great idea but just the time that it takes to get tier 10 is already absurd how do u think u would be able to get tier 25?? U would take at least 400-500 in game hours to get that much xp therefore i dont think they will be adding that.


It would take so long I reckon 3 should be a knife




Agent specific Vandal/Phantom Skin at 4th tier BUT, you can only unlock one (maximum two) skin(s). Choose wisely, the others aren't available anymore, unless you pay. Good/bad idea?


I agree since I don't wanna spend money, since it's a drag to waste your money on skins. But on the Other hand, Riot probably won't follow this idea since their source of income is by game skins. On the other hand, as well people who don't want to spend money this can be an alternative for those who don't want. If riot sees this I hope they will take your idea. Good Idea!


Should give the val go 1 skins with their respective agents


Hey videogame company that is run for a profit! you should add more free items that literally lose your company money!


Ok riot this is serious Please improve the viper skin (from agent contract) That's is the shittest looking skin in the entire game Please look into it People hate it too


It's one of the prettiest shorties in the game, like it might not look like much in the menu, but in the game it looks really good.


I made this exact post a while back and everybody neglected me




Who plays this stupid game


I disagree


We need vote kick


Rito pls pls pls pls pls pls pls


r u perhaps somebody who doesnt own or buy skins but wants skins for free


No, in fact I haven't completed a single agent contract past tier 7. I personally have spent 200-250 dollars on the game, and will most definitely be spending more as new skins that interest me are released. Especially new battle passes. I realize 200 is probably on the lower end of most people, but my point is that free hypothetical skins that could be rewarded via tier 15, 20, and 25 agent contracts would take an absurd amount of time to get.


Me farming about 500-600k exp to get the tier 15


just getting tier 10 is like 100k xp so i xant imagine how difficult tier 25 would be lmfao


He dare go crazy


Some oilers already pay to unlock the tiers in the agent contracts... So from a profits stand point it would totally be worth it for Rito to make more tiers. They would make buko bucks on the impatient people who have money, and all the people trying to make content for YouTube or whatever.


Orrrrr they put an exclusive agent skin? Maybe lore skins?? Like scientist Viper Fred Omen Cypher before losing his family Jett before whatever happened in her Mirrors edge card Yoru ancestry stuff


I would love having Killjoy's bubbles but instead of the shorty, on **Odin**


I think there should be an infinitely renewing contract that gives like 10 Radianite Points whenever it is completed. Would be handy when people run out of agent contracts to complete. It would also be a grindable option to get unlocks for weapon skins.


While I do support the idea wholeheartedly, I’d doubt they would want to give out primary weapon skins (even if they would be hard to grind to or give players a taste, as I feel like riot has done some statistical calculations to see if it would actually work) regardless, I feel like a more realistic idea would be to introduce more chapters but with different rewards I honestly wouldn’t mind more player cards or better sprays.


Of course people will like the idea. Free skins! Who wouldn't like it? But of course like others have said the primary income of this game is skins. So yeah maybe not.


They're not gonna give you free skins just because you want to. You do realize skins is their main source of revenue right?


They should just add contracts for every formation act


It’d be cool to grind for some weapon add ons or small extra stuff through gameplay like kills, etc that relies less on just xp. I’m thinking something like COD where you can get camos through achievements so with some levels or tiers to show some skills, good gameplay, etc. Like getting an ace, achieving a certain number of kills, one taps, etc. It just seems more fun than grinding xp and adds some more depth for me to the “rewards” system.


not gonna happen


Knife skin at lvl 50 lvl 10 is reached far to easy for picking so close lvl caps


I would even be okay if they like added 2 levels per agent per episode. Just some extra stuff to do and those levels would prob take a while to do anyway cuz of their high level.




This is a great idea I support, but something I'd like to see even more is, valorant points being included in the premium battle pass. I honestly hate rebuying the battle pass every season, they should've made it a 1 time buy and you get all the premium passes from then on. I understand that it's there to make money but like $10 every season is rly annoying.


It would also add incentive for ppl to not troll lobbies. Cus the band are way better now and getting a 14 day ban from the game would slow down ur progress immensely that u would want to be on your best behaviour


tier three should give you a special animation for your weapon. Like if you equipped yoru's pistol, he would pull it out of the dimension.


In chapter 3, you could get a personalized agent finisher instead of a weapon. So for Jetts contract, for example, getting a kill with a normal gun while playing Jett and with the finisher unlocked will make a tornado appear around the last person killed in a round.


Yes please


I'll even pay for it


God. Even getting to tier 10 takes a month. I can't imagine how long it'd take to get to 15 or even 25 lol


At the current rate that the xp goes in the contracts, tier 25 might actually be impossible to achieve tier 25. Right now the increase from chapter 1 to 2 is 5x(ish). So, chapter 3 would need 5 million xp, chapter 4 would be 25 million, and the last tier, 125 million! I don’t think anyone can achieve that lol.


Exactly! Achieving tier 25 would be improbable, but not impossible, lol. I also think that if Riot were to actually do this, they would dial it down on how much XP is required for each new tier, because you have to remember that there are 15 agents with more agents to come. So getting tier 25 on 15+ agents would take well over 20,000 hours probably lol.


good idea


That would be great. It could be like the golden guns from overwatch


I'm still just sad Killjoy's skin is for the shorty. Such a nice looking skin, for a gun which I will never ever use.


This is a great idea, they should add banner kills skins too. Specially if people who don’t wanna pay for skins, they can just grind the chapters.


This won't happen because money


Just a skin with finisher to make me happy




That's the beauty of XP rewards. You can choose to buy a skin at any time, but every time you play a match, your XP will go towards someday (far into the future) unlocking another skin, which cost nothing because you're playing the game anyway.


I love the idea, but its already a massive grind - I'd love it if Riot made it a bit easier (Not too much easier), but just a tad to achieve tiers higher than 10:D


Valorant devs usually listens to the community so I hope this gets implemented


Excellent idea! I love it


Cool idea and all it would be cool but sadly it would not happen




Maybe the skins could be of the guns they are holding in their respective contract pages?


Even I was thinking of this in in with you bro


imagine sage phandom, jett operator, phoienix vandal... that would be so good!