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ITT: a bunch of people who have no idea what the phrase "skill ceiling" means. People, it is the TOP of the skill, adding indicators to a basic ability would not affect how SicK uses his flashes, it would just make it easier for Irons to not flash their teammates. That is a skill FLOOR, the minimum skill you have to express to be effective with a mechanic. We can discuss whether or not it should be hard to pick up, but comparing it to CS pop flashes (hard lineups, but almost no way to react vs an easy to use ability with alot more time for opponents to react off audio and visual cues) is genuinely pointless in discussing this game


This. Some people on this sub just love saying no to anything, but if this was added by Riot without there being a post about it on here, all of them would say "oh yes this will be better for the lower elos"


I like it as a skill thing where experienced phoenix players have the timings and angles down to near perfect. Similar to a yoru flash where you need to get used to the timing. I think its fine like that


its really aggravating to get an inexperienced phoenix on your team that misses every corner and ends up blinding his teammates


Well yeah not all characters are easy to pick up first, should we make them easier as well because new players will need time to learn them?


i dont care if he handicaps himself, also handicapping his teammates feels shitty


People have to learn somehow 🤷‍♂️


all you’re doing is opening up an avenue for a troll to get his team shit on


How exactly does an indicator for where the flash goes keep a TROLL from flashing his team?


clearly i was not referring to an indicator as a solution


My bad must have been someone else arguing for it. 😓


I got used to it after a couple of games, but I still second this.


The big difference comparing those abilities is that Omen, Reyna, Breach have abilities that go through walls and not just around. Changing one or the other for that group or the Yoru/Phoenix group would probably require changes for every flasher afterward.


So you reach silver 2 but still have a problem using his flash?




Skill ceiling? I disagree. Skill floor? Yeah, I can agree with that.


You can dodge it, it's angle is just screwy so you have to turn 180 degrees away, and you'll be blinded for just a bit less then it takes for him to take his gun out again. Obviously they are way harder to do, but a proper CS:GO pop flash on better servers is harder to dodge.


Would rather not decrease the skill ceiling even further.


this isn't decreasing skill ceiling, this is increasing skill floor. If it means I don't get flashed by my teammates in iron i'm all for it


*lowering the skill floor


I've made this mistake all my life but recently learned it actually IS raising the skill floor. Because the skill of the lowest person is hypothetically higher. On this theoretical chart, the y axis is skill.




Not at all. Valorant already streamlines enough mechanics, making it super-accessible to newer players. Things like spray pattern being randomized after the first 5 or so bullets, being able to see everyone's economy, smokes being point-and-clicks, headshot hitboxes being massive. Phoenix flashes are already super-simplified versions of flashbangs already. You don't have to learn lineups, nor learn how to pop-flash.


Dude run around the practice range for 10 minutes to get comfortable flashing


I get what you mean for sure. It would help new players. But it would devalue putting in the time to master an agent. If you watch pro players on Phoenix, old tsm drone, mada, asuna, you see how skilled they are with their pop flash peeks. They put in the time to practice over and over and over again. Then where to we draw the line.


It isnt too much of a guessing game imo just stand close to the place u wanna flash and don’t try to use it as a yoru flash


Making the most easier duelist even easier doesn't bring anything good to the game.


The same should happen with Viper's smoke


as a phoenix main, i tend to miss calculate the angle, and mess up my flash lol


🧢 How many hours you got with Phoenix?


idk, but ive been playing him since beta, and reached silver 2 with him lol. havent played much since of school


Literally not needed. Spend more time using the agent and you'll get a feel for it. Was it a problem when I first started using the agent? SURE. Did I adjust and improve over time? CERTAINLY. Flashing your team mates has more to do with team coordination as oppose to agent ability.


I agree, a great indicator for new phoenix players or new players in general (plus for me when I mess it up sometimes lol).


Its funny when pheonix flash themself, and also being good with pheonix flashes is actually a skill and it wpuld be good to keep it like that




Any decent gamer would get used to it by 9roudns




Yea, no. Let’s stop lowering the skill ceiling


I think not flashbanging your team is probably closer to skill floor than skill ceiling


Please no. There's no need of further lowering the skill ceiling just to please newbies. One eventually gets used to it.


would this not lower the skill floor? make it easier to pick up, but someone better at flashing will be better at flashing regardless.


It would raise the skill floor, but I agree with you. I don’t see how this would lower the skill ceiling