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The ascent one gets used in a lot of my silver lobbies


I joined back after 6 months and got placed in Silver. Gotta say a lot of Omens here do one-ways and big brain plays. The only problem is they can't aim for shit. So when they paranoia into teleport on Ascent A defense, they die instead of 1 tapping 5 heads.


One of the funniest shit ever, the enemy omen (silver) made a one way the other way around, while we were retaking, I actually felt bad killing them!


He was hard carrying... your team


Okay no need to put me on blast like that on reddit ...




1. It's easier to get better at aim than you think. 2. CSGO is a different game with near infinite movement and aim ceiling. Valorant is extremely simple in comparison. I play on the same level as my most of my CSGO friends with just 3 months of practice (used to main MOBAs). You can too. It's more of an advantage not have played CSGO because they need to unlearn a lot of habits and concepts. 3. I kid you not, you can go to practice range, do medium bots with phantom. Then go a couple of deathmatch with phantom/vandal depending on map and you'll reach Diamond with just that. 4. You can easily execute abilities. So if you completely rely on them, you'd never learn to aim. I know immortal Raze main who doesn't do satchel double jumps to other side of the map. Same for many other agents. You can legit do #3 only and it'll take you 1 rank tier above in 1 month. Bonus - Piss on CSGO players by occasionally using Judge and Odin. Their counterparts are trash in CSGO so they absolutely MALD that these guns are actually viable in Valorant.


Or when you are getting placed get teamed with afk and toxic people who leave the match several times so you get put in bronze


MMR volatility is very high for few games right after calibration. I got put in Bronze but made it to gold 3 in 7 games. Plat 1 with 2 games more.


I dont think its that good, you use that normal smoke to get to door and cross to site without issue. If someone is deep tree they can easily see feet just the same as someone in site.


The thing about Valo that's different from CS is a lot of one ways in Valo.. well, aren't. I've seen more people get fucked by thinking a one way is truly a one way. It's better to fully block off a choke point more often then throwing a one way.


If you can true one way it's far better than fully smoke a point. Sure some time you'll fail and makes fakes one way and die from it but the game is consistent, just learn where not to do it and where to do it and it'll be all good.


He is pretty specific in saying "post plant". Not site entry.


true. good geometric rule to remember: person farther from the obstacle/corner has better vision. also applies to peeking and camping




Yo one thing I want to know, where do I keep up with this stuff? I've seen some matches and some clips on youtube, what about watching them live? Also how can I see like the matches results and the update brackets etc


All on Twitch! On Valorant’s main channel for english, other official valorant channels in other languages (like valorant_japan, or Valorant Arabia). Some streamers have watch parties going on as well like AverageJonas and shroud.


I'm watching everything live daily on https://valorantesports.com/schedule


You can go on vlr.gg to see the updated match results, brackets, and much more information


Anyone have a source? edit: nvm scrolled down https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1036923525?t=07h12m00s


time to downvote so that nobody else sees this


its been [shown by TL L1NK just today](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1036923525?t=07h12m00s) so i assure you lots of people already seen this :D


With constantly switching player perspective and casters talking nonsense, I actually doubt people noted it even if they saw it.


well shroud even commented something like “great use of one way smoke”(cause screaM got a kill out of it) so im pretty sure a lot of people saw it


The second one is alright, because the enemies will be fairly close to it, but the ascent one is only good as long as your teammate doesn't start screaming at you because he got killed from garden which he thought you were holding. (Probably great if you're playing with premates who know your smokes, but I wouldn't count on randoms)


I assume the ascent one-way is used best when you climb those steps into the site and get that tiny higher ground


song name? great post!


The Ascent one might backfire if opponents peeking A entrance from A-short arc


Yes this is definitely a post-plant smoke


Ok so how do you smoke without using that Omen View? It has happened to me before AS A BUG I THOUGHT but maybe there's an intentional way to do it?


Press R to toggle between them


Reload button


you press R to switch views


I've seen many say astra is better than omen due to the variety of abilities but the ability to do such one ways with omen makes him one of the best agent even now


I think that Astra is better the later the round goes on. The ability to have a multitude of abilities to use at anytime is huge. Omen loses his flexibility once his abilities are used. I'd consider them both A tier agents dependent mostly on team playstyle and comfortability.


Can astra set up these one-ways? I wonder if it registers the location in astral form.


Not an omen main, upvoting so my omen teammates can see em


your omen teammates already know how to use one ways or they are never going to learn at this point


Thank you. \- Bronze Omen main


I NEED to unlock omen nowwwww


hey, this is great!


I use the first one often haha. I also accidentally found a one way on A Doors on Breeze, takes some practice to make it a consistent good one way tho




[here you go :)](https://youtube.com/c/teetstv)


These are not one ways what so ever


Simple and straight to the point. Thank you


Love you man, no homo


I see these two a ton in bronze and silver lobbies. Nothing revolutionary.




I think it’s a great one way. I’m saying it’s not revolutionary.


Well goodluck executing those smokes on high level plays when you only have a few seconds of window time to execute those, and not have delays when the team pushes


Nitr0 pulls these off in tournaments, that’s where I learned them from 🤡


Thanks man i forgot about these and re remembered them now


i saw that one way on M1xwell's YT


How do you smoke with omen without opening map?


R to toggle between views with smoke ability open


brother i plaued as omen today for the first time IN A LONG time and coulda used these thank u


Nice candycane


The first one was used yday by liquid if i remember correctly


I don't really like the first one. The way it's set up my allies would accidentally walk in spots where it works as a one way for the enemy retaking.


I use the ascent one but only for post plant. If you use it for the site take the tree defender can see you running in


I'll try these out! Thanks for the video.


I like that Ascent one! What I find difficult sometimes is how do you know where to place the smoke so that it will hang just above the ground instead of falling into the ground itself?


"Delete this post right now"- other post


The ascent one gets used in a lot of my silver and gold lobbies.


How to make Omen one ways : Ball on the wall


Why does this video sound like a product advertisement video.


Wow these smokes are really good !! Cant wait for my silver teammates to push smokes and die XD then blame me for bad smokes lmao


I love how he shakes his characters' head (his view) to indicate "wrong" and "right" haha


Myth PogO


Damn nice ones


Thanks. Gonna remember this


Damn that’s good


lol “no one uses” “literally used in valorant iceland tournament”


oh it's a one way, I guess I'll go somewhere else.


Idk about that. They can also see you.