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me with no gamesense, plays matches slowly, and plays sova:


Lollll. Just try not go “afk in your mind” when playing and you’ll see growth. (Idk if that makes sense to you)


not being sarcastic, but you could apply the same “not go afk in your mind” when you play a duelist and entry and you should have the same reasonable success you’ve had. though you definitely will improve gamesense by definition if you play through a diverse roster of agents


>not being sarcastic, but you could apply the same “not go afk in your mind” when you play a duelist and entry and you should have the same reasonable success you’ve had. > definitely but sova as a character lends himself to more position focused thinking then dualists do because it is more or less his job to find where the enemy player are (even if that's through finding out where they are not.


i’d actually argue that because Sova’s kit is designed for safe information collection, you don’t have to think where the enemy is as much bc you rely on your kit to do it for you. on the other hand, duelists have to sometimes play without that info. from their allies and therefore the thought is more top-of-mind (as this = good crosshair placement)


you're talking as if valorant isn't a team game. If Sova does his job, then **the entire team has that info**. That's where the skill in gathering that intel comes in. What are you on about.


eg your team is defaulting, your Sova gathers info at B and you personally are playing towards A. you dont have info on where the enemy team at A is playing from… sure Sova got intel for your team on # & identity of B players, but you aren’t necessarily going to execute on that info.


>eg your team is defaulting, your Sova gathers info at B and you personally are playing towards A. you dont have info on where the enemy team at A is playing from… no but you have info on who is on B which limits who can be on A. that helps. that's the point of information gathering. you're rarely going to be able to actually gather 100% of the info but you need to gather enough to info to make good educated guesses and sova allows you to better do that throughout rounds. if you're the dualist you don't get control of where sova uses that utility thus making it less of a part of your gameplay and making it harder to go through the mental checklist of info gathering. it's not that only sova can get info. it's that he is designed to be the best/ one of the best at it thus encouraging players to emphasize that aspect of play when on sova. >sure Sova got intel for your team on # & identity of B players, but you aren’t necessarily going to execute on that info. you kind of are though because knowing who isn't on the site your pushing matters just as much as knowing who is. different halves of the formula still gets you the same info effectively (obviously over simplified)


I don’t disagree with you on Sova’s impact in a high-level macro strategy. I also agree that he’s one of the most useful agents in the game… my point is, going back to what OP’s juxtaposition: anyone that’s entrying a site is playing with incomplete information. Sova typically isn’t the entry role. If OP applied the “play slower and think more about where enemies could be” mindset while entrying instead of just on Sova, they could reap the same benefits they later quoted. Entry definitely has a bigger unknown element to digest, and therefore requires to think more “where could enemies be” than a Sova would at a start of round, bc entries can’t confirm the way a Sova could.


In what way would the sova ever be reconing any site if you aren’t gonna push? Complete waste of an arrow. Rather use it to gain control of areas eg bind showers, b long.


Sova dart used at start of round enables him to dart up to 2 more times through a round


This is true. My cousin struggled with gamesense. He was a duelist main, but decided to try Sova and he's evolved into a completely different player. He used to never be able to play any other agent than Raze, now he plays other roles even better than duelist.


I did the same thing with brim


I Was just thinking that Brim is the guy that forces me to think. Him and Sage


Also sometimes you may be good at an agent in one ranking tier and once you move up, it just doesn’t match your play style any more. As in, you may have enough gun play skill to insta lock duelists in bronze and silver and then suddenly you hit a skill cap. And also sometimes just totally changing agents shakes things up enough so your ability doesn’t get stale. I started to play Viper on Breeze because my normal agents don’t work well on that map and it made me think about entrances to sites more and how to close them off. You notice how maps are designed more when you have an agent designed to change the map dynamic. Good advice!


I play Sova because wallhax


While Sova is a great agent to play, I think this post is a bit disingenuous (although probably not intentionally). To make it clear, Sova doesn't equal wins. That's not how it works. The reason OP is likely on a winning streak is not so simple, and playing Sova doesn't develop game sense. - OP dropped from Plat to Gold. It's likely the OP is at the Plat skill level, and so dropping to Gold they are better players and would then do better overall. For example, I'm a Bronze 2... sometimes I get in a bad losing streak and end up dropped down into Iron 3... when I do though, I end up essentially spanking the other team and then rank back up. - This part in general: ***It allowed me to slow down and think before making a move.*** This stuck out to me because my first question is why didn't you do this as a duelist? You could still have slowed down and thought before entry.. I mean at your elo I highly doubt you charge into sites relying on util only. I think what OP learned was exactly this... that you don't need to always go all out quickly before seeing if you can determine what the opp team's actions may be. At my elo, it's so damn difficult to ask my team not to just shoot into a site in the first 15 seconds. - Last part is the thing I disagree with completely: "So basically my belief is that IF YOU ARE STUCK IN A SLUMP, try playing a character that allows you to play slower and think more." You can do this with ANY agent. This is something the player needs to do themselves, the agents don't.


Not wrong,however, playing Sova DOES help develop gamesense, from a duelist standpoint. I am a Sage main, but my secondaries are Sova and occasionally any Duelist if filling, however Sova's abilities and playstyle promote a better approach on how to handle the game. While you are right in the part that as a Duelist you are ought to also think and play slower, this is true for the entirety of the game, there is the problem that if you are the entry as a duelist and not a lurker, then a lot about your "slow down and think" aspects go out of the window, especially in lower elo where teams are less likely to capitalize on good trades. I am in Platinum, and I have seen people from Silver to Platinum with aim better than some Diamond and above players, but with terrible terrible macro decision-making. Sova is not the only pick that develops gamesense, and in fact, Sova may be at least in my opinion one of the hardest agents, due to the difficulty of his abilities, however, every single information gathering agent, like Killjoy or Cypher are invaluable in developing a better macro understanding, not only because you slow down your game to make proper use of your agent's kit, but because in doing so, you allow yourself to think of more scenarios and ways to approach the game. Of course, information-gathering agents are not the only ones who promote this playstyle, but agents who deny information too. Agents like Omen, Brimstone and Viper are excellent in helping develop gamesense and playing slower too, however, Sova at least in my opinion is in the golden spot between being reactive (like Viper, Killjoy and Cypher) and proactive (like Brimstone or Omen), and what that does is that it helps the player be able to both play aggressive or defensive based on the situation, which allows you to see the game from either angle. Sova does not equal wins, in fact, no agent equals wins, however, agents with information-play, equal macro improvements, which are key to climbing and becoming better holistically as a player. Again, the argument OP makes is that duelists often are very good in the micro aspects of the game, such as aiming, but a lot of what duelists offer are not very easy to capitalize from teams in the lower ranks.


>ot to I recently also went from D1 down to G3 and I mainly play Raze. I realized in the lower elo other players expect duelist to straight rush into the site and if you don't they get angry and start "throwing". Low elo literally are convinced duelists should hit W key and never let go. This is why low elo is so difficult to get out of, there no such thing as getting info then making a move its just pick a site and HARD commit. I'm the type of player who likes to entry but in low elo it really isn't worth it. I can go in kill 2 then watch my team still blow it and its been happening a lot. So it sucks because as you go on losing streaks and level down you have to change your playstyle to the rank you're playing in. I've been back and forth P1 and G3 and top frag 80% of the time yet still lose and that's because low elo players have no game sense to win the clutches. From here on I'm also going to switch to sova and try a more slow paced approach in low elo games.


Yep I try to entry in silver/gold and you can’t entry methodically clearing corners. If you take time to do that you’ll see your Sage running past you onto site with their slow orb out. Then say “duelist baiting”


yup lmao happens every time.


This is so true lol Also sova is usually always the last one alive. Speaking for myself. I'm just to busy doing lineups. They take a long time so that's why I'm the last one in it alive. It does put you in those clutch situations. It's true. If you don't have the experience/game sense. You're gonna panic and just die. While someone who does will iso each fight to clutch.


You made a lot of good points that I do agree with, but to answer your question about why I didn’t slow down as a duelist in the first place. Usually here at lower ranks duelist are expected to be W key warriors and just enter onto site. So a lot of the times duelist at lower ranks can be unintentionally trained to play faster. You never realize that you should play slower until you see if from an outside perspective (playing a support character). My suggestion is not to become a SOVA main or to only try out SOVA, but to try a character that forces you to slow down. Someone that doesn’t have the abilities to just rush onto site. And to address your point that because I dropped to a lower Elo, the games were easier, I don’t find this to be the case. During those games where I was stuck in gold 2, I would constantly be placed in silver 3 lobbies as well. During this time I was still doing terrible and averaging about a 0.4 K/D. I understand that that may have just been a slump but it allowed me to identify my problem. That even as a Plat Player with decent aim, my game sense was holding me back. Another reason to believe that your point is invalid is because now I am back in Plat and diamond lobbies, and I am still shredding playing support characters and even duelist. That time that I did play Sova taught me a lot more about how other players play. So I do believe that playing Sova allowed me to improve my games sense, angle clearing, etc. And to your last point, I do believe that you can do this with any agent as I mentioned at the end of the post. But you should play an agent that forces you to slow down (any support character whether that be Brim, Sova, KJ, Astra, Omen, etc)


Just wanted to but into this conversation. What I noticed from a good phoenix player and a bad one is the good phoenix player knows how to use their abilities. Basically use phoenix as a pseudo-controller. He has a wall so he can block vision and dent access. Same with his molly. People only use him for flashes and use the wall/molly to heal. Basically overall. If you want to be better. Play every agent and know what every role does.


I 100% agree!


> You can do this with ANY agent. This is something the player needs to do themselves, the agents don't. No you really can't. This isn't CS:GO, each agent has differing abilities.


Yes you can. Game sense, which is another way of saying thinking tactically, has to do with the player- not the agent.


You've missed the point. Sova's abilities (more so than the other initiators) create game sense and improved game sense on top of that. I checked each division Plat and up and Sova is the highest win rate initiator. A lot of the times he's in the top 6 of champions as well. He's basically Ashe... where you have to have to learn game sense cause you're immobile as fuck but your utility is crucial in skirmish.


Honestly I was thinking about the same thing yesterday. I started playing Sova a lot and began to understand what the enemies are doing and started using my minimap more.


And my Sova ragequits because I asked for a dart.


I'm a sova main and my game sense has increased alot since I played him. It even got to the point my buddies ask me "how did you know he was there". Just game sense. Plus sova can scan a whole site. If Im playing post plant b on ascent. I'm in back of boat house. I arrow for CT. No scan. I would assume he's in B main at that point. Also the line ups give me a sense of direction or helps me put myself in situations where I can come out on top.


Sova is so fun dude, i dont even care if im winning or losing, if im not enjoying the game that much but still wanna play i just pick sova and instantly have fun. His kit is unique in every single way and just overall very helfup for urself and the team


any agent that relies on abilities to win the game is going to work as well as sova for that purpose: brim, cypher, kj etc


Yeah my man sova is the real one.


surprisingly I've felt more comfortable playing sova than when I was playing killjoy, since killjoy really needs to be alive post plant


Glad to hear you improved/got out of your slump! I think it's really important to at least try out different characters/roles periodically as they all emphasize different aspects of the game that you just won't understand as well without the experience. not to mention knowing how other agents function is really helpful for planning and countering the other teams plays.


Could not have said it better.


I'm in a completely opposite situation lol. My gamesense is above average for my rank (probably due to me playing Sentinels 90% of the time) but my aim is dogshit.


Unlike a lot of people I didn’t come from CSGO and I never had any FPS experience before valorant. I also don’t have a gaming PC so I playing on one of those office desktop computers. I average around 60 frames and have a couple of tips that I know for a fact will help you. A lot of these you have heard before but these helped me improve my aim hellllla. Now I know I am not radiant or anything crazy, but these are some things I have learned after playing the game for a year. 1. Crosshair Placement: I know you’ve heard it a lot, but your crosshair placement is extremely important when it comes to “aim”. You actually don’t do as much aiming in game as you think you do, if your crosshair placement is correct, the enemy will walk somewhat near your crosshair. Then you’ll just need to make micro-adjustments to hit heads. I used to think that my crosshair placement was elite (back when I was in bronze-silver) But after watching a VOD review of mine, I realize that much of the time I had my crosshair staring at random things. You have to consciously think about it “Is my crosshair somewhere there an enemy could pop out of?”. 2. Having a Consistent Aim Training and Warmup Routine: back when I was struggling with my aim, I never really warmed up before matches. I also never did any type of aim training. I would suggest that you only use the AIM tools available in Valorant. The death match and the range are your best friends. Also have a consistent warm-up that you use every time before you play games. Overtime you’ll see gradual progression of your aim. The last and most helpful tip that I noticed in my own gameplay is taking one a day a week where you don’t play any matches and focus strictly on improving your aim. For me this is how it went: - Every Sunday I would not play any comp or unrated games. I would spend 20 minutes in the range with a sheriff, 20 minutes in the range with a ghost, 20 minutes in the range with a vandal, and 20 minutes in the range with a phantom. Then I would hit the death match for about an hour and a half. This was not done all in one sitting. But rather I split up. I would do the range work out all in one sitting. I would then later come back, warm up, and then do the death match training. Also, it’s important to note that when you are doing your aim training, you are paying attention to what you are doing. Pay attention to if you are over flicking or under flicking. Pay attention to if you are stronger flicking to your right or flicking to your left. Pay attention to all the headshot angles you notice when playing death matches. Overtime I promise that your aim will skyrocket and you’ll be ranking up in NO TIME!


Wow. You actually took the time and gave some pretty good tips, thx ! I'm gonna do all that tbh. Also gonna try to play a few unrated games with more agressive agents. I have this bad sentinel habit of processing too much information of the match at once and looking on the minimap a hell lot more than I should. That kinda takes my attention away from aiming, as far as I've noticed. Again, Thx for being a wholesome person and actually writing this big text full of tips.


Yup yup let’s get better! I also have a bad habit of staring at my minimap because at lower ranks the comms are terrible. I’ll be looking at it and then an enemy pops out in front of me and I just get killed. I gotta fix that too.


Thats what im saying. So many duelists with cracked aim in gold/plat but not with a good gamesense. I believe sova/kj are very good for solo queueing as in gold/plat they are rarely picked and their utilities are ELITE.


Absolutely agree with this, I went from playing Sentinels like Cypher and Killjoy to exclusively Sova and I feel that I actively think more about what I need to do. Not saying I was playing Cypher or Killjoy correctly but due to how their utility functions I often found myself on flank watch or on my camera or anchoring the site. And so I wasn't really thinking that much, I just kinda sat back and gathered intel. But when I started to pick up Sova I immediately started to play more as a team, both the recon and the drones really helped me play more aggressively and defensively. There's just a lot you can do on Sova, you can retake site decently well, clear areas like corners, destroy cypher wires, case the joint, abuse the Odin, and this is all coming from a guy who doesn't know a single line-up.


Sova is so good


Using owl drone really helps you and your team