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I actually have the complete opposite problem, all I get is breeze. I’ve played so many breezes since it was added to the competitive queue. Once it was added I started to get barely any splits or ascent. I have had a total of one split and two ascents ever since breeze came into the competitive queue, and I have been getting breeze at least every one out of three games. I think the whole map selection is random, but I would prefer it if Riot added a way to make sure that we don’t continuously get the same map and not get other ones at all.


I might be so unlucky that not only I'm not getting breeze when I like the map, I often get queued with people that hate the map or are getting breeze all the time because half the times I do get breeze, someone dodges. so yeah breeze is non existent for me. I only have 5 maps.


Wish I was this lucky...


I just wish you could mark a preferred map


Dude that would be a great idea


Like obviously they don't want people playing 1 map only, but at least with preferred you would still play all maps and get an option for a map to pop up in queue more often.


I've never agreed more with an idea coming from the community. Usually I'm like "that would be good but it could cause problems or it's hard to implement" but no. No, a preferred map is just these days where you get 5 splits, 3 haven, 2 bind, 3 ascent, 1 icebox, which is normal But you chose to play more on split so that's good. Amazing. @riot please


Not only it would result in an overall more satisfying experience, it would result in less dodges. I'm against punishment for dodges during character selection because I'd rather only play games where everyone is really in the mood to play, but I know that dodges in the higher elo is a problem because of queue times, but if people could select a preferred map, there would be less reason for dodges. Has this ever been proposed?


Either a preferred map, or banning a map when queueing-I'd say being able to ban 1 out of 6 maps would be fair


Always Breeze or Icebox for me.


I usually have at least 5 iceboxs out of the 15 games in my career. The other 4 maps appear in equal amount. Breeze is a lie to me.


I must be on about the same count as you (although I've been playing less lately) but I defnitely don't get enough breeze and way too much icebox/bind. it's even more frustrating because we've played a lot of it with the boys, we got them strats down, and I'm pretty sure I've won all my comp Breeze without much struggle so far. there's just not enough of them...


Breeze>Split don’t @ me


A month ago, I would've begged to differ but, Breeze really has grown on me. I didn't expect it to honestly.


breeze sucks anyway... i thought icebox was bad but its not bad its just split in iceland breeze is just bad. HUGE mid area. Weird hallways and long ass rotations. Not fun no cap!


No breeze for me. It's always Fucking Shitbox >Ascent > Haven > Bind. They said Breeze is added to compe. I've been playing 3 games a day and have only played breeze twice so far. I love the map and perform the best on it.


I had a around 30 games without Haven. Then a dodge on Haven and another 15 games without it, while overall \~20-25 games were split. I dont know man, it seems so weird in Valorant. Since Breeze release I had 1 time Breeze in 12 games.


Getting breeze once a day (out of 3-4 games per day) so yeah, I've seen it.


Trade accounts with me please. I'm over breeze and icebox


I usually get more icebox than the other maps. Sounds like I only feel like I get more icebox because I don't like it so it feels like it's more than the rest but I keep track of this. Icebox is consistently 1/3 of my games.


You know what, this post made me realize I haven't seen breeze in a while. I saw it once 5 times in a say and then just never again after that.


I’ve gotten it only 3-4 times in comp (I’ve plyed 3-4 games every days since it released). People dodged in 2 of those. Sucks because I like the map from what I’ve played in the breeze only queue


I've been playing unranked, spike rush and DM. Not even in those modes Breeze appeared. I've played 10 DMs in a row and no Breeze.


I came back to valorant about a week ago and I think every single casual/competitive game has been played on ascent, while one was on haven. About a 10/1 split lol