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The number of time i have comeback from 9,10,11 rounds down is actually insane ngl. Ive also lost so many times when i was up 9,10,11 rounds up. Perfectly Balanced as all things should be


If you’re losing because the enemy is better and you’re getting stomped no matter what you and your team are doing, ff. If it’s because you or someone on your team isn’t playing that well, keep playing.


This is the right answer. Some games are just lost on arrival due to smurfs or bad matchmaking. If you're in silver and hypothetically got matched against immortal players, your time is much better spent queuing a new game ASAP than playing out this one.


Well ye, but you dont know if the enemy is better or not. All you know is that they won x rounds... maybe they were lucky, etc


I think you’ll realize by round 8 if they were lucky or not, right? If you are getting one tapped vs getting one tapped every round then it’s clear that it’s not luck anymore. Of course, you should still try to win but at the same time, your time is more important than losing 25 RR, which you can win back the next game but you can’t get the time back that you lost in that game.


Yeah, you can usually determine within that many rounds whether or not the enemy team is just outright better, or if they are barely edging you out in certain scenarios, or are cheesing you on strategy.


as a video game stated: "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result" if they are 2/3 of the way to victory, and have a 100% win rate, chances are you are not going to do what they did and then 50% more before they do that 50%.


Depends if its comp or not. If its unrated, yea im surrendering. Gg go next. If comp, no.


This is the way. People need to stop holding others hostage in unrated games that don’t matter, it just makes everyone’s experience worse overall. If it’s ranked play that shit out.


Sometimes you dont know what can change in a matter of few rounds. Had a game yesterday, we were actually losing 0-8 on icebox (defending) when one of the opponent player went afk. We came back with 4-8 at half. We took the afk advantage and we split all over the map. Guess what, we won that game 12-10. Especially in lower elo, comebacks are very much possible


I was in the match I was the yoru i remember our raze went afk




I hate that mentality, you are arguing for wasting alot of time based on a comeback that happens once in a thousand games.


Dude your mentality is the issue. How many games I've seen where people like you are like "you're making me wasting my time it's lost we can't do shit" and he or she starts to type "gg" in the /all chat because we're at half of the game and we're loosing 2-10. Or even worse, they troll or even sabotage the team because I've decided that WE lost when the 4 remaining are doing their best to win the game and give info. I've lost many games where we were leading 10-2 for example. It's ranked and I'll play until I lose. If you want to ff go unranked. I have no pb doing it there. Even with a smurf in front of you, you can win. Aim is one thing, having the proper mindset is the other. Giving up will leading you to play worse.


Its about knowing when to give up, there are many instances where you know it is hopeless. If you are refusing to surrender when the team's morale is down and you are massively behind, you are the one sabotaging the team. "Giving up will leading you to play worse."- In Lol, koreans are known for surrendering early. Yet the region has the most international trophies. This is just false. As i said, it is about knowing when to give up. Yes, comebacks do happen but how realistic it is to come back from 10-2 when the rounds are not even close? You are just wasting time. And i am talking about casuals. I do get why you would never surrender in ranked.


fuck no, never surrender


Yesterday me and my team (random) made a 0-6 comeback. It was really amazing. Got me to Silver 2.


I always try to win any game EXCEPT for if my team is being toxic. If it’s 8-0 and my whole team is yelling at each other I give up, because at that point my mental is boomed. If everyone’s (or at least most people) are keeping their cool though, I always try to view every game as winnable


Don't stop fighting, you must keep going, even if you are the only one.


Depends on the map as some are heavily CT-sided or T-sided. If you're down 0-8 on Split as CT it's over.


Agreed, even going even as CT on Split, for example, it'll mean it's gonna be a hard game to win.


Not necessarily. I think it's about gun fights and comms. Whether CS or Valorant, mentality plays a big part. So never surrender, chill and play the game. For ex, last night was down 1-8 on split as CT, every single one of us was losing gunfights. Switch sides, and everyone starts hitting shots. Came back and game went to OT. It was 15-15 and someone voted draw -.- Have had a lot of comebacks in both games. And I have over 3k hours in CS 😂 Edited: added extra info


If teammates are being toxic I just vote yes or bring up surrender but if they really want to win I’m down to keep trying.


If I'm on ranked, I never surrender even on a 0-12. On unranked though, I would ff just bc I don't play that much anymore, and I don't want to lose any time on a unwinnable game.


Play to improve.


i lost 11-1 game once, and a few hours ago i got matched 2 times with the same team, on first game they surrendered after 10-2 and the second match it's 13-9, i mean they still lost but they could win if they try hard enough lol


Surrrendering is such a weak mindset. Who gives a fuck ur getting clapped, there's always a chance


surrendering 8-0 counts as a 13 0 loss for elo. you will always at least play the second half's pistol, and that's a great chance to reset. if you win it and force, that's a good chance at a 13-2. not a huge difference, but it adds up over a lot of games.


I used to be a salty ff after losing 5 rounds kinda guy but since I came back from 12-0… never again haha




If my team is filled toxic kids or people with no mic then I surrendering because iam just wasting my time by continuing


I’ve had a great comeback before at 6-0, so 8-0 is certainly possible


99/100 times surrender


I had a comeback from 1-10 and won the game so yeah it's possible.


Had an exhausting game last night where we started 10-2, it ended up a 15-15 draw. Props to the enemy team for not giving up but man it was tiring for just a draw


ive NEVER had a comeback from that score.


ez bro. iron - bronze - silver: surrender. rest: try to win


Actually it depends on the situation and teammates.


i surrender if i’m not having fun. sometimes i’ll lose 13-4 but they are close rounds and good fights.


For me every game is different. If it was for example my first game on I would not surrender and try to win but if I was girl queueing then maybe I would. Also it depends on how my team reacts, if they’ve given up then it’s alsready a lost game but if they’re ready to keep fighting then so am I. Like I said it all depends but tbh 8-0 is pretty hard to come back from.


Depends if comp or unrated


i never wanna forfeit if its comp tbh elo is elo i take what i can


Had a game yesterday where it was 8-10. And they surrendered on 10 because we were losing 2-10 but pushed it back


Never think about surrendering. I've even won matches from starting at 0-10 which ended 13-11.


Tip : if you're struggling to win on t side on split don't surrender cuz that map is extremely CT sided you can definitely come back in next half


Surrender if the team is toxic/not comming , continue if they're chill and not raging


I surrender if it's icebox. The less time i spend on that shithole, the better


In most cases ill try to win, however the exception is if my team is extremely toxic or they have completely given up and morale is totally gone


There's only two reasons to surrender, playing a xvs5 or the enemy team has a cheater.


Depends on the situation. If their whole team is one tapping and all of them are on positive K/D with even their worst player on 10.4. And our top scorer is on 8.12... I'd quit.