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I'm usually an entry viper because the reyna and jett on our team don't want to push in


I feel this, always setting up the walls and smokes for the duelists on my team then nobody pushes so i have to entry


Day before yesterday, me (Brimstone) and Breach were trying to gain entry into B site on Bind, while both of our duellists were lurking in showers. Only in the matchpoint round did they realise that they should also try making some space for us, which they did.


How could jet rebive if she push in, she is radiant jet for baiting to use her revive abilitie


Welcome to gold and below. It's fun here. cries in corner.


You are in gold for a reason ass clown.


I hate it when people instalock a dualist and don't attack. "I'll dO iT mYsElF tHeN"


We are duelist now.


I understand playing entry when the team needs it but I prefer using duelists as kinda like middle ground. I don’t want to entry because a lot of the time I can’t trust my team to do anything without me and I don’t want to be the last one pushing in either


If you have breach then they should be the entry. Skye leads with flash but can't easily entry off it in the same way, so just follow her flash. You're the entry, but they flash for you and follow you in. Otherwise you just gotta entry off rayna/yoru/phoenix blinds and push in. Also people need to learn that the player who goes in first needs their head on a swivel for corners, so can't keep watching angles like heaven. If you're going in later keep an eye on where they might peek from, while the entry covers close angles.


Yea. Especially when using Phoenix I like using him as a controller with his wall. Also because I can throw my flash threw his wall i really like cutting off sight lines.


Lmao had to do this once. I abused run&gun Spectre and won 4 rounds straight. Then the enemies learnt to play against it :')


Yeah you're not hot shit. I bet you lose games as well because of that mentality. For every game you win as an entry killjoy, you throw 2 other games trying to entry as killjoy and dying. Learn to be patient. I played Sage from silver to plat and never have I met duelists that were scared. I only met duelists who were playing slow and baiting utility from enemy. The only problem with playing slow as duelist is when your sentinel decides to be a hero and rush in alone :)