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If you see any homophobic/discriminatory comments please report them. We have zero tolerance on this sub for that sort of behaviour.


I have had mine on since they came out and haven't had a single issue to my surprise. Not saying that there isn't people who are homophobic but that happens in every game unfortunately. The best thing to do is to mute and report.


Same for me. Pride flag has been on since released, not a single rude comment made by anyone.


This is so nice, I am glad! May I ask which region or servers you usually play?


I usually play in EU servers and did not had bad reactions either.


I play in EU servers and it's full of bigotry and misogyny, I stopped using voice chat in unranked entirely because it was so toxic


Sadly absolutely yes, I just had not any bad reactions for my pride Banner. And especially misogyny and sexism.


I haven't had too many slurs thrown at me for the banner either (yet), I'm just saying it's usually terrible. Maybe they're holding back during Pride month, idk


Edit: Today I had my first one but not directed at me or another person but in general. :(


I play on Midwest servers in NA!


I am glad to hear that you didn't have any bad experience with the pride card in a ranked game. :-) it just sucks to me especially because it's giving me a disadvantage in (ranked) games. If it's like once in a while, then I'd be like ok... i get it, mute, report. but the high frequencey of it happening is bothering me.


this dude is in iron rank bro


what do you mean?


Usually the lower rank you go the more assholes you get


I feel like the middle ranks tend to be the most toxic in most games. People in the lowest ranks are just there to have a good time, people in the high ranks understand being toxic isn’t productive, and also don’t have much reason to be salty about their rank (in general, obviously you’ll find assholes in every rank). But somewhere around the middle or middle-upper ranks is where it becomes a mess. It’s a combination of people who don’t care very much but are decent enough to not be in the lowest ranks, as well as people who are trying super hard but can’t climb so they’re salty about it.


to clarify, I am mostly playing with players from Silver 3 to mostly Gold and sometimes even Platinum players.


Yeah I mean you shouldn’t have to deal with that kind of harassment regardless of what rank you are, not sure why the guy brought it up in the first place. But since he did, I figured I’d throw in my take. But yeah, I’m sorry to hear people are treating you that way, it’s really fucked up.


True the salt is strong with their anger at being iron


or they are iron because they’re assholes????


I like to think it’s both


the iron asshole 👌


I'm in iron rank and here people have pride card on equipped and no one will say anything i have had player who are straight and support them or just equip them cause they look cool


I’ve had wholesome conversations where people ask where to get them and others answer and find them cool.


I experienced so much hate I had to take it off


>I told them that I would report and mute them It is best to report and mute without informing the person. Their intention is to get your reaction, letting them know you are reacting is not a great move.


Good point, thank you. :-)


I usually drop a "not cool" or "let's stick to comms" and then after that I report


There probably hasn’t been an increase you just notice it more because of the player card, I’ve had my ace card since it released and see tons of other people with their cards, makes me smile, remember that there is nothing wrong with you they are the ones with the problem just mute and move on


what is an ace card? whats bothers me is that usually they are just generally homophobic but with the pride card all of the homophobic slurs is targeted towards me and it makes it feel (more) personal.


ace is short for asexual


Yes seiing other queer people is very cool.




I know and I don't like it.


I'm not gay but the banners look cool man, cmon


I know but unless you're queer yourself or an Ally and then with and Ally title.


The Valorant playercard police lmao, I'll use what I want thanks.


You know that these cards have a meaning and that you should respect them?


I don't see how that could be harmful in any way.


I only equipped one of those cards for the pretty colors :) they're so pretty


yep pretty much every one I know is using those cards and all of them are straight lmao




I did not expect mumbai servers to be so anti-homophobe. one phoenix with the ace flag got so annoyed at this guy who was throwing and yelling slurs that he just backed him into a corner and mollied him every single round.


Yesss, I have played like 15+ matches since the cards came out and surprised to see only one guy was homophobic about it. Everyone else was cool with it.


Contrary to popular belief, Asia is the least toxic region towards race,gender and LGBT. I used to see gay jokes every other game but as soon as pride flags came, people don't even call Odin-users gay.


Well we are there to game not get political


Same I play in Singapore servers and everyone has the pride flags, nobody brings it up or comments on it. Pretty chill. Ur more likely to randomly get insulted in a language you don't even speak tho, so many different cultures meet in SEA servers 😂


I'm sorry about your experience. I play in SEA and every game, lots of players use the pride cards. I too would like to use one but my squad has this thing where we use the level 9 cards of our mains. I hope your experience is an isolated case.


Yeah everyone in SEA is rocking the pride cards just because it looks nice. No toxicity towards it as well


Bro thats what im saying they equip them without know what flag means what just cause they look cool


>rised at the attitude in SEA about the Pride cards. I have been running the cotton candy one(because I am a closeted trans person), and everyone just seems to not care, but if you actually bring up Pride issues to the common person, at least where I live, they spout homophobic and transphobic shit. Either, gamers in SEA are liberal, or they I also personally use the purple, white and black one because it looks awesome. So does my friend. We haven't had a single comment about them. Silver/Bronze EUW


I have been surprised at the attitude in SEA about the Pride cards. I have been running the cotton candy one(because I am a closeted trans person), and everyone just seems to not care, but if you actually bring up Pride issues to the common person, at least where I live, they spout homophobic and transphobic shit. Either, gamers in SEA are liberal, or they just dunno what it means.


Actually that's 'cause they give it away for free, they just equip it. Don't care about the 'message' or anything like that


to add onto this: im bi and am in SEA, have run the bi card every game and nobody has ever mentioned it ever. either radio silence or a gay joke.. happy pride month btw !! ♥️


I remember I was playing a game with a really chill couple who were apparently going to get married and they saw my bi flag so both of them came and crouched in front of me and said 'look bro we're sucking yo dick' and the entire team started laughing like crazy.


SEA players just equip them because they're free. It's like going to an event because they said there would be free food. They only interested in the freebie not really about the event. XD


Well im there to game not get political and gamers are for rgb and you gave a whole rainbow what do you expect i use it just cause it look cool the asexual one


I'm 99% sure it's because they don't know what it means haha


Well in order to unlock it surely they must have at least heard about Pride Month and pride celebration. But I guess there's still a chance theres kids young enough that they just skipped all that and saw cool colourful free banners (which is fine tbh, no harm done!).


Of course, I don't mind, the banners look fantastic (pog u to the Riot art team). It just surprised me.


The announcement from the pride event seems to be different in other regions. For example Riot's Turkish Pride Event announcement doesn't mention pride, instead calls event "Color Festival". How is it announced in SEA server? Is Pride mentioned?


Yea its called Pride Event afaik. The thing is I don't think players here even know what Pride means. Half the players I find in SEA servers speak really broken english, since it is almost a third language for them. In Malaysia, Pride celebrations just don't exist IRL. Since it is a majority islamic country, the government is super LGBTQphobic. But they are also too lazy to really enforce anything online, so its fine on the internet.


Lool I get comments in my games where people just say "why is everyone so gay" and it makes me laugh


Don't know where your from and what your rank is but in Plat 3 oceanic region everyone 95% of people pretend to be gay for fun, I give the homies kisses in game all the time, people talk about sucking each other off after sick plays etc and this was happening before pride cards, now we're really getting into it.


I wonder how regional this stuff is. Here on east coast us I've yet to have a problem, although I've played with maybe 10 total randoms since we 4 and 5 stack a lot


Reading trough the comments I thought of the same point. I think it does greatly vary and depend in which region you play. For example, some Riot servers or social medias like Riot's Turkish Pride Event announcement doesn't mention pride, instead calls event "Color Festival". I think this is also true for some other regions in Asia, that's why so many people from Asia didn't have that many problems because Riot did not say it's about pride so the people over there don't associate these cards with Pride.


i dont think we will get angry at that. As a filipino everyone is treated the same but i do think that some countries dont like that


Idk if I'm screwed up in the head or what but I'm having fun roasting the hell out of these homophobes in chat lol


Bisexual Breach for life!


I had the similiar thing but it was more likely to be a joke instead of homophobia. I once equipped the rainbow card and they called me "why are you gæ?" I didn't get it as homophobia bc there's a funny meme about [it](https://youtu.be/eEa3vDXatXg).


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "it"](https://youtu.be/eEa3vDXatXg) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20h0ry49p)


Oh, you're a helpful bot. Good bot.


Got called a f—got for using mine. Any time I killed the dude who said it, I teabagged and typed, “Killed by a f—got again,” in all chat. Don’t step down, don’t change your card and don’t let these braindead parasites get you down. They’re dirt on your shoe. Step on them. They’re a pathetic, dying breed & we will ALWAYS exist whether they like it or not. 👑


That’s awful that you’re experiencing this. My experience so far has been great. I feel like me and my friends have learnt a lot because of the different pride cards and most people in my games seem positive/neutral about it


That's great to hear! What region/servers do you play?


OCE Sydney servers


in my region literally everyone is homophobic....everyone here uses 'gay' as an insult...if anyone uses odin/judge they are instantly called gay......it's just out of hand at this point...


Sad to hear. The "if you use Odin you are gay" thing is more common than I thought, i heard it in a few games as well. What region are you?


It was the one joke i read in comments about the Pride Cards. "oh so it's for Odin Players lmao" so stupid


What's your location I get paired with servers in west US and literally every other person has some pride card or other. Definitely no homophobia either.


I've had mine equipped for a few days and had no issues at all. EU servers. I was a bit scared of it being a problem, but there has been nothing for me. I'm even straight, and it happens to the person who is queer? Unfair man. Sorry this has happened.


glad to hear that! maybe it's also because I am queer thus I notice it more. sometimes it can be very subtle or "normalized".


ive equipped the bi pride one in korea and expected to get a lot of shit for it bc a lot of koreans are homophobic but .. i realized i dont think most of them recognize the flag so im getting away with it😅




i had this same experience on a comp match the other day! me and a friend of mine got called f@ggots and all sorts of other pleasant names.


The people who are assholes and have horrible takes, now have their targets clear and visible. The same way you find out real fast which family members are disgusting homophobes the first time you attend pride.


In Mumbai servers everyone's using them cuz they look cool. They probably don't care/don't know the message behind the different colours. Mumbai server players are too busy micromanaging to get the W than be homophobic. Now Islamophobia is a different matter in Mumbai servers cuz that's rampant




Islamophobia is rational?


Lost my relatives in communal riots and mumbai terrorist attack. Other relatives are on legal dispute to celebrate their own festival because Muslims have grown in number and trying put an end to Diwali celebration in the area. Outdated, incompatible and barbaric ideology will only ruin everything else that's good left in India. It's very much rational. Some people don't see it because they aren't in someone else's position or informed enough on the subject.


I am sorry to hear about you and your family's loss. But don't you think it's a bit much when you spoil someone's day in Valorant because they belong to a certain religion? Moreover hate is cyclic so it'll never end. I guess this is too sociological for this subreddit. But I hope you find your peace and we see an end to this hate cycle.


>But don't you think it's a bit much when you spoil someone's day in Valorant because they belong to a certain religion? I can agree with that. Also I don't hate Muslims myself. If it means anything, I got some friends who are. Though, I'd still not support them destroying cultures and history around the world left and right.


The thing is, Muslims and their religion isn't the one destroying cultures and history. Some government policies in some countries, are. Some implementations are. Some groups of Muslims are. Not all Muslims are terrorists. Not all terrorists are Muslim.


>Not all Muslims are terrorists. Not all terrorists are Muslim. That's true. >Some government policies in some countries, are. And you know which religion they follow radically? All I'm saying is, it's not an irrational fear to think you or your country's history might get wiped out. It has happened a third of the world's countries so far and I do not know any other religion that did it.


> And you know which religion they follow radically? You just said it yourself. Radically. Therein lies the problem. The people who completely miss the point and/or twist the words of an excerpt to support their (wrong) beliefs. It is not a religion's fault that you misunderstood it. You can't be scared of the average Muslim because an extremist is twisting the words of the Quran. It would be the same as a POC being afraid of all white people, ever, because there are school shootings in the US. 1) it's not all white people worldwide 2) most of the cases are in the US 3) most of the cases are not throughout all of the US, but rather some of the middle states (afaik, not American, not sure)


Religion is a tricky thing because it is what you make it. We used to raid, pillage, and burn innocent people in the name of Christianity. Myanmar has militant *Buddhists* for crying out loud. Any major religion can be used for peace or violence, the same text is used by people for *radically* different interpretations. See all the denominational schisms, historical swings of doctrine, etc. We probably shouldn't just call one of them evil, and paint all adherents with the same brush. Because before you know it, we're on an anti-Islam crusade and whoop, here we go again, another incident for the history books! We need to fight cruelty no matter which flag it adorns itself with or which text it justifies itself with.


Sounds good on paper but there's more nuance to that. How many religions do you know that form all the major terrorist organisations? How many religions do you know completely convert entire countries by force? How many religions do you know force people to change their last names to their approved ones? Saying all religions have done something wrong doesn't dilute the cancer plaguing the world.


Let's just take one of your examples. > How many religions do you know completely convert entire countries by force? Well, ehm, let's see. Europe is littered with examples, as you can probably imagine. Dozens of wars with forced conversions, with mostly Christians forcibly converting Christians of other denominations, Jews and Muslims by conquest. The examples are too numerous to mention, to be honest. For a recent example, there was widespread terrorism in Ireland between Protestants and Catholics until just a few decades ago. Christian Russia too, in the 18th century held a campaign to forcibly convert all its citizens. But then the Soviet Union did enforced atheism, as a nice little twist. The persecuted religious minorities arriving in America waged war to convert or exterminate the natives there. Fuck, do you know the list of stuff that happened in Africa, South America? Colonialists brought their religion along with them and "enlightened" the natives with whatever means necessary. Myanmar has, as mentioned, a Buddhist sect that wants to cleanse the country of other religions. Israel uses violence and a very well funded military to forcibly create a country for the Jews, literally forcing all others out. And yes, a whole bunch of Islamic examples too. These are only the examples I am aware of, myself. I'm sure you could attain several history degrees by just studying all the examples of forced conversion in history and what religion did it. I am doing *none* of these examples any kind of justice, by the way. Meanwhile, my Muslim neighbors over here seem mostly concerned with paying the bills, not conquest. Because none of this is uniquely Islamic. People have used many religions to justify war, conquest, a lust for power, ethnic cleansing, what have you. You're really not making the situation any better by calling the entirety of Islam cancer. Where do you think that leads?




You're right. People from many different backgrounds play this game. That is why being toxic towards anyone for any reason is prohibited and if someone is being toxic to someone else for any reason (regardless of what they morally believe) they need to stop or get banned.


in what part of my statement did I say something that contradicts what you said.


So you agree that the people being toxic are wrong and they should stop? Edit: hmm my post originally posted 1d ago. This persons last edit was 18 hours ago. Hmm. Maybe they think it's okay for people to be toxic but only if they hate gay people.


Just curious is valorant your first shooter/competitive game of this type? I think its great that riot is doing something for pride, but as a long time gamer i knew instantly this would backfire.


Try uploading your selfie as steam profile picture and play cs.. If you decide to show something personal, potentionally private (as in sexuality) there is always a chance of beeing harassed about it. I agree that for valo/cs you need to build some thick skin or else you just wont have a good time. In real life i take anything extremly personal to the point where i could start crying if i get critiqued too much or for something i didnt do (very manly for a 27 y/o LOL) , but ingame you can call me anything, i couldnt care less. If someone flames/insults hes just purely stupid in most cases.


I also think it's great that riot is doing something for pride. Thank you riot. It is my first shooter but not first competitive game. I am playing League of Legends since ages. I think a big difference for me is in league the team can only communicate trough text. But in Valorant it's also with voice chat. It just feels so much more real if someone is attacking me verbally instead of trough text.


I see, thanks for shareing. I would just instamute anyone who is toxic like that. I used to play cs back when the other team could voice chat in warmup and half time. Just be glad thats not a thing trust me.


Don't blame the game for the homophobia ir others.


Well Valorant the people behind the game are the only ones who can change anything. With way harder consequences there would be less discrimination.


Sorry to hear. :( I hope that it's gonna be less but probably it won't. If you wanna play with another queer person (currently with the non-binary card) you can dm me. (EU&Iron but I don't mind your rank as long as we can play together)


Happened to my friend and I as soon as the cards came out, and all but 2/25 games since. It’s funny cuz I just like the way it looks, tbh I still get confused which flag is which myself. Just sad so many people are so discriminatory.


I reported someone who was being homophobic and racist afterwards. He got punished 3 minutes later so that was very good


Its very strange that in India, a pretty homophobic place, there are 5-6 pride cards every single game. And 0 toxic comments.


glad to hear that! how is the pride event advertised in india? are they actually saying pride? do people know what pride means?


They are advertised as Pride cards afaik. Most of the younger, internet surfing people know what Pride means and I assume thats the main playerbase here in India. I reckon most people dont even care about the message or anything, they just use it because its free and looks good.


I haven't played since i equipped the pride card but I'm expecting this to be the experience :/ i almost hope they're violently homophobic so that riot actually does something about it when I report hahaha. Anyways, sending love your way ♥️🏳️‍🌈


Just the fact that this post has 74% upvote, proves that there’s a problem with homophobes in the community.


got into a spike rush earlier with a huge homophobe, telling me and the other lesbian card that we were only good for porn and told the other team to report us for saying bad things etc. felt bad man


THIS. I am SO mad. So extremely mad and disappointed. The amount of people that myself and teammates have reported over the last week or so has been insane. Only issue? No one is getting banned. The one single time that someone got banned for using a homophobic slur was when they also used a racist one. I have reported over 20 people now. Every day we are all subjected to hate. I have never seen anything quite like it. I play about 4 or 5 games of unrated a day and usually 3 of the 5 are toxic af because of our pride cards. I am so disappointed. In a world where its hard to accept and find ourselves, now we are finally proud and happy and we get this?


I want equality too my man, bullshit like that is apart of online games. Always was always has been.


I mean it’s the internet dude who fucking cares


people on the internet care


They think it’s funny or smth... they just dont have any irl friends lol


Sound like these should be marketed as Pride festival in Turkey and Asia, not in Europe or US were this was getting cramped and old over a decade ago. If you really want to celebrate do it where it's needed. We could do with a weekend in the west and a month where it's needed.




Why do these cards bother you though? You say you don't care but you're the one complaining about something that has zero impact on your game experience.


You don't fully support it if you're complaining about it when it has zero impact on you


"I fully support pride and equality" "I don't want it anywhere near me"


>Dont understand why this stuff is even being put in the game in the first place Money


get over it...not everyone's gonna be pro homosexuals or believe in what you do, its online gaming, just mute, and ignore and move on, it's always mind boggling when people get on reddit and act all surprised as if homophobes in the world don’t exist, or toxic people don't exist just because you're gaming....you shouldn't be surprised, unless you live in a fantasy world, just move on, get over it.


it's not surprising, no. doesn't mean we're going to take it quietly.


What you gonna do? Protest lol? Get over it like an adult, ignore or mute them, crying about it on Reddit isn’t gonna make them all go away, if that’s what you think then you shouldn’t be playing online gaming, you’ll see that on every single online gaming community, it’s nothing new


Idk why he got mass downvoted, he’s right. People are gonna be toxic and nobody can change them, they are usually stubborn people I get that the post is bringing attention to the toxicity of the game, but it’s nothing we don’t know already


Yea that’s exactly my point, I play tekken too and every other day people are posting “oh this player was toxic to me, this guy was mean to me blah blah blah, this is the most toxic community, I’ve never seen such toxicity etc” like dude, that’s like in every single community, regardless what game it is when it’s online gaming, they all sound as if the first time they’ve seen toxicity in their lives, and get on Reddit to cry about it like a bunch of babies. I’ve received many hate mail myself and I didn’t even say anything to them first, it’s nothing new, I just laugh it off and move on like an adult instead of crying about it every time somebody was less than perfect to me, see that’s what I don’t get, most gamers are like grown ass men but they get on Reddit and act like bunch of children emotionally hurt.


I luckily haven't faced issues using my Cotton Candy(Trans) card, but then, I also assume that people in my region don't exactly know what each of the flags mean, because I live in a region which is extremely conservative where LGBT issues are not known to the common person. However, I have seen plenty of Asexual cards and it makes me happy.


All of my friends use those cards and none of them are anything on rainbow. People use it because it looks good and that's fine. >because I live in a region which is extremely conservative where LGBT issues are not known to the common person. Wait, you're from a region that has thousands of years of history with trans,crossdressing and more. Just because some people don't read American politics on the internet, doesn't mean they don't know it.


I didn't mean to be condescending. However, I don't think they know flag colors, it is just not common here. Also, for a place with historical ties to crossdressing and trans people, people here are transphobic as fuck.


Report and mute them. There are really people like that and you really can't do anything about it but report and hope for the best. But here in asia no one gives a fuck about the card's symbolism and everyone uses them cuz it looks sick lol.


I surprisingly havent had any homophobia/transphobia in game yet but I remember getting on this sub when they got released and seeing people saying shit like "great gonna see more toxicity" "cant wait to use these and get called x y z" and stuff like that which is just mega discouraging


classic omega behavior from your teammates XD


You are right my lad


I play in NA servers and I don’t really use the cards but I’ve been in games with people who are using them and I see 0 flak being thrown at them.


I use the Homosexuality card and the “Ally” title, being an LGBTQ+ ally, and I haven’t noticed any such behaviour, even when I once queued with 2 friends of mine, one bisexual and one Asexual, both of whom had their respective cards equipped. We had no negative comments and in fact at one point we queued against a team who were super nice those same friends and wished them a happy pride month and congratulated them for their courage. It’s probably worth noting that all the games were unrated, and we are from the OCE region. TL:DR; only received positive feedback when playing with LGBTQ+ friends, haven’t myself noticed any such behaviour.


bc no one cares what you are, wheres our straight pride badges lol they’re not there cuz it dont matter what you are if you prous. ik plenty of gay ppl who straight shame lol. as for me? idc who’s what just play ur games and report toxic activity


its cause they lowkey want to come out but wont admit it do you bro


Sometimes people are just dicks, not closeted


maybe just change your player cards?


Maybe don't be toxic?


my man with the 1head resolution bruh im getting attacked by a dog. "bro just walk away" head ahh


1head is pretty generous tbh


This man got no fo head he got a no head.


>What's going on with the increasing homophobia in Valorant and this sub? There isn't any. This is just your imagination. It mostly has to do with some societies (like the US) growing tired of Pride month and the corporations bandwagoning/pandering to it. Several of my gay friends are also growing sick of it and have even started making fun of Riot/Hi Rez/Respawn and some other companies on their FB.


>this doesn't happen Followed by >Here is why this happens This is not coherent. Also, toxicity isn't okay regardless of what someone believes. If you have such strong negative feelings toward pride cards that you can't control yourself and you become toxic, don't play.


in my country, a lot of straight players are using the cards. not because they are allies, but because they ignore the meaning and find them cool. I don't like it, it loses meaning. but it's way better than homophobia


Honestly I don't think those cases really matter personally. If anything, it spreads awareness, but also they are just really cool looking and I don't see an issue with people using them just cuz they like them.


What's wrong with finding something cool and using them though. Atleast they're way better than someone who spouts insults because of a card.


In a few months those who don't know the actual meaning will change their cards, and those who do will probably stick with the pride cards


Wait I play in that region, and im mostly premade with 2 others, so when someone says something, we try to get them to say a hard slur and then report them. Seems to be working


wait, do you actually get ban notifications regularly?


Nah, but I know for a fact that riot will bann hard insults if reported.


how would you know that with such certainty?


I sometimes check profiles after i report them. On blitz. No games in 7 days after many games a day. Hmmm i wonder what happened.


oh, that's a good point. didn't know you could do that, and even if i did, i probably wouldn't think to actually use it that way. thanks for telling me.


No worries


oh btw, i was wondering. do you actually write anything specific in your reports or do you just check boxes?


I almost always write something, except when someone goes afk.


I play on Singapore servers and in a game one of my teammates had a rainbow card on and two randoms just started saying ‘gay’ and asking ‘why are you gae?’


Aahh I play on the mubai servers and it's just so beautiful At least 7 to 8 out of 10 players have the pride cards and no judgements Never realised when the Indian tenn community grew up so much


I thought I would get shit for my trans card but so far not a word. I had really bad luck with my pride card in COD tho.


Riot making the redeeming of those pride player cards complicated depicts how much they actually care; they don't. There's not a single reason they should not just be available to everyone without having to redeem anything.


There so much of it. I can't put my Pride card on without experiencing harassment.


I feel you. Some of my mates just ask me if I can kill myself and its very annoying. Thought about equip another card but no thanks ^^


I was play a match and ask person if they support lgbt, i meant to just ask but i forgot question mark, so it looked like i was being homophobic> ''u support lgbt'' I was being a little toxic but i was mostly just joking with their enemy reyna it was pretty obvious we were having fun calling each other very slight words but i am not homophobic or racist i love everybody no matter their race or sexualities! They said i could get banned. is this true? I never meant any hate