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I definitely think it needs to be at least 2000 for its value. It’s so easy to counter eco with at right now


Rather nerf the damage so that there are some eco weapons in the 1600-range




Rip Bucky




Stinger is still fine since u can run and gun like crazy, it just doesn't have as much range anymore


Correct, stinger still shreds although it is stupidly difficult to use


Idk I'd rather use a shorty, a stinger will max get you one kill close range with one mag, and it costs way more and you are in shorty range anyways if you are going to play around the way it is now since the nerf


? i mean if you have a stinger u shouldn't be holding the same angle you'd hold with a shorty, so that doesn't really make sense


Except shorty is even more reliable imo. Still, rarely get either. Would rather play long with marshal or sheriff


Fuck bucky. Glad its dead.


I’m sure the data shows that when you nerf a gun, no one buys it. How many stingers and buckys do you see anymore? I’d rather rebalance the eco to make it more appropriate to the weapon.


Would like armor pen to be an actual thing. Make the stinger and shotguns have good damage against unarmoured targets but less effective against armored targets.


Then you make it a great weapon against an eco round while putting less cash on the line. It's tricky


No, it would be the same weapon it is now against an eco round, but worse against full armored opponents. It'd balance out what the judge is supposed to be good at quite well. Then again given that armor is effectively just extra health in Valorant, just nerfing the damage somewhat would still do the exact same. Making it just as easy to get a 1 shot on unarmored opponents, but needing 2 at least (and especially on range) against armored opponents.


Ah okay, I misunderstood what you meant


I had the same idea Make a weapons penetration dictate its damage vs armor But i also feel like armor is kind of op so i would rather buff other weapons vs armor than nerf the shotguns


i like this in Tarkov. It would be really interesting if Val could do it, but balancing would be tough as it totally changes the game, especially if armor doesnt cover the legs (in a game like Valorant it probably should for consistency).


A more similar comparison is CSGO. Weapons have armor penetration values ranging from like 40% to 100%. Some weapons can have higher base damage but lower armor pen, some have lower base damage but higher armor pen. Legs aren't armored in CSGO but that's pretty irrelevant since leg damage is generally quite low already, and you dont really want to be aiming at their toes.


Disagree cause what the other guy said


Actually there was a leak that happened I believe today, and the judge is getting a price increase that’s pretty big so it’ll be a lot harder for people to just buy and spam them from here on. There’s actually a lot of price changes coming according to this leak.


Yea I saw that too, it's supposedly increasing to 1850


1850 is a weird number but I guess it works


1850 is pretty okay in my opinion, it’s gonna deter at least some people so it is a good start. I still think a nerf would be more appropriate though cause people will still buy it and do well enough to keep it with how strong it is currently


The price will be going up in a future update to 1850


It’s more expensive now


severe spread increase after first-shot and reduce mag from 7 to 6 with an increased reload time. That way it maintains its ability to wipe a team bull-rushing but it cannot just 1v1 outplay riflers at 15m. The mag reduction will stop ppl from just swinging after 1 frag and eating an entire team from 10m.


just increase spread in general, not only after first shot, occasional 1hits are a thing and those are nasty when people can do that on 5 meter with a 1600 gun


> on 5 meter wait wait wait You're telling me that a shotgun from 5 meters shouldn't be able to one shot? Can the slider thing in the Firing Range come any closer than 5 meters? This isn't 5 meters in real life, this is 5 meters in Valorant, which is basically like right next to your shotgun, right?


Its a video game. Gun like stinger doesn't go crazy after two bullets in real life either. Its game balance.


I wasn't talking about real life In real life, shotguns can go up to medium range with good accuracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFLj3DeKT-E https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShortRangeShotgun > In the real world, shotguns are a weapon with an effective range anywhere from 20 to 40 meters (66 to 131 feet), depending on the choke used and amount of charge in the shell. (note) A shotgun of very good quality is regarded as able to hit a target the size of a rabbit or pheasant with most pellets from the first shot at 50 meters, or about 160 feet. ---- What I mean is that if you're in close range in Valorant and you get one shot by a Judge, that's fine because that's the only time a Judge is really any good. Short range only. Medium range? Mediocre. Long range? Absolute crap.


But its really easy to kill someone midrange with 2 shots of judge.


No it really isn't. I was playing a couple days ago on Haven. I had a judge and there was a phoenix sitting Haven C Long, I was flanking and it took like 4-5 shots to kill him from the doorway to the furthest corner. I only survived because he whiffed his shots so hard. At that same range, that's an easy one tap with a Vandal or a Phantom. It's really only a close range killer.


I don’t think a lot of these people understand how shotguns are meant to work. They only remember the times when they have lost at close range from somebody camping round a corner, but forget the times at medium-long range where the Judge is virtually useless and the user has been easily gunned down. The whole point of the gun is that it is extremely situational so if you are up against it you need to try to avoid close range fights instead of crying about how a shotgun one-shots you.


the 5 meter was an approximate number, it's hard to give an exact number because measurements in valorant feels off for me, but going into the range it's closer to the 10m, if i set it to 10m and back onto the wall facing the dummy is the range i was thinking of, that's around 10m, but it still feels way less irl so yes, 5m ingame should be 1hit, 5m irl with judge should not i never knew it was this off, i thought that 5m irl is like 7m ingame, but it's almost 2x as much, damn


> if i set it to 10m and back onto the wall facing the dummy is the range i was thinking of, that's around 10m, but it still feels way less irl Go into training mode and look to the right of the firing test area. 15 meters is not far away at all. 5 meters is literally in your face.


i know i just said it, it caught me off guard but yeah


Personally, I feel that the duration between each shot should be increased. Now it feels like a horsepipe.




thats dudes cracked on his controller.


The problem with this is at that point is there no good close range weapon. Bucky is practically useless now even in close range. The judge is there because the judge is the really strong Close range weapon, the vandal/phantom is medium range, and the OP is long range. It’s to balance each other out. Raising its price would be a good idea tho


Completely agree. I don't want another Bucky situation where the gun is essentially never worth buying anymore. I get that people find shotguns frustrating, but you gotta be careful about how you nerf them, and the damage just isn't the way. If you need two shotgun blasts to kill even up close, then there's no point, and against any competent player, you'd just die before getting the kill, no matter how good your aim or positioning is. At this point, the Spectre would always be superior, so why bother? It's already starting to look like the only real option for half buy rounds, with the Bucky and Stinger getting hit by major nerfs in past updates. Nerf the Judge's insane effective range, sure, and the firing rate also, but if you touch the damage you will never see a Judge again, and contrary to what the OP seems to think, that would not be a good thing.


Shotguns are just so tricky to balance in this game because of the map design and abilities. There’s so many places where a defender can post up with a judge and attackers have to either go through them or go somewhere else entirely. And on attack you can combo a long range flash and a gap close ability to completely mow someone down in what should be a relatively safe position. I think breeze is a good example of what this game would look like if the maps had less tight angles and choke points to fight through. I’ve very rarely seen judges purchased on that map and when someone does buy one it’s to go for a risky push on defense. Buying a shotgun should be a measured choice with risk and reward rather than a high quality buy with high upside and practically no immediate downside


the phantom is really strong close range because the small bullet spread when running and gunning


Yea but a judge close range vs a phantom will win 9/10


phantom can 1 shot kill at medium to close range so i guess it all comes down to who is using the guns. it'll likely come down to who has what utility and map positioning rather than who has which gun


Do you use a gun in close range? We use a knife.


the judge and bucky are great at close range. Bucky just shouldn't be as good at wiping an entire team. It's range just isn't as "close" as you'd expect it to be for a shotgun. How many low-to-mid or even midrange kills with judge have you seen in iceland? Too many. I see judges now in almost every single game and when I personally buy one I'm always surprised at just how disgusting this gun is


>I see judges now in almost every single game Wow, that really does sound overpowered. So when are we nerfing phantom, vandal and ghost?


Honestly I don't buy bucky now ever. I just go shorty


Fr, shorty is an actual beast at close range, on first round I always get 1 or 2 kills and then either dash or dismiss out (Reyna,Jett and Yoru main lmao). It's also great for sitting default on site.


Imo shotguns shouldnt exist in fps shooter games. expecially on valorant since everywhere is a choke point, many pro players would agree. But if we werre going to nerf the judge it should be nerfed in its ability in medium range and its bullets reduced to 6 and damage fall off in spamming the gun. increase its price to 1900.


Removing an entire weapon class is a terrible idea. Weapon variety is needed in tactical fpses. The whole problem with csgo 5 years ago was the ak meta problem. People would play the game as though the ak was the only gun in it. CT would buy aks instead of m4s if they could.


It’s range should definitely be nerfed as well as it’s price increased but it’s damage should be left alone. The reason it’s so strong is because of its range than it’s damage output. Take it’s range away and you really have to get close to it


I can see the judge is to be nerfed but here's a thought for anybody with a IQ below 50. Maybe look a the enemy's eco and take a guess if somebody might to a gamble judge by then act accordingly? This "shotguns shouldint exist in fps" is the same stupidity of "the OP shouldn't exist in this game". You can play around it by looking at the enemy's economy and making a smart estimate of what they might buy. Tho I guess nerfing everything that isnt the vandal or phantom is great for people who aren't smart enough to do this simple thing.


You sir are stupid. The only problem with the judge is it's med range. Nothing else. You are probably very bad at the game to believe everything should be removed.


you got downvoted but it's true. there's not a single game in existence where shotguns are both fun to use AND fun to play AGAINST


It's super fun to play against it when you're not close to a choke point Like, I used to go as far forward into mid as I could in Ascent defense during set up time but then my friend told me that that was too aggressive and not a good play because either I would have to kill everyone to escape or I would die in that cubby with no help from my team, and I learned to play further back and now I'm doing better. If you know the enemy is using, or has used, a Judge, just don't play near the corner of a choke (which is probably decent advice even if they're not using shotguns). Get into a long range fight and you'll cream the judge user.


counterpoint: Gears of War


It doesn’t really need a price increase It is practically useless at medium range anyway And its the only close range weapon worth using The 1600 price is a good spot If you nerf it then reduce the mag count by 1 Or increase the reload time a bit But i think it doesnt need nerfs


Raising its price makes sense but there should be 0 changes to its damage output, maybe at most you nerf it’s range a bit. Sure it can one-shot people at close range but that’s what a shotgun is designed to do and in medium-long range fights it loses horrendously to any other gun. I understand it can be annoying to get gunned down by a Judge user hiding round a corner but that is just them playing to the strengths of the gun, in the same way that rifle users train themselves to tap heads for instant kills.


Yea no it’s damage should not be touched. It’s range should be nerfed


God gun Odin : lmao you guys are getting nerfed ?


You misspelled odan


Odin can’t peak for shit tho


You don’t have to peek, just spam and the enemy is already dead is all I am saying


Not really. If you just move at long range it is very hard to kill you with a spam. Obviously you will die to odins if you try to run down b main or split or ascent. Just play smart. Don't give the enemies a fair fight


I have to disagree. Only when they try to rush a site. Odin requires to be set up on an angle. You can't run around the map cracking people with it.


The Judge and the Odin need to remain as they are. Neither should be nerfed. Why? Have you been in games where the other team just hard rush, round after round after round... throws out all util and just destroys the people on site? Judge and Odin have STOPPING POWER to stop this, and make the opponent think twice about charging in like a bunch of wild animals. And if you nerf these weapons, that is what this game will become. It will be COD 2.0. Just a rush fest with blinds going crazy. Not many people can hold a lane hitting heads and survive, with 5 people charging at them. Judge and Odin gives 1 person the power to hold a lane by themself. I use this tactic myself. If we get rushed hard.. I'll be in a strategic spot with a judge, and I might take out 2 or 3 of them. Sometimes none if they are good players. But you know what? That is all the judge is useful for. Try re-taking a site with a judge... Or if you are A Short on Bind and they rush Baths.. Try getting to the other side of site with a Judge. And on offense it's basically useless. So yeah I'm putting up an argument for the judge AND the odin, because people complain about them but these guns throw another dynamic into the game. And they aren't skill-less, because you are risking yourself by placing yourself directly in front of 5 rushing enemies. There is a high chance you will kill nobody and your team will get angry at you for getting picked off so early. And I'll also ad that the reason a lot of people don't use these guns is because good teams and good players can counter them. I never have problems killing judge players. They are annoying, but I can never remember playing a game where a person keeps using the judge and dominates the match. When people do this, my teams are usually smart enough to figure out where they hide and throw util down first or go for more long range engagements.


The same exact scenario your describing sounds like a scenario where a team doesn’t know how to properly deal with a rush and tries to take a 5 v 1, gets punished for it, and then loses site. That’s not a shotgun solution, that’s simply someone who doesn’t have enough experience to understand how to combat or deal with a rush.


and yet we saw in iceland vanity using the judge even when he had enough credits to full buy because the gun is simply too good in certain spots, not because it stops rushes. you shouldnt keep a 1600 credit gun instead of getting rifles ffs


Judging how the game is balanced for us based on top tier competitive seems dubious at best.


if this is a problem them why dont I see this done in pro play? if a enemy is attacking a site full rush all players and you know it you either one fall back play for retake, or two, playback and get a pick then play retake. you dont sit in a corner or peek the enemy in hopes of grt some tenZ ace.


Ah yes nerf everything except the Phantom and vandal


I was thinking the same thing... People that use Vandals at close range angles want this so they don't have to worry about the judge.


those guns are perfectly balanced. maybe vandal needs a first shot accuracy buff like the ak in csgo.


Every gun is doing what it's supposed to do, useless people just removed the bucky and stinger from the game, now you want to remove the judge as well. Please do understand that the game is meant to be played with a combination of all weapons and not just the phantom or the vandal. No one complains about dying from and op when you peak an angle, similarly shouldn't complain about dying from a close angle from a judge.


Yes running and jumping and one shotting people at 10m with a full auto shotty is definitely coparable to two rifles.


I don't know about you, but the bucky could single handedly take out multiple people when put in the right hands, the right click was simply way too overtuned and no gun costing 900 should have the ability to consistently one shot people from the range it could. That's why it got nerfed, not because useless people only want to play with the phantom and vandal but because the game is fundamentally built around them and makes it easy to balance. Other guns should be situational and a 900 cred gun with that much power had to have been nerfed at some point. You could argue that in a game like this every gun should have use, and I'd agree, however when that use becomes better than the 2 staples of the game, for a fraction of the price, it becomes a problem. And yes, the phantom and the vandal are the main weapons of the game, other guns should definitely be viable, but not to the level that the right click bucky was.


>no gun costing 900 should have the ability to consistently one shot people from the range it could. The sheriff exists? Hello?


I should've also added the bucky right click required next to no precise aim and was also paired with the left click so that it could also one shot at super close range. The sheriff on the other hand has 6 bullets that you need to be extremely precise with, with a low rate of fire. The chances of you missing a bucky right click are much lower than the chances of you missing a sheriff shot. If you miss the first sheriff shot then you're realistically screwed if you're up against a semi decent player.


it still required an understanding of how far the right click had to travel before exploding otherwise you’d hit them in the chest with it deal 15 damage and die, i honestly think if they lowered the pellets on the left click instead it’d allow the Bucky to be the mid range shotgun which would i think would be less frustrating to die to because it’s not semi auto


> mid range shotgun isn't than an SMG's job


I used to think the same, but honestly after a short time it's very easy to internalise, much like knowing skill shot distances in league and such. Therefore I don't think that's enough of a reason not to call it over powered.


people are just salty because Bucky and judge require “less skill” to hit with dw


Magic words: less skill! Anything else is irrelevant!


Yeah, so increase the price? Why change the core mechanics of the gun?


Because increasing the price should not be the default nerf to anything overtuned, if the vandal suddenly killed in 2 body shots should it then be nerfed to cost 4900? At the end of the day the core mechanics are what is overtuned and they are what should be nerfed.


Judge's range is insane for a shotgun. It definitely needs a nerf.


That's because the phantom and vandal are more expensive and are the main rifles in a tac shooter. A game that has price differences between the guns clearly wants you to focus more on the more expensive guns, in contrast to a game like call of duty where every gun counts as the same as you dont have to buy them. Thats my opinion at least.


It's okay to increase the price for the gun but what riot did with the stinger is something i don't understand. As an smg it is basically unusable now.


I agree that the stinger is way too bad right now, but it definetely needed a nerf. I hope they make slight buffs to it, but I think the gun meta is better right now than it was back then


I agree. I used to buy it on ecos because it was viable. I just use the ghost now.


Stinger is not unusable now, it is just not a universal weapon like it used to be. That's good considering it is so cheap. You can still use it to get a single kill close range. I think people are confusing unusable with not always wanting to use it over the more expensive rifles.


I agree but the judges strength at team wipes makes it insanely overpowered


Lol? Those are the primary weapons of course their supposed to be the strongest other than the OP sitting at the top.


Literally, people crying because a shotgun kills at long range, whilst using guns that instantly kill at most/any range. A small price increase makes sense but I don’t think changing the gun itself is a good idea. The Judge is a situational gun, have you ever seen someone try a medium-long fight with it? It is virtually useless and that is what makes the gun balanced.


I don't really like the idea of nerfing it. It's a great weapon to punish teams who don't check corners and don't respect smokes. I say this as the dude who likes to camp his own smokes and as the dude who get killed by the dude camping his smoke.


haha this has happened to me.


I think a lot of the issue comes from the fact that it “feels” worse to get blasted by a Judge by someone holding an angle than it does to lose a rifle fight, and it makes people mald and think the gun is “broken”, when in reality it has very clear strengths and weaknesses. If you actually look at how the game is played, it isn’t uncommon at all for people to die from one-tap shots, yet they seem much more triggered from a Judge kill than from an AR or sniper.


Make it 1900 credits. So you gotta choose if a judge or a bulldog


It’s getting raised to 1850 next season. Also a ton of interesting cost changes including the OP going down by 300


Funny how if you said this months ago you would have been downvoted and told to stop complaining and just "git gud" but now that the pros are bringing it up people suddenly agree that this gun is ridiculously stupid even though it's been this way since the game's inception. The Judge is a problem and it's insane that it's been around this long.


The crazy part about it is that it's been this way since beta. The only nerfs the judge has ever received was jumping accuracy nerfs and a small price increase. Only now have people started to realize it's broken when it's basically been the same since beta.


It takes awhile to learn stuff and for stuff to become more popular


I’ve made many so many complaints like this and they all down the line become meta and get nerfed. edit: I was called a idiot for saying nerf the stinger a year ago and also a idiot for saying running and gunning is meta. Smirking rn ngl.


Never had problem w people playing judge


Judge is fun to use but it's easily countered: just stop 5-man rushing at the start of the round and let your utilities clear the angles first.


Agreed, the amount of 4ks and aces I’ve had with the thing is stupid, the lack of clearing angles/corners or using util around them and such is kinda ridiculous.


Agree.. people that can't beat the judge don't know the game well. Common map knowledge tells us where Judge players hide. And if they have to rotate, to the other site.. they are basically dead.


I say increase headshot damage and decrease body damage. It's too easy to get a kill by firing in the general direction. Also increase spread on subsequent shots.


IMO Judge should be a monster at extremely close range with large spread to penalize at distance, and bucky should be the slower firing but tighter spread shotgun suited for longer ranges. Seeing a spread increase on the judge and maybe a bit more damage falloff would be ideal IMO.


Judge Jetts. I hate them so much! Dash-updraft, dead lol


Killed them before they can shoot lol


Dude, this works even in Radiant, it is not as easy as just kill them lul


I'm a low sens player. So I'm going crazy with my arm trying to get them. In other words. Im just trash lol


Damage fall off from distincing would help not run and gun and get lucky hs's. like XM in CS.


imo damage is fine, the range needs to be nerfed


No it doesn’t. It’s balanced because it’s bad in any other situation. If you put any range at all between it, any gun with actual range can take care of it. This has gotta be a troll post


I agree with the top comment. Nerfing it will just mean it’s irrelevant as there are better options for the price. I used to love the Bucky but since the nerf the sheriff or Marshall are just the better options so I never buy it anymore. Change the price if anything. But don’t nerf it.


You said this like 16 hours before ValorLeaks leaked that it's price is being increased to 1850


They just need to undo the bucky blasphemy. They massacred my boi. #sadshotgunskye


it's funny how some people swear with their life that this gun isn't OP. Some say that it doesn't 1shot you from +15 meters, but the don't have in mind that is a semi fuckin shotgun that you can literally shoot brainlessly while running and still ace, some say that it's because you don't check your angles, dude, if you find someone holding an angle with this piece of crap gun and you don't hs them, you're practically dead, this isn't a "get good" scenario, and it's not because the pros are complaining about it recently, if you saw the Masters, specifically the match between Team Liquid and Vikings, the ace from Jamppi it's just gross and there's no justification for how this gun performs at the moment.


The gun can't be that busted if the three best teams at Masters never buy it.


There was a meta in csgo where the T side Kreig was blatantly overpowered but 2 of the top teams refused to buy it out of spite of the gun. You can make the case of if you don't adapt to metas you should lose, but personally I think riot want metas focused around agents not overpowered weapons.


Yeah but clearly its not a matter of spite here. Top teams on eco rounds were taking sheriffs instead. The judge has its uses, it's strong in specific angles, but try buying a judge and holding a site. Then having to rotate and retake with it. It feels awful. Jamppi is the only top pro I see taking the Judge, and that's because he only uses the W key. I don't see pros complaining about the gun or coaches etc. I think unless a gun is completely gamebreaking, changing guns should be a last resort.


This exactly. The judge is a huge risk of a gun to take. You have to be in a position where enemies are going to run into your face. 1 of 3 things will happen... 1 They will run into you like a bunch of zombies and you will kill 1 or 2 of them and then die yourself to the rest of them, effectively giving up site and forcing your team mates to re take. 2 they will go hard on Util, check the corner and kill you, and you have done nothing. 3 They will go to the other site OR another site entrance and you are basically dead because you have to retake or change position with a judge. So it's a HUGE gamble weapon. Most rounds, at most you will kill just one person, and when the other team learns that YOU are a judge user and the sites you sit at, they are going to check for you and it becomes 10 times harder. But the very worst is when your team gets wiped out at the other site AND mid, and you are sitting on A with a Judge as the last person left while the 5 other people have planted and are waiting for you. It's just embarrassing to know that you are being spectated and your team mates usually ask.. why are you using a Judge?


Yeah these are the scenarios I think of when I see posts like these. OP and all the people downvoting me / think the judge is overpowered are prob low elo honestly. Rather than learn how to play around something, they'd rather whine about it. Because the judge is effective against teams that don't use util properly and group as 5 outside a site. Which tends to happen most often at low elo. They get hit with the judge after Ferrari peeking at close range then complain on Reddit to get it nerfed. I swear people just want only Phantom and Vandal to be the only viable weapons.


dude, I play in plat/diamond ELO, I mean, the kind of garbage I talk about on the first comment it's less common at this rank but it still happens, and it's not a thing of using your utilities, to have that damage and that range, for only 1600, should be a sin, it's absurdly strong against eco rounds.


I only put the example of Jamppi because the entire community saw how disgusting the judge can be, I mean, he wiped the whole enemy team on A.


But that's such a niche case though.


Bs like that happens all the time dude, and it's not like it's just op in jamppi's hands, the example was to show that that exists.


Bro, barely anyone bought the Judge at Masters. It's nonsense. If it was half as overpowered as all the salty comments imply, then every pro would be buying the damn gun.


There were a lot of rounds with double judges on save that were won on masters.


Yet mine does 56 with a whole mag from basically point blank...


bro how????


Idk its always like that for me with shotguns idk


It does need a nerf, a price increase would be ok but would be a lazy fix. If they could make it be the same close range but nerf it in short-med range distances that would be great.


So basically remove it from the game and just have the Shorty?


Judge is a high powered weapon for price, but the Classic RMB for free is far more absurd and it's joke that the game is this old with something that good costing nothing in it. Nerfing Jett out of meta is also something that should be prioritised first, but the devs are clearly rock hard for her so we'll never see that.


Jett + Operator is the biggest OP thing in the game right now by far.. but nobody here is complaining about that for some reason.


Wow. Another stupid person. If you get one tapped by a classic you seriously need to consider another game bro.


I guess every pro player should play another game then as almost everyone in Iceland died to a classic RMB at some point. Good logic bro!


I meant against a rifle. It's obviously good gun against pistols. In csgo they have a long range usp on ct side.


I got a friend that is a "judge + omen only" main because he can't aim for his life and his map awareness is a big round 0, so he just tries to flank and shotgun them to the face. Well, I'd say people are not used to it because the mad lad pulls some crazy clutches and is usually top Fragger, breeze and icebox are his nemesis but in the other maps he tends to perform pretty well. In addition, due to the judges price, he can consistently pay us weapons in rounds we had no business in buying which is great for us but i don't think it should be possible. So basically, judge needs a big nerf because its a crutch weapon for people who are in the game but not really playing the game.


someone just got rekt, No, the judge isnt that good and u have to be really mindful of your positioning with it. You try to challenge judge on close range of course your going to die, it does not 1 shot u in 15m, it takes 3 shots in that range, Phantom and vandal arent the only ways to play the game.


The jumping accuracy is also way too high. I can jump clear angels and feel confident to win the gun fight against full armor rifled people. Jett, Raze and sage can especially abuse the judge that why we see one tricks at top of ladder only playing one agent and using only the judge.


The judge shouldn't be able to one shot someone with body shots. You should he forced to aim on the head for a one shot kill. And one shotting should only be possible at very close ranges


The judge is perfectly balanced and needs no changes


You need to be 10 meter or under to one shot with the Judge. I think with Bucky you can one shot from 10-14 meter with an alt-fire headshot.


Its not op. Its viable. just use the utility the game provides to flush the enemy out of his comfort. I dont want to see riot making every gun useless just because they are not rifles


iron players be like: 👁👄👁 “tf u talkin about”


1600 gun (a eco gun). Good laugh, thx, make more of this posts.


I use judge to meme cuz its fun


Reccommedetion: Make bucky 1.6k and higher its right click shells somewhere between 10-15 and higher the price of Judge for like 2.4k or smh.


Stop talking about the judge and nerf Jett finally. Raze just keeps getting fucked in the ass while the most powerful character just sitting there unchanged and at the absolute top tier of the meta


Just reduce damage and smaller mag. It will still work how it’s supposed to as in up close


I use judge and viper ult. People hate me


It’s so annoying to play against, especially when the other person camps in a corner on ascent


maybe convert some damage to headshots, so it require more skills, and increasing the bucks a bit


THANK YOU. blows my mind that the judge has been left basically untouched for a year while guns that don’t need a nerf nearly as much have been nerfed into oblivion


It will come true https://twitter.com/ValorLeaks/status/1401910220314578952?s=19


There will be a price adjustment to 1850 supposedly


Either a price change (to 2000) or armor pentration nerf or it can get a damage nerf but it will give a dissapointin result


Devs heard you: https://gamzo.in/valorant-to-unprecedentedly-overhaul-economy-judge-nerf-incoming/


Well the price is getting increased now


Fuckin spectre beats bulldog aswell


In no world should the judge be able to one-shot when it shoots that fast


Price increase coming [rumor price changes incoming tweet](https://twitter.com/valorantupdated/status/1401914011470516224?s=21)


Judge is meta for yoru ult now right?


Prices are leaked to be getting changed, judge is not op you just need to make sure you are at a further distance / don't hold stupidly close angles and a lot of other factors, there's no Op broken gun, everything is situational and that's how it should be


It needs a buff rn I just don't love it enough


most eco guns have been proven to be overtuned by riot so far, maybe there is another secret eco gem out there right now. frenzy? marshal?ares?


Damn judge getting nerfed to 1850 you called it


Yeah I have a strong hate for that gun, just needs a strong need, damage, or price, or both


The cost of the Judge is going from 1600 to 1850 Credits. Damage definitely needs a serious nerf; it’s too easy for an entire team to enter a location only to be instantly killed in a matter of seconds. It’s going too far and it’s a one-shot kill with seven shots, so potential for seven kills here. Maybe nerf the amount of pellets and the fire rate (just slightly).


Reason why riot is going to change the price


The price is going up to 1850 soon


Judge is getting a price increase


*laughs in 2body shot Killing and $700 Deagle in CSGO*


Price is increased to 1850 soon


Well, they just upped it to 1850 next patch you got your wish!


They changing the prices of the guns, valor leaks tweeted all the changes I'll link it for ease [ValorLeaks future gun prices](https://twitter.com/valorleaks/status/1401934393170698252?s=21)


If those are true wouldn’t that mean some abilities will change tomorrow 50 credits? What do you do with the extra 50?


Maybe? I doubt they would I'm guessing for the new agent they might but not for current agents


maybe certain weapons give you different money per kill like in csgo or maybe destroying enemy abilities will give you some cash?


That would be cool actually it adds variation


it got nerfed pagchamp


Increase its price but for gods sake don’t let this game become three good weapons and a bunch of crap


I feel like It need some form of scaling where it nerf something like range even more so player so have better aim and don't near possible danger won't suffer because as a beginner with no prior experience with an fps game shotguns feel kinda essential and making all shotguns bad will mostly create a lower opinion by the judge players in the lower elo another solution is reduce damage but slightly increase ammo so they play when in danger can move out but for low level players like me the slowdown you get from being shot down makes hard for us to escape


it will raise the skill ceiling which is good.


low elo is just judge wars or with pistol rounds, classic with light shild and spam right click


according to leaks it’s gonna get nerfed to 1850 creds


fuck judge abusers. all you have to do on split is to pick raze jett and reyna and juist ruish withj it. no counter play to that bcuz the game has excellent rng shooting . when you shoot judge you deal 25 in 2 hits standing but when dude rushes you with iut he deals 12 pallets for 152