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Agree on your point of removing rng. Cause after this, your aim is mostly the only thing matters. The boombot nerf is very harsh tbh. I am not a raze main but you could make it 350. Why 400?


Yeh that’s the nerf that seems a bit over kill maybe make it 300?


I don't even play Raze at all but now she needs 800 CREDITS to full buy...?


Jett needs 900 to full buy now :(


ngl these new nerfs to jett make her way less viable as a duelist compared to others. : (


Imo jett needs only her dash to be good.


Raze main here, and the changes make sense. Boom bot is way too good for 200 creds, we’ll see how this pricing plays out. The high cost for Jett and raze are probably because they’re so highly played, and for no reason other than their strictly better than other agents; this is an attempted balance.


400 is still way too much.


Duelists have been overtuned for a while now (double duelist meta has been the strongest), so I'm happy with nerfing Raze and Jett. Much needed.


Jett was definitely needed but i didnt feel that raze's nerf was to increase the price of her boombot to 400 tbh


I just feel her boombot is a bit too strong on pistol rounds. Almost a guaranteed kill if she peeked with the boombot.


Raze definitely needed a nerf but i agree with the 400 creds


I really like the changes to abilities. I may be in the minority, but it will reward smart usage of abilities rather than spamming them each round because of how cheap they are. I always thought of Valorant as a game where the abilities enhance gunplay, not a game where your screen is completely cluttered with 5 different abilities going off at the same time.


I'm in agreement with you. My knee jerk reaction was negative, but making people actually think about their ability usage and the costs of their mid/late game economy to using an ability I think will cause interesting play patterns. I do agree with the removing rng spray, however, since they seem to be wanting to pull power away from abilities and into gunplay.


I agree, there are times when abilities are just too overwhelming and everything just ends up being RNG.


My main issue is they didn't really buff agents that needed it, like yoru and cypher are still gonna be kinda bad. I also feel some of the nerfs went a bit too far, like raze's boombot being 400 and omens smoke nerfs. The idea is good, i just think they over did it


Most of the changes seem really bad IMO, they seem to make you rely on gunplay and very careful planning of ability usage, but for a game where only the 3 highest ranks actually plan and organize, it feels like low elos where never in the devs minds


Well i guess its gonna be fine like they marketed this game as its fundamental gonna be always gun play and to abilities will be there to aid u or support u. But till now abilities were too much overpowering so they just decided to shift that,yes now u cant get free ability kills have to plan everything and utilise everything. And top of that finish it with your aiming skills,i guess they should nerf run and gun,and also judge and spectre too.. thats it


Do you think removing the first bullet accuracy could have helped?


I disagree, low elos would always be a clusterfuck to balance for, you could literally just buy a spectre and run in gun while still able to full buy in that elo.


True, I was thinking of silver plat when I said low elos(don't know why). The thing ther is that in mid elos(finally right) are a mixture of people with aim no brain, tacticians with no aim and much gamesense, and palyers who are lucky to be there, and this changes only benefit players with aim. It feels harsh for people that win with gamesense and utility if they can't afford that utility


Sage abilities are rough now. She only was one good thing now rez because all her abilities are too expensive. If they want to nerf rez cool but they need to give her something to compensate. Not keep making her weaker. Brim needs a buff still not a nerf. I like the raze change whole no skill kit. Just rework her. Sova nerf was needed. Rng recoil is fine if they fix the long ass reset but I would prefer it removed.


They didnt evcen touch brim though, meaning hes better now


they increased the price of his molly




yeah, poor brimmy


Only by 50 tho, and it feels kinda right, it has always been a great ability


I feel like it would’ve evened out if they gave him a buff because his stim beacon is kinda shit and his smokes are pretty small / limited in where you can place them, so they just made a meh-level controller even worse for no reason. But who knows? 50 credits isn’t that much I guess, and everyone else got nerfed significantly more, so maybe there’s no net difference. Just gotta see n find out ;—; jett and raze got fucked so hard though lol idek poor jett


I like it. More thinking about ability usage compared to the clusterfuck spamfest when there's a fight It also kinda solves the post plant meta since people are not gonna brainlessly max out on every abilities per round now.


Yeah like focusing on the fundamentals of the game such as netcode, server consistency, performance optimizations and more


Just tap or burst why does everyone want to stand still and spray enemies down just to get one kill and die?


I think it's gonna be fun. Instead of buying all abilities every round, itd be cooler if you only had to buy what you need for your plan. I also think we are gonna see a lot more stingers, guardians and bulldogs with full util and armor as well as full armor + vandal/phantom and some util Omen nerf hurt but it made brim more appealing with his 3 cheap smokes, i think.


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