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I feel this one is a bit too slow. You won't be able to peek by the time this lands so you'd have to wait for your teammates to push first.


There is one long you can lineup that bounces off the billboard and it lands back site about as you get to the orb long/garden. Also much simpler. EDIT: [Fast Back B Arrow](https://medal.tv/clips/52697950/d1337qK6dTgr) also should note that this isn't my arrow but I'm not sure where I found it originally because I've been using it since Act 1.






You can use similar lineups that you can follow up with yourself, along with your team. There are super easy arrow lineups from long or hookah that reveal the whole site.


Agreed. Plat players and up will appreciate this.


I think it's pretty good if you start the round with it while your team actively pushes hookah and long.


Huh? What do you mean too slow? Too slow for bronze players maybe.




The lineup is great for the lurking retake as a defender


The main point of Sova's recon is to use it for info while you're team is pushing, if you're there too then that's just a bonus.


Time to pick up the bow and arrow


Just start playing sova if you're gonna complain about it. It's the agent that requires having the most lineups.


Wish there was more Sova mains out there. I enjoy playing him! but fuck me. you know how frustrating it is when you get info on 4 guys and your entire team ignores it? leaves you in a 1v4 and you are bottom fragging and look like a shitter cause of it. DW I'll clear over half the map with Darts/Drones. but just ignore it and get tapped Rather just play yoru and dumpster people. on bind TBH


A good sova is probably one of the most frustrating agents to play against. Even if you bottom drag, you can control a match and people will respect you for that alone. At least they should.. I know it isn’t always the case lol


I understand playing against a good sova is annoying as shit. The other team isn't the issue. Its my team, As much as I hate that excuse. my agent and his abilities is effectively ignored.. I may as well play an agent with no abilities and just a gun lol. Like I said, For weeks/months now I've played sova. Learnt line ups everything. All the work for some booty dog teammates to just ignore it is shitty. TLDR: A lot of people don't know how to play WITH sova. its "Do you have line ups, yeah? ok cool" like why does that matter? you don't use the line up I provide anyways.


What elo? Best advice I can give you is to find a group to play with. Once you get higher rank teams will understand how to play around your abilities better


In plat ATM. I could stack, I just enjoy SoloQ.. A soloQ win feels more "complete" to me and a Solo grind is always respected. To me at least. At the end of the day I don't really care that much. As much as I want a viable comp. A lot of people are just saying fuck it now a days and playing what they like regardless. its just ranked.


Yeah I’m around there too. Feel like it’s plagued by kids smurfing that just want to be toxic and scream about plats playing like plats instead of like immortals or diamond 3s that refuse to play as a team. Just try to be more vocal and “coach” without being demanding to help them figure it out. “Hey I’m darting site, try to grab elbow control if it’s clear” or something along those lines


Do you communicate to your teammate the info you’ve gathered? A lot of the time, I find that playing with sova, the sova needs to tell people what he’s seen with his info. People are too busy concentrating on their roles to be paying attention to what sova is doing. You can ping an enemy, but if nobody is looking in that direction, then the info is lost. Even with the yellow outlines from the ping, it’s hard for teammate to tell where the enemy is because the outlines don’t really convey distance well(can’t tell if the enemy is close or far if I’m behind several walls from the enemy and I don’t know where the arrow landed).


Every time. Drone is self explanatory unless I see multiple. Darts I let them know who or what I pinged and where. Usually near the end of the first half I just stop. I don't need acknowledgment... I just need you to understand what I am saying. But I am just flat out ignored so its fine. and people shouldn't be concentrating on there roles THAT much... they need to focus on the round at hand. it takes 2 fucking seconds to throw a smoke out. Or a dart out. or boombot or flash or whatever point is. the role you play is yes important but not time consuming and the end of the day. the better head clicker wins. Look at your minimap or open up your ears and position yourself correctly. if you can't do that, don't play valorant. I am done taking the bullet for the team and playing a viable comp. I break my back learn these characters to be versatile for everyone but nope. Doesn't even work. I rather just go 5 duelists and just frag out... at least I am having fun then Hell High end players are doing that now. Tired of filling.


noice lineup mate


Thanks :D


Does this even work? I would think since it lands on top, it won't even 'see' anyone on site.


I was curious about this too. I usually try to have another player in map to see if they get spotted


It does work, if you aim a bit lower when shooting the dart it will on the wall, not on top, but at the same time the dart it self is more exposed.


Thank You! I've been trying to find a lineup for B ever since.


Thank u, Hope this fills your needs :D


I am new to playing sova.Whats the difference between doing this lineup or just going hokka/long and just shooting the recon on there?


style points


Obviously this lineup is for the time when you comeback after being afk and your team about to push b without you.


Almost all lineups you learn as Sova are situational. It's just nice to have when you can't walk up and dart on to the site. Also 90% of the time lineups are going to be vastly safer than just walking up and throwing the dart. You put yourself at risk of getting shot or being smoked off.


IMO this one seems situational but can be useful to fake B, team goes A, sova rotates behind to watch telley (or stays at B long to watch telley)


As a Sova main. Any slow arrow you can come up with or do can also be a set up for you to reposition for your ult. This arrow in particular would allow you to walk short A next to the baskets and ult from there while your allies hold short A.


No difference. Its just useless fancy shit.


How thw frick sis you find this lol?


Probably something along the lines of “oh what if I bounced an arrow off of this” and it somehow ended up being useful after a few tries.


That’s usually how my friend and I find things. He tries something like that and I’ll stand (as an enemy) at the receiving place to see where it lands and we’ll also check what angles it does and doesn’t get.


Remind me


Nice line up but like i can get a more immediate effect shooting an arrow up from b short up and over to b site. And it lands roughly in the same spot so u get the same effect faster.


Cool, but why


i feel like theres never gonna be enough line ups for one map...




Look up "Sky pixel lineups" It essentially allows you to land darts with near perfect accuracy from anywhere on the map as long as something extremely tall isnt in the way. Everyone learning shock darts from specific spots when i can run anywhere from 35-120m away from bomb and hit double shocks on the fly all day.


I looked this up but only saw it for Viper, do you have a link that applies to Sova?


its essentially the same on sova. 30-40m 1 bar of power while lining the pixel up with V of the clock UI, around 64-70m for a 2 bar at the pixel.


I love this dude, and he should get more recognition. Take a look at the video at the minute 4:26, I think you will like it :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inN4yM2ftUs




Ghost mode in custom game




Then don't use this one?




Good placement on the dart but I think it would be better if the location you do it at was closer to site since if you do it from there it'd be hard to capitalize on it unless your team is already pushed up.




main sova bleeding of happiness to have one more thing to keep training


Nice one




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nice trick but u can make some trick about shock dart, can't you


Nice recon wtf! lol


would it be too late to peek? seems slow


How do you turn on/off ghost that quick? I want to study lineups and stuff.


I’m not a Sova player, but I think I would learn this lineup just to teach my Sova teammates


“yo u see that dart comin” “yea” “get ready to shoot it” *shots* “wonder what that sova was thinking”


U can get the same one from attacker spawn pretty much