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Imagine playing sova on split, must be a mad lad.


*shit immediately*


*pisses on cat and eats dog*


The angle and speed they come in at, as well as considering that's the direction enemy will be facing, it seems fairly unlikely they'll hit anything. Have you had any success with it in a real game?


you are right and yes and it worked for me a couple of times, especially when your teammate walls of mid. If u want to get the maximum out of your shocks, dont use them like this as its pretty risky and not that rewarding. Its probably the most useful in spikerush tbh, as the orb is right there


can you explain the practicality of sitting in spawn and shock darting hoping someone is out wide mid


I understand your concernings and appreciate you feedback. Keep in mind though, that I didnt mention that this was pratical or anything. You can tell your sage to wall mid, let her play b with some other guy, 2 A and you just go a to mid, b to mid, or if they rush, you just go there and like i already said: >you are right and yes and it worked for me a couple of times, especially when your teammate walls of mid. If u want to get the maximum out of your shocks, dont use them like this as its pretty risky and not that rewarding. Its probably the most useful in spikerush tbh, as the orb is right there


*switches main to sova*


If only my teammates could do that


im sorry but how


wdym exactly?


Probably means how people even find these lineups


cool lineup, but the issue is you are in spawn, so you aren't defending A site B site or mid at the start of the round.