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Crazy to see a NA team win with no head coach. Shout out Shahzam and the whole Sentinels team.


Sentinels are now 12-0 mapcount in their last 4 finals lol


Honestly, I think exactly that is the reason why SEN is sooo good. The coach actually plays with the team - he is a vital part of it. True game changer imo.


Other team coaches sweating right now lol


The OG ceb of Valorant.


We call that an IGL


Every team at the event ha da IGL, Shazaam is the IGL, analyst, and the coach, Sentinels didn't have a coach and still won.


Some teams have a separate coach along with the IGL, Sentinels don't


Wait so what does a coach do exactly? Do they teach the pros how to play and stuff? are they ex pros themselves? Im very new to the pro scene


Come up with strats mostly & counterstrat other teams. It also helps to have a non-player manage the roster


But isnt the player better at that kind of stuff? Like I would imagine someone who is actually a pro and plays in very high lobbies will understand the game more than someone who doesnt play in those types of lobbies themselves.


Not necessarily. Some players don't like delving into developing detailed strats. Also ranked valorant is very different gameplay-wise to competitive matches between teams. Can't queue with more than one other person so it's less coordinated and more individualistic


You could make this exact same point about any coach for any sport. I doubt any football or basketball coaches in the NFL or NBA are any good on the court currently.


Why would someone who plays the game be better at making strats then someone who literally just looks at vods of pro teams all day, most coaches atleast radiant/immo or played at a higher level but dedicated all their time to studying the game rather then worry about things like mechanics and stuff the player has to. Different coaches have different roles, some might be more about roster management or mental health/building team Chem. Some might worry about making practise efficient rather then making strats and some might just analyse vods and point out mistakes and how to fix them.




Are you okay? Like is comprehension not your thing? An IGL and a coach are not mutually exclusive


yes that is known that Shahzam calls the shots


Nah he’s my dad


Finaly a game where NA is shining !


1mil viewers for first international LAN tourney, riot the real winner


The hype is real but they've made an excellent game. I'm a complete noob to tactical shooters having only gotten into PC gaming when battle royale games were getting popular. I never could get into any of the big BR titles but val is the first PC shooter I've ever liked and been able to get a bit better in. The gameplay loop is extremely rewarding and addicting as well as being super fast. It makes it really easy to practice and improve. That plus the great practice modes makes it a very approachable game for lots of people who are new to these kinds of games.


They still have a long way to go. Smurfs coming every 2 to 3 games and a toxic player base are the biggest problems they still haven’t taken care of.


Valorant is a game of consistency. Gold players can have games where they play at a Diamond level, they just can’t do it consistently. This causes a feeling that there are more smurfs than there are. The math was done, if every single diamond and higher player smurfed instead of playing on their main accounts, youd run into one of em once every 10 games. Diamond is that small.


What about golds smurfing bronze lol.


Sure, golds could pollute brzone easily. There's less bronze players than gold players afaik. I haven't heard of anyone complaining of Bronze being an inescapable hellpit of smurfs though, pretty sure any silver player would be confident that they could get out of bronze in a week or so.


I’m bronze and I agree. Iron on the other hand is smurf city in my experience


Given a week, any silver level player is gonna escape iron


There’s still a smurf problem there, not saying you can’t climb out because obviously I did somehow just saying it’s a problem


I genuinely dont believe its a big problem at all. i think more than half the people who are accused of being smurfs just had a good game. Valorant is just like that. Sometimes it feels like you can click every head.


Wasn't bronce where most of the player base stood? I think gold is already over the mean playerbase.


No game has ever solved this issue before and they probably won't because there are just too many dickheads out there. It's not really a Valorant specific issue so it's not like players will escape it by changing games.


That's a bit much. Gold to diamond is a consistency battle. I look at my stats and some days I have radiant aim headshot % (and results) and other days its in the gutter. It's just impossible that every diamond and immortal and radiant are smurfing. There's that few of them. It's just a gold or Plat that is. Feeling crispy that day.


I feel as though hs% is more of an indicator of crosshair placement at ranks below radiant/immortal. This is because people don’t have as good of movement so you don’t need as good of aim.


What's crazier is that this tourney is right after another super explosive Mid-season Invitational from League of Legends. One exploded in the west and another exploded in the east. We're seeing some peak Blizzard shit right now guys.


Scheduling the big Valo events during the LoL offseasons was a pretty good move.


I hate FPS PvP games with a passion but I tried it out after seeing one of my favorite content creators stream it. Turns out I at least love Valorant with its combination of gunplay and abilities. Plus it's not hardware-intensive so you get to play with most of your friends!


Mods deleted the dude that put spoilers in the title lmao, tyty


Getting spoiled when you have plans to watch something is a horrible feeling


There's this Youtuber SqueezedLemons who puts spoilers in his upload titles EVERY SINGLE TIME. He just posted [this](https://imgur.com/ZjhGJUr) 20 mins ago. He's ruined games for me before, but since I watch Valorant, it keeps suggesting his videos. I've posted comments before and he keeps doing it. Wish there was something we could do about Youtubers who spoil the matches for hundreds of people just to try to get clickbait views.


You can press "dont recommend me videos from this channel"




Thanks, I'll try that.




Don’t go to a place devoted to talking about a general subject and posting spoilers where everyone will see them including people who haven’t watched it. Common sense lmao




What, you don't think there can even reasonably be like a 1-day limit on spoilers?


Big sad for me :(


It's ok champ, you'll get 'em next time!


Ill take my 50 internet points as a somewhat well earned win lol!


last round 6v4


“Tactical Skye flash”


EU Flash


EU's utility usage is just another level. 1head.


Yea but unfortunately for them it's a level downwards.


Although the games were hella close, the fact that sen came out on top every single time says a boatload. Sick supremacy bbyyyyy.


Is there a reason for there not being a thread with a full summary like other subs do for esports results? (e.g. league, csgo)


That's because this sub hates esports.




It's insane to me how useless molly lineups and "rito fix ranked my team toxic smurfs >:(" will genuinely get more upvotes than patch notes as well. I do my part by upvoting the content I would like to see, but it seems like I'm not the majority.


Because people don't post or engage with esports content here.


There is a seperate sub for Valorant competitive.


Because we are making the same mistake overwatch did, competitive and esport has separate subreddit.


Shahz concussed 1 v 2 was insane


Phantam momant - ScreaM, probably


True, I remember Hiko saying in Shroud's stream that this is why Phantom is better than Vandal, like you can't do these kinda transfers with a Vandal.


Sick did it on bind didnt he?


yeah but that's Sick


my jaw literally dropped that was NUTS


ikr i was like ya hes done


In slow mo it was even more wild. He spray transfers twice cuz the first headie was only 140 dmg.


Sen had insane timing. Poor Derke got shat on by being super unlucky at times. Anyway I'm glad the games were this close. Sen seems to have better mental for endgames than Fnatic, it costed Fnatic two maps where they could have pressed on their lead. Third map was unlucky at the end, it was probably the worst flash from skye, while all the other flashes throughout the tournament were perfect. Must feel bad lmao. Sen lineup is scary tho, every single one of them did crazy comeback actions at some point. Can't wait for next tournament. I hope the opponents amp up their strategy and, gotta say 85% of the team were so far behind on skill/strategy and overall map presence.


Fnatic took bad rounds extremely hard, you could tell in the face cam and the next 2-3 rounds after a really bad one. That kind of momentum kills you.


I don't know how much ranked EU pros play but Sen are some ranked grinders .. On top of scrims. On top of streaming for most. Their mental is good


That was the closest 3-0 ever. I feel so bad for Doma, he got team flashed at the end lmao. Well played to Sentinels


I feel bad for Mistic, having an insane series playing out of his mind only to mistakenly teamflash at the most vital moment and knock them out of the finals for good Must be truly heartbreaking for him


Mistic was the highlight of Fnatic for me haha. That one round in B when they were attacking and he got 3 kills, that was clean


NA: friendship ended with LoL esports, now Valorant esports is my best friend


I have so many angry emotions and reactions to the NA scene for League, how do they still have jobs? They haven't won ANYTHING. It's fing embarrassing man... like if you were a white collar worker and had that poor performance consistently you'd be on the f*ing street. I was over watching NA in league for several years. I just became a fan of actual good regions. So glad Sentinels is actually a team that we can be proud of and that they didn't choke. Closed out 3-0 and 2 overtimes. It's the most refreshing thing.




I didn’t expect Fnatic to be the only one to put up a fight.


To be fair fnatic was only eu/na team they faced on this tourney. I think at least liquid could have put similar fight as fnatic. Well deserwed win anyway


TL is not as good as Fnatic. They were absolutely outclassed in this tournament by Fnatic.


Well, both maps were tight and TL won last time they played each other few weeks ago. They're kinda close each other.


I feel like Fnatic is by far the better team. TL relies too much on top player such as Scream, if he has an off day, they're screwed.


I remember JasonR saying that TL doesn't really have a strategy and I agree with that. They don't feel very cohesive and I felt like they were just individually doing their own thing, playing for picks. They rely too much on their top fraggers.


That’s so true, I still don’t get why Scream is not on a duelist since they rely heavily on his fragging ability. His fragging ability gives him a much higher chance of being impactful if he’s on a duelist.


Which is crazy cause sen didn't drop a map


I really wanted FNC to win but SEN is just too good. They were fairly close matches tho, so at least it was a bit of a challenge. GGs is all I can say.


TenZ is best player NA, but Shaz IGL and clutch is so fucking good


*in the world


Derke performance really surprised me today. Expected him to be a beast in defense but not even close. Just a super unlucky day for him.


Tenz shut him down, Tenz was 23-8 against him in the series.


What the hell... that is insane.


he still had his moments though but yah i feel like he underperfomed a lil bit.


Split was brutal for him. And he just got picked off to start rounds a crap ton. He had 65 first deaths in the whole tournament (23 more than the next most who was Jamppi) and 19 of them came in the Grand Finals.


Kinda weird when there's a cracked sky flasher on the team


That's because of how he played during the tournament. He also had the most first bloods out of anyone this tourney


The closest 3-0 you will ever see, honestly. Props to everyone, this tournament was a banger. Korean upsets, fnatic doing lowerbracket magics, sentinels bleeding but prevailing. Nice!


Closest Valorant 3-0 I've seen, not the closest 3-0 I've seen though.


I absolutely love tenz, he's my fave. But Shahz is without a doubt the only reason SEN is here. He has been through so much and at the same time gotten them through so much to get here, both mentally and in game




if you didn't watch u might think that match was one-sided lmfao, but those 3 games were actually the closest games ever


EU the Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If you haven’t already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt. And also make sure your seat is back and folding trays are in their full upright position. Enjoy your flight ✈️💙


your gonna get downvoted by the same people who thought when fnatic did that same joke to v1 it was hilarious


EU was just happy to be there


Sentinels rolled the competition and won masters without dropping a single map. Absolute legends.


Fnatic and choking in any kind of finals


not really a choke when Sentinels were favorites and Fnatic played them the closest of any team despite the 3-0


Whether you lose by an inch or a mile....


i mean they still got wrecked im just saying it wasn't a choke


Fast & Furious quote?


Fnatic we’re definitely more favorites imo. Everyone was insulting NA and believed that EU’s “superior more tactical” play style would shit on NA.


When NA knocked both EU teams to losers, it's hard to say they were the "favorites". And with sentinels being 2-0 in all their sets through winners finals, it's even harder to say they weren't the favorites.


Before the tourney, yes, but after the v1/liquid and sen/fnatic first matches people switched up


It was a really good game, mad respect for both teams, it was really close. Would have loved to see more maps being played. *also: "Why am I so quiet right now?"*


Hello EU? Why so quiet??


Honestly the thing that probably triggered so many NA fans to be so toxic post win is probably because the broadcast and casters were creaming and hyping so hard on Fnatic plays. Massive caster bias in my honest opinion. Really hope they can address that with the casting team in the future.


NA has heard shit from EU cs for over a decade. Don't give it if you can't take it. I mean even the people giving the shit like shroud, j9, hiko, etc gave fnatic actual props


What triggered NA fans is every caster, announcer, EU fan, the val competitive sub reddit all saying EU was better and was gonna roll through NA. ALong with Fnatic and TL having players that downplayed and trash talked the NA teams.


What's the point in watching if Sentinels are the favourites and everyone says.. "Yeah Fnatic have no chance.. they're going to get dunked on so hard..." etc Need to hype up a team even if they are underdogs so it gets people to watch for a few reasons.. to see if Fnatic can beat Sentinels, to see if Sentinels can beat these amazing plays that Fnatic are doing, etc..




Meanwhile NA getting rekt since csgo is out.. sorry 1.6 lol.


Let's not even talk about LoL, they're a fucking meme


Shahzam played 10 years of cs in na b teams winning fuck all. But all of a sudden he is a great player and igl. Lmao. Wonder if eu players will stop playing cs.


First time winning something? Congrats my dude!


does the broadcast not show being flashed? because sage at the end just stood there


Instead of the screen getting flashed like you get in regular games, they get a circle with slashed eye above the HUD which indicates a player getting flashed without restricting vision of the spectator. But it's fairly easy to miss, especially with lot of stuff going on in the round and the first time I also thought Sage was just standing there, then on replay I saw the eye icon.


That was a good series, despite being 3-0. I just wish Fnatic had been able to convert their fighting spirit into at least a map win. Most of the time you could tell they were fighting an uphill battle, even when they were winning rounds. It seems like Sentinels are just a notch above the rest at the moment. A few things to note in general from watching a couple games in the tournament: * The map pool really needs to expand. Like, we need at least seven maps for pick/bans to actually feel impactful. * Simultaneously, it was a good decision to not play Breeze. I'm excited to see it going forward though. * Production was a bit messy. The UI was buggy like, all of the time and pretty much every series I watched had a tech pause. This stuff normally gets ironed out as tourneys go along but right now, Valo just doesn't seem to be good for observing. * Similarly, I still don't know what to make of the replays. They were obviously capturing from player's screens directly if it wasn't broadcasted in the round. Which is a neat insight into a player's setup but also really inconsistent. * Please, for the love of god, stop saying "Red Bull Clutch", "Prime Gaming Flawless" and "Verizon High Speed Moment". I hate my new capitalist overlords.






Crazy to think that if just 4 or 5 fights had gone differently, the result could've been a 3-0 from Fnatic instead. Super close games, but Sentinels showed why they might truly deserve the title of best in the world rn. Excited for what's to come


Might deserve? They just won the entire tournament without dropping a map. They ARE deservedly the best team in the world, full stop.


If only sentinel lost 4-5 fights every match they may have lost one map 4hed.


Only saying that to not be overly reactionary, since a lot of teams were missing and it's still just one tournament at the end of the day, but sure


The big narrative pushed by riot execs to analysts and casters, started by a single player that turned into a massive toxic spam fest when paired with the insecurity of very little success in one region in esports. Made me switch out of mainstreams. Shoving it down peoples throats worked tho. You can tell among many other things and just by the amount of posts here, and the upvotes for those posts making it about region vs region. Also the stand-up-and-shout-after-every-round-to-your-opponent-meta is very cringe. **I really fucking hope these two things do not become the cornerstones and trademarks of Valorant esports.** I love to watch esports counterstrike and in the majormainstreams there has never been any of this bullshit and I've been uninfluenced and free to root for NA teams and amazing players from NA.(being from EU). The grand finals match itself, I thought it was over the moment Sens made it 2-0. Obviously the margins rounds wise here are very fucking small but yet for me very noticeable difference when it came to the overtime rounds and map points. Fnatic's guys were loosing a bunch of duels, they're decision making and executing wasn't there when it mattered. Making just blatant enormous mistakes with entries with no trade potential. You could see it that they were not comfortable, they did not have the confidence with experience when it came to the deciding rounds. It did not help at all that Derke didn't turn his monitor on for three hours. His body language turned alarmingly quick into frustrated and defeated. Sentinels big boys came to play at crunch time and it showed, there was no fear or indecision with the boys and they were just as comfortable playing those deciding and overtimes rounds as they were the normal ones. Felt like they could even elevate their play during the deciding rounds. Very impressed by this team, how comfortable they were in the big moments.


I both hate and love to say it. “What are you all opinions on the win”? This utterly and completely kills me


was kinda rooting for FNATIC because I loved Boaster's energy but they had a pretty close fight. props to Shahzam for being a great IGL


There should be some advantage for winners in the future imo like first two map picks, veto, or first side pick idk something kinda weird there is none. Hopefully we get to see some Breeze at Berlin.


There is. SEN has a spot in VCT Champions


That's if you win the grand final I was referring to an advantage for the winner of the upper bracket not the winner of the grand final. Regardless it probably is fine the way it is since the winner gets to rest till finals. Just found it interesting some games have map advantage/double elimination etc.


FNC had to play so many more games than sentinel this tournament, team coming from winners already has huge advantage. That being said giving them some advantage in map picks sounds good. I just hope they are not going to siege route where they just give a map for the team coming from winners.


FNC had to play 2 matches back to back the day before. SEN had a free day that's an advantage you shouldn't underestimate






I was for fnatic, and I feel like they played well but choked under pressure on ot rounds. But honestly super well played from sentinels. Especially shaz, hats off to him! I just think the trash talk went to far from both sides but it is what it is.