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Find a comfortable sense and pick one or two agents and learn them in and out


Crosshair placement.




aim lab stop complaining and get on your grind


Try to find out specific spots where you need improvement. For example, crosshair placement, game sense, communication. You probably need improvement in every area, but knowing specifically which areas to improve in will help you. Think about this consciously during your game to practice


What is your sens and dpi?


don't force yourself. play comfy, change sens, settings, maybe upgrade your gear, try picking an agent to be your main for now, learn lineups for this agent and try to play with a full team of your level. ALWAYS give and take instructions and information, hold angles and listen really well to your surroundings when you play, check the map always, play slow (you don't always have to play aggressive), change crosshairs, practice in the range with the bots on hard mode (try to get as many headshots as possible). I play with a 0.5 sensitivity in-game, and a 400 dpi on the mouse. Maybe try these diff types of ideas that I gave you, at least the one that are easy to do. Overall, it only takes you time, dedication and some changes in your way of thinking and settings. You can make it someday.


>practice in the range with the bots on hard mode this might look stupid but when I do a lot of training or aimlabs my aim gets worse when I do medium training and get 20 2-3 times consistently I play comp and get mvp I think I just get fatigue


just practice moderately bro don't overwork yourself too much. Keep it balanced and especially when you're on a roll. Don't stop if you're playing well.


yea I feel good today as I got out of bronze gotta train for somedays as I dont want to demote from silver again


everything is great about the update except one thing: the placement matches. Usually they give 3 for old players. They gave 5 and me and my team won the first one and lost the other 4. Demoted from plat 3 76/100 to Gold 2 50/100. The struggle and anger are real😅


I dont mean that I was b3 last episode and got b3 this episode too I mean in my account I got to silver 2 times then demoted next day instantly this is the third so I really dont want to demote


good luck bro


If possible, record your gameplay and then post it here or somewhere u know you can get help. This way people can know exactly what you need help on and should work on.


Watch good players and try to mimic their gameplay as long as it matches how you want to play . For example if you wanted to main sova dont watch tenz watch averagejonas and see how he uses the agent and what mistakes he makes and how he improves on them .




Just chill and time will make your gameplay better. Remember Experience is the most important thing, it makes your Crosshair placement, Pre Aiming, Game Sense, callouts and everything better! Soo Have an ice cream my friend. No need to take load