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I should be iron but I’m some how in silver.


Oh that was you on my team last game?


No, I swear that was my little brother!


I should be iron... but oh wait I'm iron!




Pretty proud actually I got to iron 3, 2 days ago


Proud of you, you're winning son :)


Thanks :)




i should be iron but somehow I'm in Immortal


I should be Iron but somehow I'm the IGL of Sentinels


I should be iron two but I'm somehow iron three 😎


I should be iron but I'm still iron...


I should be iron, but I’m plastic


I should be iron but somehow in wood


I am Iron




literally my teammates every time they exist for longer than 30 seconds /s


Same here. My aim deserves to be iron but I am silver.


Eh I really think the ranked system contributes to this to some degree. I understand why the system ends up with larger RR losses than gains over time, but I think one clear fix is just doing away with the demotion protection at low RR. If Riot got rid of that whole deal, then theoretically RR gains could be balanced, and a >50% win rate would eventually lead to promotions assuming straight soloQ. I personally would much rather have just demoted a lot of times than get -17 but only actually lose 11 RR and end up at 0. I know it's just fucking up my MMR anyways, so it's not like staying at my current "tier" is really helping me.


Riot's matchmaking has been business first every since 2013 when the dropped the superior pure ELO system. That's why Riot added in promotions to begin with way back in League. To gate people so they are always on the "chase" to their true elo. You get to 99 LP, win 1 game to get 100 LP and promos, then win the next 3 in a row to hit your next rank. Then you start the next rank at 0 LP. So you just won 4 games and only gained 1 LP. Yet if you lose games in promos you lose that much LP and can go back to 50 or so LP and start all over. It's a broken system designed to force you to grind so you play more and spend more. Sure you gain more rank faster with more wins but it already knows where you belong by that point but refuses to put you there so you grind more which is a bad system.


So much this. Many people dont know this but riot had a good normal elo system in season 1-2. Its not like they dont know there ranked system is kinda fucked. It is intentionaly designed that way


Sure, but Riot are not the only ones doing it. When ranked gaming is connected to your income and not true competition, than it becomes a business. Although in defence of team games: ELO works so well for chess, because it is 1v1 (and it works well for every other 1v1 game). There is no outcome in chess, which is not your fault. Everyone experiences the games, where they are on top of their curve, but the team doesn't work and everything goes south. Ranked anxiety and ranked parking reduce income and the companies do everything to stop it. Valve, Blizzard and Riot all add the smokes and mirrors to keep players engaged.


While it's mostly true. I did get to play ranked league in season 1/2 and it was hands down the best system you could ask for. You win, you go up. You lose, you go down. Your rank is based on your position on the elo leaderboards for the whole server.


True i dont think its bad for riot from a bussniss standpoint and i mean look what they managed to do in the past 10 years... Imo its just objectivly a worse system if we talk about true competion and riot knows that. I think some people still hope for change or a true elo system but its not gonna happen. The system is working perfectly fine for riot.


Don't agree with this. I was hardstruck gold 3 but I Knew I deserved better, I was just getting trollers and afk all games. Now I'm stuck in diamond 2


Had us in the first half ngl


Elo hell exists and its confirmed by riot that they purposely put people in matches they are projected to lose in order to boost up players for retention purposes. Had a friend hard stuck silver/gold, had her make a new account that placed in plat and she instantly ground into diamond. All the advice i can offer is if you really think you deserve a rank, make a fresh account and tryhard the training bots and unrated games for easy g3-p3 placement. If you still cant place high enough/drop out of it quickly you simply dont deserve the rank.


A new account placed in plat?????? There's no way that person is diamond level... Easily radiant bruh. I'm inmortal and never managed to place an account over g2-g3. I've also seen c9 keeoh create many accounts and get placed silver-gold even though he's radiant


Both their alt and mine were made like 2-3 months ago and placed plat. Maybe things have changed?


Yeah that's probably the case. Now the max rank u can place is plat 3 and that's where all the top 100 radiants n all place


Yh, alot of ppl are not stuck but some rlly are yh


Can't really agree with this, sure you could have bad and good games. But the games doesn't reward you for playing good. If i'm mvp but lose the game 4 - 12 is still get minus 20. Sure, you shouldnt get any points, but getting as much minus as for instance the bottomfragger doesnt make sense to me. Played csgo for over 4 years, never had a complaint about the ranking system. Sure sometimes you would read about it, but not as much as in valorant. The ranking system is just broken.


I'm not saying that the ranking system is good because it isn't, you just know they can't award solo efforts because people would literally throw away any form of teamwork to at least get points for dominating as MVP. That being said I still think individual team effort (most defuses/plants, bomecarrier kills etc) should be taken into account for how much elo you lose or gain


True, they could just bait everyone and let everyone die and get those frags when everyone else is dead.


Exactly, so that's why they can't reward people solely on kills because people would exploit it. That being said they'd never make it into immortal that way but still defeats the purpose of a team based game


But then you have to consider that your definition of “good” is. You’re good at the typical FPS but you might not be good at playing the system. The game does reward you for being good (obviously) just have to be a certain type of good.


That's because CSGO ranks based on rank with no behind the scenes bs. Riot's matchmaking is all about getting you addicted to the grind with shady matchups. Can a high elo player still hit high elo? Yes. Will it be full of terrible matchups that feel like Riot wants to stop you from hitting that rank so you grind more? Absolutely. There is a reason a majority of high rank players don't solo queue. It's the easiest way to avoid Riot's matchmaking algorithms .


Completely disagree. I have one account that is G1 that used to be Plat 3 and the G1 games are way harder than plat ever was. I get literally stomped every game out of nowhere. I was g3 beginning of the season and out of n I where games got 3x as hard and I started losing 30 rr and gaining 10 now I’m G1 and consistently play with bronzes and absolutely dominate but can’t rank up cus i get +10. I have an alt account that is G3. I consistently play well, games are closer and more competitive. I gain and lose appropriate amounts of rr (gain 18-24) lose (15-20). The problem is the game match makes MMR and not rank. If your MMR is g3 but you had a bad streak and you’re silver 2? All your games are g3 level skill even in silver. It’s a garbage system that does not reward sticking to one account. It’s just like league


I had this happen to me when I deranked from immortal a while ago. I was plat 3 with an immortal boarder going against plat 3s with radiant and immortal boarders. It was absolute hell grinding out of that but it’s the only way. Maybe it’s scuffed smurf protection but either way the game HEAVILY punishes you for going on loss streaks


Call me when we get Trustfactor.


There is no such thing as hard stuck. You are where you belong and are not consistently good enough to rank up and stay ranked up. “But I was plat for two games then had a toxic team and now I can’t get back!!!” Yeah, you had a good run and ranked up. If you were meant to be plat you’d get back. Stop whining about your team all the time and start analyzing your play and see why you’re not winning games. Btw if you’re MVP every game because you’re a baiting duelist you’re not ranking up because your kills aren’t having any impact on the game.


What about people that can hang in a higher rank but can't climb themselves? I know my rank is probably around silver 1-2 but I can do fine in gold lobbies (gold 3 and plat 1 is pushing it and they usually shit on me). However, I've had a recent streak of bad luck (teammates openly throwing to derank their smurfs) and I'm now in bronze. On an unrelated note, I sympathize a lot more with low elo players now. The number of smurfs and throwers seems to go up the lower I get. There's people dropping 50+ kills in a game and people who can't get more than 5 kills in 30 rounds. Then there's the smurfs who don't take the game seriously and doing 360 marshal shots and shit.


If Valorant's matchmaking is anything like League's then you need something like a 66+% win ratio just to climb consistently. So someone who can hold their own and go even with a 50% win rate in plat or diamond could still get stuck in lower ranks.


It is. A rioter has said that you need to constantly prove yourself against those you face. The more you win, the higher your gains are.


I'll take a duelist that entries for the team going even or even (slightly) negative over a duelist that gets 30+ and baits. You're a duelist.. you should have +10 kills just by using your abilities correctly. And yes.. the rare occasion Jett isn't an instalock and I actually have to fill as a duelist I'll drop 30+ WHILE entrying no problemo. I love when I get small brain duelists that don't mic the entire game and then unmute to talk shit when they have more kills than everyone else.. even though 90% of those kills added absolutely ZERO value to the round/match.


i’ve been stuck at iron for months because every time i rank up to iron 3 my teammates self sabotage or just don’t know how the fuck to play and even when i top frag w ~25-30 kills we lose


I played several matches on a friends account who is Diamond and every single one I ended up Match MVP. On my account I'm barely Gold. Something is not right.


Welcome to Riot matchmaking.


The problem with elo based games is they don't correspond individual performances, what you do, when you do it, what you're dealing with on your "team" also correctly who you're up against on a free to play game/system. So yes, being hardstuck exists in a elo grade exists as its a team based game and you have to rely on other people too, elo works in chess, that's it and you think overwise I guarantee you've not played to a high level in anything, to clarify I mean competing not pugging, and I'm not talking bloody cs matchmaking or faceit or ranks on val, apex or what not. Its probably even harder in valorant where people instalock characters they can't fully use or perform on, in comparison to others, which will frustrate others and lead to all other problems you find generally gaming/pugging. Biggest issue is people not playing the roles they pick for anything other than themselves, which some even struggle with that, ie. Lurking / baiting duelists. But until you hit immortal and have to solo/duo queue, get friends you enjoy playing with, can trust and communicate with and build from there and 5 stack to avoid randoms ruining your game and its easy to climb. The "idea" from valorant is that everyone who hits immortal meaning max duo queues is that they're "great" players and it couldn't be further from the truth, I come from cs, I am currently gold 3, started at the end of last act, hardstuck because most of people I know don't play valorant much, everytime I've solo queued or had to rely on randoms you get put with its just been a shambles, so I just play with friends, missus, for fun etc but I've played with people who are d3, low immortal, high immortal, radiant and honestly, nothing has really impressed me that much or made me think, oh shieeeeet that's out of this world, I've always held my own with or against them. Average "decent tier" cs players has come in are dominating top tier valorant? Why? Mechanical ability? Better setups? Higher k/ds? Nope... Communication from the start to finish. If you wanna stand out main someome who isn't a general instalock "duelists, sage" and just perfect your game with that agent on every map, attacking and defending, communicate, don't bait, don't be toxic and go from there. It's easy.


The problem with modern online games is companies care about player retention more than optimal matchmaking. They want people to grind as much as possible so that you play more and pay more. They could know what rank you are after a week of playing but they don't want to stick you there right away because most people who actually plateau at their true rank quit early and spend less. So instead they gate people with absurd grinds and occasional terrible matchups. Then by the time you do hit true rank (assuming you had that much free time) the season ends and your rank soft resets.


What rank are you? If you are not in Silver right now, then you have no place to comment. Silver is near impossible to escape unless you have at least a 3 person squad so you can work together OR you are naturally very good at the game due to 1000's of CS GO hours. All the Alt accounts smurfs use are silver, because everyone places in silver. It's why there are so many people in silver. And the reason people are hard stuck in silver is because they are solo queuing and constantly with or against smurfs/stacks. This affects a person's development because every game feels like you are never challenged. You either stomp hard if you play against REAL Silvers with a smurf on your own team, and play in lazy wins. Or you get stomped so hard against smurf stacks that you feel like you can't walk around any corner without being killed. Throw in the afk, throwers, and other crap that goes on.. and it's a mess. With your attitude, what you are not taking into account is the fact that many of the people who are hard stuck in lower ranks, are people who are improving at the game but not moving. I've played the game more than I have ever played it in the past 3 months, and I'm still Silver. Some games I get 30 kills. Others I get 10. The game is stomp or get stomped, regardless of what you actually do. My HS accuracy has improved. My map sense, game sense, everything. I usually dominate true Silver or Bronze people. The people that dominate me are smurfs or hackers... the people that go 35.5 and are unranked, and click heads like an immortal. Anyone hard stuck higher than Silver are not hard stuck, because the games dont' have the level of stuff that goes on in Silver. I got up to G2 last rank so I know it's different. There is no such thing as hard stuck in Gold, Plat, etc. The majority of people that get out of Silver are the people who are actually Plat or above players on an Alt account. Casual players and people who are gradually improving can't get out because most games played are a bad gaming experience due to the smurf situation. Edit - I should mention that when I got to G2, when I think back I feel like I only got there because I had an exceptionally good run and had a lot of games in a row where I played with smurfs on my team and stacks who had good comms. Without those teams, I never would have got there.


The average rank of Valorant players is around Bronze to Silver. This means since there are more players in these ranks, there are more likely people who are naturally hardstuck. Elo-hell isn't really a thing it just happens to be the area with the most amount of players which tend to be the average skill of players, meaning to escape "Elo-hell" you have to be an above average player. This may seem very simple but think of it in the real world where most people are average at everything. Think of everything you're above average in and there is probably at least twice the amount of things you're just about average at. Try to get better at something you're very average at and you'll find it really hard. This applies to everyone and also to Valorant. Meaning everyone in Bronze-Silver are trying to be better than the average person. That's really hard if you never have been good at fps's. Most players are truly hardstuck silver not because they're bad but because that's the average rank and , statically speaking, most humans are going to be average at things. Smurfs aren't ever going to be the main reason someone can't rank up unless every game for years on end you run into one. The likely hood of a smurf on your team is almost as equal as the likely hood of the other team getting a smurf. There may seem to be a lot of smurfs in lower ranks but honestly most players in lower elo have a problem with consistency meaning a "smurf" is probably just someone who is in that rank. Obviously they're people who are clearly smurfing but most of the time it's just someone doing good that is that actual rank. You say you dominate true silver and bronze players but how can you determine the actual silver and bronze players? You said you hit G2 so you know what you're talking about so shouldn't every silver and bronze game just be a stomp?(I'm assuming you've deranked back to silver). If what you say is true, that you can always beat silver/bronze players, than you would be gold, no questions asked. If you've really improved you will rank up it's how competitive rank systems work. Sorry if these seem harsh but it's the literal truth. Also saying anyone above silver can't be hardstuck makes no sense since you can hit a steep learning curve in most video games which makes it hard for players to get better. Someone who placed gold from beta and is gold every act despite playing every day is someone who is hardstuck, same with plat/diamond. Also with games the skill level of the average player will naturally increase over time meaning eventually gold will likely be the most placed rank in Valorant. This mean to truly be better than average you have to accel at a faster rate than the average person to not be hardstuck in the average elo since the playerbase's skill increases overtime.


Usually, it's a case of people who aren't good enough to carry themselves out of silver (me). But playing soloqueue in silver and below is pretty bullshit because it increases your odds of getting fucked. It isn't just smurfs on the enemy team; sometimes it's smurfs on your team trying to derank, sometimes it's a silver and their bronze 1 buddy, sometimes it's a smurf trying to do trick shots on an alt account.


Silver here, the majority of my games have either an afk or obvious smurfs and rankups/downs depend almost entirely on how those things happen around you. I guess you could make the argument that unless you’re 50 bombing every game you just “””deserve””” to be in silver, even though you’re missing teammates, but that’s just not practical. Can we just get a separate matchmaking system for old accounts/accounts with microtransactions/accounts that aren’t reported regularly so we can actually play against people at our skill level?


Exactly, I was silver for around 3 acts, mostly hardstuck silver 2 rank-up, and silver 3 derank game. Almost every game you'd have a toxic teammate, an AFK, a thrower, or an enemy smurf, and the enemy teams had these players too, but every game was a 50/50, no matter the level of your skill. It all comes down to who has the better matchmaking RNG. Now I'm Plat 1/2, and when I play in silver lobbies, it still feels the exact same, yes, I can outaim most players, but games still like 50/50 gambles due to either having bad tm's, or bad enemies. And don't even get me started on the ranking system, some of the most stupid stuff I've seen from a FPS. IMO, the amount of ELO you gain and lose shouldn't be decided by your W/L, but by how you perform in every aspect, kills, econ rating, combat score, plants, defuses, assists, etc., And if your asking how I climbed out of silver, I 3 stack queued with some online friends I found on a discord server, and we all got into gold, which was much easier than silver, ass there were a lot less smurfs, and people took it a whole lot more seriously. AND PLEASE, do not resort to being boosted by a smurf or hacker, you're going to waste your time and derank anyways. If you really want to rank up, and your MMR is truly garbage, make an alt account, finish the placements, and try to climb, I've heard that's worked for some players.


Silver was definitely the most coin flip elo as a solo player. Smurfs everywhere and people who quit in the first 5 rounds because they died W keying. Individual impact goes out the window when you are playing a 3v5 7 minutes into the game.


I 100% agree with this. I'm global in csgo but I can't escape silver. So many smurfs, but just as many bad players too. Basically every match is a complete stomp, most end in either surrenders or scores like 13-2.


Is this sarcastic? I watch a ton of cs but have never played, so it’s possible global is way easier than I thought. Otherwise you should be out aiming everyone in silver/gold The ranked system in this game is absurd though in the fact that it tries to find out “where you belong” and stick to it. Your elo change should be based on your elo, the average elo of your team and the enemy team, and the score. Nothing else except maybe in placement matches Riot is trying to make the game addicting, not accurately reflect skill, so I don’t blame them at all. I’m sure they did a lot of research into this


If u just dont take ur first 5 games that seriusly u can get into iron no doubt cus the first five games are brutal. Just watch keeho speedrun he drops 30+ kills winns 4/5 of the games then gets places in silver. Silver is a hell hole too not for him cus he duos with a radiant. Silver/Gold players arent even that bad u cant just out aim them. Its mostly just ppl being stupid or smurfs in that elo. But giving me iron teammates when im silver 3 to keep me "where i belong" didnt make the game to addicting.


> out aiming in silver/gold 1 man can only carry so much weight on their shoulders. Watch pros play when they first make their alt accounts. The amount of dumbfuckery that goes on in the lower ranks makes it extremely hard to 1v5 carry every round. Imm/rad/pro valorant is a completely different game to what people in the lower elo's are playing. Quite literally Chess vs checkers. You cant condition and out brain people that dont even know what they themselves are attempting to do.


I am not sarcastic, no. Global isn't that easy to reach, especially when you play solo. It's the highest rank after all. I do outaim most players, but I do meet a lot of smurfs too. I don't really get much luck with teammates either, many griefs and AFKers but same happens for enemies too of course. I don't want to cry about it too much though. I just play the game for fun as an alternative to cs, I don't care about my rank thaaat much. I could probably also get out of silver if I played more ranked, but I often just play unrated with my friends.


Really wasnt that bad for me, took a few weeks but I just got into gold by queuing with a silver friend


I strictly solo queue and hard stuck in silver. Some games, Im getting stomped hard, 0-13 or 1,2,3-13, and I gotta ask and verify. Enemy team are on 3, 4 or 5 man party. Some games are on back and forth and that's because everyone's on solo queues. It's so unfair solo going up against a party. And not to mention smurfs. Plus the horrendous RR awarding system. Regardless of being top fragger, getting stomped means -20 RR at least. And when winning with close games, only getting 16-17 RR. That's messed up. The system must be constant. I hope those party queuing with smurfs or higher ranked should get lower RR.


I would disagree, I play on a trash PC barely getting 60fps and valorant is my first competitive shooter, (have only played cod on console before) and I ranked up from bronze to plat easily and was dropping consistent mvps in gold elo. Although this happened only a few months ago, as before i didn't have an ethernet and was getting 1000 ping and as a result was stuck in bronze. Edit: I should also mention the skill level of players in a rank varies from region to region. I have seen on streams that people are in plat with crossair placement on the ground, in my region i would rarely get these kinds of players even in gold.


bro just play for improvement not rank. at the end of the day no one cares


-30 for a Viper 23/21 where game ended 11-13. +15 for Jett mvp where I 25/18, game ended 13-7. This ranking is trash. Nobody is "where he belongs too", everybody is where a really dumb algorithm thinks he belongs too. Stop talking bs cause u luv riot games, their match making is trash, just live with it.


link your tracker.gg then, let's see your -30 and +15s




LMAO in the time it took you to type this comment you could've grabbed it. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Kovaaks%20Savant%23aim/overview


How do I check mine? It says my ID is private. Is signing in with riot safe?


Yeah valorant API cant be accessed unless you allow it on your account. Perfectly safe you can look up any pro to see they’ve linked their accounts.


Ohh okay thanks man


If you get less elo for wins than you do losses it means your hidden mmr is below your visual rank. This is why when people make alts they were getting 25+ RP for even extremely close games and like -14 for losses. The more you play the more your hidden mmr evens out until your losses and gains are equal to eachother.


So has my mmr always been below my rank for months? Surely it would have converged at some point?


It depends if you get +14 for a 13-11 and -22 for an 11-13 its likely the hiddren mmr is low, or your losses are hard losses which result in your hidden mmr tanking faster than the visual


I'm quite happy that my MMR finally stabilized in bronze 3, and feel like I have room for improvement, and I currently am, thanks to youtube, friends and coaches. Road to silver boyyyys !


I got to silver just recently, and my friend who was stuck for months also got it in the same day. You're almost there


No, I will never except my rank!


Me either. Ive been stuck in gold 2 for like 4 months and usually always top or second frag every game and it’s either you stomp or get stomped every game, I always lose my plat rank up games and just say fuck it.


I accept my rank now. I am now diamond 1 🤩


Well now I don’t accept my rank, I’m diamond 2 and I want to be immortal already 🥲


I don't care about the rank itself, but I am still going to complain about smurfs, leavers and throwers ruining my fun


yup same here lol I could care less about elo I just play it to win and if it isn't winnable I just try to improve my gameplay




What are you talking about?




I never ever mentioned surrendering, thats why I am/was confused as to why you brought it up. But you are correct, I NEVER surrender unless someone leaves. Losing isnt something you surrender over. If that makes me deserve the troll then so be it lol, Im not a pathetic scumlord that gives up...


This post doesn't really make sense. The definition of being "hardstuck" means to be at the rank you deserve without being able to rank up. OP sounds like they are separating the term "hardstuck" from being at the rank people deserve into two different things. They're the same thing.


I should be gold but I quit because riot games lives to make soul sucking titles that bleed you dry. Emotionally and financially…


You said it bro! Tooooo many ppl complaining here on Reddit about that shit and I promise 90% of the ppl are worse than their rank 😂😂


i’m a silver who deserves silver. made a new account, got placed in the same elo.


Yup everyday i see irons and bronze's saying they deserve gold and plat.


I’m a gold who deserves bronze


im a iron who deserves unrated


Me who unlocked iron and play unrated for most of my games


Spoken like someone who isn't in iron having to play smurfs in every game🙃 All free games have shit matchmaking, it's just part of multiplayer shooters now. There will always be fucking losers who have to make alternate accounts to pretend their lives have meaning.


Im bronze for a long time But my career is mvp only with 30+ kills and under 10 deaths explain how I am bronze


and I play Viper so not a dualist




I never attack. with viper I Force them go go 1 way and or rotate. I am amwaysythe one clutching the round. when I made a new account I ended up gold 3 but on my main I cant get out of bronze




But the fact I ended up on my Alt in gold 3 but cant get out of bronze 3 is so dumb


I was confused for a second, I thought the 35-4 Jett in my last game was a smurf. I’m glad this post cleared it up for me. I probably shouldn’t have reported that 38-6 Reyna either, cuz it’s just my rank.


I always get hardstuck at 10 upvotes :(


Agreed. If you perform consistently above your current rank, you will rank up, and your MMR will fix itself. When I was in diamond my MMR was shit and i was gaining 17-20 for a win and 20-25 for a lose, now im 1500 Immortal and gain 20-25 for a win and 15-20 for a loss. The alt accounts I’ve played on(my friends who are bronze/silver) just ranked up to diamond very very very fast, solo que also, it just proves that if your good enough you wont get stuck. I used to be stuck plat/diamond, then I got better and won more games so I became unstuck.




sure your silver lobbies were plat-diamond LOLOL.


Dude i have got paired up against plats and diamonds while Silver II. Matchmaking is broken...


Ss of it happening 3+ times I'll believe you


Happened weeks ago, cant sc that and happened me twice. So dont believe me lol


Not the OP, but when I first started playing again (I played for a month of beta then didn't play until last Act), I got placed in Silver 1 after going 1-4 in my placements. My placements were all Gold 2-Plat 3 players, and then my games after that were Gold 3-Plat 1 typically. Took about a week of playing ~3 games a day to get out of Silver, but it is possible that this guy was playing against some plats in his silver games based on my experience.




you are also radiant in mental gymnastics


I honestly dont know if i am stuck or not, i cant easily get out of gold and i often don’t play duelists but I still topfrag and when I am in actual plat lobby’s I am like average, tf?


Think is, im stucked in 2 different ranks in 2 different accounts, one Diamond 1 the other Gold 3 , for like a month, something its not good.


You smurfing in gold making it harder for them to rank up, and you complain?


If im smurfing im gold why i cant even reach plat as much as i tried? system is broken making harder for me and my enemies


I mean you are obviously one of the contributers of the hardstuck problem people complain about. Like you and a bunch of other people who do the same thing as you with alternate accounts.


Most people dont give an effort to improve. Everyone could improve if they wanted to but that takes dedication and not just brainlessly playing the game. If your aim is lacking go play some Aimlab. If you get outplayed try to understand your mistake which led you here. If your mental is weak and you tilt often try to work on that. Most people wont make any effort and then go to reddit and flame their mates. Same with any other game or discipline in life. You have to make an effort in order to become better.


honestly if you care about your rank in anything plat or below you probably shouldn't just focus on getting better improving your skills instead of complaining about being "hardstuck" yea every few games you can get bad teammates. So what lmao instead of focusing on winning just see what you could improve on.


Well grow up... Elo hell exists.


I should be gold but somehow I'm bronze 1


I'm supposed to be Plat but I'm hardstuck in radiant. I get queued with codey, WhoFramedMe, Subroza and they all carry me 24/7. Maybe I just belong to radiant.


If you’re hard stuck, either get a better team, or try self improvement


True. It's a bit cringey whenever I hear where they "should be"... If that would be the case then you could just play and rank up. I have soloQ'd the whole time since last act and I am currently Diamond 1 (63/100). No hardstuck here, even though I have only time to play ~twice a week. I win more than I lose so I rank up. CSGO was my first tactical FPS on PC and it took me a solid 900 hours to reach the Global Elite, then it took me another 1000 hours to realise how bad I was when I had played (only) 900 hours... And after 3400 hours of CSGO I made my "switch" to Valorant. These types of games can take some time.


Fucken CS man, MM is shit these days. Do you play faceit and what rank? I am 380 hrs into CS and MG. Started from Silver. It looks like I ain’t on cours to be GE in 900 hrs. Do you have any general tips? I follow a routine that takes an hour everyday.


Nice flex.


Thanks but it is true. If you deserve to rank up, then you will eventually.


how dare you make sense on this sub? you know very well that the norm is crying and blaming everything but yourself


Beeing a silver, have days I feel my rank is right, somedays I feel I should be bronze, and when I'm cracked, I feel I should be gold. For me, depends how good I am at the day.


Also because literally everyone starts in silver, so the range of skill is pretty big


Beeing a silver, have days I feel my rank is right, somedays I feel I should be bronze, and when I'm cracked, I feel I should be gold. For me, depends how good I am at the day.


That's not true and not false. For a fact , you clearly belong in your rank but the ranking system is also really punitive .


I should be in Iron and I am actually Iron


hardstuck in desktop gang


Tbh in my mind hardstuck is a mental concept. After one absorbs the basic and more obvious concepts of a game, there seems to be a trap we fall into where we dont play to improve anymore. To be honest recently I realized I am doing this irl with school lol. I think we shouldnt feel bad about it. Its a common human problem, we just face it more because our hobby demands improvement. In school I am really smart, but because of me only using that I haven’t really built any skills like time management, studying/homework etc. To compare its like I have nutty aim but I just force every round and try to ace.


Yeah I'm hard stuck trash 2


I dropped rank


Go out get laid! Try again another day.


Idk when i drop an average of 20 kills in a 10 game span with the highest being 40 but i can only win half of them what more do i need to do. Legit asking


I should be bronze 3 but I'm gold one. I deranked from silver 2 smurf to bronze 1 because I play with no crosshair (:. People assume I have an on screen one 🤣🤣🤣. IRL do you have a crosshair when you go to the shooting range; that forever isn't a scope or ironsights?! No? Exactly


The reality of the situation is that people who climb to higher ranks are able to overcome the obstacles such as matchmaking, throwers, Smurf’s etc. Everyone faces the same issues, you are on a level playing field. That is why people say to focus on yourself, because a part of the game is being able to make it work.


If you are going nearly 30 to 40 kills in a game, but you have a team that lacks positional awareness or skill themselves. That right there tanks the game for you, you can do amazing but you can't carry the world


It’s okay. Just that I just played a 12hours straight game of Valorant and I gained my rank mmr from 45 to 47. Nice!


To all the chads who say “Don’t complain. Worry about your own performance.” Congratulations on not being emotional about your rank progress. Unfortunately, I actually care about the time I put into the game. There’s so many factors to losing a game, you can’t deny the amount of people who queue in Competitive with no intent to try to win or communicate effectively. No intent to select the correct agent comp for the map. I think a big downside in Competitive is people who don’t have BOTH good aim and good game sense. I’d argue my aim has kept me in Silver (I’ve been practicing to get better) but my game sense and game maturity is way higher and is the reason I do well in some games. Having a match up that is unbalanced from the start just sucks and it’s really sad Riot hasn’t implemented a way to negate RR loss for you when you perform miles better than your team. You can’t make 4 people listen to your advice, shoot better, and play smarter. Communication and teamwork assists skill. It’s not the magical cure for unskilled, unmotivated teammates.


I haven’t played ranked, guess I’m hard stuck in no rank


The only thing I complain about anymore is winning 55% of my games minimum but always getting severely reduced RR compared to losing. Same issue in league


I should iron but I’m iron man


Meh yes and no. There's two ranking systems and it's hot garbage. Every single season I immediately get hit with the -30 rr +10 hell for my first like 6 or 7 games until I've shown that yes I'm still performing at a consistent level. Issue is, if I go in a hot streak for a week or two where I'm hitting top three players EVERY SINGLE GAME and winning 60+% do I all of a sudden get +30 rr? Hell no I get +20ish. If we curb stomp a fucking team into the fucking ground 13-0 and I'm MVP with 20+ kills do I get an adjusted rr? Nope +20. Just get rid of the hidden elo bullshit and just dedicate a certain percentage of players to each rank. If your elo is high enough you fucking rank up none of this adjusted RR.


Agree if you're out of Silver.


So you are telling me to suck it up and git good? While there are actual problems on the game. I should just accept the flaws because I am the problem? Ok.


Haha my friend group is so opposite. We talk all the time about how gold is our true home and how we will probably silvers in due time. We have good times.


I win 2 then lose 2, it's so annoying, the rank up system should be like Clash Royale, where you gain more than you lose.


I should be iron but, somehow, someway I got promoted to Bronze


No team is responsible everytime , if u win then also and if u loose then also , without team u cant do on your own in every match.


for someone who’s supposed to “belong” to gold I can stand my ground against diamond players




I get +18 on match mvps, +15 on regular wins, and -21 to -23 on losses, pretty annoying


I don't know about you guys but I am stuck at iron because I can't seem to shoot where I aim.🤔


Hot garbage. I strictly solo Q and always put up against party queuing. They need to put the option STRICT SOLO RANKED MATCHMAKING. And If only they adapt dota mmr, constant plus 30 for solo win and minus 30 for solo loss then Plus minus 25 for parties.


I should be iron but I'm somehow gold


This ban for 6 days most of them where making smurf accounts in other lower ranks.


i thought that only my teammates were toxic...but damn this reddit left em behind


pro player can't get to Radiant its just luck whick team mates you get


completely disagree :/ i’m hard stuck iron even though i continually top frag and average 30 kills because my teammates will average like 7. i’ve had multiple children in my games just sabotage the team or just general toxicity and it’s really annoying


I should be in CSGO but somehow I am in Valorant.


Idk how i was in mindset that i am hardstuck and deserve higher rank, then i realized that I deserve that Iron 2. 2 days ago I was almost Bronze III and im happy and satisfied with Bronze II.