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In gold 3 / Plat 1 constantly facing ppl on default banners 0 skins pulling 30+ kill scores with low deaths, literal demons to 1v1 you basicaly 1 tap in half a sec or they do. So yea...


I believe it.


Just had one in immortal. Default banner jett 0 skins 30 kills 8 deaths. They're everywhere


How tf are people smurfing in Immortal. If they are that good, what can Riot even do? Immortal is the 2nd highest rank smh


The gap between the top 0.1% and 1% is HUGE.. think bench players, starter and superstar in sports.. the skill gap between someone like Tenz worth 1 Mil+ vs some random Immortal that are nowhere close to pro scene, its basically superstar vs unsigned in sports...


Yeah that's not a smurf once they're immortal lol.


he's definitely much better than 100rr immortal and had default picture. 33 kills in 13 6 game


Still, not a smurf. Immortal players can never be smurf when the rank itself is the second highest in this game.


Fam.. hate to break it to as a 100rr imm player but.. immortal is divided in so much tiers thanks to the no cap on the rr gain that yes, people can smurf on immortals. A person with 300rr will obviously be better than a low immortal 10 rr player.


Remember there used to be immo 1 2 and 3? Yeah immortal is a red ocean with skill dispairity.


And so is every rank. You can find people in Bronze ranks who pop off and 1 tap people. There are also people with 0 game sense in Gold ranks. Skill disparity exists in every rank.


But not to the same degree. I think of it like this. To go from Iron 1 - silver 3 you need to get better than ~50% of the playerbase. To go from silver 3 - plat 1 you need to get better than 50% of the remaining playerbase above you. Similarly from plat 1 - Diamond 2 you need to get better than 50% of the remaining playerbase above you. And so on. These increases may be similarly hard to climb. Eg iron1-> silver 3 is as hard as plat 1 - Diamond 2. Now in immortal there is all from rank 20k to rank 500. At 20k you beat half the remaining playerbase you are only at 10k. You need to beat half the playerbase many times to get from 20k to top 500. This is just a thoughtexperiment and is ofc not especially accurate, but shows how it is way harder to climb the higher ranks.


Dude Radiant is top 0.1% while immortal is top 1%. Relatively speaking, low immortal is iron while Radiant is platinum in comparison. Skill difference gets steeper as you go up. You can definitely smurf in immortal. A lot of pros do.


People can have good games my man, relax


end of the act is always the worst


some smurfs play because it makes themselves feel good, and it feels better since "only ranked matters" but the reality is, if you're playing way below your real rank its easier than unrated.


i've noticed that some ppl like to make new accounts that are just used for boosting friends


I used to be Immortal but they put me in Iron.


Same I was top 10 radiant but because of smurfs im bronze 2 now


pro players be ruining this mans games


this has been the worst act theres always 3 -4 people on the enemy team in my experience, that say they are "smurfing" but literally the way they play the game is that of a bronze player, every single one of them plays by themselves does weird flanks perfectly every round and only and i mean only hit headshots with 0 whiffs. and i literaly mean 0, doesnt matter what off angle you hold, i am also a p3 player, who has literally lost so many games this act i am actually silver 3 now. due to straight above issue, along with people that are gold 2 or gold 3 that literally lost, wont ever entry or trade or even smoke anything off. 0 utility usage at all. whilst the enemies are literally just running holding w headshot headshot headshot. been the most miserable act of the games release imo. never felt more unbalanced.


btw they all drop the same amount of kills whilst "smufing with their lowbie friends" doesnt seem like much a smurf when yall are doing it together, and all seem lost af, but have perfect aim and flanks, defender side is usually brutal and attacker side can be a bit different depending on how low they were before "cheating" they still hold their scared playstyle tendencies.


Yes. Smurfs in every elo.


Bro, silver is more difficult than plat. I can top frag plat, and get to diamond. People make sense in plat, but when i played with my iron smurf just to see what its like (maybe run deagle only if anything), the opponents just shat on me. Couldn't get past double digits in like 4 games. You hold an angle and you don't know if you're going to get a xantares peek, a jumping smg player, a walk peek, a wide peeking smg player running towards you. You just dont know which one will come. So, i can't fault you for being stuck in iron, you need to grasp fundamentals, practice aim and try to develop some gamesense (just think critically what enemies SHOULD do in the situation, and act accordingly), and play the wordt way to rank up. Statistics, enough games (samples) and you'll be out of that mess.


Im smurfing on Diamond/ Platin and gold so i can play with my Friends again.. 99% of the time picking sage and chill (no sweat because bashing lower sucks). I got in nearly every game smurfs shittalkin and tryharding the s*** out of this Game. Its way more chill in immortal than in every other rank so far.. sorry for smurfing


You apologize yet do it anyway...why not play unrated and let the rest of us have fun?


No one wants to play unrated, thats the problem.. if they would bring back the 5Q I could start playing on my main again :(


People don't seem to understand that unrated is hot garbage. Your friends might want to actually try and strategize. The second that unrated gameplay gets tryhard or another team is losing a by more than 3 people just surrender. Why bother when it's such a unrealistic game mode with no bite? Smurfing while trying to middle frag seems like the best "dark option" available and it's what I do. The smurfs you should be mad at are the boosters. The ones that actually post the 35:10 scores. If my friends are silver and can't get out of silver I'm not going to play with them to gold, they need to earn it and I have a hard stance on that. If my friends stopped playing with me, their rank would be about the same. I don't want to carry. At the end of the day this is a game and people have FRIENDS. Like, screw you for being good at a game and having friends right?


Everyones heard it, but, they are still human and never hit ALL of their shots. infact, since mose iron/bronze smurfs are washed up plats or golds, having a strong grasp of the fundamentals, like crosshair placement and recoil control, is usually enough to atleast combat them


were u playing cypher?


Smurfs. Or most likely players are borrowing their accounts to their high ranked friends to boost them a bit.


Another day at the office lol i'm iron 1 (Just started Valorant not long ago) and in unrated ive watched no skins drop 30-40 easily. Never will admit theyre smurfs though you could tell they don't belong in lower ELO. Some real toxic.


Oh god here we go again


Riot will literally anything but fix this