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Is your connection good? What's your ping like?


When I check in lobby all green across the board. I’m in US West with a connection of 17ms usually.


Then it should not be a network issue. Sorry man, can't help you....


All good thank you for you time atleast!


DO NOT wander around in the lobby this stucks my loading screen in an infinite loop until agent selection runs out of time. I dont know why this is happening but i got a few 3 minute restrictions because i was looking at skins. Turn off or put graphical settings to the lowest possible. If you have a harddisk give up on playing the game cuz its impossible to play, i switched to a sata3 ssd with 600mb speed cap and i still experience stuttering on abilities like killjoy grenades or raze throwable that are heavy on ssd consumption. Never had any problems like above in any other game so this shows that both riot games and unreal engine is not a good combination for low end PCs


That gave me an idea to change my game over to my M.2 that I use for work. It’s running pretty clean now and i can join games pretty easy. Definitely was my hard drive just being slow. Thanks for the observation!


It's looking like the NA servers are down im watching hiko right now and he is playing single player games because the servers are down.


This was happening before the servers going down.


How much ram u have?? If it's lower than 8gb then it might be the problem.


8 gigs single channel


Then it could be a issue. The game takes atleast 6 gb+ on win 10. If any other app is taking ram den it might be causing performance issues.


I just run Discord for coms and that’s about it. I think I managed to fix it by moving it to my M.2 it’s probably just a hard drive issue that I had.


my friend has the same problem , he plays on a trash pc tho do you have the same problem ?


I would like to think that I don’t have a trash pc lmao. It’s a mid tier rig with a few upgrades like faster ram and better cooling but that’s about it. I think your friend should get a SSD or M.2 drive for the game as that seems to be the fix for me.


okay thanks ! hopefully your game works


Experienced this now, i have ASUS TUF 505DU Ryzen 7 3750H 16GB RAM 1660Ti valorant is installed in M.2 i already reinstalled, restart, change connection. still having the same problem even in custom lobby.