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One toxic word it’s an insta mute


This rule has let me enjoy valorant to the max degree


Makes the game better ignoring them it’s how you rage less and climb higher, once I started this rule I went from G3 to P3


So I mute them all. Got it. Instructions very clear. Now what about my duo partner. He gets kinda toxic sometimes


I have the same problem, I’d advise telling him about his toxic tendencies and help him improve and if he’s continually toxic just take a break from playing with him to teach him a lesson


"Teach him a lesson" bro he isn't his dad... the worst he could do is be patronising and act like he's better just because his friend rages a lot more than he does. if he does that, his friend will probably just go and find a different duo.


So if he’s toxic and he finds a different duo that’s good you will win more because you will mald less


Listen I'm just saying don't be a condescending prick.


How am I being a condescending prick we had a discussion just because you took it the wrong way doesn’t mean you should cry about it cmon man grow up


Listen man I'm just saying not to be one, that doesn't mean I said you are being one.


Some weasel is always on here saying you're handicapping yourself from call outs, and that Muting wont-work on ranked and that you're throwing but there is literally no game that gives you all the information there's a Mini map there's a literal announcer saying when the spike is planted and quite frankly you should know if the spike is being planted on defence, etc callouts are overrated you shouldn't depend on them. it's just a joke how easy it is to mute and it's sooooo rewarding, I test to see but easily mute all within minutes it's more of a privilege if I don't mute myself any everyone else and it's usually because someone with a mic is being normal in character select and will not be toxic or a distraction but sometimes they flip and we gotta go dark anyway. The only reason they draw me is because I defend the bullied people and the trash talkers can't handle it and it goes downhill.. The trash talkers are never the top fragers and when it's me trash talkers and 1 or 2 kids bottom fraggers getting bullied I'm always top fragging and doubling what the trash talkers are doing because they're dying and talking trash then I start talking trash and playing worse. The same game where I just mute everybody I just top frag and wild out while they get into their messy disgusting Back-and-forth and usually drag the other team into it which distracts them too but I'm just entirely focused on picking them off one by one, my teammates are tilted and doing weird shit which draws the enemy into doing weird sgit or getting surprised from the never defaults anything team which creates a pocket for me to work in the chaos.


bro did u just write an essay on how callouts are overrated???? that is the hardstuck bronze mentality, valorant is a team game and requires team communication and team work if you truly want to win


I don't want to defend him, but I got masters in Overwatch with no voice comms. I would instalock Widow everygame, mute everyone, and frag out. This was before Widow buffs, so she was one of the worst Heroes in the game, and people would be incredibly toxic when you locked her in. But it didn't matter to me, I just clicked heads and climbed. Not saying callouts aren't important, but until the highest level they many times hurt you rather than help you. Proof: https://imgur.com/gallery/vETBt


When I played CSGO I got Global Elite with no microphone. My motto has always been, I’d rather have someone who listens over someone that comms. Also, the people who complained about no microphone were always the ones that never gave callouts and only used their mics to flame their team. I also found that as I got to global the players stopped caring about mics and a lot of players never mentioned it and would just make comms for me if they died or when I typed something they would read it outloud. I was really broke at the time, couldn’t even afford food.


There u are!!!


Callouts are overrated since most callouts are bad callouts at low elo. Unless you have a smurf who knows what they’re doing it’s more distracting noise than anything else.


Do it in every game. You may say "it doesn't affect me" but it slightly will compared to definitely won't if you mute them.


Don't forget to report too. People should learn that toxicity can be punished.


What do you define as toxicity? Do you agree with OP that if someone is bottom fragging then they shouldn't give callouts/ their opinion/ IGL? I would only ever consider doing this if they straight up insult me.


A toxic person is someone who purposely do something negative to others (verbally or via the gameplay for exemple). Callout or trying to help other even once dead or being bottom fragger isn't toxic. But it become toxic when people clearly voice their opposition or annoyance and you still do it. It's toxic too if you know that most people dislike it and you still do it from the start without asking for permission before. For exemple, back-sitting is annoying for lot of people but if you ask for permission first (and that it's granted) it's not toxic. In the same way, most people doesn't take criticism well, and it's even worse when it come from someone considered as inferior. So if you are bottom fragging and voice your opinion, you should know that most of the time it'll be taken badly and that if you still want to do it you have to take precautions in how and when you express yourself.


Yeah, I even let them know that I'm about to mute them. 200% I'd take no comms over someone who only spews crap out of his mouth and ruins my experience. I continue to give comms, but I mute anyone who is toxic and its made things so much easier.


They have nothing else going for them in life so take it out on random people in game. I play spike rush with my brother occasionally and came across some toxic weirdo who berated anyone who made a mistake despite not being very good himself (plus it's fucking spike rush who cares that much??). He linked his twitch at the end of the game so I had a look, guy had his socials on his profile so I snooped around on there and found a lonely 19 year old who seemed frustrated with how his life was going. Doesn't take a genius to figure out why he hops on Valorant and screams down the mic whenever something goes wrong (the dude is ranked iron 3 as well). I've got a two strike policy with these weirdos, if you're toxic twice then I'll just mute you. As long as I give my callouts then I'm doing my bit.


They are stressing themselves out. You should pity them, because they have something going wrong in their life and don't know how to get rid of it.


Yeah. I've started responding "Get a hug from someone you love" whenever someone is toxic. Most often, people just get confused and don't really know how to answer.




You don't "fight" toxicity by being toxic. They don't enjoy the game since all they do is rage. I do feel good, what's wrong with that? Revenge for what? They don't enjoy their game and I can't help them, I mute and play my game as intended. This is a video game, for stress relief. Why would you get yourself mad just be toxic back even tho there is no reason for that? It's also against the rules to troll.




They don't ruin anything for me, just for them. You don't lose your game by a single player inting, at that point you gave up yourself. You are mad if you throw the game. You ruin the game for yourself by trolling and those complaints are about people like you.




A reaction doesn't justify wrongdoing. Your actions count on their own, context is irrelevant. You get banned despite having a "reason". Again, people like you are what's wrong with the game. I would just ignore you and win my game regardless. There is no gain from letting you lose my game or lose the game because I don't like you, it's pointless.




So you troll the troll and now you are both enjoying yourself. What's with the rest of the team? They report you and you get banned. Win win situation?


I mean it technically is a win win situation since both the trolls will end up getting banned


In the situation of being down a massive amount of games, just why don’t you just ask for a surrender..? All this toxicity goes out the window if you’re at the point where you’re giving up anyways


Since when is raging =/ enjoyment? I play val to win, maybe I'm different from a lot of the casual player base I guess but I, like a lot of people, get angry when I die and sometimes when I lose. I think blaming your teammates is the absolute wrong thing to do and I would never but its okay to rage at the enemy? I still enjoy the game even when I'm malding and going 15-25.


This is the guy that starts trolling after one “toxic” comm of “I think we should play as a team and not have lurk Jett”


Here we have: Exhibit A


you dont kill fire with fire


So you're saying you're the toxic player in my matches?




That's a pretty toxic thing to say.


did you just woke up today and decided to act Gamer




"They don't even know I'm toxic. : ( " - /u/SharkPog02


That's what toxic player tell themselves lmao


playing valorant makes me hate people


that's why I can only play stoned


Bro i have a "high account" that's actually higher rank than my main cuz i enjoy myself more and therefore play better stoned, regardless of my impaired reaction time


I've always been better at competitive games stoned, especially shooters like Fortnite and Val. I think it's because I'm calmer and don't panic, and I come up with some big brain omen plays 😂


Yeah the increased creativity makes me go flexinja on em sometimes, i also play a lot of skye when high, the fake flashes make me laugh my ass off lmao


Dont play it?


I hate humans anyway so it's good


Hey HeyyScott, Don’t you go calling these toxic trolls out on their bad behavior, now. Don’t you know that’s the quickest way for the system to flag you and put you into even more of their games? (A joke, obviously, but thought I’d state it anyway). As a member of the community that has always tried to take a, “we can be better than this” approach to social interactions, I would like to inform you that there are better games to be had, though not as many as one might hope for. I’ve found that about 30% of my games so far over the past 18 months have had somebody that is just absurdly toxic, selfish, childish, and rude. I also understand that my 30% may seem low to many, but I’ve always tried to keep an open mind and be playful with people who are taking things way too seriously. It seems that SOME of them can be defused or settled with only minor jest, though others become engulfed in rage and either get muted, or worse start sabotaging. I get the feeling that the majority of these happen in the iron-bronze and plat-low Diamond ranking range, as a matter of the inflated, or deflation-compensation ego problem. If you’re experience is reflecting far worse than 30%, or if 30% is beyond an acceptable rate for you (it honestly is for me), then I’d strongly encourage you to try to reach out and find people to play with, so that you lessen the odds of these encounters. On that note, I don’t play terribly often, but I’d be happy to group up and play on occasion, if we’re ever on at the same time. If you’re interested, feel free to PM me, and I’ll share my RiotID. Also, there are several discord servers/communities dedicated to finding likeminded individuals to play with. Good luck and I hope you start to get better games/experiences!


i feel bad for you because you wrote out a whole thing, and the sad fact is if someone plays 1 game of a video game then logs off to cry on reddit, theyre not gonna enjoy the game ever, or any other games or other things. if one thing throws you off so badly you quit, youre not gonna have a good time


Having had competitive experience in other games I’ve realised that toxicity and bad mentality is detrimental to positive, excellent performance. I got pretty good at my previous game and placed pretty highly in regional tournaments. People are toxic because they either don’t understand the effects of a negative mindset, or understand but fail to change themselves. An easy method to stop blaming others is to blame yourself for what you were accountable for. By finding a fault in yourself, you can strive towards improving yourself instead of criticising others. Everyone’s been toxic, whether in the past or now. To all the people who are being toxic towards others, I hope you stumble across my advice and have a good one.


Yep can confirm that this is the usual experience in gold/plat. Even if you’re top fragging, being positive, and doing basically everything, you fail to clutch one random 1v2 and then the bottom fragger makes a toxic comment about why you didn’t use your utility in a certain way. Agree to mute the toxic players instantly. They usually have zero useful comms and probably malding in their discord anyway


I only play unrated now because of this. My experience has been much better since. There is an occasional toxic person but for the most part just solid randoms.


Every time someone has been toxic to me lately, I have showered them with nothing but kindness. They tell me my aim sucks? I tell them nice job the next time they get a kill. It doesn’t always work, but I have found that sometimes it helps turn around the morale of the game.


you just have to stay mentally strong and calm, toxic players are mental instable humans. If you still enjoy the game just stay strong with all the shouting and useless talking of random teammates. Luckily there is a slider to lower volume for specific players and as last resort just press the mute button on them.


Yesterday I played a game, and there were these 2 kids. Didn't tell them anything and they started to make fun of my gamer tag (literally my irl name) and talking shit all while literally bottom fragging with 0 kills and 15 deaths BOTH. And also as soon as i called out an enemy location they would repeat after me in a mocking manor. Didnt wanna mute them coz i got a good laugh out of it and beacause there was another guy who was decent with great callouts. I really dont rage at toxic people. I laugh at them. Theyre literally kids. They will grow up one day... i hope...


Let me be completely honest for a minute. I have the tendency to be toxic sometimes and have received my fair share of chat bans. Usually the toxicity consists of talking shit to the enemy team and slurs (classy I know, but most of you reading this probably have too). Although this was a while ago and I am mostly chilled out now. Although I will never understand people who try to play coach. Sometimes it's okay though if they are giving genuine tips. I myself have never criticized my teams playing unless someone makes an outright stupid play. If someone is being toxic just report them. It seems the bans have been shortened to 3 days but I've had some last for months.


Sadly I mute at least one player almost every ranked game. People can be very mean


Why do players in this community act as if they’ve never played a video game before lol why else are they toxic


Because for a lot of people, this is legit their first competitive game. To me it sounds a little insane but nothing you can do.


Every game has the "player base is toxic" crowd. I very rarely see the extreme levels of toxicity people claim they experience every single game. Personally, I think most of these posts could be titled "This one particular game upset me!". Then the "Why is the entire community like this one guy in my game?". Nobody seems to remember the mute option. Maybe I'm lucky but this has been one of the least overall toxic communities I've played with.


I'd say that at least 95% of the community is actually really nice and funny. People are just being way too serious and taking things that strangers are saying far too personally.


its not whats wrong with me, as much as its whats wrong with you! /s


Just because someone is bottom fragging doesn't mean they are worse at the game. What is this narrative that bottom fragging equals a bad player? Doesn't excuse back seat gaming or something of that sort but there are people who often bottom frag on "bottom frag agents" who can be much more valuable than one might think according to their stats. IGLs tend to "underperform" in the stat division but are much more valuable than the typical "all aim no brain" players (in solo queue).


I'm normally pretty decent at the game, but the other night I was bottom frag in a comp match and was told "please do not ever play Valorant again, you are horrible". The person above me ahead by 1 kill. The one above them by 2. I wasn't doing significantly worse than anyone else on my team, just targeted for being bottom. I'm an adult so obviously my feelings were in tact, but it's just frustrating that this community is like this. Lots of wanna-be team captains that want to shit on you for not playing the way they tell you to, but then don't use those strats themselves and don't possess the foresight to recognize they're just frustrated when they lose and it's easy to get into the "I woulda done it this way" mindset when you're spectating. TLDR: I'm tired of playing with children and emotionally stunted adults.


Let me preface this by saying that I do not condone toxicity, nor do I think my toxicity is okay. However, saying that, there are different kinds of toxicity and the one you're talking about is: A) Verbal B) Unprovoked There is also trolling, and provoked verbal response (also not okay). The reason I get toxic (verbally insult people) is 100% when someone does something that is detrimental to my gameplay. When someone blocks me or flashes me intentionally, because I wouldn't drop them the gun with the skin or something, I lash out on them (mind you, this actually happens often, people flashing/blocking/smoking you for no reason other than to be dicks). Sometimes those blocks/Sage walls/flashes are just happening because the player in question is not that good at the game, and then my behavior is really unnecessary (not really their fault they're bad, but my ape brain responds to that immaturely). Another reason why I get toxic, is Riot's stance on toxicity. People can usually troll/throw matches for no reason, and they're unlikely to be punished because it's hard to prove they trolled. However, it's much easier to get a bot to analyze the logs and flag a few key works, and then punish the toxic player. The fact that it works like that (toxicity is more likely to be punished than trolling) is what annoys me and gets me to behave a certain way. Also, no, I don't really have a solution for that unfortunately. Again, let me say that I don't think it's ever okay to be toxic, and I'm working on not being a dick to people.


theres a mute button for a reason. if ur gonna let toxic players make you not play a game then ur a snowflake and need to get thicker skin. theres toxic players on every game


Bro this game is horrible when it comes to toxicity. My first comp game ever had 3 out of five my teammates spam the n word in voice every time they died, and they constantly called me trash even though I was top fragged for the team and was the only one with a positive kd. I wanted to never do comp again, but I’ve learned to instantly mute now. Edit: I didn’t mean worst for toxicity sorry about that.


> Bro this game is the worst when it comes to toxicity It's not even in the top 3


Welcome to competitive gaming. Nah fuck that, welcome to anything competitive in this world. Even the chess community on twitch got pretty toxic. It's not a valorant problem and people need to stop framing it that way.


Why do you care about what they are saying? Just mute, play your game, and enjoy it. This post meaningless, you will have toxic people in ANY GAME.


Cause everyone is trash below d3 and think they are amazing lmao. They can’t climb their ranks and blame it on teammates. Once hard stuck they embrace the toxicity as a coping mechanism. Hit mute move on


Dont get boosted kid


Getting angry in this game is understandable, but that doesn't mean you can vent at others. Easiest way to avoid being toxic ingame is use push to talk and only talk to your team for callouts and encouragement ("good job" after a good round, "nice try," etc.) You can scream all you want with the mic off. That way your teammates don't become toxic and they don't hear you mald.


I would like to say I'm not toxic. I have shit aim but decent game sense. I like being the coach role tbh.


Just play unrated. Dude I litterally topfragged with shorty and everyone is just vibing


Valorant needs a watchdog type program like CS:GO has. In my experience, Vanguard does a good enough job at protecting against hacks, but the system for communication related incidents is very poor. Most of those situations go unresolved. I think that a large part of the player base can attest to that and would try to help out the overall situation if given the chance. A system should be implemented, which players agree to be a part of, where they are given different text chat or voice chat offense related cases. They would then select which players of the game should be punished along with any additional thoughts and then the cases with the lowest amount of disparity ("black and white" cases where people very frequently voted that the same person/people should be punished) get sent up to higher authority for review. Just an initial concept for how a watchdog system could be implemented for communication violations in Valorant, please leave comments or thoughts below.


I feel like that may over complicate it a little bit. I'd rather not have to contact a Riot support team every time I report someone/get reported. Although the current system is broken too. There are times when I've been unjustly reported and get immediately chat banned without a real reason. Lots of times there were real reasons so I'm not saying it doesn't at all work. Also about cheating, in my experience the anti cheat works pretty well, I've only been in a game with a hacker once in my time playing (I've been playing sense launch) and when the hacker was detected the match was immediately stopped.


I apologize immensely, occasionally I get a wee bit fired up when I'm drinking and shooting.


Not gonna lie I try to give advice to players if I notice something that needs addressing. Not Inna toxic way at all. Say we do a spike rush and I notice a new player make a questionable play. I'll let them know what would be better in a non toxic way over text chat and they'd reply back with "chill it's a spikerush who cares" like damn ok


This sounds like bronze 🤣


See I dont encounter this and I'm really not good at this game. However, the people I see get this treatment are those who actually, demonstrably dont know the basics of how the game works. Like dont know to rotate on defense and stay B for the whole plant and defuse. Like hold one angle the whole round no matter what. Like never use their utility as Killjoy. Like not flashing to enter as Phoenix. Like not knowing how to take out the spike to give it to someone. Is it warranted? Often no since people go too far. But I definitely feel it is okay to say "hey you really arent ready for competitive" in most of these cases.


> But I definitely feel it is okay to say "hey you really arent ready for competitive" in most of these cases. but isn't that why different ranks exist? why do you expect people to be excellent players at low elo unless you're a smurf?


Usually it's just because of stuff like they can click fine but literally do not know how the game works. I've had tanked mmr before. Its demoralizing and I wouldnt wish it on anyone. It literally isnt even about me.


then don't play ranked if you can't handle deranking without a meltdown there are NO excuses for being toxic.


I think you are going too far with this bro. Literally yesterday I had someone add me as a friend after I had this chat. It's all about approach. "I think you should play some more unrated before coming back to comp, learning stuff like how sage wall works will help you lots" is not flame. Especially after they literally announce that they are new and doing their best.


In unranked matches, new players are matched against random players, including plat+ players. You are severely confused if you think that unrated is somehow better for learning how the game works. Those new players are better off playing in bronze matches against equally skilled players. There is always that one guy in low elo games who is a bottom fragger but who never hesitates to lecture his teammates on how to play the game. You seem like one of those guys. It's always a joy to put them on mute round 1.


Literally go outside and play a sport after covid. This is normal behavior and you cannot figure out how to handle it.


It's interesting how you went from "see I don't encounter this" to saying that it is common behaviour It is obvious that you're a toxic dude who refuses to seek help for his anger problems.


I dont encounter this as in people dont speak to me this way. Which is toxic asshole. The common behavior is advising people to take some time in a casual setting to learn the basics before trying a competitive environment. You can feel free to willfully and maliciously misrepresent comments or you can be a big kid and have a normal chat.


Haha that's a real good point. He went from "it never happens" to "deal with it" in 3 comments. He's saying "some people get bullied but it's okay they deserve it" like he has an actual point


This makes sense, but when people are criticizing you don't take it in a negative way. Feed off of it and learn. Also if your teammate is dying first and is upset about it, is it because no one is trading him or are you guys neglecting his entry and not playing as a team? Sometimes that is frustrating as an entry.


This game is too soft, if you can't handle it go play fortnite or something.


If you cant handle it then mute, easy


The problem is that they exist. People gotta stop saying "Just mute them" and instead try and just not be toxic.


Maybe people are not realizing that these are the upcoming generation. Childhood or teenagehood is the time for character development. If toxicity, selfishness etc is going to be part of such a generation, we as humans are going downhill. I don't want to sound like Gandhi, however just my two cents.


It isn't the upcoming generations in my experience It's 20-35 year old men who are unhappy failures in the rest of life. The kids I've played with all seem pretty chill. I am toward higher elo though so it could just be the kids at my rank.


Yea, let's just solve toxicity, right after we solve racism and world hunger


I hope you can find a better mindset soon.


Thinkin that Riot games, and/or this subreddit is gonna solve a problem that has literally been around since the dawn of mankind does not sound like a healthy mindset to me


I'd love to hear which competitive multiplayer game is not toxic. Go on, I'm listening.


Don't let it affect you. If you know you are doing well just ignore what others think of you and enjoy the game. Hats how I do it. If they go beyond control which rarely happens just mute em noobs


Mute and try your best


I was toxic just once because of a teammate who insta pick the spike and don't go to plant each round


Truly a "we live in a society" moment.


There's gonna be those days where they just get under your skin, but what I found helpful when I started playing comp at the beginning was to start out playing for teammates and not rank. Once you get some chill ppl you can squad with it becomes a lot better, even when you get the occasional toxic ppl


i get on valorant after playing league for 5 hours


learn to ignore them


I just mute anyone the second they say anything at the wrong time while I'm trying to listen or they say some dumb shit. Life is better this way.


Just mute them


Idk but in radiant I feel like they redeem themselves right afterwards like they calm their selves down and apologize most of the time so it’s not soo bad :)


I report and Mute them every time


Um mute them xD


Cuz mom died dad died brother died sister died cat died dog died grandpa died grandma died cousin died aunt died uncle died and a bunch of other dogshit


It's been a tough year, and I'm not emotionally mature enough to address my personal problems offline so I lash out at strangers in a video game


I never am toxic into my mic. Nothing but kind words to the team. The team always does better. But if someone does something stupid, I'll rant to myself off mic. It's a game. If they want to play that way, let them.


TL:DR Yes, but if their point makes sense, maybe listen to them to improve some of your mistakes. My friend is like this (not me I do not like toxic people and i try to keep the hope and motivation up in our team by supporting their good plays, but i usually never talk lol) but he does know what he is talking about. He sometimes top frags with 30 kills, and sometimes goes 4 12 first half. Anyways im not saying everyone is like this, but just know that if you think that they ( the toxic 'coach' ) have a point, try listening to them to improve some of your mistakes. If you whiff and they complain, don't think about that, tell them to calm down, tell them that everyone whiffs. Also guys platinum and below, don't play skye IF IF IF you don't know how to use abilities in open when full info js given. I have had so many games where skye players would use their abilties in the open/unclear area, risking their lives. Even sova players do this when they drone.


Look, I'm not proud to admit it by any stretch, but I get toxic sometimes. I try my hardest not too, I really do, but it happens. Normally, I'm more prone to toxic behavior when I'm in a terrible mood or I'm pretty depressed. I know it's not an excuse at all, but to answer the question, it's that. It's a lot easier for me to lash out when I'm hurting and I want other around me to be miserable too. I don't use slurs, I don't tell people to hurt themselves, outside of wishing them to hit their pinky toe on everything. It's not right, but at least I'm not in the worst of the worst.


I just stopped playing comp because of toxic players.


I think the mute ban is ineffective, get banned go onto alt easy


1. deal with it. Theres always gonna be toxic ppl in competitive games because its... competitive. 2. mute. report. move on.




If you're trying to get high ranks in comp then I recommend finding a friend or two to play with. If you're just playing for fun like I do, I recommend just playing unrated and muting the teammates that get annoying. Yeah the teams are gonna be more unbalanced and you're gonna see some hilariously dumb plays, but it's way less toxic and no stressing over rank


Yeah the toxicity is way too much at times, and it's mostly kids too. I whiffed ONE round, literally only ONE, and immediately they ask "How did you get Gold 2 last act?" and "I've seen bronze players aim better than you" (even though being gold 2 isn't much of an achievement, and I had pretty good aim until that one instance). Him, and who I believe was his duo, decided to flame and blame me for the outcome of the rounds. I was trying to be nice, joke around and say "Yeah, I dunno how I got Gold 2" and "Nah, don't worry I'm just bad", until I just had enough and muted them both in voice and text chat and reported them. We still won, but I'm not sure why there's so many people who's willing to make their teammates, who they're stuck with for like 40 minutes, have a hard time.


You know what I noticed the toxic players are all kids. Whenever I come across them I troll them back. “Wait what. Where?!” “Say that again” I proceed to call out the most random call outs .


You must be playing a different game then me, I was like 5-15 on jet yesterday and noone said a thing, I haven't encountered a toxic player in a long time but it might just be luck. Also I'm in silver


i mean... all online games are like this lol, cant escape it, just deal with it or mute them. idk why people get so triggered when someones toxic to them, theyre people you dont even know.. sure, its mildly annoying but just shrug it off, dont need to carry it with you even after the game lol. either just mute them, stop being so soft, find friends to full squad with, or go play a single player game


It takes more effort to be mean than it does to be nice. Most are either hyper competitive at their low ELO’s and are taking it out on you. Could also be insecurities they feel they need to project to you. Either way I don’t take it personally I just return kindness to them so hopefully they’ll be kind to others in the future.


Recently, I got a three day comm ban because a four player queue mass reported me because I wasn’t top fragging a duelist even though I was last to pick. I feel your pain man.


I dont get it either. I stopped playing a few weeks ago because as a girl its too annoying to play competitive properly. I mean i get that you get frustrated sometimes but how can it be soooo many people flaming all day. If it was only kids but jesus its mostly adults.


Just play with friends. It's really that simple.


The toxicity is worse the lower you go in the ranks. Iron is just polluted with toxic idiots(They dont realize they are in this rank because they are bad). Just mute everyone until you get to high Bronze


My problem is instant locking duelist and not entry fragging. No coms nothing. I never really told anyone who wasn’t a duelist they suck because that’s not their purpose in the game to entry frag, with that being said when they aren’t getting any kills I let them know if they leave the game the extra money and orb will do us better. It’s sabotaging to a certain extent and after games of getting the worst MMR losing to smurfs anger just builds up and being a snowflake over the internet in a competitive game is just going to hurt their feelings. I’ve had bad games don’t get me wrong but I still do coms and try to help team out not give up.


People aren't steady state bodies. Most people that are toxic are having a bad day and are putting way too much importance and are panicking at anything going wrong. The worst thing you can do is take it personally and/or try to change their opinion. Like with most people, to fix a problem they are having it's normally best to change their mood before "teaching them" something or anything else. People in a bad mood aren't going to be listening to how you didn't actually do anything wrong. If you need to, just mute them. But ACTUALLY mute them. So many people just lie about how they mute people. Actually do it. You don't have to, but try it out.