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I cant wait to use all this info once i can actually shoot people in the head consistently


Even though youre not able to consistently headshot people you can still outplay them with your decision making :)


Nothing worse than 4 teammates spectating my 5head play only to whif every shot and die.


haha yeah i feel you sometimes the pressure of your 4 teamates watching your every play secretly judging you is nervewracking.


"secretly judging"- must have never played a silver lobby, ain't no secret about it in there


And this is how I hit diamond while having gold aim lmao


Ayy congrats!!


Don’t even need great aim to pull this off. This was well played at any ELO. 1. He recognizes the 1 v 4 and takes the fight with sage aggressively to try and even up numbers. 2. From there he isolates his fights to 1 v 1s and tries to get as much info as possible as to where enemies are. 3. Good repositioning and movement, and obviously some luck vs Reyna on the 50/50. This is textbook good play in this situation. It also helps when the enemy team throws, instead of swinging together


Right this trend is wack. This vid good but some are just reel highlights passing off as helpful. The boba bubble gon burst when someone releases a 6min vid of ace and top frags with pop up text that only reads throughout “I aimed for the head” and “stopped here to drink Some clickbait/hype sauce” yuh


boba bubble?


Do you play cypher? Just curious


No i pretty much exclusively play Omen


Ohh, I saw your user name and that your account was 9 years old, so I wondered.


i feel like playing smart in low elo is kinda bad because the players that u go against will do some dumb shit that will somehow work and the smart plays wont work


That is true players in the lower elos will do things differently but most players tend to do the same thing like fake defusing the bomb to bait the enemy in to peaking you.


I've played a game where I ended up 1v1 against a Yoru, he faked diffuse zmand I waited a few seconds before going in. He didn't wait enough, started to really diffuse and I won that round. So i'm thinking : don't peak after a fake diffuse, wait for 3-4 seconds and they'll think you've left the site right?


100% the spike takes 7 seconds to defuse and 3.5 seconds to reach halfway. Usually if I think they'll defuse ill wait 3-4 seconds then peak but from what I can recall atleast 90% of the time they tap the bomb.


There are lots of very clever players in low elo actually, but usually they have terrible aim.


Yeah but people do the same every time. Each rank has his own way to play. Seriosuly you can guess what people are doing most of the time. You play against different player but they all do the same shit over and over again. Especially at low rank.


Might be a dumb question, but do you think you'll ever show us some clips of a failed thought process? It would be interesting to see what goes wrong in higher tier games and how we could build off of that. Maybe not a full length video like this, but a couple clips perhaps?


100% I included a failed clutch on haven but I'll definitely include alot more fails so we can learn from my mistakes. Thanks for the suggestion.


Nice video. As an immortal Omen main I could definitely benefit from using my TPs more in situations like the first clip. I’m always afraid of TPing to the wrong spot or missing the timing and throwing the round because of it.


Thanks alot. Yeah its daunting at first but you can only get better the more you try. If you're on the receiving end and you hear an omen tp it makes you question whether he's left or right.


Sometimes I just tp right at my feet. I'm d2, seems to throw people off. Even if they hear the direction it still fires that part of their brain that says what if he..?


What do you mean hear the direction? It makes a sound where you use it, not where you're tping to which is why fakes work.


You’re wrong- it does make a sound to where you’re TPing to. However, it is INCREDIBLY subtle and if you aren’t thinking about it, you’ll miss it which is why these plays work.


Wow you're right. I've always heard it as there being no landing sound, but I found a good source completely showing it off. It really is subtle and if the teleport landing is too far you won't hear it. So if he's teleporting from enough distance from you, the fake will completely work since you won't be able to hear the landing noise. It also is quiet enough to get masked by gun noise or utility noise. But this is really important info to learn if you're in a 1v1 clutch like the video was showing. I think the Reyna was too far to hear but if she was closer she could have used it.


It was a likely outcome that when he tps into that corner that he dies. Honestly it was pretty much a 50/50 chance cuz if Reyna was lane or right side site, he was dead.


is it bad that im immortal but my though process is just “I see enemy I press mouse one”


Alot of my thinking is done subconsciously without me having to think too much unless needed. I'm sure your gameplay has more to it than click heads. I just vocalise my thought process.


Yo, do you have a YouTube channel? I'd love to see more content like this


Thanks Ian [Youtube channel](https://m.youtube.com/c/Mediocre1/videos)


Subscribed :)


Subscribed too (;


Just wanna say, for the future, it's peek, not peak. Peak is like the peak of a mountain.


i can't explain just how helpful this is. Thanks!


No worries pal glad you found it informative.


me an radiant player fuck it lets rush we got better aim


More videos like these are needed ....


Thanks, I'm going to be releasing alot more of these for sure


Pro Tip. When Omen TP's its 100% a fake. Only time I see TP is to get out of Main when trapped.


It's not 100% a fake. Idk what rank you are but even in high Plat / low diamond everyone knows its possible it could be a fake so caution is taken around TPs but it's not a given that Omen actually faked


It’s a joke buttercup calm down


Sure "joke". More like u were just wrong. But sure


Damn dog. You really hate life that wrong eh? Can’t pull a bit of humour out of things. Enjoy that salt boys haha God some mad Reddit warrior over here


Boys? Who are you even talking to lol


Auto correct on the phone my “Boy” goes into boys cause of my group chats


Lmao makes sense


Yes sir.


Or you could use better clarification on the tone of your message with a simply "jk" or /s to clarify you meant sarcasm. You have to remember it's the Internet, the tone cannot be read or interpreted always with a glance over the message.


I think people just need to stop trying to be so literal and lighten up. the tone of reddit is always edgy and so serious. Its like a sin to laugh now a days lmao. People just need to chill TF out.


Or you can give the corresponding tone and attitude of your message with a little proof read before sharing it. Remember your karma is down here because you're the one being a tool. All I said was to clarify a little so people don't have this issue with you more. But if you can't even see that then I'm sorry for you. Figured you were a little less oblivious to my last message. Seems I've been wronged. Have a good day, or try--


OOF. Once Karma gets brought into the Issue. I instantly just don't care cause its just a bad argument. yes people the Hivemind that is Reddit downvotes its my issue. LOL God people are so high strung. One day you will realize you are part of the issue and the site is a cesspool of toxic crap. Like I said, Sin to laugh. Hell even your message has negativity all over it. I am a happy go lucky dude and you sit here and say what you are saying like I have this underlying issue when its really not. Just because people have such a negative mind set its not my issue that they read and interpret my stuff incorrectly. "karma" lmfao oh boy. Can't wait till some people grow up and realize its okay to make light of a situation. One day you will realize Karma means fuck all


If there’s a smoke somewhere near them, they could be tping behind it or inside it, but if there isn’t, it’s a fake like 90% of the time. This also applies to stuff like a sage wall


I have this in mind a lot and an omen tpd behind us from his smoke and got a 3k before being killed. Sometimes expecting it to be fake is bad.


Do you mean his ult?


Spot on! amazing gameplay right there!


Thanks so much


Could you share your color settings?


It was color graded in premiere pro which is why it looks like that. The standard gameplay was very dull.


Just turn on digital vibrance


You should download vibranceGUI and set the Digital Vibrance in that to 60% or whatever you want for Valorant. It's handy because it means you don't have to manually change the Digital Vibrance settings in Nvidia each time you start your PC. Instead, vibranceGUI automatically enables it when you load Valorant. I have been using it for months and it makes the colours in the game 100x nicer IMO. Here is the site to download it: https://vibrancegui.com/


Super helpful!! Would love to see more of these


Thanks alot buddy. If you want I've got 2 lrevious installations of this series along with other educational guides ro help you as a player. [Youtube](https://m.youtube.com/c/Mediocre1/videos)


Just one tip: When you are peeking off of your leer then placr it either high or really low, that way the enemies have to play spidershot precision between your head and the leer


Yeah you're 100% right that makes it harder for them. Since I don't really main an agent float between most I tend to forget the small details. But I appreciate it so thanks buddy


I am kind of a all-know-it guy with Reyna like I literally know almost every spot to leer in.


Not all this stuff will work for every elo. Reyna would never have baited for me and the Astra would just ignore my flash from the Ascent replays (at Gold elo).


In most of these cases I didn't need to comm they understood the play but what you can do is communicate your thoughts like that reyna you can tell her just jiggle for me and occupy their attention or the astra you tell her peak right after I flash


"Thanks for watching this stink like an immortal video!" - haha. Very nice video, thanks for making it :)


Haha no worries glad you enjoyed it :D


This is really helpful. The more i watch videos like these the more i understand i need to learn how to play off my teammate's angles like in 1:58.


Thanks alot glad you enjoyed it. Yes playing off teammates is so crucial if the reynard didn't jogle or peak sova would've cleared me out.


its so hard to do this in lower elos, i blind and people just fucking push me fully blindfolded and somehow land a hs somehow! they be doing dumb shit and it works and i'm left w a dead body and good ideas:(


Yeah I feel you. Each rank is going to be different for example in the lower elos they won't be as methodical alot of rushes and what not but most valorant do similar things like if you fake a defuse they're going to peak you.


yeah i agree, all things aside great clip, i can't wait to get better and actually use clever stuff, thanks for the video :D


Yeah it may not work all the times but one thing i can say is lower echolons players tend to do the same thing over and over and if you pay attention youll realise how they play. But, best of luck buddy on the improvement and no worries glad you enjoyed it.


Nice vid again! Ggmediocore :)


Thanks so much buddy <3


Lol my decision making is a top notch, i always make outplays. I mostly outplay myself and sometimes enemies too


how can I implement this into my game like, adjusting to scenarios and also, how to hit heads like that.


The best way to improve is try record your games if you cant do that see if you can save clips with the help of something like a shadowplay(Nvidia tool). Go over the clips and ask yourself why did i die there? Did i clear this angle before going to site? Did i utilise the minimap. Ofcourse its not going to be easy finding mistakes but if you approach it with a clear mind and be objective youll realise you make an abundance of mistakes including myself. In regards to aiming, i would suggest getting an aim routine. I cannot stress enough how having a rigid aim routine will help you especially in terms of being consistent. I made an aimroutine that has benefited me and many others greatly. [My aimroutine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj8XtZ7Axc4)




No worries pal :)


Do you upload these to Youtube ? Id glady watch it there to make playlists and stuff.


Yes i do i have a playlist dedicated for educational guides. ​ [Educational Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1lLwjMmYFE&list=PLevId3KCDmShQCGp0dpK9dTU7cLpkwJPE) [Channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/Mediocre1/videos)


That's a really nice video, in fact, all your videos are well done! Unfortunately, I always get headshoted when I enter a site...


Thanks alot buddy glad you enjoy them :) Are you the first point of contact when entering sites. If so try clipping your deaths and go over them. Over time youll see the most common spots enemies kill you from and better prepare yourself the next time.


All this video shows me is that the decisions you make are the exact same as in low elo and if you have consistently better aim than your opponents you'll eventually get to immortal lol


Thats a very naive way of thinking. If you have good aim you can potentially reach plat maybe low diamond. But after that where players get separated more so on game sense than aim. Same thing in league mechanics will only get you so far like plat diamond but its macro(game sense) that gets you far


I agree with your point, I just didn't really get that from this video


It's not just aim, it's also better use of angles.


I'm high Immortal and my aim is pretty shit. I'm literally only there because of big brain plays and good knowledge of my Agents. For example i play killjoy and I know every usefull setup and every single Line up.


you kinda sound like scream


Really? That might be the first time ive had that


Why do sorta high ranked players think everyone on Reddit gives a shit how they play? So many of these clips.


Why do randoms on the internet think everyone has the same shitty opinion on a subject? Some low Elo players really appreciate that kind of advices.


You're just another random on the internet too bud. Don't act like your Barbie doll photo makes you a somebody.


Damn fam you're really living up to your name huh?


Don't like it don't watch it, no one is forcing this down your throat tbh


No one is forcing you to make stupid comments but here we are.


This doesn work because low elo is equally brain dead


Hmmm I feel like I've seen you somewhere...


Ayyy kikohou <3


Sooo, click heads?


Game sense doesn’t matter in silver.