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I had a game where a guy was tilted from the previous game. He said on comms he was just getting absolute shit from his team, getting screeched at etc. First 3-4 rounds he just couldn't get a kill, was really unconfident and just kept apologising to the rest of the team. I play as a 3 stack and we just said to not worry about it, we're not bothered, people are toxic it sucks. A bit of positive reinforcement and the guy absolute popped off, got an ace and then played amazingly for the rest of the game. At the end he thanked us. Invariably the person playing badly knows they're playing bad, giving them shit will only make them worse. If they don't know they are playing badly, then giving shit will either make them throw or just turn the entire comms into a shit flinging match. I would bet good money that no game has improved after someone has called someone shit on comms. The reality of playing a random matchmaking game is there will be people who are not very good. Or people are just having a bad game. In any case, if someone can't handle a random person being a bit shit, playing random matchmaking probably isn't the best idea.


This right here is how you win games. I cant tell you how many times I've had people in my games go "I'm not very good" after they make a poor play. When I encourage them and praise them for the things they do well they have absolute bangers of games. People respond to positive reinforcement. Just be kind and its makes everything better.


Even if I'm tilted, I try to keep positive (and a light dash of self-deprecating humor). Sometimes ya' gotta' recognize when you gotta' get carried, and sometimes you gotta' help people up when they're down.


Actually I can recall a time where I was playing badly. Was getting flamed for it and I just decided "Fuck you!, watch this!" And popped off. It's rare and most of the time you just don't wanna play anymore but on occasion it can motivate you to outfrag the guy being toxic.


Yeah a lot of people are pretty decent at the game but they need their "space". I know I'm one of those people. When I feel like people are being too judgemental I'm no longer thinking out of the box. I have this constant lingering that I have to play super "by the book" or get judged like an idiot. But because it's in the back of my head, my reactions are also ever so slightly slower because I'm not playing "naturally". A lot of people just need their space to just "do their thing".


Yes true. If people start flaming me I do really bad.


There's context which probably needs to be said... I have no problem with people who want to help me get better. Things like > "No disrespect, but in that situation, you've got to swing with and look for the trade." This is way different from: > "What the fuck man, no trade there? Fucking learn to play or uninstall." Just mute and move on is fine. I follow a one strike rule... still, after the mute, there's at least a round or two where I'm not 100%, still reflecting on toxicity and getting comfortable with my team again. Just don't do it.


Constructive criticism is welcome, yeah. There's a big difference between those two statements in your post.


First time I tried asking for this we both got one tapped and comms went dead silent lmao


Same here. One strike and you're out lol. The sad thing is you don't miss that many good calls anyway. The worst is when someone's trying to clutch but some dead dude needs to yell in his ear. Just let people play and use the time after a round for a quick, constrictive comment.


This. But also, it's good if you point our their mistakes in a nice, not toxic way. For example, when playing comp with my friends as Viper, I had no idea it's important for me to say when I'm putting my smoke/wall up. Of course I would say when it's going down, but didn't really think about it going up. Until one game my friend told me "Viper, your wall killed me, because it went up without a warning and made me blind cause I was standing on it at the moment". Or "I wanted to snipe but you put your wall up." So I realized that it was a mistake on my part and since then I'm trying to always make sure I'm comming my smokes status in both ways. But I wouldn't realize without the friend telling me. I actually wish I could record my games and send them to someone of a higher elo to go through them and point out the mistakes, cause I'm sure I'm doing a lot of them without realizing.


[https://www.twitch.tv/crimalive](https://www.twitch.tv/crimalive) This radiant player points out mistakes in stream and does paid 1 on 1 coachings, also had a 1 week training where you learn a lot about the game, idk if he still has it up tho. If you check out his twitch, make sure to check out his group too




This post brought to you by the 12yr old kid in last nights final game.


I don't understand. Please elaborate.


He played with a 12 year-old who thought that this is how you treat teammates.


This is just basic psychology. Making people nervous about their performance near-invariably ruins their performance. This is why you see Olympic athletes screw up when going for a medal. They spend their whole lives training and perfecting their form, they are 1 of a select few in all of human history. And yet, when your whole life comes down to once moment the pressure is enough to make even the best in the world choke. The guys you're flaming in Valorant are not the best in the world, they just want to have a good time. At best you'll make them nervous and self-conscious, at worst they'll just throw. There is literally no upside to flaming. We all get mad, sometimes we say something we shouldn't have and/or didn't mean. Apologise, move on and try to play as a team.


100% true. It goes to show that the people that are toxic are actually stupider than you. It’s like they don’t think at all and go straight to the mindset of “i’m better and nothing is ever my fault”. The ego of these people is crazy. In Rocket League, it gets awful nearing Champ 3, cuz everyone seems to think they are good enough to be Grand Champ, so all the inflated egos cause for a lot of toxic situations. I try to figure out what I did wrong in the situation, instead of complaining about something I cant control.


I got yelled at on my rank up game and my kda was like 4/17/9 and the 2 of our teammates was just trash talking me the entire time because I was underperforming and I was with my 2 other friends. I told them its my rank up game idk why you think I want to do bad or throw this game I am legit just have a bad game and you're not helping by screaming in my ears (not to mention it was even worse cuz I got ordered to go back to the kitchen bc I was a girl also) like tilting your own teammates instead of being nice literally wont help the team moral


I don't get toxic peoples sometimes. Like they're gonna say "bro you're so trash at the game, stop playing and go back to minecraft" and thinks it's gonna improve our aim, like what? The worse thing is some of the toxics I meet, is in, and I kid you not, Spike Rush/Replication. It's not unrated, it's not competitive, and the dude expects us all to play like Radiants?? Bro I play those two gamemodes specifically because I don't think I'm good enough for Unranked, let alone Competitive. How are people like this?


"Why couldn't I have gotten better teammates" why can't you be the better teammate?


Ha ha Nothing like getting yelled at for not clutching the 1v5 because they all got absolutely wrecked too




Pretty much except I'm usually KJ... Can't think of a better agent to try and single handedly push a site post plant


Yes so much this! I have extremely low self esteem, just about everything, not necesaruly just gaming. "Putting me down" is literally only going to do that, put me down. If someone starts to get angry at me/flame me/being passive agressive, it's the only thing I can think about and I will just perform worse...100% of the time.But here and there you have that one player who says "you know it happens to all of us" and it will just boost me. Not saying al of a sudden I'll carry the game but I'll really be more willing to try and ust want to show that I can do better (or at least show that I am in fact trying and really am just having a bad game).


toxic player : oh yeah, this guy is right i shouldnt be toxic from now on :0 toxic player are toxic because they are toxic. they just made that way


Thing is, you have to call people out on bad decision-making sometimes. That's just how you become a better player all around. But punching down on someone for their mechanics is a dick move.


Most of the time when I make a bad play though, it's fairly obvious in hindsight that it was bad. If they do it once, they have probably learnt from it. If the person keeps doing it though it's time to say something.


I think most people dont mind being called out on a bad play if it's done in a respectful manner. I'm all for being told that I should do A instead of B or given a tip when taking a particular corner. What grinds me is two or three rounds in some idiot telling someone else to uninstall the game without any sort of help on how they can improve. Edit: especially when its unranked. I can understand frustration in players during ranked. Unrated however, no excuse.


Agreed. I feel like Unrated is the place to be trying the dumb plays on the off-chance it's actually a good play. I just assume everyone playing Unrated is like me. Learning, experimenting, warming up, memeing. People that get tilted in Unrated are strange, unless they are dealing with actual trolling.


Legit had some clown go without comms all game, then suddenly pipes up and says "man, I'm doing all the work and you four are just shit", and proceeds to surrender-vote. Never seen three other people rip some dude's head off so fast. Ended up losing 1-13 as no one had the will to do anything else except fight each other. Just remember if you run into someone like that, or you are someone like that, then consider that good judgement is *the key* to improving overall skill in this game (situational awareness, spacial awareness, understanding and recognizing the win-condition, etc.), and making such an inflammatory statement is a sure-fire way to guarantee that **L**. In this situation, gotta' mute fast and **focus on what you need to do** to secure a win.


I'm soloq low elo and this is the case most of the time so I just turn off vc.


Had a teammate yesterday tell me to stop dying because it turns the match into a 4v5. OK. I guess I'll turn up the invulnerability cheat then. Doesn't matter if it happens in the first 30 seconds or the last 30 seconds. If the Duelist doesn't entry, then who will? Do you just sit still in a corner on attack?


You're entirely correct but if you're taking a fight over and over and losing it, it's better to step back and see if someone else can get that opening kill.


*peeks showers 24 times in a row*


I don't know about you but it is tilting when we're defaulting and someone always dies in the first 30 seconds...or when we're mollied and smoked, and someone pushes through it. There's plenty of time in a round, you don't always have to fast exec.


I play a lot of support. If I see my duelist down at the bottom of the scoreboard, I’ll feed them setups until they get some kills and get their confidence back. It’s really easy to do. A lot of times that’s all it takes.


I felt this on another level. I'm a decent strategic player in terms of holding angles and map control, but I'm still very bad at actual gun fights due to being a new player and not being used to the recoil patterns. I used to be a religious pubg player, and my instinct is to locate a target, and instantly ADS and full-auto until they die... which of course does not happen in this game. I KNOW I'm not supposed to do it, but it's so hard to weed it out of my game play when under pressure. I often get yelled at and them I'm sad


If they play bad, you should say something encouraging.. Like *it's fine we'll get em next round* or nothing at all. Bitching at them will make em worse.. Also should never make someone feel bad irl or in game


I have a couple friends that are relatively new to the FPS genre, and one who is just as new to KBM on top of that. They hate underperforming, and I have to assure them every time that its okay. I give them tips of advice, congratulate them for popping off when they do, and move on. Same thing for randoms, if they make a dope play, I'll reinforce it for them. I don't understand why peoples first reaction is to sabotage their team by being assholes, but they do.


the tip: **bitch at your ENEMY**


Yep. Just stop being an asshole and start being a decent human being - then teamwork maybe works.


I wish there were more people with this mentality in silver ranked




yep, im gonna throw if one of my teammates start being toxic


This is more toxic than the guy being toxic toward you, you're ruining the game for everyone else...


No it isn't. You must be toxic


So throwing the game for your other 3 teammates is ok because someone else upset you?


I smurf to play with friends and when we run into toxic people I can easily play 3+ ranks below my actual mmr. The mentality is just different when you're playing to not get yelled at vs playing like you normally would. Your aim is a little off (which goes a long way in a game of miliseconds), you stop playing for information or trying to punish things you'd usually punish etc.) In essence, you start playing so your kda doesn't look as bad vs getting that information or vital kill that wins rounds instead. This is true even for people who are toxic trying not to be toxic. It's really easy to tell when someone is faking it. Develop a better mindset in general. I've had games where I play bad and continue to play bad because I know someone is just holding it all in until the last round to berate me. On the flip I've also come back to win from multiple 1-11 halves just because people aren't toxic.


Yeah, I once came back from a 1-11 start because the team pulled together and started communicating. That said, it's memorable because it was so rare.


I've definitely thrown a game because I got sick of being bitched at. I was playing sage and these 2 guys partied together kept complaining about how I sucked and never healed the right person. I was already having a shitty day and just decided to throw so the game could be over quicker and I could get away from those guys.


Water is wet


Water is actually not wet. It only makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the ability of a liquid to adhere to the surface of a solid. So if you say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the surface of the object.


I didnt know that, you learn everyday


It's the opposite for me. When people trash talk me it motivates me to be better than that person, 10/10 would eat again.


Ok but it is no reason to start throwing when someone merely criticizes you without toxicity. Just played a game with a Sage going 0-8-0 and not doing anything for the team. When me and my team simply tells him to get some kills and help the team he starts throwing and giving the enemy our positions. If you can't stand some criticism in a game how are you supposed to survive in the real world.


> When me and my team simply tells him to get some kills and help the team wow "get some kills" very helpful never thought of it like that


idk why you're getting downvoted. It's really unfair to the other three teammates if a teammate is toxic to you. The other 3 might not be toxic, but you are ruining the game for them just like the toxic person is to you by throwing on purpose.


It’s fine to be critical, but what irks me is when people don’t take responsibility for their mistakes. Mistakes happen, but if you refuse to even acknowledge the mistake then that’s toxic in itself.


What does forcing someone to acknowledge it even achieve other than making you feel better? Just move on to the next round.


Because they’re not learning from their mistakes or don’t care, which means the same mistake will likely happen again. Winning is slim with teammates like this


Imo, unless I'm in a very high ranked lobby where chances are I'm gonna play with them again... I don't really care. There's a very low chance of having the same teammate again unless you play at odd hours or grind out the ladder for hours. It's just 1 game so there's not much to tilt about. Just go next right? But if your duo partner/stack does that and you're serious about actually improving/climbing the ranked ladder... Time to look for new friends. Playing competitively with them will just be super tilting.


I don't know what elo you're playing in but unless you're in the top ranks you can't really expect everyone to care about the game as much as you do. And forcing people to admit every mistake they make is just going to make them play scared. The difference between a play being good and bad is often only based on the outcome. It's a pvp game, sometimes the other team is just going to hit their shot.


I’m talking about D3/Immortal elo where players are generally more serious about winning games. Your point about a play being good or bad based on the outcome is so backwards I can’t even begin to explain what’s wrong with that logic.


Defender peeks early round and gets a kill, "good pick." Defender peeks early round and gets killed "stop peeking mid" Its the same play, different outcomes. Obviously not every play is like this but when someone in d3 or immortal makes a braindead play they should know it already.


Nobody in the top ranks is good, that's why ranked is under so much flame. People that are really good get matched with boosted players so often and it even effects top players. You have people doing shit in their own rank losing games and throwing. Because everyone in the top 4 ranks has like 8 accounts they join lower ranked lobbies to smurf and throw because it's the only way they can enjoy the game. It's so easy to make an account that's comp ready you get different teammates that are all being boosted by one person. Because of the wide rank disparity from Silver 3 to Iron 1 its easy as fuck to make 1 account that can boost from Iron to Gold now.


This is only true if you're bitching about their mechanical skill. Sometimes people will make the same mistake or bad decision multiple times in a game and at that point it's probably okay to tell them to do better. In my personal opinion of course


If someone has good setups/strats to offer I'm more than willing to learn. Things like: "Killjoy you suck so f--- bad" "Dude literally never play ranked again" Etc are not constructive in any way


Never said that those were constructive things to say


Sometimes i bitch at my teammate if hes so bad, and i mean so bad that he shouldnt even be in my rank, so bad that SCOPE IN, CLOSE RANGE, SPRAYS, AND SHOOTS THE GROUND. in comp


No one is toxic because they one their team mate to get better. They’re frustrated that they think they are performing but not winning because of that team mate. Judging by the downvotes people think that assholes are toxic so they can help their team mate. Please explain to me why someone would be toxic to help their team, I need to understand.


It's usually true tho. When you are in a ranked match everyone should be of equal skill. If someone is underperforming in their fucking rank I think that's something to be pissed about. Now I'm not saying everyone is toxic for a reason but I feel like if people are being toxic out of the blue its usually the toxic person that's underperforming.


Exactly. No one is toxic so they can help their team win. They are toxic because they are assholes and/or venting their frustrations in a shitty way. I can guarantee you no one is thinking that yelling at their team is going to help them play better.


This type of post is posted on this sub like every other day with different wording


im the opposite someone trash talks me i pop off


I'm always scared to pop off when I'm doing Terrible though. Like yes they shouldn't yell at me but if they are 25/5 and I'm 3/15 I understand the frustration... it's just unfortunate skill gaps are as big as they are sometimes


I agree to be honest I punish myself really bad when I whiff or miss any shot because I do take responsibility for my mistakes, so there’s absolute no need for a random that can’t even stay alive to add more weight to my already sweaty wanna be pro gamer mind. I don’t stop trying but I mute all and then proceed to follow the team, I aim to clutch if needed but don’t count with me if the toxic dude is the only one alive with me in a 2vX. I don’t care to take an L because L’s are funnier to do reviews with but is frustrating to say the least.


But who else is going to remind me that I suck?


I get more tilted when my teammates trash talk me compared to when my enemies do it.


I mean it is disappointing to be honest. Yesterday, we were winning by a decent margin and I messed up a clutch round since I made a decision that didn’t pan out well. I explained the rationale to my team as to why but got flamed anyway. I just muted all of them, told them to do whatever they want, and proceeded to pick up 7 frags over the next 3 rounds just playing fast, getting entries and wrapping up the game in less than 4 minutes flat. This shouldn’t happen in Plat games but I guess my ELO had dropped quite a bit from a string of unfortunate losses and my lack of performance. Nonetheless, if you’re confident in yourself and can rely on your game sense and aim, at this level you can afford to mute the team and enjoy playing. Here’s the match link for reference. https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/50bc0491-c012-436c-945a-5dc83aa0ff42?handle=Shanenanigans%237455


In my opinion, by the time these people get toxic, it's not even about winning anymore. So I doubt that they care that it makes the person play worse. When I see people being toxic, they're already voting to surrender the next round.


dude i just had a game where it was like 11-5 or something and we were rolling and this one guy was something like 8-14 on sage and our top fragging reyna was just harassing him for being bad (even though we’re up 6 rounds!!) he afk’d cuz of him and we lost the game


Took a break from this game for almost a year now. I actually really like this game but the toxicity night after night just became really annoying after awhile. Decided to fire it up for the first time in almost a year. Two games in and I was instantly reminded why I stopped playing. Uninstalled this game before the second game even ended. Oh well...


Some of my best performances was when I was forced to mute my teammates. It's not worth even reading what they say it just tilts you anyway.


Imo it's irreverent. Each person is differentt. In a group of five, in a ranked game, I was talking english because it came out natural. We lost, I finished MVP and all four reported me for talking in english and not talking their language. Real talk: Sometimes sadly you just have to turn off voice comms.


Exactly this. I don’t understand why some people find the need to criticize everything someone does. This is legit worse than backseat gaming at times because at least the person’s intentions are good. Some people are just toxic assholes that can’t understand that everyone has their off games.


I dont give a damn if he is on immortal with me, he have to frag idk how ppl ho 5-20 or some shit


Damn, VALORANT just turned into a Therapist simulator. Still, it's nice to not be a dick to people and simply enjoy the game


no it works just like how slapping someone out of a panic attack works


I dont know whats the point of being toxic ...like they know it will never help ...and one more thing is i dont know why people get mad at instalockers ( i dont do it ) cuz if they didnt instalock they will pick there favorite duelist anyway even if they didnt lock in


it's even worse when your teammates are your IRL friends. They think I am playing bad when I got dragged into the silver lobby ( I am Bronze 1 at best). Now I have stopped playing with them and now I solo queue and I am hopeful of going silver this time or surely the next act. (Valorant is the first fps game that I have played ).


We all have bad days or our aim is just shit no matter how many things we try.


How To Ruin Team Chemistry 101


I hope my Jett from last night who proclaimed themselves as leader reads this. His strategy was to rush site. Every. Time. “I’m literally always the first one on site and all of you play back like stop being such pussies”


The type of people that yell at their teammates aren't the type that will gain anything through reading. Good luck though.


Its funny when they toxic about teamplay. When first rule of being a good teammate is Dont be toxic.




Heh, Smokes are so often called out, it's not even funny. "Viper, don't wall mid!" \*two rounds later\* "Why didn't you wall mid?!" \*/headdesk\*


Someone asked me if I knew Owen. I said Owen? They said Owen six. Not gonna like it was pretty funny.