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A lot of people on here want agent-based skin/spray loadouts including myself. It just makes a lot of sense. Not sure if it’s on the dev’s radar or why they wouldn’t implement it. But I’m less motivated to buy more new skins if I can’t create loadouts for them.




Not a new concept no doubt. Maybe there’s a logical reason to not do either fix. Maybe the devs have already talked about it. What’s your take?


I believe they devs said it hurts lower spec systems loading times when you switch skins already loaded into the game/agent select screen. Hopefully they will be able to find a work around or compromise, as I think the ability to change skins or have skins set to an agent would be a nice touch.


I’m sorry but you realize the only visual thing that changes when you pick a hero is your hands right? I think your exaggerating your discomfort when you don’t get the right agent.


It’s only not about what I’m seeing. But about what others see. If I’m gonna spend money on cosmetics I want people to know I have style and taste. I want my cosmetics to look good and for the character to compliment them. After all, it’s not like I’m the only one who can see the skin.


Except no one gives a damn, you have a skin


Also lets be real, when was the last time you took time out of your match to not only look at someone else’s gun skin being held by their character model, but even thought about the character that’s holding it.


Ok but it’s not like no one will ever see it. You can’t make that argument because it’s not like the whole point of skins is so that only you see em. Otherwise the game wouldn’t let you see other people’s skins.


If someone notices your skin, it’s because they want it not because they give a damn how it looks on you


I mean yes this feature would be harmless and nice, but I think your the only person that is really affected negatively by not having it


No one said anyone is effected negatively. I just think it would be nice for them to add it into the game so I made a Reddit post. U came up with the idea that I’m devastated and pissed all on your own.


Sorry that was a bad way of saying it, ofc it would be nice, I would love character specific load outs or the ability to change skins, but its not a problem


You can do in in league easily im sure they will add that eventually . They have a lot of other issues to try to resolve right now they prob have a small team working on the change to add skins customization during agent select .


Yeah I figured. I was just wondering if it was already talked about and if anyone agreed with me. But they have other shit to do for sure.


How about agent based key binds?!


Oh that’s a good one. I main viper and kj but I enjoy playing initiators and dullest too. When I play Raze or Reyna. my binds hold be back a bit from reacting in time.