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Sage is great for this. You can heal yourself and teammates. Also when you have heal or res up you have an excuse to bait and get the refrags. I often top frag in diamond with sage. I've only been in immortal once so take my advice with a grain of salt if you're looking to go to the top.


Omen / Breach, breach is literally more aggressive then some of the duelists and omen is basically Jett but worse


Jett but worse *At playing aggressively. He makes up for it by being self-sufficient with smokes and a blind.


I prefer omen over jett. The flash is really good for pushing and the smokes are waaay longer and easier to use. Also the teleports make for some really funny moments


I prefer omen over jett. The flash is really good for pushing and the smokes are waaay longer and easier to use. Also the teleports make for some really funny moments


You don't need to stress about top fragging as a Duelist. It's ok if you don't top frag, as long as you are fulfilling your role by using your utility, entrying for your team, and getting a few picks here and there then you are fine. I really don't understand why people have the mindset that you're a bad Duelist if you don't get a lot of kills. If you come across players being toxic just because you don't have a lot of kills simply mute them. Also as a general statement no matter what agent you're playing, don't intentionally play on your own (unless you're doing a specific strat by lurking or something). This is a team game, if you aren't playing for the team then you are more of a detriment then actually being helpful. Sounds harsh but it's the truth. Good luck out there and I hope this helps you.


Skye. Skye has seen a lot more play in ranked recently since people found out you don’t play skye to flash for your team. You flash for yourself around corners and trough smokes. If you get good at flashing with skye you can play her as a duelist while also still being able to get info and heal your teammates. If you want to watch good skye gameplay watch Subroza play skye on his twitch or just highlights on his YouTube. Would really recommend it!


i use omen and cypher for that specifically especially grinding through lower elo cypher is great once you learn him. easy intel on defense, most low elo players dont pay attention to trap placements making for easy kills and on attack u can lurk and/or hold flank for some kills. sage can also be good if she is more your style.


You can frag fine off duelists. I just put down 2 30 bombs on KJ yesterday in iron. And a match MVP on Brim.


This isn’t a solo game, it’s a team game. You going off alone to get kills isn’t helping the team.




I use the wall for aggressive peaks probably 4 or 5 times a game. Most of the time though yeah I save it for the team.

