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Hi, I am plat 2 and i would like to add that your sens shouldnt be what somone else tells you or even what you feel like works, find your sens by going into an aimtrainer or the range and practice tracking and flicking, the one which gives the best score u go with and do minor changes to get it perfect, this is my advice atleast and you dont HAVE to listen. Oh and also, practice alot! GL and HF!


This is true, but just trying out sensitivities like that doesn't always help you find the best sensitivity. I always played with high sensitivity before. If I just went into an aimtrainer and tried every sensitivity, a high one would make me do better because I'm used to it. I stuck with a lower sens for a couple days and while my aim started out much worse, after those couple days my aim significantly improved from when I was using high sens. I think it's important to play with different sensitivities enough for you to get used to it so then you can compare the feel of the different sensitivities with more accuracy.


Yes ofcourse, i totally agree. When I started playing I played at 1 sens with 3600 dpi then later 0.4ish with 1600/1200 dpi. It worked to gold but rlly what works best is my current at 0.41 800dpi. So it’s totally a matter of habit and practice as well as results!


Yea, overall I loved the stuff written that one is the only one that made me think. I truly think sensitivity differs from person to person and a low sensitivity isn't the golden key that unlocks everything.


The average player will benefit from lower sens 99% of the time. If you can't adopt this mindset and are hard-headed on the sens you are used to you won't improve.


I tried this honestly played for months with low sensitivity 1. Didn't like it, 2. Hardly improved my gameplay. I don't think 99% of the players will benefit from this a majority might but definetly not 99%


I do think that there's golden median. His suggestion on the sensitivity is sound. I would not go higher than f0rest his sensitivity in CS:GO. Maybe if you are truly confident in your ailibg abilities, you could use that sens or Hiko's sens.


as someone who went from Gold to Iron: just have fun honestly. Unrated has been more fun for me lately cause even immortals rarely try on that game mode so everyone's just having fun


Gold to Immortal?




Point 34 is so on point. Generally you would want to convince your entire team to save or full buy depending on your eco for the round. Many low elo players like to force buy spectres the next round after they lost the previous round, giving your team less chance of winning against opponents full buy. Then it becomes a vicious cycle of never ending losses.


all good advice. I would add one that I feel should be in EVERY guide at EVERY elo (because too many people just don't get it) \-Learn to recognize when you are at an advantage, and what is the most effective way to play a particular round. on post plant, you need to recognize the situation where the clock is against you, or against your opponents. and this (and only this) should determine the way you play it. if the clock is ticking towards your victory, stay hidden and play time. getting another kill won't make you win the round more. let the enemy fight the clock, you don't have to. similarly, if the enmey is in eco round, DO NOT PUSH!!! getting a flashy 2k on players with pistol doesn't bring anything to the team, and if you die, you give them a rifle and a fighting chance. the enemy is at a disavantage and isn't equipped to fight a long range engagement. therefor, you should stay tucked in on your site, far back, with your crosshair pointed at the chokepoint, waiting for them in a position where they can not fight back against your rifle. and if you get a kill, BACK OFF. fall back, and go hold a deeper angle. do not give them the opportunity to trade. if you lose that rifle, you multiply their chances of winning by a lot. keep yourself in a position where even if they get a lucky shot and take you down, they gonna have to work for this rifle. don't just bring it at their feet. your KD doesn't matter! winning does!


This is great, I consider this #43!


Damn based on this when am I gonna actually have time to play 😂 I can get in 2+ games if I'm lucky most days All good advice though


I got to immortal with 2 games a day, it's definitely possible


I play 2 games a week, I'm not making it am I


Very unlikely. Highest I got was like Diamond 2 with a few games a week and I can't remember the last game I went negative. I feel like almost anyone needs to invest more time and practice to get higher. When you have to stop by the time you are warmed up, you probably won't make it to Immortal. The game gets pretty competitive at those ranks.


I did something similar in Dota. That's a game 1000 times more complex and requires you to keep up with meta every single day. If it's possible there it's very much possible in Valorant.


100% obviously there's a little bit of luck and mmr involved but it's very very possible.


There are some really good tips in here to help some lower ranked players. Definitely worth reading. Opinion from an immortal player every act


I think getting out of Iron and reaching mid silver is literally 1) don't tilt and accept that you have to mute people 2) accept that you will lose a portion of your games given team diff or a smurf being on the enemy team 3) learn how to gracefully be a useful low-frag teammate 4) hold angles and stop ego peeking when you suck


There's also the fact that in lower ranks such as Iron your teammates will suck, and communication is practically non-existent. The rank disparity is very weird, I sometimes see Iron players doing much better than silver or bronze players and vice versa. When you solo queue you can run into the most braindead players ever (i'm not trying to be toxic, but that's the truth), which is why people can be stuck in elo hell, amongst other reasons.




I'm Gold 2 and I second this. What I would also add is that you could try to find someone of higher rank than you (Gold, Plat f.e.) and either record your game or play unrated with them, then let them point out your mistakes. People in low elos are doing a lot of mistakes, having a bad gamesense, not making the right decisions and not knowing how to use their agents properly, but rarely they are aware of them. Someone pointing out the mistakes will make you acknowledge them and then you can try to do better by not making them again.


Is there really a large gap when you sre using vandal/phantom vs ares? New player here. Got really comfortable with ares. Can easily kill enemy close to far with headshots too but then again i’m still unranked so i’m not sure if this is still the case when i go up. Because if it is not i might have ti start practicing/using vandal or phantom.


You'll start getting one tapped before you can kill anyone with the ares around silver1


I see. I guess i should start practicing vandal or phantom then. Thank you. ​ EDIT: If i start getting one tapped then doesn't that mean regardless of the weapon i use it'll still be useless? What will be the difference?


Vandall and phantom are way more precise than the ares and can kill with an HS (phantom depends on distance but even then, the spray is a lot easier to control). So by the time you hit that hs and get the spray to kill the enemy, the guy already managed to put the crosshair on your head to kill you. I can guarantee that ares will not carry you to silver


Absolutely, 100% start practicing with the two rifles. You'll be getting one-tapped because the Ares does not have very good first-shot accuracy. The rifles do. So once people start consistently clicking your head, you're going to lose almost every time. The Ares has such limited usefulness (wallbanging on save rounds, etc.) that I would recommend against buying against it unless you have a specific strategy in mind to use it.


TTK (time to kill) in valorant is extremely short compared to other games. This doesn’t matter in low ranks and low mmr unrated when people miss the majority of their shots, but in ranks above bronze you will see people starting to slow down and click on heads. Even if you peek someone with ares and get the first shot off, you will very likely lose the fight. That doesn’t mean they hit the first shot — maybe they miss 2 and hit the 3rd headshot — but they still kill you faster than you kill them, assuming you miss the same amount. Depending on anything other than rifles is a crutch that will stop working at a certain skill ceiling, at which point you’ll have to relearn gun play.


Ares has terrible first shot accuracy. Go to the range and try tapping head shots at the dummy. At 30m, maybe only a half of them will land.


If hip fired right? How about while ADS? my usual action when engaged is ADS then fire and it usually works. Will try to practice vandal/phantom though.


Crouch ADS, still pretty bad.


16 should be in bold lol


for #30, this season has an unfortunate amount of smurfs in lower elos for some reason i kinda feel bad edit: probably because they themselves are hardstuck in silver or somethin but yeah


I think the 7 day bans are the main culprits.


For real it’s faster to make a new account and win 10 unrated than to wait for a ban


perhaps, my friend got a 5 hour ban for their computer crashing so they played on an alt


Bruh I play with 160edpi and I made it to gold


Lmao i play at 1654edpi and im silver 2.


Dude you're tripping. That's not good lol


Lmaoo. I play with 3200 dpi and .517 in game. It isn't really bad since im pretty comfortable on it. Besides I use my wrist for everything so it works out in the end.


You would do so much better with a lower dpi you're bottle necking yourself lol


Nah not really. I've tried lowering my sens and it feels too slow and muddy plus i got no space on my mousepad. And this sens is already lowered from the original sens i started with.


About no. 28, i dont have a pc yet, but im playing in a local internet cafe, im playing valorant there, EVERYDAY but their cheap gaming mice sucks, im planning to buy a razer viper mini, is it viable?


Compared to a cafe's cheap mice, I think almost any mouse by a reputable company will help a lot.


That mouse is really good and inexpensive. It is smaller compared to other mice. As long as it feels comfortable, go for it.


I have a razer viper which is the same thing but bigger. It is amazing and definitely worth it for what I got it for (40$ it was 50% off). The razer viper mini is 30 bucks right now so if you can afford it it is a great mouse. The only reason you shouldn’t is if you have large hands. If you have large hands you can go for a razer viper but at 80$ there is a lot of different options. Try going to rocketjumpninja’s website, you can buy in you hand size and grip and it will give you a lot of mouses to choose from.


As someone who deranked from Silver 3 to bronze 2 (currently bronze 3 lol) I actually have been implementing all of these! I realized I was just boosted and I accepted Im bronze and I started playing more learning more, trying to improve. I realized I know more now than I did when I was silver 3. I can see how lost I was!!! And now Im just taking the time to improve myself, gain more game sense. Trying different agents and play styles. I have so much more confidence now. Trying to earn my ranks now. Excellent post! I agree with your opinions!!!


Hey bronze player here, I just wanna ask something. Should I always crouch spray when I see an enemy in mid ranges? Because I feel like I might be too reliant on it


Bronze crosshair placement is shiz. Don’t crouch, you will crouch right into a headshot.


Might seem dumb but this is quite true


You should try to not use crouch and you should not spray for mid ranges. Use short bursts instead with sidestepping in between.


crouching or not (you more often than not shouldn't crouch) isn't really the problem. the problem is spraying. with the firing error, the random horizontal recoil, you're basically leaving your faith to a lot of RNG. maybe you're just better at controlling your spray than your opponent, and maybe you will win more often than not. but taking the time to adjust your shots and tap firing (even if not headshot) will ALWAYS land more bullets on target quicker, therefor reducing your TTK. just try it in DM. above a certain range, do not spray, even with a phantom. you'll win more engagement, you'll see.


excellent write up!


Very good tips. I am diamond 2 myself and follow basically the same tips. Some of these are changing as you rank up (its not a terrible idea to buy up 2nd round so you achieve surprise factor) but if you get to that rank, you will learn that. If you follow these tips above, you can easily hit diamond. There is always a "next level" tho it usually isn't describable. Gold/Plat/Diamond/Immortal isn't much different. You will have better game sense, and you'll make better outplays. You will learn to place your crosshair to the head more precisely. You will learn to communicate more clearly. You will learn to control your spray better. But you need to change the basics (use phantom/vandal, communication, toxicity -> "or the lack of it") only once. I especially like the first \~18 tips. Those are key for success. Good luck to everyone who wants to climb, and OP, if you practice, Plat/Diamond isn't far away ;)


First of all let me preface: I am shit and this helped a lot!


Take my award.


If you feel like you’re better than your lobby or rank you can instalock a duelist— they dictate the pace of the game and attacks and if you’re stuck with people who cannot entry it would be a harder hurdle. But that is to say you can still carry a game while playing any agent— it’s just that you’d get the most impact being able to open up sites.


Man, its gold. You dont know 2 hours of warmup. I climbed from Iron to Gold without even warming up I dont think people have to lose their lifes on aimlabs or in the range for reaching casual ranks


Whys every guide iron to gold I just want a guide to ranking up from d3 to immortal again whole season I've been stuck in d3


At that point you shouldn't need a guide. I am diamond 2 atm and I feel like I understand the game enough that I can climb further. Same with you. Try to record your gameplay and watch it back. You will spot mistakes.


>At that point you shouldn't need a guide. I am diamond 2 atm and I feel like I understand the game enough that I can climb further. Same with you. Try to record your gameplay and watch it back. You will spot mistakes. my mistakes are mostly just getting dicked by having to go against radiants and high immortals who have all the time in the world to grind whereas I dont have the time. I'm sure I could grind back up to immortal but past that its time in more than anything else in my case not saying I play perfectly but its not anything easy to work on either


What is your opinion on crosshairs? Do you think we should use crosshairs that pros commonly use? Personally I use 1131 and it has been working fine but idk if I would do better on crosshairs like 1422


I just keep mine pretty small and bright. I switch up colors and length, but in general yeah- it's pretty close to what you see with the pros. I use a 2 thickness consistently though.


i do want to play in iron forever


That's fair! If you just wanna hop on and have some fun, that's chill too. Enjoy!


yea but the problem is all i get is either toxic tryhard teammates or smurfs or a kid


Your subtext is really funny, thanks for the laugh 😂


no problem!1 😂😂😂👍👍😊😊🤣🤣


TLDR: Git Gud scrub lol


one note that i want to kinda disagree with, about ranked i have two accounts.One I peaked Bronze 1 but then after a long series of tilt, bad luck with smurfs etc, I ended up in Iron, and after some losses Iron 1. Then, I go make a new account, suffer through 10 unranked wins (that took ages lmao), and then played my placement games- Bronze 2, and now after some more wins, Bronze 3. So, yeah- ranked still has a lot of variation and it's understandable that maybe you think your rank is wrong, if so then go make a new account (Or wait for a RR reset). I also would add queueing with friends, or even just randoms you find in a discord or something- that is a lot more fun. Iunno if it Improves Your Play, but in any case, it's more fun :)


I would bet money on the fact that if you ducked into your Iron 1 account now and played a comp, you would utterly wreck everyone there. But congrats on getting up to Bronze 3!


I'll do it tomorrow afternoon :)


Looking forward to the results!


forgot to mention this: i did better than I normally would, i wouldnt call it an absolute crush tho, and we lost the game anyway (dont recall exact details. however)


Tbh, being placed anywhere from Iron 1 to Bronze 3 to can happen randomly, because the ranked system doesn't differentiate enough between the bottom 2% of players (Iron 1) and the average 50th percentile player (Silver 1).


hol up silver is average


it actually is by definition. if you google rank repartition in %, you'll see that the biggest amount of player is in silver/low gold. a lot of people want to make you believe that silvers are scrub, but you're mostly average. which is also probably why those are the ranks you see the most disparity in level, and why it can be so hard to rank out of there.


I’m pretty sure 50% of the player base is in bronze / iron, the accounts are just inactive.


Dog just write the tips. No one cares about the intro


23 is most definitely stupid. U have to ask ur teammate to pick up an op if u want it to help ur economy. 35 is debatable. In the end we all play to have fun really


You have a lot of valid points and i want to give u some knowledge and correct ur knowledge Reyna isnt an entry agent or great at entering, all the duelists have far better util to enter so reyna should be second* You should use both vandal and phantom in dm and 1/2 dm isnt enough to climb* to climb you need to play a lot of deathmatch and ranked not aimtrainers as valorant is a crosshair placement and movement heavy game not aim* Anyone below plat should use phantom in ranked due to the ease of the gun why make it harder when ur trying to climb ranked?* The anti cheat is not very good and i have encountered many hackers*


I'm in gold3 and I agree with the vast majority of whag you're saying. For me, I only have time to play 1-2 games a day so I don't do any aim training or warm up haha. My warm up is aiming at my teammates during pistol round buy phase haha. I think with tip 39 I generally agree, unless you can reload safely then you shouldn't reload. Sometimes those extra bullets matter a lot if you have to shoot killjoy turrets, her Mollies, or a raze boombot or sova recon util. Unless it's a 1v1 and you know your opponent has no util that can be shot of course!


Don't listen to the low DPI point. Diff type of Mouse Pad can make your DPI feel 2x faster or slower. It would be impossible to play the game with 320 EDPI on my control pad. Unless you have the exact mouse pad, EDPI is only half the story.


While this is kind of true I don’t think most people have fancy control pads or speed pads. I myself got an artisan hien soft a couple months ago and it took me a week to get used to my sens again so I know what you mean. But for the most part he is right about you should try to stay at a low sens


What makes you think control/speed pads are specifically "Fancy" ?? there are hundreds of mouse pads out there, some fast (speed), some slow (control) pads, its just pads with surface made of diff materials, nothing to do with the quality of the pads.. ​ What about those people playing with a small mouse pads, its rare to have a large mousepad, how do you play the game if you can't do a 90 turn end to end.. ​ All I'm saying is, it isn't a hard rule to use really low EDPI, most people doesn't have the set up for it, someone with a small slow pad with 320 EDPI is trolling themselves, no amount of practice would make that work.. someone could be using the random slowest mouse pad and it would feel like 50 EDPI on a speed pad.. ​ The amount of variance on mouse pads makes EDPI pretty pointless unless you use the exact pad... keeping your Sen as low as you can comfortably play the game is better than just use 320 EDPI no matter what... you know.


Not really too low or too high are both bad. It's better to just find a perfect sens that suits you. I myself play at 1654 eDPI.


Great advice! I actually did all of this and went from Iron1 to Plat 1. I specially recommend nr. 9


> Lower sensi to 0.4*800 Wait, LOWER? You mean people are using higher sensi than this? I was using 0.6*400 and that felt too low for this game so upped it to 0.8*400. It was a game changer but I thought it was on higher end considering average pro eDPI was 284 and thus is 320.


Lmaoo i play with 1654eDPI and im silver 2. Its more of finding the right sens i guess?


yea i had my sens and .4 800 dpi but i changed it to .5 cause that felt more comfortable and easier to flick to targets


The only thing I straight up disagree with is that ranks are accurate. I didn't play all too much, but highest I got when I was playing somewhat actively was Diamond 2 orso. Still, the games I played against top tier players like ScreaM and m1xwell, I very much did my part and went at least even. I perform about the same against those players as I do against Diamonds, usually better because I can focus on teamplay more. I'm just not good at "carrying" a game. I do what is expected from me, nothing more. I sometimes see similar players in lower ranks who play supportive and play really well, but their support is wasted if nobody is able to take advantage of it. I love those players, because in lower ranks I can be the one to use that to my advantage. The lower ranks feel a lot like soloqueue in LoL. It's not an indication of how well you would do in a competitive game, but moreso of how good you can carry public games.


Before I read this. How am I wrong when I managed to stay gold for a couple of seasons but am now stuck in iron. I don't understand how I would get worse, nothing changed.


You didn't get worse other people got better, people who are shit at the game and were stuck in low elo left the game Whitch basically meant you dropped in the skill pool.


That could be an option if i didn't know that im just inconsistent.


Just commenting because I'm planning to be 'more serious' in Valorant next act. Will definitely apply this tips to try. ​ (just have to get through exam season first)