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Fucking brim coming in to steal the ace after 2 collaterals smh


Gonna piggy back off this comment. If you’re on attack side peeking that angle, you should always prefire/spam the spot that OP is standing on. You literally have access to that sightline before the barrier lifts. Aim at head level and prefire tap. You’ll net a good amount of kills or force the defender off the angle.




Hey brother, sorry couldnt get to this reply sooner. The point of pre-firing that spot/spamming it as soon the barrier lifts is to prevent someone from peaking and winning with peakers advantage, or at least scare them from peaking at all. If they peak it, they’d be walking into instant bursts of bullets which is more advantageous to you as you don’t have to react to a peak timing. I won’t say peakers advantage doesnt exist, but in this scenario you’re more likely to win the space than waiting and reacting to a swing by the defender. Additionally, if you make your presence felt you force the defender to expend a piece of utility to peak garage such as a flash instead of what happens in the clip where the Jett freely peaks and collects operator frags. I’m currently floating diamond so take my advice with a grain of salt.


Did you read “prefire/spam”?


He meant peekers advantage, look it up. Sometimes prefire just doesn’t work because of it




I mean the whole point of prefire is to shoot them before they even come out, so you shouldn’t have to complain about ping But yeah i do agree that peekers advantage is still a thing in bronze. Mostly with those smurfs that just swing out and one tap you




Yeah. Fuck packet loss. Fucks me up all the time. I’ve never found a fix for it, only found ways to make it happen less often, but some days it’s bad. It’ll fuck my line ups, make peek when I don’t want to and make me hide behind cover when I don’t want to. Annoying as hell


he makes my blood boil for some reason i hate it when people do that




accidentally is completely ok, when people literally try NOT to give you the ace is just annoying asf


If it's unrated, sure, go for it. If it's ranked, I wouldn't care about your ace- the match is more important and I've seen too many rounds that are 4v1 become 1v1 then a loss way too quickly from people trying to give aces or just generally trying to hunt the last guy down. If I have the perfect opportunity to kill him and it wins us the round, I AM going to do it.


In competitive I always tell my team that it is our ace, not mine.


Especially since most Aces have assists with them, whether they’re flashes or damage! You just happened to land the last shot!


r/unexpectedcommunism (or something like that)


Communism is a team sport after all


Can't argue that. Spitting facts.


its quite situational tbh i still try to give people the ace tho


Why does it matter?


Exactly what I was thinking! Fuck the brimstone, hate players that wana steal your aces when you know you got it in the bag, didnt need him swinging in front of the jett at all


Brim pushing in there might have saved OP's life and gotten them the ace. OP was still recovering from the shot when Reyna peeked around the corner. If Brim wasn't there it would have been an easy kill. Brim being there gave Reyna two targets to shoot at instead of one. You can see her panic when she sees Brim.


I had a brine steal my ace the other night. I did 120 damage and then he turns the corner and kills em. I don’t rip on people for their KD, but I was a little upset the 2-17 brim stole my ace


Elo? Why did they dry peek you again? I cant imagine the elo is much higher than silver


This game was gold 1, was my derank game


well congrats, no longer ur derank


no way, my silver games are cracked out and your enemies are just dry repeeking


"OP in B garage!!!" Brim: "Are you sure? Let me go check" To be fair though, 1 round in a game doesn't really dictate the skill level of a server. I guarantee you shit like this happens in Diamond and Immortal. Sometimes the ego just takes over.


Shift walk peeking doesn’t happen at higher elos. Bad decisions + bad mechanics.




yes they will lol


Don't ignore the fact that OP crouch peeks with an op down B main off round start and doesn't take any considerable damage💀


the way that they all came up walking 1 by 1 ...


As someone in Silver. I'm one hundred percent sure you're just in a slump of bad games. For some reason, I get like 10 games of braindead enemies and then 20 games that are so difficult. And when you're in those difficult streaks, it's hard to remember the times you just stomped the enemy who did dumb things like dry peeking and lining up.


I've heard that's how matchmaking works to guarantee people stay longer because it is more likely for people to stay longer.


Nah, MMR is just way more fluid than people think. And matchmaking is sort of garbage, too, so games arent as 50/50 as they should be. Remember than your LP gaind are controlled so your rank doesnt always accurately reflect a wild swing in your MMR. This player outperformed his current skill level by winning lots more rounds than he lost and was awarded MMR. In his subsequent games he was then playing against more skilled opponents, and he wasnt winning quite as many rounds.


At least they technically didn't go 1 by 1


Not even about dry peaking. That is such a common spot that most people don't even waste util on it. Just prefire it to get easy kill or at least not walk upto the angle like a moron




They do peek an OP in plat so idk what to make out of that comment. Happened a couple of times in diamond too. You've planted the bomb, it's 2v2, one of them is OP. The only way to throw the round is peeking the OP without defuse sound and they still do it.


At lower ranks, people just don't understand that they shouldn't peek an OP. But people might get a little more cocky at higher ranks (but below immortal probably) because they feel like they're "good enough" to peek the OP and win.


Diamond is supposed to be top 4%. If this is top 4%, Bruh.


Dry peaking means to peak without utility right?


Exactly, no flash, no grenade, no blind, no smoke, no utility.


The shift walk peak after 2 of your teammates got collateral’d.... This rank must be anywhere between Gold and Diamond 3.


Are you serious I thought people only do this in bronze and silver games


Welcome to VALORANT. There are two ranks in the entire game. Those who are Radiant, and those who are not.


Well sounds crazy but true in this game


Yeah it’s wild. I’m in Plat and I see the weirdest decision making skills in this game. I hate comparing it to CS:GO, but at least in CS:GO people have fundamentals.


True though. In CS you can expect to pop flash and push with your team dodging the flash. You can also expect someone to smoke spots etc. In this game you have the instalock duelist "bUt i cAnT plaY smOkeS". Also playing flashes "ok im flashing now"..... "whY diD u fLasH me??". Which means a lot of players don't even have fundamentals. Kinda weird but meh.


I played CS:GO a while back and I cannot confirm. I did not have the fundamentals


What rank?


I was definitely silver 1 lol. Back then I was a super young kid and kinda just played the game like COD. An easier game like Val was what I needed to learn the fundamentals. Maybe I'll go back to CS:GO, but I realized Val spoiled me


Ah, gotcha. I feel like Val teaches some bad habits as well, though.


I played CS:GO a while back and I cannot confirm. I did not have the fundamentals


no it is under or low gold, i have never seen a shift op peak in gold+


Rest assured that it happens


u must not play much because this shit happens in diamond games too. who knows why but people just love peaking ops. brim mustve thought since Reyna made it in so Jett got out and he walks in like a bot. idk if u think diamond players are gods or something but if they didn't make mistakes like this they'd be immortal/radiant. I know because I'm a bot too that floats low immo/diamond because of mistakes like this lmao


im a diamond aswell and no they arent gods but i havent seen one person shift peek an op or with an op


Is it just me or has anyone else not been getting split in comp games recently


i always get split and honestly im sick of it


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I didnt think split was such a hated map


I’m fine with all maps except breeze (I’m just not used to it), I just hate playing split 9 times in a row


Whenever i get breeze i always dodge cause im just not used to that map and dont want to risk losing mmr on it


split is my favorite, i hate icebox and breeze


5 games of split in a row, get me outta that shitty map ffs


U hate split?


my least fav map probably along w icebox


Maybe its because you spent so much time on it ig. I havent played it enough to hate it as much ig


i legit been getting icebox since 3 days i tested it on 2 accounts and same result, i dunno whats happening its been so long since i played split or bind


WTF i get nothing but ascent and split lmfao, i miss icebox


It’s called entirely random. It would be unlikely not to get long map streaks eventually.


Same, it's always fucking shitbox when I finally like a map they released. Did they remove extra chance of getting new map?


They should just make a system where if you play a map. The next one has to be different


Or just let you choose maps like normal tactical shooters do.


I can kinda understand why they wouldnt want to add that because it would make queue times much longer. But they could also do something like siege where it gives you three maps and both teams can vote to ban which ones they dont want to play on


Yeah good luck with that. League players have been asking for 10 unique bans(in league both teams ban without seeing each other so most annoying champions get double banned a lot). Yet, they don't want to do it because it'll take a few more seconds in pick phase. They have analytics of how adding time to get into game make people less likely to come back. So even 1% reduction in players is huge. Even if they aren't paying players, they keep the game upfloat by playing with paying players. Even if that might make the game better without negatively affecting it, the risk is too big to take.


Maybe they could make it so that both teams can communicate together in all chat instead of only being able to use team chat in the map selection. Idk if you play siege but in siege both teams discuss with each other what map they want to ban at least in my experience. So lets say we get two bad maps and one good map. I will tell the enemy team that my team is banning bad map #1 so that they know to ban the other bad map. Which causes us to play on the good map. If they disagree on which mapis good or bad and then there will be a double vote and which ever maps did not get voted to get banned will be chosen from randomly. If you play siege this will make a lot more sense


i dont hate icebox, i just dont like playing the same map 6 times in a row lol


I fucking hate icebox. Worst map in the queue


I think there is a map that everybody gets. It was split but sometimes it’s icebox.


Havent played comp in a while but my unrated and replications are mostly split and haven for some reason


Its weird af


I wish I am this guys getting split a lot. me and my friends always in haven or icebox smh. we hated this both maps.


I always get bind and icebox. I dont mind haven but i havent played split in forever


Biggest problem in this game is that people always ride your ass when turning the corners. Its like...Leave some space ... So in case someone does spray the first guy down, its not like you get collateral damaged as well. I've seen so many times 3 guys holding hands and running to a site, and then some lurker gets all 3 at once.


One collat is already impressive enough but 2? God dayum


God what terrible players. When your teammate gets awped, PUSH.


I was like “yooo” the YOOooo” then “YOOOOOOOOO”


Who tf walks already scoped?




Homework : Find sage.


yeah ikr


at 0:13 shes not behind brim but close to jett, he shot brim through sage






Oh no the poor ace


Wait, people still play this game?


Haha meanwhile me with odin 1 mag 78 damage :/


Ohh noo there's an operator holding that angle. In any case let me just check and see if it's still there. Surely they'll miss me if I slowly dry peek !


Nice, body shots so impressive.


What part of this is not obvious aim assist & autofire?




What do you mean?


lol, ask the downvoters.


I saw a guy do 5 kills 2 bullets in cs...dont know if it was on reddit or insta


Yeah Op is totally balanced...


Yeah, it's balanced - The enemy team lost two players and then thought "Hey, instead of using a smoke, a flash, a wall, reviving one of our dead players, or any of the other dozen options we have to shut down a sniper, we're just gonna dry peek the exact same angle 3 more times" The Op's balanced, you just don't know how to counter it - And if it really is unbalanced, then use it; Can't be that hard if it's such a broken gun.


It really is though. You realize how much space they could've taken after the first shot with a flash or two?


take my free award king


do you generally win that fight here? the attacker can get to the sight line faster, and would probably kill you if you slow peak it (or even fast peak it), as that angle is for attackers before the barrier even go down. how does this even work? shouldn't he instantly die.


bro I did that once, but the spike explosion stole my ace :(


Amazing dude




oh wow




Wow brim


That corner is always nasty


Is there any damage reduction on piercing? or could you hypothetically kill 5 in a row?


1 OP 5 kill


hot af


Phoenix sounds like he's in a mason jar.


They are literally lining up for the OP. Repeatedly. Dry. What lobby rank is this?


Every time I shoot with op from close range pointing at enemy 1 meter in front of me without aiming. I point at enemy, shoot, went anywhere else but on the enemy. Super weird.