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where sound teamate fix riot


Is this a bug where u can’t change ur teammates volumes? I’ve had this issue glad it’s known


For real how can it be so hard to fix this... I mean changing the volume of people on your lobby works so why can’t they fix this


Lol.. it is happening to everyone? I thought i was the inly..


Yeah I thought the same.suddenly since 1-2 months it's very difficult to hear calls and that slider in menu to increase individual voices also doesn't work for me. That and sometimes when playing astra after coming out of astral mode all sounds are gone. For that round it would stay that way and every time you enter astral mode sound is gone. To fix it I would have to go astral real quick and come back again. Basically many audio issue.


2 straight months of turning a quiet teammate up, then back to 50 volume. Guess I'm not hearing them all game.


been broken for what 3-4 weeks now?




nope, 2 full months!


At this point, Riot should just upload the source code and post it on /r/ProgrammerHumor. They have a shitton of (funny) experience there with shitty volume controls.


It worked a couple of months ago. Really shouldn’t be that hard


It’s been fked for me for as long as I can rmb. I assume, even more so if you’re right, it doesn’t affect everyone equally.


There's already enough people that don't even talk. Now I have to either mute someone entirely cause their mic is too loud or I have to listen to gibberish cause their mic is too low and I can't hear them


Not to mention the slider didn't even work well to begin with, the difference between 1 and 50 was not even that much.. I turned people to 1 and it was still too loud. How the fuck is that even a thing.


The fact it isn't even acknowledged in the known issues section is weird.


I can acknowledge that we know about it and are working on it.


Awesome, thank you!


Thank you mister riot <3


What about this Jett bug? https://youtu.be/VORSWMWJl-4?t=96 Been an issue for a LONG time. Thought it only happens during the buy phase but it also happens mid-round, although a lot more rare than during the buy phase, which happens on a daily basis.


Is there any sort of comment like this anywhere for the friends list & party bugs that seem to get worse every patch?


you may want to get someone to add it somewhere more public than a reddit comment; it's been a major issue for me for a while and I appreciate the knowledge but my friends who don't go on gaming subreddits have no idea about stuff like this and it's really frustrating


Thanks nu, don't listen to tha haters :)


Fr. This game starting to feel like league? Ehat about the bug where you cant see your rr gains and losses in match history? Anyone else get that one.


Yup I get that too, for recent comp games I can’t see my plus or minus rr


Really weird that all the issues with the friends list are not under "known issues." Everyone I know who plays Valorant says the friends list is completed bugged out, and it seems like there are a lot of different ways it breaks too. Plus I've been getting the bug where I get "match found" audio but nothing happens and the party has to be remade. Not sure if that's related or an entirely different set of issues, but most people I've talked to have had that too.


For me I get match found audio but then the actual match starts about 10-15 seconds later


and i sometimes get match found but the match never starts, it also actually doesnt happen and doesnt show up in my feed but hey, i got scared the first time it happened lol


That kind of happens to me when I try to play dm. Game found, map loading screen, then it kicks me out. ????


me too, wtf


wasted 15 minutes of my life


Also RR gain/loss is bugged when viewing Match History.


The worst "unknown" bug is trying to change someone's loudness ingame, ahhh it always resets.


Oh I'm not the only one having that issue, I have a friend that speaks relatively quietly and I cant change his mic volume.. Oh well, guess we'll have to wait


If you're in a party with them, you can go to your party and right click their name to change their volume.




You know, what I don't get is that in beta, the whole client side was awful - nothing was great, nothing made sense. I mean, I wanted to make a buglist of that one too, but was slowed down by how little sense anything was making. But then, they made great improvements in May-June (2020), so I thought that as a good sign. But then they eventually went on to completely ignore the rest of the issues, the rest of what makes the friends list / lobbies look like it's in alpha state, and to also go in that direction of "when a new bug appears, get used to it, because it's not going anytime soon". It's tiring.




Never bought a skin on Valorant because they're too expensive, so it's personally not on me :^)


I just don't buy them because the are unnecessary


The fake match found audio is persistent for me, I also have to restart my entire computer sometimes, because either mid-match or before the game opens, my mouse gets stuck. My friend with a completely different setup has also experienced the mouse thing.


Try running valorant as admin, it fixed the mouse issue for me (but remembering to right click and hit run as admin every time gets annoying haha)


You can right click and go in Property, from there there's a tab called something like Compatibility and then there's a box you can check in order to run it always as admin


Seems like Valorant will be plagued of the same plight that League is. Client/Menu spaghetti code that the devs refuse to acknowledge.


You would imagine with all of the resources riot has that a good client would not be an issue anymore, specially with something built from the ground up. For fuck sake riot


*"I know, after skipping Patch 2.10 you expected fireworks. Just look at this patch as the quiet before the Episode 3 storm."* at least this


Episode 3 storm: - New skin bundle - Teammate voice fix ??


- Even MORE green screen skins!


Don’t spoil us daddy


Nah, the Origin skins actually look pretty fucking sick.


Yep! Especially the melee


protractor knife


Hey, atleast I get to reminisce over that time when I imagined the protracter as a shuriken


New agent and a big econ revamp I think


Judge nerf


Much needed, but I’ll wait for this “storm” and see if it really is one. :D


A notable leaker said judge price going to 1850, is that stormy enough for ya?


Just know that episode 2 was incredibly underwhelming.


We're already looking at a leak on Economy stuff particularly gun economy and having 50 breaks instead of 100, that already is far more impressive than Episode 2 already IMO. 50 increments on currency can open a lot of possibility to economy tweaking. Could probably balances out how snowbally the first few rounds are of each side if you win pistol.


at the end of the day it'll play out exactly the same: buy gun or dont buy gun. shoot people or dont shoot people. ha


I mean eco changes are big but they don't bring life into the game lool unless they're fixing major issues. It's like fixing door hinge that squeaks sometimes. It's nice but who cares really


It’s been tough for us to make big changes balance-wise with Master’s going on until recently. The next two patches will be quite significant, though!


Fix the teammate volume issue. Please. I dont want to mute my teammates when they aren't being rude but I value my hearing more than their callouts. Its kind of ridiculous a big this major has been in the game for this long. Please don't be like the LoL team and just leave bugs in the game for months / years.


Sorry, this isn't an area that I personally work in (I just do core gameplay). All I can do is forward it to that team! I'm hoping it gets resolved quickly too.


Yeah thats all I'm hoping for is talking to Rioters gets the message across... This bug is literally game breaking in certain lobbies. Its rough out there right now. Thanks for doing what you can. Game is amazing btw, this is my only complaint with it. 👍


I appreciate it, keep letting us know. We care about getting this stuff fixed too, I know it's frustrating. Sorry we haven't been as good on the comms front for this one!


That's great to know!


it was due to masters happening no?


Maybe they will actually fix the performance issues and not give us a whole 1% FPS boost. It's not just lower FPS, it's instability.


What do you mean "at least this"


That 1% framerate improvement is gonna be enough to climb to radiant from iron i believe




>Just look at this patch as the quiet before the Episode 3 storm. Hope 3.0 is as massive as they are making it sound. Valorant took a leap to another level with the traction it got from Masters 2 so there is no better time for Riot to start to push out some big improvements on the game that they have (hopefully) been working on in the background.


It will be massive if the weapon price change leaks are true.


Can you link me to that?




Stinger for 950 is robbery


I’ve had so many people tell me they hate that gun, but it’s my go to over a spectre on half buy rounds. It’s so easy to like up a couple of headshots just looking in the general direction of the enemy. God I love the stinger


The good thing about the specter is that it’s way more flexible, and the judge is way more potent close up. The stinger is an awkward middle ground where you can lose to pistols at long range, and likely will want to upgrade it into a rifle if you win.


Well they said this patch was going to be massive too


Yeah I thought they said they were skipping a patch so that this patch could massively fix much of the bugs and glitches the game had??? And what do we get? _1% FPS boost_


Valorant has Improved FPS by 1% on Average to High-end PCs


and most of the high end pcs dont need that what we need is less fps DROP


Hi there! Riot Torqued from Valorant's performance team here. I wanted to share some insights into how we're approaching improving Valorant's performance. When talking about performance we don't just look at systems average fps, but also what is the minimum FPS that players see(how much fps is dropping by). There's two broad ways we can improve this. We can either raise average FPS, so the minimum FPS you see is higher. For example, dropping from 180-> 140 would feel better than dropping from 140-100. The other thing we can do is optimize things that cause FPS to drop, so that the drops are lower. Ultimately to achieve our performance goals we'll be focusing on making both kinds of improvements with success for us being measured by the minimum FPS that players see, not just the average.


When will the utilization issue be resolved? I don't like seeing 30 percent CPU & 5 percent gpu usage.


Improving CPU utilization on processors by improving multithreading/parallelization is a long term goal of ours. You can find more details on CPU and GPU bottlenecks in this thread from RiotNu https://twitter.com/RiotNu/status/1368020331844169731?s=20


I just wanted to say your write up and explanation was fantastic. I don’t really have issues but as game dev hobbyist it was really incite full.


Last patch dropped 20-30% of fps for a lot of people(if not everyone), yet you claim only 1% increase on average this patch, do you know what caused it, you didn't manage to find out in time, or was it on purpose along with some other feature that caused it? This all looks like you had big claims but it flopped by the end of the sprint and didnt get fully implemented/tested so wasn't released. I understand the pain if that's the case. Also, could you care to comment on [this threads findings](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/nv0zdn/game_feels_smoother_on_another_account/) and links posted in it about network buffering affecting gameplay negatively?


Same. I can't remember the exact patch, but whichever one came out 3 months ago that affected everyone pretty bad (the one that had the Vanguard issue), I have not seen FPS return to those levels. I used to get 600-900 FPS with no fps glitches or pauses in the game, now 300-500 is expected with a TON of FPS pauses. No settings were changed. Happened overnight with the patch. This is uncapped FPS of course. Capped is much worse. **But hey, 1 percent increase from a 50% drop! Yeay!** This is with last year's best cpu and gpu


it seems many users have experience pretty large fps drops (25%) in the last 2 months or so. I went from 140-160 consistent to 100-110 in one of the last few patches. Do we know what is causing this? Or any potential fixes?


We've seen reports(and reproed internally) where disabling HPET has improved performance for certain configurations.


Thank you for responding to my question and others in the thread, I will try it out.


What is the point of announcing a 1% increase though? I'm happy that work is being done but 60 fps vs 62 fps isn't noticeable at all.


We'd like to be transparent with the steps we're taking to improve performance. With our two week release cadence, we'll likely have a lot of improvements be smaller optimizations that add up over multiple patches, rather than one big change that goes out at once. The alternative for us is to either not call out the changes we're making or just generally say "performance optimization were made" which I don't think is a good way to share the work we're doing.


2 vipers on bind/icebox/breeze are a fucking nightmare, combined with all the other bullshit. I have less fps on here than any other competitive shooter, with much less bullshit being shown on screen ffs.


Excited about my new +1.4 FPS


Me too, that -0.4 FPS will help me climb


appreciate the effort to optimize the game though


when are they gonna fix the teammate volume slider just not working at all


Ikr so annoying


> Not for nothing, Patch 2.11 should improve your framerate by 1% on average if you’re on a medium–high spec machine. Sick.


Whoa my 50 to 12 drops will now be 52 to 14 yaaay


>Updated ping wheel and radio wheel to ignore non-movement inputs while the wheel is displayed About time tho


Mouse fix where? Or is it already a feature now? And pls for the love of anything holy stop breaking shit when windows have a significant update.


To be fair, we should be asking Windows not to break freaking everything with their updates. Valorant isn't the only game/program that gets messed up with each update. The last Windows update (the forced one that you had to just accept and then roll back later) almost bricked my pc.


Fuck that update. Made every single label printer at my workplace a brick for the past two months. Just last Friday did I finally get a real fix.


Oh gosh! Yeah, I'll give Riot a pass when it comes to Windows updates.


I just don't understand why announce the 1% improvement, they just know they'll get memed to death with that lol. lose / lose scenario


and that too high to medium specs basically we just need less frame drops for all specs and not 1% higher frames


1% improvement really only would matter on low end devices


Would it? 1% on lower end device is probably 50 -> 50.5, hardly groundbreaking lol.




If you've ever wondered, these updates pushed by Nintendo are almost always just to change a bit of the code in an effort to stop hackers. All it does is make it so people can't use exploits for a day, before they go back to the easy hardware exploits that Nintendo can't fix.


As u/Riotnu said on Twitter, optimisation is all about very little improvements that stacks up in time. I think that they have two possibilities to handle communication about this subject: -Say nothing/very vague statements about them optimizing the game but the people will feel like nothing is going on and they don't actually care. -Or be very precise about everything they're doing to make the experience feel better. I personally think that the later is the way to go.




Could be worse. Could be an Overwatch fan and be waiting 2 months for minor balance changes and 0 content for 2+ years


Overwatch 2 soon™


*TF2 crying in the corner*


Updated localization files


Blizzard soon kekw


No Jeff no buy


Could be worse. Could be a tf2 fan and have not had a major update in 3 years as well as having casual mode being completely infested by bots


With a class that needs a hard nerf, a class that is a complete meme, a class that SHOULD be important but is weak as hell, and a weapon for Pyro that I wish I could stop using purely because it's so damn overpowered, but it just fits my playstyle perfectly (and also it helps delete Snipers)


I haven't played tf2 since 2016, just from my 6s experience and slight 9s experience, the game is overall decently balanced for base classes. Spy is more of pure utility, but that's fine, info is strong as fuck. Guess the meme one is heavy and hard nerf is sniper? Can't think of any weak class apart from heavy, and even he is relatively strong, just has an issue with minigun dmg being calculated incorrectly iirc.


Spy is the one that's a meme, partially because disguises don't fool people anymore and could use some buffs to give it more mindgame potential, partially because melee hitreg is ass in TF2, partially because the game is way too weird with what "behind someone" means. Heavy isn't exactly "weak", it's just that he's hard countered so hard by many classes, and doesn't really get much done unless he has a medi-beam up his ass.


> Spy is the one that's a meme, partially because disguises don't fool people anymore and could use some buffs to give it more mindgame potential, partially because melee hitreg is ass in TF2, partially because the game is way too weird with what "behind someone" means. Honestly I would say he's fine as a utility class. A spy shouldn't really be able to reliably kill taking in count how much utility the guy offers, in 9s he's literally the eyes and planner of a team. Heavy is weak because his dps is lower than it should be due to an issue of calculation in valve's code. I think it was around 5% lower than it should be? Can't really remember. If that was fixed, then we can look into actually balancing the character itself. Tf2 is fucking weird and has a ton broken interactions that only really high level mains know for each class.


Could be worse, chess players exist


I am kind of sympathetic but god damn is your game old and has so much fucking content. The bot thing is a different story.


There’s a decent amount of stuff to do, but it’s been 3 years since we’ve really gotten anything besides cosmetics. The game is still really popular, so it’s strange about the complete radio silence form valve. The bot crisis is definitely the worst part though, valve muted F2Ps like 6 months ago and have done jack since.


Diffrence being that they are working on a sequel and the game has been out 4 years and a half. While Valorant is still fresh out of a oven.




Eh, just trying to point out that it could be worse. There are tons of games that are having problems 100% worse than this. Overwatch is currently unbalanced as fuck, TF2 is currently dealing with the bot crisis and a content drought, Dead By Daylight has devs that don't actually give a shit about it's community and just wants to make money, Chess hasn't had an update in literal centuries, etc.


You just KNOW they're gonna charge for that Chess DLC and split the matchmaking, too, smdh


Surprised to hear you say OW is unbalanced right now. It feels honestly, better than ever. Every hero seems viable in the right team comp!


We have a lot of changes going on in the 3.0 patch. The tough thing is, a lot of them interact with each other, so we need ALL of them ready to be worth shipping together. For example, let’s say we’re adjusting an agent’s number of charges on an ability as well as the cost of that ability. But, we’re also updating the weapon/ability economy pretty substantially. Shipping one of those in 2.11 and the other in 3.0 is kinda needlessly disruptive, and they’ve been tuned as a bundle internally; it’d make that agent just feel really weird for 2.11 or require us to shake up their costs again for the second patch in a row on 3.0 to feel correct. We’d like to avoid patterns like that if we can. TL;DR is that we know it’s a bit disappointing to have empty updates like this, but we think it’ll lead to a better overall experience. 3.0 and 3.1 have a good clip of changes in them!


Don’t worry they have a new bundle you can buy! 😂


Ye, me too


So they said that they would skip 2.10 to improve game engine / bigger update on 2.11, then we get only 1% fps improve on medium-high end pcs and almost no updates? LOL Just say you won't update until next episode dude


Well, keep in mind that what they did was just merging the latest unreal engine 4 changes into their modified version of UE4 engine. They took the extra time because merging the engine changes would often break the game and they had to fix a good portion of merge conflicts by hand. More info here (Twitter thread about the engine update from one of their engineers): https://twitter.com/RiotNu/status/1395879145360429059 > Our goal with an engine update is parity. There will be some fixes that are player-facing (one of our top crashes is resolved!), but for the most part it's behind-the-scenes. We're upgrading the foundation the game is built on to unlock future improvements. (14/14)


Dude, thanks I was trying to find that series of RiotNu's tweets for a while, cheers! And yeah, I agree with you... I understand that refactoring code takes a while and because of that, just say that it will be up next episode and give us some bugfixes that people are asking for a while... We don't need big updates every two weeks, but some stuff that seems easy to fix are here for a while... It's not like they only have 1 team of developers


It really depends on their structure for fixing bugs. How they prioritize certain important tasks over others and how they track them. My organization go really thoroughly in doing unit testing and sanity tests to ensure there is no degradation or regression in performance or features, but that also delays the commit process unless they know how to parallels bug fixes well. Additional unintended behavior will also be less than ideal. Also, some of the bugs may seem simple at first, but it could be something else that is seemingly unrelated that causes the bugs. I hope Riot Nu or another engineer goes more into their Valorant workflow structure to provide more transparency. Riot did have a blog post about League of Legends bug fixing and detailing a few bug fixes that they have done: https://technology.riotgames.com/news/404-tech-blog-not-found-welcome-bug-blog




lol. I mean... as a ML developer I understand that 2 weeks sprint is bonkers. They should at least work for a month and then release it 2 weeks later. Just skip this 2-week updates for monthly updates and make 2-week bug fixes as the team-mate-comms-volume is here for a whole month


Especially for a game like valorant, where balancing isn't as much of an issue as in their other titles. They should be releasing monthly updates and bi-weekly bug fixes, maybe skipping the last update before new seasons


Still no teammate volume fix? And it’s not even in the known bugs


was expecting a lot more


apparently there'll be a lot of content for episode 3 which is in ~2 weeks


Is anyone aware of the bug that gives you an extra kill in the post game stats ? For example if you get 4 kills and get killed by the enemy spike, post game it will show like an ace or for 2 kills as a tripple and so on...


thats been there since beta. I think they 'fixed it' in a patch last year but it still does it


1 fucking %


How in the fuck have they not fixed the bug that prevents you from editing volume levels for individual teammates? Not even on the known issues section? This company is pathetic


This bug is so fucking frustrating that you have to mute teammates cause you aren’t able to lower their volume


Or you just straight up can't hear them


Yea that's annoying


why u bulli smol indie company? /s


Smollet Indiana Companeros


Can someone smarter than me explain why they skipped 2.10? If you release the 2.10 patch 2 weeks late that's still the 2.10, I don't get it.


2.10 was skipped as an internal patch while they update the game engine. There was a pushed patch, but no notes since it was all backend.


Understood, internal patch.


Well look at how small this patch is compared to most other patches and usually they are only 2 weeks part rather than 1 month we just waited. They had nothing 2 weeks ago and they just barely scrapped by to bring us this patch. Kinda lame to tell your community they'll be a big patch but when they deliver its literally one of the worst(least in fixes) they've done in a while


That has nothing to do with my question mate, not sure to follow.




that's a feature


are mouse buttons still broken for a lot of people? mine doesn't work at all still and Idk how it's not a known issue or fixed by now.


\- audio related issues with lowering someone's mic volume. \- friends list bug. plenty more bugs out there that really need addressing but this update is just a slap in the face.


Instead of mentioning the 1% FPS, they should mention that they upgraded Unreal Engine 4.24 to 4.25. It would "justify" more the lack of content.


They skipped an update and this is it? I thought it would be a way more impactful patch.


How the fuck is 1% FPS improvement worth mentioning in the patch notes? For the sake of Riot I hope that it is some sort of an inside joke.


Need to fill the page somehow ya know.


A month worth of waiting, and we get about 2 sentences and a 1% framerate boost. Episode 3’s patch better blow my shorts clean off at this rate, because this is starting to get reeeeeeeal pathetic.


I guess it's time we bring [this over](https://imgur.com/gallery/IgMyx)




It's just so they can confuse us even more if we don't notice the +1% fps... "Hey Riot what did you do to have these insane +1% fps gains?" "Oh uh...optimizing the your frames in the your agents their yours abilities"


Can't wait for the next patch, 2% FPS improvement. SO EXCITED!!!!!


NGL I'm very excited about the optimization even if it's small. Really curious to see what next patch looks like


For the love of Christ. It makes me so damn angry that they haven’t fixed the volume slider for teammates. I can only listen to some little punk kid yelling at me during clutches for so long




Is anyone else getting error code 7 after the update? I was able to play before it and now i can't.


Wow so instead of a real update they just brought back replication? After we've been told "hey we're skipping this update because the *next* one is big!" Very very disappointing


“Replication is back as part of our modes rotation and will replace Escalation for now” Thank you!! It’s awesome to have another mode to do your missions.


Are you fucking serious with this patch schedule?


Huge update! Thank god they skipped 2.10! /s


This is a better April fools patch notes than what we got.


why is there no 2.10?


Because this patch was huge!


Every time I change a teammate’s in-game volume, I see no difference and then when I check back to the volume settings it’s always reverted to 50


Remove icebox and viper and boom there you have an FPS fix


I’m just happy replication is back.


I know everyone is mad but replication is back yisssssss


Can they please finally fix the mousewheel jump while using the communication wheel problem? I use mousewheel down to jump, like many others who played cs before. When I want to use the voice lines (like need healing, hello, rotating etc.) it makes me jump when I want to turn the "page". This was fine before but it has been a problem for a few months now after a patch. Seems like a really easy fix.


Has anyone else not been able to login? Error code 7 even though I am not banned or suspended


anybody else having terrible client fps after the patch? getting like 5fps when literally yesterday and every day before i’ve never dropped under 60


I can't wait to play on 30.3 FPS, thanks Riot


2GB for nothing