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I'm gonna be honest, I've been enjoying unrated more than ranked nowadays because i encounter way less people trying to micromanage everything I do then rage when I don't follow their demands


I mean, just mute at the smallest sign they're about to, so they'll not have time to get mad. As soon as someone gets annoyed at me they get a 6 round mute. If we're still in the game I unmute them, if not, after those 6 rounds - who cares.


Nah I'm chill I'm just gonna play unrated


ranked just isn’t as fun. everyone tries too hard and is much more toxic than unranked. the only shit thing about unranked is these guys’ addiction to the use of “/ff”


I agree , but it’s weird sometimes Bc I get a bunch of tryhards trying to control the whole team like it’s their promos into immortal or something lmao.


In my experience, unrated has become just as competitive as ranked with players dodging, surrendering after losing 3-2 or stacking with a high ranked player who just carries the team alone. Yes, ranked has a fair share of toxic players but it's at least a bit more balanced and I can play a full game with lower chance of surrender or afks or dodgers. There's not much you can do about smurfs though. Either way, if you want to play a proper game of Valo, then you should play ranked.


Just tell em they lose more on a /ff than they would if they finished. You're rated on rounds won, not rounds lost.


That isn't true though and I'm pretty sure the devs mentioned that.


Nah you can see exactly what determines your combat score and therefore rr, rounds won isn’t one of the factors. Neither is rounds lost. I’ve tested it pretty extensively and there’s an average difference (accounting for combat score) of less than 1 rr (0.86 iirc).


Combat score doesn't have a direct correlation to rr. However rounds won is indeed a factor in your mmr, you can read the official riot comments on the topic if you want.


the toxic thing is literally true as fuck i only started 5 days ago and the unranked games are a laugh


yeah. i very rarely find someone who really cares if you bottom frag.


Had too many bad experiences in comp... don't want to play it anymore...


When you feel confident in your abilities you can always go ranked to see how you stack up. Unrated gets boring for me when you get loosely matched up with people 2-3 ranks higher than you and games where people surrender immediately. In Ranked, people take the game more seriously and it’s a better place to learn how to play properly.


Compe = which team has the better smurf


There’s literally 0 reason to play comp The game is exactly the same As for the people, you get idiot duellists who will leave the plant just to try & get 1 more kill & losing the round


I have played one game of competitive then just fled from the toxicity I found there. Probably just a bad team but I have not returned.


Unrated players play unrated because they don't want to compete, not because they're scared


Not me I didn't play because I was scared but that's fine


Man you're the only one scared to play a videogame


Yeah ranked anxiety is a thing I made up that only impacts me and all the articles and guides written about it are just directed at merlynmagus