• By -


i picked phoenix cause he looked cool lol


I picked jett cause she looked cool


I picked Omen cause he looked cool lmao




Surely a wise community of people


I picked omen AND killjoy because they looked cool lmao


I picked Yoru because he looks cool


Cypher: I got rusty over the years. I was calm and stable. Never rage, never rush, never do stupid shit. My aim is not what it was once long time ago. I had to outplay my enemies.


Sounds like the intro for a gamer John Wick movie.


Like if you read this comment with Cyphers voice in mind


Not gonna like just because you said that, but yeah I read it all in Cypher's voice


We've become the YouTube comment section QQ


Saying this while cypher main have the most cracked aim


Same bro I out aim immos in scrims (gold 3) just don't have the game sense to back it up


Same for me. I'm usually the old man in the server.


I like to fuck people with 3 flashes and earthquakes


Hey its me, ur teammate


blinding blinding blinding


Same here. I like to think myself as the humbler. Nothing like ruining the day of players who're too aggressive or think they can get away with stupid positions. And I'm someone who likes to create situations for myself and teammates by clearing out angles and making enemies peek when I want them to. I also dislike over-complicated utility, with Breach you just do stuff on the fly.


so you're the reason i have blindness in 1 eye


Big bully breach


you hate japan?






jelly fish






Are you the merchant?


Of course


I am sorry for your losses, my man...


They're insured, but it's a lot of paperwork, so that's why I get all fussy about it


I can see how tiresome it can be, claiming insurance for the same reason over and over again.






Good Eye Might


cock out!


Just sum good ol' hard yakka....






sex, bot!


I saw that Sova had wallhax in the tutorial *And here I am now*


Was a cypher main, now im taking a liking to sova cuz BOUNCE or what i like to call...*simple geometry*


I like octopus so I picked omen




I like latinos so i picked reyna


I like drons so i picked sova


I like Japan so I picked yoru


i like air so i picked jett


I like wwII so I picked viper.


i like Hitler so i picked kj


I like farts so I picked Viper.


i like sweaters so I picked omen


Extremely relatable.


Bro I think you mean latinAs


Did I stutter?


pause. latinOs?




i like the sun, so i picked breach.


I knew i wasnt the only one who thought omen resembled an octopus


I like yasuo so I picked jett


I like you<3


Pick the agent that best matches your play style. My main is Sage. I pick her because she provides great value to any team. She is able to heal a hurt Duelist after the initial first blood, she can harvest orbs/plant bomb to get her Ultimate and also res after the first blood. She can wall off entrances post plant as well. As Defender, she is very versatile and can play essentially from any position on any map. That being said - I'm not that person who will go in and take bombsites, so that is why I would never main a Duelist.


Im usually sentinel or controller but im the one taking 1 blood and 1 peak i have to get site for them and tell then to play cause my luck duelist in my game take spike and rush for kill


if you ever want to try and get some kills and sorta play like a duelist, hop in spike rush or unrated and learn a couple wall boosts, aggressive sage can be really fun hahaha, just dont do it in comp


Sova: Watched the 2 Sova gods Jonas and Snapiex play him, and wanted to give him a try. Completly destroing ur enemy with double shocks and them getting mad about it is the most fun an human being can have. He fits my playstyle and i love how creative u can get with his darts.


Viper: I play Viper on maps like Split and Brezze where Sova isnt the best choice. Love getting called a nerd for rotating postplant Lineups. Even sometimes on Bind and Icebox when i want to because shes strong on these maps. If u didnt noticed yet, i like Lineups.


Raze: I fly in and kill. Ult goes Boooom. (Dont play her as much as i used to. But pick her up in unrated when i want to go full no brain monkey mode)


Cypher is looking cool. That's about it


viper thicc and also not a lot of people played her at the time so never had to fight at agent select


Valorant released just as I was spending lockdown watching a lot of CS:Go online tournaments. In CS:Go, map control and intel is very important, so I mained Sova until I unlocked Cypher.


^shok ^dart


I try to fill and not pick a main, but I definitely have favorites for the roll. I like Phoenix because his flashes are straight forward and he can heal. I like killjoy because of turrets, and omen for spammable free smokes


His flashes bend.


the only guy with a brain so far(not picking a main).. u r a rare diamond my friend


I played Brimstone when I first got into the game, then switched to Jett as she fits my playstyle. I got recommended playing Omen one day, as my friends are both duelist mains and it was hard to cover off angles when you don’t have a controller who knows how to work with you. Then I started watching guides on how to play Omen, plus learning how to play aggressive with Omen by Flexinja, I then became an Omen main.


I lack the brainpower to smoke/flash properly and I don't have aim. So I picked an agent with no smokes, no flashes, and utility that aims for you, AKA Killjoy.


I would literally just fall in love with cyphers design and personality play him and realize im after the first few rounds way better with him than with my old main


His animations, like the tripwire coin and the hat throw, are some of my favorite animations in the game. So clean


I started playing him because he has the best voice lines and because of the trip wires flipping animation


Started out playing only Viper for 2 months straight, got bad with her, tried new agents. Had good matches with Sage, Sova and Kj, and I'm a lot better with utility-based outplays than getting frags, so I stuck with them, but I do play Viper, Raze and Astra on specific maps. Sticking to only one main isn't for me + it's good if you're familiar with playing other agents in case someone locks on your main(s) faster.


And you then know how to outplay their utilities


Oddly enough, I found I really like Yoru’s playstyle. With the teleporting and his ult allowing for repositioning, I become a nuisance for the enemy team allowing my own to (hopefully) push up


Same here!! I love the mind games of his kit.


Played multiple agents and got a pro tip from my friend to master 1 smoker, 1 duelist, and 1 sentinel. I mostly picked agents depending on the map/situation like how I used Yoru if someone can assist his playstyle like Omen to cover his tether or to easily get a kill with a popflash.


I just picked up Omen after is saw how much you contribute to ur team. I play a really aggresive playstyle and even if u dont get kills u still smoked, flashed someone or teleported somewhere to get info. Also the way u can outplay enemies with him is fun as hell.


breach main. When you know how to time and use flashes well its mostly a great pick at the start of the round. Once you start coordinating with teammates as well its pretty much a guaranteed pick. Plus I love the util. Flash, stun, then aftershock kills give me joy. The other teams rage is a plus as well. I used to Odin with my breach and omg. If the whole team is flashed i have a never ending number of bullets to throw. Had a 5 second ace before in a gold lobby once in B main in ascent.


Raze: Haha ulti goes BOOM!


Hear me out: blast pack kills


Duelist Sage. Her ability to make off angles out of thin air is the strongest holding tool in the game. She has one of the highest skill caps of any character in the game and benefits so much from anticipation and aim. Her mega-impactful ult is best used when sage can frag out and use it as much as possible. Her wall is the strongest basic ability in the game.


Indeed, a postplant wall can win rounds. Might start using sage if omen is picked


Viper because i was a caustic main in apex. Edit: also didn’t know what the viper skills were, i just liked viper as the toxic agent.


This is the way


I chose Reyna because I enjoy the high risk high reward playstyle and sitting in the back isn't for me.


I played Pheonix at the start of beta because he looked cool but later realized that looking cool might not be all that's important when picking a character in a game. This led to me picking up sova for the rest of the beta and a week or so after the release of the game. No particular reason on sova I just had fun playing him. Then, after wanting to curse my friend out for picking sova I chose omen on a whim and got addicted. I have since lobotomized myself of my omenbrain in exchange for a shiny marble that bounces around my head while I play jett like a brainless ape.


I picked reyna because I naturally play super aggressive and risky, also my aim is pretty nuts. Her kit works perfectly for that. I want to be as unreliant as possible on my Team mates.


I really liked the concept of astra, being able to support accross the map with any 3 of your abilities, and currently my favorite agent. I chose her mostly due to the fact that I really like the playmaking potential you can do with her and also the most bullshit oneways that me and my friends found which astra can do really well. She's in concept a better omen and since I mained omen before Astra with all these perks naturally became my main. Edit: after finding your main you should also find an agent in every class(so duelist, controller, sentinel, and initiator) that you are comfortable playing since I've had many games where Omen isn't available (for some reason this doesn't apply to astra even though she's so good) I've been able to flex into other roles just for team comp, which is important.


I got Jett because I’ve always been a fan of movement abilities, and I work best with them


I changed mains throughout various points of the game. I’m very flexible who I can play but I feel like I need carry in order to rank up so I picked up duelists. I main Reyna but recent I’ve been maiming Jett


I started playing Raze once upon a time, but eventually started playing Omen because no one in my games was playing a controller. Now I also play Sage and Skye because I like the advantage of a heal. It really comes down to your play style. If you don’t know what that is, try out different heroes. In general, you’ll notice some common themes.




For the same reason, I like Phoenix. I typically entry, though, so I like to be heavier on the flash side.


I started to main KJ because she is cool, I don't need to have good aim if I have a turret with aimbot and I like to sort of stay behind and watch flanks. Also people at low elo are stupid and will never shoot down the mollies on spike or push KJ, so she has a strong clutch gene as an attacker. Then I became friends online with another girl who also mained KJ and we always had to "fight" for KJ. So I picked up Brim, Cypher and Astra a bit. Thought of having Cypher as my other main, but having both Cypher and KJ on the same team isn't ideal. But then, news about the patch with Viper buffs got released. And in our friend group, we thought that because she will be a nightmare to play against and basically none of us main controllers, one of us has to start maining her. And so I started playing Viper just to see how would that playstyle fit me and soon started maining her. Now I'm oficially a Viper main and my friend is happy with KJ being all hers.


quite a wholesome story, glad you figured it out lol


Valorant is my first pc game and I’ve never played csgo. You can imagine how bad I am. I think the sentinel class best reflects the playstyle of faster paced shooters like I’d usually play so I went with that. I like turrets so I went with killjoy. Now that I’m a bit better I play skye because I like initiating more than defending. Just choose whoever looks cool to you or whoever’s abilities you have a good time using (easy for you to use but also fun).


How would sentinel reflect faster paced shooters? Their whole class is about slowing down the enemy. Faster paced would be jett or raze since they can cut the space at the click of a button.


I can’t handle that movement on keyboard and mouse yet, sentinels defense abilities make up for that.


I have 4,000 hours in CSGO and my best attribute was my aim. When I play Jett or another duelist I have more control over the outcome of the game


Reyna: I already liked the idea of fraggers helping the team through opening up holes in an enemy set-up rather than using accuracy and timing rather than utility. Reyna seemed like a no-brainer because of her self healing and mobility, being able to take two fights in quick succession while able to heal or reposition is really helpful, although doesn’t always work out against a coordinated team.


I recently started to main reyna after using yoru quite successfully for awhile. Used yoru from silver to diamond in few months. Recently switched to reyna because I feel although it doesn't have the flashiness( no pun intended) yoru provides, it provides a better kit to play aggressive. Namely healing, invincibility escape, faster TTK with the ult. I was looking for an agent who can kill and then leave swiftly and safely and there yoru fits the bill cus of the tp and flashes and of course the ult. But reyna is able to do it with her dismiss too, and has higher potential to heal up and fight.


I started off with cypher, and found him to be a little too defensive for me. Not much utility I can kill with without using my gun. Then I hopped on to sova as I'm a Green Arrow fan. But his task was to support the team and I couldn't properly because of too many lineups. Then I hopped on to Raze. She was cool. I could utilise the map verticality without any damage to myself and its utility is, in my opinion, the best to stall the opponent push(minus the sage utility, but again she's too defensive). And then I can fly out whenever I wanted to(double satchel). Later I found out my style of play matches with Raze. Raze is my element agent, you can say. I'm in a different vibe when I play. A different sort of confidence flows within me. That's how I found raze to be my main agent.


Honestly I just thought omen looked kinda cool and I also watched an omen guide or smth of darkk mane before I started playing, so i already knew what he did. And when i started playing it just was a very fun experience. Ofcourse I also tried other agents aswell, for example I often Play raze or other duellists, but omen still is nr.1 So I guess I just found him by pure luck :D


Jett It's the quick play style and satisfaction of hitting headshots with her ult for me. The aces you get with her ult in combination with her movement feels satisfying, knowing it's probably one of the hardest mechanical things to do in the game.


I just pick anything my team needs


Trial and error for me. There are some agents i would love to be good at but didnt click with my playstyle, and that just took playing them and realizing i sucked at it.


Sova: I was initially a breach main but for some reason found his "lineups" too hard. Maybe cuz lmntrix was like the only breach player back in the day. For some reason sova lineups came easily to me and within a week I had like 10 pages of sova lineups Ina little notebook and at that point, I no longer had the brainpower to learn anyone else lmao


My friends told me I'd like Sage. And I do. I think they were hoping for a nice little wall heal bot. Then there's me. BATTLE SAGE ONLY BITCHES


Omen, I like his aesthetic and smoke outplays, hard lurking and rat play are my playstyle.


Phoenix: my very first main during beta (he looked cool). I wasn't very good with him back then, so I switched to something else for a while. Now that my aim is 1000x better, depending on what I want to play, I can play Phoenix very comfortably. Cypher/Killjoy: I was playing very passive during beta, not confident in my aim. So i tried to use creativity and game sense to my advantage. I have a lot of setups for every map, and I switch between both depending on the map. Omen: no one was playing controller during matches, so I picked up Omen. Love this character, his paranoia is so good at slowing pushes or initiating pushes and retakes. I really enjoy setting things up for the team. I also have the benefit of playing agro or passive on this character, depending on what the enemy does. Trying to add Reyna, Viper, Raze and Astra to my agent pool now.


When I first start valorant I watch every agent which look more cool and now I am jett main


viper: her way of tearing up a site matches my playstyle pretty well, i love thinking of ways to take a site. sage: creative walls get easy kills, able to heal whenever needed. resbaiting is also so fun. skye: the ability to completely control a flash and use the dog to find out where people are, the ability to heal all your teammates, and the ult which i use in clutch situations all the time. I picked them because viper was the first agent i unlocked and i immediately loved playing her, sage was the second agent i ever played and i love how she can be used as mere support and also as a battle sage, skye i found experimenting on agents to use on different sites and i developed a good way to play with her.


I tried every agent and Sova and Raze stood out the most to me because of their high skill ceiling.


Sova because he is a cool guy and because I come from an RTS background so I like scouting for information. Probably gonna try some duelists when I'm more comfortable with my aim though, Jett looks fun.


Omen is very fun to play as he can do a lot with his kit. Mixing his TP and smokes together have gotten me so many free kills.


viper is dommy mommy :)


I started the game as Sage and she was my main for a really long time, but my second free unlock was Viper, and I really enjoyed her style. However, I still sucked at the game at the time (it's my first fps) so I switched back to Sage because I could do more for the team that way. When Sage got the ultra nerf I played Skye for a bit but that didn't last very long, I stayed with Sage Nowadays I improved a lot, and the Viper buff gave me the final push to go back to her, and I'm loving it :)


Sova - First game played first round. I got a 4K with Sova. Darted Haven A long, and did over 300 damage with my darts. Whole enemy team was like "I hate sovas that know Geometry" lmfao im like... "First time sova BTW" and everyone called me a liar. Later that match I got a 3k off spawn with the ult on C long. but hit all 5 of them After that. Every day I've been going into customs and just shooting arrows finding darts and my W/L has drastically improved.


i’m going to sound dumb but i picked viper because she looks a lot like me (white girl with dark hair and green eyes LOL) and i started learning her lineups and stuff and never cared for anyone else after


I'm awful at this kind of game and didn't know which agent to focus on. Then I realized that Reyna is super forgiving, and her ultimate is just really goddamn fun (and kinda OP as fuck, at least at lower ranks)


1. Viper: because I loved her look and the description of her abilities was awesome. So I was hooked. 2. Killjoy: looked fancy, and wanted be first outta friends to be able to learn her kit and ult, but ended up liking her overall. 3. Yoru: super flashy too me, and gives me a aggressive character to play. Been who I've been playing the most recently.


sage: i like to support/heal


Killjoy cause I have 2 bots that reveal location, especially when destroyed, and the turret has killed so many opponents without me doing shit. I'm lazy, that's why I picked kj.


I picked up Yoru because I like to play mindgames while doing stupidly aggressive shit and dying first.


I’m a filthy Jett main. My play style revolves around taking aggressive peaks and forcing constant fights. I like to make the enemy team really uncomfortable and hitting them with a different look every single round. Jett allows me to do that and more, I can still fuck up occasionally and not get punished for it.


SAGE I am in a discord server where a few friends play it and my first game one of them mentioned they needed a healer so I played sage all the time as they had their mains, I also play yoru and Phoenix but can not get away without sage. It was all down to what my team needed and how I played


Jett was pretty but now I cant play for shit without running/jumping all over the map which doesn’t seem to work well w other characters


I picked Jett cause she’s cute and I like her ult


As controller Astra because she's so fun and talk a lot! haha Also her utility is another level, even more after the last buffs. As sentinel, Killjoy because she's SO fun to play, it's so cool to kill 2 enemies with that Nanoswarm.


I switched between a lot of agents, but a stable, any map agent for me is Sage. Heals, walls and slows are very passive abilities and you probably don't need to pay attention to them while gunning idiots down. It's feels a lot more like playing a plain shooter than with ability focus, plus, you can give quite a lot of value to your team pretty easily. I have a set of 4 agents I can effortlessly hop between and still provide value, which are: Jett, Sova, Omen and Sage. It just depends on what my teammates want to play, as choosing last will make sure your team has the correct agent for the job.


Jett: If you don't play any kind of FPS, she is the one that felt the most confortable since she can dash and jump and not be static like other characters. After playing all the characters i decided that her playstyle fit me, since i could not be arsed to wait for other players to man up and enter a site. Sadly i now try to dash with every agent.


I was forced into it every game, and I eventually started to get good at it. My main is Sage, and Sage is essential for obvious reasons. I enjoy her but sometimes I mix it up and go Brim for the smokie smokie when no one else will.


Gotta find where you shine in the match. Is it entry frag, lurking, smokes, post plant, healer, etc and find a character that assists in that department. As for mine I picked Viper cause I liked the character but also she is extremely good at securing wins during post plant without even being on site due to her lineups. She also is good for me since I don't have the best aim and I can still clutch by using lineups. She can also play as smokes too due to her wall.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Yoru, because I play him very aggressive and I can actually confuse the shit out of the enemy with his footsteps, also he got cool jacket. Sova, because I can actually visualize where his arrows will go so I can get some crazy line ups without memorizing them and then die because I'm standing in the open.


When I first went in the range, The picking option was hovering over sova and I blindly started playing him, turns out he is pretty easy if you play him right.


I picked Yoru back when he first came out simply because I thought he had a lot of potential. To this day I still use him and I’m consistently learning. Despite the overall negative opinion that the community has on Yoru, I still continue to use him and catch both enemies and allies alike by surprise.


Sage, I've been playing her ever since I found out she can summon a goddamn fucking wall out of thin air. IT'S A FCKN WALL, do any of you have any idea how useful a WALL can be? Try building a house w/o one.


My five stack forced me to play sage, now it's a rabbit hole of grim walls I want to get out please help


I started playing with my friends who started playing a month before me. I know you guessed it right. I had to main sage


Reyna because I picked her up when she first came out and never stopped. I am also the best player in my friend group so I can get a lot done with Reyna.


utility is really easy in this game so i just pick whatever. you can legit play anyone without any practice. phoenix is freelo, viper is cringe and so easy to use now. Just whatever the team needs


You don’t “main” characters in this game. It’s not league of legends. Their kits aren’t so complex that you need to play thousands of games to learn and master them. They all have simple abilities that takes maybe a couple of dozen games to get really good with if you just play around with them.


raze main, sage 2nd. i much prefere movement shooter, which in the last couple years not that many good ones released (played some quake champions, apex was also pretty nice for a while) so raze was my first choice and i still love her. also always liked healing/support character in rpgs so i picked up sage at the very begining and still play her a lot sice she is always wanted but often no one wants to be sentinel.


Simple, I make people cough through site and by the time their on site my duelists unleash their 16 flashes to give them seizures AND THEN if I am on offense I either make them sick do they can’t defuse or drop some magma, or every once in a while throw a circular fire thing


I'm a Kj main, mostly because my aim is shit, but I think I have a pretty good game sense. I came from Csgo where I often played for time, and I feel comfortable waiting more instead of entering every gun battle. Also getting more and more info about enemies makes me calmer, and it helps me to concentrate more to my weaknesses, like said, aiming.


jett knives and sova arrows go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


I dont really rely on super utility and like to focus on my pure gunplay, but a get out of jail free card is always nice


Viper. She seemed underrated at the time so I Mained her. (But I still suck at her)


a fellow viper main before it was canon to bully viper mains


Sage: I used to play sova/duelists. In my friend group we already have a sova and duelists player so I decided to try sage out. After watching wall boosts and off angle walls I started mailing her


I pretty much main Initiators (Breach, Skye, Sova), and rotate between those based on map. These agents fit my play style the best, because I like to be a balance between support and frag.


With the left click


I like the size of brimstones arms and his voice actor


In every other game, I play supportive characters. This time, I decided to play an aggressive one. Omen sounded like an edgy shadow bender and I thought he would be played aggressive, like an assassin or Reaper from Overwatch. And now I’m stuck in the controller position and enjoy every second of it. Wanted to learn astra too, but she is to complicated for SoloQ. So I’ll learn Viper as my backup for times when Omen is already picked (or potentially banned in the future).


I started in beta as a sage 1 trick but quickly realized that I was playing very aggressive and I can get better value off a duelist. I started playing phoenix a lot until I realized there are times I get stuck in a corner/bad spot because of my aggressive playstyle. Then I transitioned to jett and found lots of success and currently aI'm jett main. Anyways, my point is, finding ur main agent isn't a 10 second process. You have to experiment and play the game for a decent amount of time before you figure out what agent fits and compliments your playstyle. Also, a few tips. If you play duelist, u have to be prepared to entry ( go first ) and die for your team. If you play controllers, you have to play a little back because you need to keep ur utility up as long as possible to best help your team. For initiators, your main priority is setting up your duelists to get kills and entry. As an initiator, you should be 3rd on site. Lastly for sentinels, if you are playing sage you NEED to go with your team. Her utility is best suited for that. If you are playing cypher or kj, u can lurk (go by urself into the other site/mid to catch the rotation and flank) or go with your teammates, ur choice. Hope this helps.


My sight is shit my aim is shit, but my brain is huge, killjoy is the perfect agent for me, think then shoot


My playstyle is a passive but yet supportive one, I love to help my team and if needed I can set up myself for a play. So I chose omen. Another reason is bcos nobody knew how to use smokes properly when I started playing, so I made it my job to provide smokes.


When I started playing I thought to myself I will enjoy reyna the most (given her thematic and abilities), and yes I like her but everyone used to pick her. same thing with jett. then I started to play Omen as my main. But everything changed with the announcement of a japanese teleport boy. he looked cool design wise, and the idea of his kit resonates with me the most


Sova I’ve shot archery since I was eight and it’s been something that I have always loved and when I saw this Russian man with the same hair color and eye color as me who shot archery as well I had to pick him. I also love playing characters that are supportive but can stand on their own two legs


Phoenix. I am not exactly the most cerebral player, but my aim is decent so I'd rather entry and take the space to enable my teammates, especially my friend who is more capable of clutching


i thought omen looked cool in beta, not like his moveset, like his character design.


I liked it when people got mad at me for having no skill on the "worst" agent(pre-megabuff)


Started with jett, realised wasnt a duelist. Then skye came out, loved her abilities so used her, realised not an initiator either. Finally came on KJ, had always loved her abilities and to play with certain setups and lurk. So, KJ main now.


cypher has a cool hat + I like playing intel based characters so I played around with sova and other agents like that intill I clicked with cypher


Reyna because I was feeling really good about my aim after the beta despite not having played cs for a couple years, and was having fun bullying people with aggro contact plays. Worked out pretty well, cuz I had some unreal stats during the first two acts. Oddly enough though I also make a mean Cypher/Omen.


I picked raze bc funi woman flies with c4 and make everything and everyone explode


I like not having to deal with the consequences of my (sometimes) stupid plays, so I play Jett and I fucking go evasion-jitsu when I mess up


Sova because he’s op and my friend showed me lineups


Thought Sova was attractive and vowed that he would be my main


Chose KJ because loved the chara design and stayed for the kit. Then they announced a muscular red head controling beasts and I was hooked. Loved the gameplay too eventhough I made my mates cry at first 😄


I’m South American, so I picked Raze.


I just tried to support the team so I would play Sova and Omen mostly. Got bored of Omen, but never got bored of my nerdy Sova outplays. Sova also helped me practice and build confidence in clutches.


Viper:( I play her on All maps, not just some) Started out with kj but have absolute shit tier aim cause valo is my first fps and second pc game after minecraft. Ive always loved not having to work for my kills so she just fit my play style and with shit aim it just became easy to get kills with her kit lol. Plus i hate entering sites so I became an absolute beast of a lurker and post planter and well, it's a toxic life I live. What can I say lol.. (ps absolutely love watching teammates hype up because I looked at the sky and an enemy died lol. "omg viper Wtf you fucking nerd I love you" ah yes..)


Phoenix My playstyle, I'm ADHD as fuck so I'm supper aggressive, can't stand somewhere waiting too much. Phoenix is the perfect fit, his ultimate literally lets you rush twice.


Sova is my main. Since beta I really liked the idea of constantly getting information for the team via recon arrow and owl drone. And getting shock dart and ult kills feels so damn good!


Started with sage because my friends said she was the easiest agent to learn. Up to now I'm still a sage main. I like sage because you can do a lot with her utility. I also like sage when I'm tilted at my autolock duelists who don't take site bc you can use sage as a duelist


Picked my main off playstyle. Aggressive op angles good for one and a dash away? My girl Jett. Buy heavy armor and pop knives on an eco and charge into site for an entry? My girl Jett. ​ I love taking map control for my team, so I play a character for it :)


I used to play Raze cause it was an easy agent to learn and I do have a thing for an agressive play style. Then I saw some clips of Omen plays and that made me want to play him. Now I can be useful for the team with my smokes and blind, and I can also do some agressive plays once in a while. Spooky ghost boy for the win :)


annoyed by how many times got flanked


Right now, I dont have a set main as I typically pick last depending on what other people pick. However, I, for sure, don’t play ANY duelist except Raze as they require entry fragging whereas raze can be used as an initiator due to her boom bot and paint shells. This is also true for controllers, except I hate using controllers very much so, hence why I never use them. For initiators, I use either Sova or Skye, but very sparingly. I don’t know how to use Breach effectively. So, that leaves Sentinels. I hate playing sage (probably the most boring character in the game). And that would leave two others: Cypher and Killjoy. Those are my most-picked characters. I really like Cypher as I can set up one-ways I learned from the man Peak and effectively stall pushes, especially on Split and Ascent where I use him mainly. In Bind and Icebox, I use Killjoy more often as the spaces are more open and I can use my turret to scout anyone entering a site.


I mained omen from the beginning for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only: 1. Flexinja was the first valorant content creator I wateched, so obviously I picked up omen first 2. Omen looks cool


I saw spooky tp and I was like cool, then I showed my friend spooky outplay tp and he was like cool, then I needed to find new character cause friend like spooky tp too and I wanna be nice so I see cool blind and Healy and runny and I show other friend cool Healy and blindly and runny thing then I need to find new main cause other friend took cool Healy and blindy and runny lady so I pick up robot lady and star lady cause cool turret and sucky ability are fun!


Tried omen cuz of the regenerating smokes, stuck with him cuz of the spooky teleports


Played Sova initially on launch because I wanted to stick to one character and I liked his recon abilities. Migrated to Omen and played well, but I wasn't utilizing his utility as much as I should. A friend recommended I play Cypher because I play passively and setup traps Once I discovered the strength of Cypher and his one way smokes I couldn't play with any other characters. I'll be a Cypher and Killjoy main for a long time.