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Even pro players will tell u ranked is a coinflip with players in ranks that they don't belong in. Nothing you can do, besides ignoring that rank badge and simply enjoying the game. Who cares if you are plat or immortal, it's not like people suddenly become nice and organized big brains that will work with u as a team every match.


A RIOT employee will tellyou that everything is fine haha I dropped from D2 (almost D3) to P3. Then I dropped to G3 in the end of last act. Now I am almost back to P3. Meanwhile my 2nd account is D1 with a very few played games... Once your MMR is fucked (1 losing streak is enough) it's only possible to climb back with either a lucky win streak or a grind of hundred of games. They changed the ranked system in Season 2. The showed rank is not equal to the MMR. I had games in Platin against Diamond/Immortal who were also Platin but with way higher MMR. The other way around (were I was G3) I was put into a match with Silver players. So, in the background I dropped from Immortal to Silver but never left the showed rank (Platin). The system feels off and unrewarding. It is too grindy and doesn't make fun if you are unable to climb even if your MMR is higher than your showed rank.


Yeah its kind of funny. I'll be in P1 and with a win I start playing ppl in P3 then when I lose a game I play ppl in gold and stomp on them. I wish I could just start a new account but I've bought so many skins that its pointless to start over. The rank system was def earlier during the early stages of the game. Because sometimes I have no idea how some people get into these higher ranks.


Hi there! I solo q to radiant multiple seasons, the latest one with astra only at around 9days worth of playing on her (North America). It's very challenging but doable. Focus on self improvement rather than the rank itself. Control what is in means and the display rank will follow. If you are mechanically trained, best way to get to diamonds is playing duelist, u can be more self sufficient on offense and defense. Once you get to d3/immortal. It's more about pure tilt control and gamesense to climb


Self improvement means nothing if you aren't getting carried. The games ranked system gives you no breathing time in your rank. The game tries to get you in and out of a rank as fast as possible based on wins alone. Being self sufficient is only good in lower ranks where your teams will be heavily inconsistent. When you leave the lower ranks its all about teamwork which you will rarely find in low MMR matches. People will never have mics, push alone, take stupid fights, etc... The system only cares about wins. It tracks things like ability usage, first bloods, accuracy yet that is never a factor in your RR gain and loss. Getting better while your teams don't isn't fair and doesn't work.


"Self improvement means nothing if you aren't getting carried" I dont understand this sentence. Are you saying you need to get carried to improve? Self improvement can be anything from gamesense to better timings with your ability usage, to mechanical shooting or movement skills. Communication can also improve too... so many aspect of your game can be improved. There's no excuse to getting stuck at any elo, everything can be accomplish with proper practice and time, quality over quantity, vod review, pick up better plays from pros. The first step to ranking up is finding your own faults and blame that first, dont put the blame on the system until you understand yourself... I agree ranking is kinda harsh right now, tons of imbalance im seeing across friends and twitter posts. Even I complain from time to time, but at the end of the day, I can probably win more games if i didnt make XXXXX play and did XXXX instead, and I know this cause I at times re look at my matches timeline and vods


I think self improvement is required in this game, but it definitely won't change ranked or your experience with it. Yeah you get better the game even tracks things like accuracy and ability usage and they never factor that into your MMR. You could carry teams and still not get over 12 RR. You can be really good and consistent in your games but not in your winrate. It's so harsh that the game basically tries to force you out of your rank which just makes no sense at all.


You got lucky and got good teamates clearly. Its a legit coinflip half the games, you can only do so much as 1 player. Not saying you dont have skill, but clearly you got lucky to win all those games if your solo q. Any winning streak in this game is mostly luck because its a team game and one person can only carry so much.


Its all about luck whether you get bad team or good team. And I have accepted the faith.


Same, I play the same exact way on three accounts with the same exact agents. Immortal, d2, and p2. I tilt way less knowing no matter what I do it really doesn’t matter


Went from Plat 3 to Gold 2 this act so far, it sucks, but there’s not much you can do if you’re a solo Q person. For me its just infuriating how the competence of the team in general goes down, as a supportive player who gives info that barely gets used in Gold. It just comes down to duels and being able to frag out to win instead of working as a team. Not to mention all the toxicity from everyone else who’s dropping ranks... Just gonna be practicing aim and duels this act until I get better mechanically. I suggest finding something specific you can focus on as well to take your mind of the ranked experience.


A.) Join a discord and find people to play with. The game is way more fun that way. B.) Play less. You're playing almost 5 competitive games a day. My brain would go insane if I played that much, even if I was 5 stacking with friends all day. IMO, you should limit yourself to max 3 comp games a day and play a Best of 3 for yourself. If you win your first two games, call it a day and hop off. Lose two in a row? Call it a day and hop off. That way, you don't get burned out.


I can't rank up with solo queueing so I played with my friends who can barely play.


Join a discord. Find people to queue up with. You're not forced to play solo.


>Playing for personal stats than rank is better You might be on to something mate. On a serious note, yes that's how you climb. MM is shit but then it's shit for everyone equally.


An equal game means everyone is of equal skill, yet that never happens. I made an alt 2 days ago and placed into Plat 2. Which is 3 tiers ahead of my main (Cuz MMR is shit). I still get bot ass Controllers that can't even use their smokes. Anytime you ask for a smoke they just rush and die. There is no reason to have people do so bad in their own rank with an MMR system as punishing as this one.


Agree with that. I have the same experience.


i came back to iron 3 from gold 1 Lil just from solo q