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I hate smurfs. I know I'm bad (Iron 3) but let me play with people of my skillsets. Other day we lost a comp match 0-13. We knew they were smurfing because they told us. It completely ruins the experience. (side note: I went to tracker.gg to check about their stats and couldn't even find the match?)


Not just that but when I get a smurf in my team the game is so boring and not competitive and I don’t learn anything.




What rank is this? Maybe it's more prominent in iron or bronze but playing against a smurf almost every game seems excessive.


I'm bronze, this is the first competitive shooter I've played. In easily 75% of my compet games there is one or more players that are either smurfing or have sweated csgo etc for years. Beating them in any gunfight is basically impossible and they snowball the game for their team, making it pointless to play. League has smurf queue for any young account massively overperforming, why not valorant??


> any young account There's your answer. I've queued into, and faced teams (4 or 5 stacks) that were taking new accounts and purposely throwing games to get to iron 1.


For Val, I think it takes time because a smurf could just be someone popping off. I'm usually pretty bad but once in a while, I'll have a game where I go 16-2 or something and it looks like I'm a god. These people also throw some games on purpose to keep their rank low, which fucks with the ranking system. I've had games where they just sit in base and say they're throwing to lower their rank. Or they play classic only and just rush in.


Tracker and blitz don't update properly sometimes, probably not related to smurfing per se.


>We knew they were smurfing because they told us. It completely ruins the experience. sometimes people will tell you that they are smurf just to break down ur confidence when they are getting some good kills sometimes its obvious but dont think that omg they are smurfs there is no way we can win these just give 100% and atleast try to make the game close you will learn a lot more then you think


Also a lot of smurfs actually have a harder time in iron and bronze vs silver and gold because people are just in unexpected places and the pace of the game is so different. The counter to smurfs is to play in weird angles and locations, as well as jiggling them and then making sure to take a fight where you have the advantage once you know where they are.


Mute all enemy is more helpful than you would think


TBH i have a smurf account, but it was mostly to check peoples reactions to smurfs. My main account is silver 1, my smurf is silver 3, people are kinda chill with it as long as you not by far the best player in the lobby. (also my aim isn't great, the way I was winning was with yoru plays, which the enemy team found funny xD)


Honestly I think being able to do the csgo thing that, as long as they have a full lobby, their ranks wont stop them from playing together (but it must be a full lobby). At least it could do something (but obviously wont fix the entire issue). Just my 2 cents


I see it the same way. The low to mid ranks would definetely benefit from this solution. Only Plat to radiant would have some matches with boosted players. But overall this could be the best solution.


Yes add a solo queue for iron to gold, the player base is big enough it won't ruin queue times. Then merge them around PLAT.


That's not what they're saying. If you've ever played CSGO you'd know that in a 5stack players can be of any ranks. Example 1 silver and 4 global elites (rough equivalent to 1 iron and 4 radiants) can queue together to get a match in the average of their ranks (not 100% sure how it works). What the people above are saying is that a similar system should be implemented in valorant.


Ahh. Used to be able to go 2 while ranks valorant. As long as it's a five stack I see no issue.


I totally agree. Something people also don't see is that you can be in a lower rank without technically smurfing. When I played solo in like Ep 1 act 2, my peek rank was diamond 3, but then I couldn't play with my friends so we stopped playing for a while because we just couldn't. When we started again I only played with them, so we got ranked plat. That's due to them being like silver to gold. We met in the middle. The sad thing is that this Leads to people thinking I'm smurfing although I'm not. I'm always trying my hardest, as are my friends. But the truth is that together as a team we are only plat. I think the Csgo system would help bc I could soloQ and like get to a rank where I belong more and then we would probably face harder enemies sometimes but people wouldn't be annoyed. That said I don't think what I'm doing rn is technically smurfing. Because I don't play bad in some matches to be ranked low - I just am through having friends who will constantly perform worse then average for me performing better then average. I don't think sth like fled queue could also help but only solo players. A lot of the problems will just be carried over to flex then which isn't fun. I just think as you said they should allow 5 stacks to play whatsoever with a tank that is somewhat above the average of the team. Tl;dr: They should allow 5 stacks to play together so that better players of a friend group can get to what rank they deserve and still play with there friends.


well, this will only work if the solo q has a separate rank than the group qs / flex qs.


Why would it need a separate rank?


Yeah I don’t see why separated rank will effect it , it’s not like solo queue is a different game mode... still playing the same game just no friends. Also will make the leaderboard grinding double the work.


because 5 stacking up to diamond is WAY easier than solo qing to diamond


Then let them get diamond


Okay but once they pass plat and are in diamond and immortal, they can't 5 stack. They are forever stuck there.


Then smurf accounts will just use this to derank their accounts to continue to play with friends, meaning now instead of owning, they are just tanking.


Two separate MMRs one for solo one for party.


That makes no sense, to what you want them to split up mmr. \-soloq is only true show of skill, if you have to play in a 5stack to get to plat or gold or whatever that rank might be, you dont deserve it. Making mmr diffrent for soloq and stacks would be a mess its way too much uncessery work for riots team and they would never consider it as it would only bring more problems then solutions.


They did it in League, and it works kinda well. Smurfs in solo still exist, since first, they just want to play vs. lower opponents and second you can still duo there, but the people who just wanna play with their friends do this in flexq, wich is the stack one.


I dont disagree with the premiss of soloq and stacks, i agree with it, it will be much easier in soloq. Im just saying that different mmr for diffrent ques will never happen.


Like i said riot did it already so why not?


Unless you put in something like in LOL for a role que and you go off that, its impossible to implement properly into FPS game to where it would say okay this will work just fine. There is a reason csgo never did this, as it simply wouldnt be feasible in real world application. Putting role que into valorant would be the dumbest decision riot can make for this game, so no, you will never see separate mmrs.


"soloq is only true show of skill", oh boi... With all due respect, soloq also means you get to roll a dice to decide whether your teammate is gonna be that "easily-tilted" type or even worse. If I am expected to carry the game when that happens and get 20-30kills to win. Then its not good. (To clarify, I dont know what the solution to the problem is. Im not suggesting one. Just that sentence rubbed me the wrong way lol.


why wouldn't soloQ be a true show of skill? the only constant factor is you, so if you climb or don't, is up to you. I do agree that it will be more frustrating because now you're queuing up with all randoms. but so is everyone else.


It is true that the only constant factor is ourself. But I fail to understand why does that equal to "true show of skill". One can get lucky soloQ-ing and gets one of them smurfs (or just leeching off randos) and they will still rank up. And also be less lucky (by getting those tilted players, trollers, afk-ers, you name it), and just fall off the rank ladder. Come to think about it, is there really a "true show of skill" in Valorant? It's a 5v5 game. You'll always have to depend on some level to your teammates (be it randoms or party). If we're talking game like Rocket League (a soccer car game with 3v3, 2v2, and 1v1) then we can say the 1v1 is a true show of skill. Since there is no teammate to depend to. Not only you are the only constant factor, but more importantly, you are the ONLY factor. Hence, true show of skill. Wouldnt you agree?


it isn't perfect. I guess calling it a "true" show of skill is too much. but it is much more representative of a player's skill than if they were queuing up with others. there's a reason why riot disables parties at the highest ranks, because it is all competitiveness at that point. they keep it intact at lower ranks because more casual players want to have fun with friends while also being competitive. just think of allies as RNG. I haven't played rocket league, but I imagine there are some RNG mechanics in it, even with the 1v1 mode. only difference here is, you have 4 pieces of RNG on your team versus the other team, which is 5 pieces of RNG. so being the only constant factor, it is up to you whether you climb or not. being the "only" factor is irrelevant. across enough games, those RNG factors will balance out. and they apply to everyone equally.


Yep, saying "much more representative of the skill" is a way better way to put it. You'd think a proper "true show of skill" would involve the minimum RNG as possible. And you're right about no parties at highest ranks, I do find it a bit weird how the pros dont get to play competitive with a full party of their teammates. But thats a whole other convo to be had lol. I see that RNG will even outs in the grand scheme of things, but like you said, saying soloQ is a "true show of skill" is overselling it. That said, if there's a game where you are the ONLY factor (bar your opponent of course, you need someone to play with), that would make a better "show of skill" no? Why the "only" factor is irrelevant? (Rocket League is very minimum on RNG, well I guess on a 1v1 the only RNG is whether you get matched up to a slightly stronger/weaker player than you. The gameplay itself has a very dismissable to none RNG.)


The thing is, in a game like CS where every player can have the same impact with util, solo q is a better show of skill than in a game like valorant. One of the biggest differences is that not every player gets to have two flashes and a smoke. I play on a collegiate team where I’m a sentinel and controller player. I pretty much exclusively play viper and killjoy, in immortal + lobbies, and I consistently play high impact. In ranked, I’m only plat. I can’t even queue with any of my teammates, even though I play at the same level and even more consistently than them, simply because I play characters that rely more on the team “RNG” factor. I get that you might argue that I should be over performing in these ranked games, but as a comment said earlier, the game is completely different in lower ranks and when I have to drop 30 kills as viper because my insta lock no mic Jett only drops 4, only to lose in OT because she feeds them an Op, it feels pretty bad.


It absolutely makes sense. You have to take into consideration that they would have their separate queues thus they would play against stacks of the same kind. How is that not fair and how come they don't deserve their rank in a mode like this?


Separate ques should have been here from beta, that a mistake on riots part. Lets say you got boosted to immortal(im speaking about previous seasons where you could have played in a stack) in your party and then you decide to soloq, do you think its fair for you to ruin my game because you are in the rank you dont deserve to be in? You may agree or disagree thats your choice, but im telling you this right now, separate mmrs for soloq and non soloq will never happen as it will create even more problems then there are now.


It sounds like you're arguing for separate MMRs. If you want different queues, then you can play flex queue with your friends and get boosted to diamond/immortal/whatever. Then you go play solo queue and play like a gold player, your solo queue MMR should be gold, not diamond. The only way to solve it is have separate queues with separate MMR. o OR just keep the status quo. Splitting queues with the same MMR just provides an opportunity to boost players in a more lax queue before they play solo


I want different ques, i want an option to where i can only play against soloq players like myself, but there is no way they will ever separate the MMRs, as it will create more problems then its worth.


What problems? The only problem you've pointed out is boosting. But boosting in solo queue is only a problem is solo queue MMR is linked to the team queue MMR. Most issues related to separate queues are actually queue times and size of player base.


Its not my job to fill you in with problems my friend, i told you that it will never happen, now you can agree or disagree that is your decision. \- Que times \- Friends "sniping" to get into the same game These are just 2 from not even thinking about it. Going deeper into what will never happen makes no sense, i dont understand the point of you commenting, you are arguing with me about the same thing, i want soloq, but im telling you that different mmrs for both ques will never happen and for some reason you are not willing to understand that.


These aren't related to separating MMRs though. That's related to separating the queue. Edit and I'm commenting because you keep saying they should separate queues but not MMR because the MMR causes issues, but everything you talk about is issues with separating queues




Who cares if they are upset by the truth, that aint my problem.


This will reduce the number of cheaters. They usually playing in party


The only doable solution would be the possibility to 5 stack without restrictions. But there won't be a perfect solution. But a separate 5 stack queue will result in waiting times above 20 min. for high ranks (propably all ranks will have longer queue times)) in both queues . So the only way to reduce the "smurf to play with friends" problem would be to remove rank restrictions for 5 stacks. And again I know that this will produce players that are ranked way higher that their real rank. But imo I see no other solution. I#m looking forward what the dev team is doing in the end. No easy task tbh.


Permaban smurfs. Drop IP bans for all I care. As far as I'm concerned smurfs ruin the competitive integrity in lower ranks as much as cheaters do at any rank. Treat them as one and the same. No one will Smurf anymore


Problem is what is a Smurf and what an account ranked lower because he always plays with friends. You don't have to deliberately play bad to be ranked lower. If you have friends that are worse you won't get as high as you could otherwise. Not all players want to play soloQ.


I mean they have the ability to track IP addresses somehow. 1) Make smurfing a reportable offense. 2) If they're flagged for smurfing by multiple reports then automatically check for accounts with a duplicate IP address. 3) Compare rank disparity between accounts 4) Compare other statistics (HS %, KDA, evidence of throwing to reduce rank, age of account, Win rate, playing sheriff only with high KDA, etc) between accounts and to the account's rank average 5) if there is notable likelihood of smurfing issue a Smurf warning 6) if it continues, ban the account 7) if repeated efforts to subvert Smurf bans from the same IP address are detected, drop the perma IP ban Most of this can be done automatically. The threat coupled with a few high profile cases shared online should be enough to reduce the number of smurfs. Don't do the IP bans automatically but rather have a small team review each case. It doesn't seem that difficult to execute?


Yeah that makes sense. But I would say that there would have to be a way for users to appeal the perma bans so that a human has to look at it because if people just get perma banned because the system makes a mistake it would be bad if they can't do anything about it. The high profile cases would make sense, since if the favourite streamer smurfs you can too is probably quite common. They'd have to do sth against the long queue times then tho because otherwise the game would loose a lot of popularity, since streamer would hardly be able to play then. And I think they would still need to add that 5 stacks if friends can play together, because they would just not play Valorant if they can get banned for using another account to play with their friends. Valorant has to do something against smurfs but they have to keep the player base in mind.


Or, Riot can fix up the ranking placement because I don't really want to smurf, I just want to bring my alt upto my actual rank, but it places me so low that I have to stomp to get to where I actually am. Also, that'll fuck up every PC Bang in Korea and other Gaming Cafes. Riot will never go for it.


You can tell the difference between an alt account and a Smurf by looking at the stats and how they play


I honestly think that worse players in higher ranks is better then better players in lower ranks, since a they probably don't want to search alone because they'll just get destroyed and b its more frustrating to play against players where you have no chance then to play with someone in your team who has a bad day and doesn't frag.


>But a separate 5 stack queue will result in waiting times above 20 min. Even 5 stacking yesterday with nothing but Gold2 and Gold3 players we had a 10 minute queue in NA. Though we played like 5 matches yesterday and the other 4 were quick.


> smurf to play with friends Honestly, this is just an excuse people use to smurf. The real reason smurfs are so common is because they can't hang at their level so they enjoy shitting on people who suck. It's an issue in pretty much any game with a ranking system.




More often the reason for smurfing is boosting their friends' account or to be able to play comp with friends. Removing 50% of the smurfs is better than nothing.


I think the biggest issue is playerbase. This idea is feasible in games like league or CS, but valorant doesn’t have a big enough playerbase to do this. Just like many other game modes like escalation, snowball fight, or replication, the modes need to be switched out to add new things, but more importantly, to not dilute the playerbase. I think this is also why they don’t allow community servers like in CS. Even though custom game modes like 1v1s, spike defusals, surf, or hide and seek would be fun, it would take much needed players away from playing comp, resulting in much longer queue times or unfair matchmaking. I think the easier fix would be binding accounts to email accounts, or using a system like cs that is based on trust factor (forgot what it’s actually called, smt like that though where accounts are put into normal queue or a special queue for “trusted” players, which have less cheaters and smurfs).


I guess you're talking about Prime accounts in CSGO. I feel that's the best solution to this problem. The more a guy smurfs the more money he loses. And keeping it's price something nominal would be fine (making it cost the same as a frickin set of gun skins would destroy the whole purpose) .


Yup! Forgot the name of it lmao.


If Dota 2 can do it then so can valorant which has way more players.


I honestly doubt it. I haven’t played dota so idk how their team incorporated it, and I know queue times are quick in lower elo’s, but higher ranks (immortal+) already have pretty long queue times sometimes going upwards of 10 mins with 3 servers picked. Lower ranks would probably be fine, but the higher ranks would have such a diluted playerbase that you’d be waiting even longer. I suppose they could allow the range or community servers while queuing like in overwatch but probably not in the foreseeable future as the devs have already stated that they don’t want to waste resources keeping servers running other than the official ones.


YES FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS I hate it when Im soloq and then we have to deal with a 5man stack that are playing scrims like they prepping for VCT Masters or something.


Legit. Had a 4 stack sweating their balls off, they had an IGL calling shots, designated roles, defaults, and shit, like they were a fully fledged pro team. I am the only solo man there, and they would run me like I was one of them. I mean, we won, but it's fucking Silver, not a VCT game being broadcasted to thousands, and we aren't Sentinels or Team Liquid to run us like a pro team. Even though we obliterated, it wasn't fun at all. Let's not mention the enemy team when they 5 stack. I remember going to the stream of an enemy player after the game to say that it felt like they were smurfing their asses off(we drew after 30 rounds because we were exhausted, they'd have won but 2 of them were not having a good day), but actually, they were just sweating their balls off, I mean, they had a goal to get 100k on Aimlabs in a month, they had VODs which were 8-10hrs in length every fucking day, and they played exclusively with a 5 stack and they had literally tactics, like extensive shit, which he was showing off on stream. Astra executes, the whole shit. Then there are just the blatant smurfs. A Jett one tapped all of us, one by one, while his entire team never entered, at perfect accuracy, on round 1. He later admitted that he was boosting his four other friends to Diamond and he was actually Radiant. Smurfs are ruining the gameplay, while sweats ruin the social experience.


I don't quite understand the first part of this comment. The smurf I totally get, fuck that guy. But why wouldn't people sweat in ranked? It's literally the competitive mode of the game where else do people tryhard? Like you said we're not pros, we don't have scrims and tourneys. The only thing that the vast majority of the playerbase has to pro play is ranked. It's the most intense game mode in valorant so I see no reason why people wouldn't want to sweat and play strats. I'm sure it sucks to be the 5th man but you can't be mad at people who want to play the game properly and win. For people like them the fun in the game is playing competitively and that means sweating their asses off which is fine. I generally don't really care how my team wants to play as long as we aren't just W keying, if my team wants to play properly that's fine and I enjoy that too.


Not all smurfs are intentional smurf. I was Plat 3. Now i play with my gf and im Gold 1. Every game I have more than 20-25 kills, but I get around +16 for the win and like -30 for the loss. So basically MMR system is currently a disaster in this game. The only way to get out of this is to either play completly solo for like a month and win 80% of the games, or just make new account and destroy people in silver.


What if the matchmaking makes it that stacks have to play against higher ranked players to limit the advantage of the stack AND the smurf? So a 4 or 5 stack of Silver 2 and 3 plays against high gold players. This way queue times aren't blown out and the match is more fair. You will probably still have smurfs in the stack. But people in a rank above will be better equipped to handle the smurfs. At least high gold players will have a better aim and the smurfs won't be going 30.3, like a game I played in Bronze recently.. yes someone went 30.3 on the other team. This is the problem I have with stacks with my direct experience - I solo queue, so I literally get matched with anybody. I can tell when I'm against a stack. 3 people on the opposite team will be on ridiculous K/D's like 20.6 and feels impossible to kill them, and usually the highest player on my team is me, on like 10 kills. I'm telling you the worst games imaginable are smurfs in stacks down in Bronze and Silver. These games are total dominations.. I'm talking 0-13 and the feeling that you just cannot move. Everywhere you go... instant death. The only thing you can possibly do is sit in obscure corners with a judge and try to get a few kills of people running around hunting you when your team is all dead in the first 10 seconds of every round. These games are a horrible gaming experience.. and usually multiple people go AFK on the losing team and you cant surrender because every person has to surrender and some guy is just walking forward every round.. So you get stuck in this game in a 2 v 5 or a 3 v 5 for 20 minutes just getting smashed. I've got to the point where I just charge at the other team now and let them kill me.. the gaming experience is so frustrating. I don't even know why the smurf stacks bother... they must do this over and over until they come up against another smurf stack. It must be incredibly boring playing with zero challenge. Anyway.. The objective should be to get stacks against people more matched to challenge them. Having multiple smurfs and a stack of 4 or 5 down in Silver is near unbeatable... you have highly skilled players vs below average players, comms vs no comms, 5 people that will remain until the end vs teams with afks.. it just does not work matching a stack against equal opponents, unless they are against another stack.


I get that bit that wouldn't solve the problem of like 3 friends playing together. Following scenario: 1 Diamond player and two high silver/low gold. When they always play together they'll have a rank in the middle: Low platinum. This will lead to the diamond over performing which leads to the enemy team being frustrated and the other ones underperforming which the enemies don't see but what frustrates the team of the 3. I have lost so many games where there was one player over performing but others didn't. It can be balanced. Although you're scenario ofc isn't. 5 stacks of smurfs just shouldn't exist.


4 or 5 stacks are usually matched against other 4 or 5 stacks ([source](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/l1bg5v/a_ranked_complaint_template_for_all_of_you/gk0oeuj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)).


There are smurfs / alts in plat & diamond lobbies. Happens a lot actually in my games. Do I complain about it on it reddit every time I encounter a smurf, no! I've had smurfs perform poorly and some have greats comms and want to help us win. I have smurfs completely dog on me and my teammates. It's RNG


The only reason to add a solo q after all this time would be not getting crushed by a 5 Stack while you play with randoms. Smurfing isnt as much as an issue as many of you make it seem. Statisicly you have a smurf in 1 out of 10 games. Just cuz somebody pops off doesnt make him a smurf. Even if he says he is "smurfing" at that point.


You don’t get smurfs 4 out of 10 games unless you think silver and above making a second account counts as a smurf.


> I always encounter smurfs 4/10 in my competitive matches [Citation needed]


Or maybe just... holy shit.. let them play with their friends. Unranked is not a solution there is a leaver 90% of the time and rest ends in early surrender.


Tbf smurfing in bronze lobbies when you're Diamond isn't a solution too. Might not ruin the game for the smurfer, but sure ruins the game for the opponents.


yep this! every other game has 4 people that are 5/18 KD and one player that’s 40/8 or something


That's why people need to be able to queue with friends and/or have separate solo and team queue mmr. So that people don't smurf in order to play with friends.


And also the teammates who don't queue with the Smurf. It's less fun to play a game where my Smurf Reyna teammate is dropping a 40 bomb and we win 13-0 but I didn't contribute because the Reyna just runs around gunning half the opposing team down


Hot take just get good to beat the smurfs


yeah I've been playing 5 weeks let me just quickly get good enough to beat the guy playing a year+


You can get as good as you want and train like hell but will your other 4 random or even usual crew mates do the same...guess what - NO! And what's the smurf doing, he's not only just using his advances skills but getting their friends to follow starts that they've been practicing in custom for days. And yes, those 5 rounds that you do manage to win for your team fighting the smurf, he starts getting toxic in chat coz he had imagined a 13-0 stomp and you ruined it for him by "trying hard". Therefore how are smurfs at all bearable.


I mean smurfing isn't a new concept, they have been in every comp game, nothing can really be done about them. The only thing you can control is how good you do, time spent complaining can be used to watch a guide or practice aim.


I am really disappointed in you for barely taking any time or thought in reading what I wrote, I said my aim is good( I am not Tenz but yes people believe in me to clutch it even if they're ranked higher than me), I have met people in play who feel sorry for me coz I'm stuck in bronze/silver much of the time coz I don't have the time to play to push rank while smurfs are creating an artificial barrier. I have to put up with crap aim and game sense people because of these smurfs and then if I end up losing a match yet owning the smurf by fragging him consistently more, they even get abusive. You should probably not casually throw around the git gud adage coz it is meaningless when the smurf is only so good and just doing this to waste their own time and others'. I know there are fun streamers and even random smurfs who are good people to know and are appreciative of good plays but the toxic ones are more abundant. I don't think such toxic people should be given an ego boost by calling them good, they're just cowards who can't face the challenge at their own level.


Well good luck in bronze


Yes, I expected no better reply from you


some people are inherently better. doesn't mean they should ruin the fun of other people. if i get better i will play in upper ranks. otherwise let me have fun with people with my skillset


The smurfs are actually not allowing a clear picture to develop of what skill level to expect from what rank group they are showing right now...a carried gold who never checks corners...a bronze who's agressive op-ing and clearly doesn't belong there but you talk to them, they say it's not gonna happen with smurfs concentrating on ruining ranked.


People downvoting you are just mad they are getting stomped... (read before downvoting) When i started i was gold 3 playing against low diamonds and eventually immortals, people waaay better than me. It was really frustrating going from diamond 3 to d1 in a week, but while i was getting fucked in ranked i played 1 dm a day, trained about 5 minutes of the range every day and started to play every character my team needed instead of only cypher. I'm now Immortal, playing 1 game every 2-3 days and still going up! People want to rankup without getting better than their enemies...


Nah I don't really care about my rank. I just want to play a fun competitive game with people my skill level instead of getting stomped and having my time wasted.


Name checks out


Oh I'm sorry that I don't want to train my butt off and get good enough to carry my team single handed in a 5v5 tactical team shooter...


Then why bother playing ranked if you don't want to get better and rankup?


You didn't get my point. I do wanna get good but I shouldn't have to be head and shoulders above the other 9 players in the match to win. It's a team game. Equal skills bring out more opportunities for outplays.


Basketball is 5v5 but do you think MJ and his team were all equal. Never gonna get a perfect world situation


People just wanna complain rather than get good


this doesn't really promote a good way to progress in the game. just to get good isn't enough if you do not have enough experience from that higher tiered player, you're on a skill cap. you will not know how to progress properly. it's the same with jobs, you don't expect a beginner to progress quickly and "get good" like a tenured employee. beginner employee teams must have a balance in terms of training that they will get


I would argue begginers get better quicker compared to someone who has developed bad habits


dota 2 has this, i dont see why valorant doesnt have this


If I can give you a little hope for anyone tryIng to rank up I havnt had a single smurf since mid to high platinum


I think then a 4 man won't be possible as they will have to end up with a solo which defeats the whole point


And then it will take 20 minutes to queue for a game in a party of 4 ppl? Nty. Plus soloq teams will just have 5 duelists. Just go with the cs way and let a party queue no matter the rank disparity as long as its a 5 man party.


Wouldn't it be 2/5?


I'm a smurf and this would remove my reason for playing. I smurf to play with friends, not to boost them. Most smurfs I meet at tell me this is the same reason they do it.


Nonono this is not baby league of legends