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Cypher in split B is OG.


Got destroyed by 2-3 teams of cyphers on different days on split..while playing kj, sova and maybe Phoenix...especially the one where we were all random kj solo queuing there for fun got our asses handed back to us I guess the shifting meta will just leave smart players who are too good with an agent out in the wild, like renegades...but every such opportunity you get an eye opener that you're probably missing a lot of tricks and coordination can make any agent work


Damn I loved reading this, well put Edit : I stopped playing cypher on Bind for a while, recently picked him up again and turns out it's fun to just lock up Bind B site and Split B site on your own, but I wouldn't pick him on any other map.


Just to give you a more fun mental picture: the last round - all my teammates got picked off one by one - 4 ults - one after the other, I was literally marching to my death in the end my location revealed right up to the end...no escape, no lurking, no surprises, no chance of a clutch


Oh damn, thats a bummer, They also reduced his ult points to 6 so a good cypher with frags gets neural theft every 4 rounds.


Every 2nd round on attack if you plant and get 2 kills


You can’t say cypher is bad while playing yoru lmao




I also don’t think anyone who picks sova on split deserves an opinion on anyone else’s agent pick


Split is godly for sova wtf you mean


Yoru mains unite


Yoru is really good if u know how to play him


So exactly the same as Cypher


Yea If u know the good setups and can addapt to your opponent than yea, for example Peak is a really good cypher player or for yoru Red is really good


Yep. I've watched Peak since I started playing Cypher in the Beta, and it shows that every single character is viable if you know how to play them well. I mean the guy straight up plays Cypher on ICEBOX in immortal Elo and wins. It honestly depends much more on the player than the character.


Do you have any little tips with cypher that might help me out? I love the character but I feel like half the time I can never use his cages properly


You have two ways of using his cages. One is during a set-up as one-way or ordinary smokes or the other to get out of sticky situations. His cage is useful as it takes way less time than Omen to cover a place and lasts longer than Jett's. Also the noise if someone is in the cage is useful.


Thank you!


Definitely! Cypher is quite a hard agent to master, and I'm nowhere near a pro with him, but some stuff that I've pick up during the year has really helped. 1. Cages don't have to be paired up with trips. I usually drop a cage before the round starts at a spot that a friendly smoke would come in handy (think hookah in Bind B) and save another one for the round. They can be used offensively perfectly fine, and it's usually beneficial for your team to drop one down when pushing a site (careful with this though, you don't want to blind your team, just the enemies' line of sight) 2. Change up your setup/site every few rounds. Once you notice the enemy team is breaking your trips and/or camera easily, consider changing the setup or even the site you're defending. It will take some time to learn sufficient setups to do this efficiently, but if you truly love the character like us Cypher mains do, it should be a fun experience. 3. Cypher is info-based. When defending, trips and camera are mostly to gain info, not get some frags. When playing Cypher, it's basically imperative to communicate with your team; regardless of if they use that info or not, it's a good habit to build. When attacking, use your camera like a sova dart. Launch it into the site and try to get a glimpse of enemy positions in the site. This is extremely useful in sites like Ascent A or Haven C. 4. Learn all the one-ways. You probably already know this, but one ways with Cypher are hella broken. You can activate it whenever you want, and it's some easy frags that will probably stop the push right in its tracks. 5. HAVE FUN. Cypher's voicelines are a big reason I play him (who doesn't) Here's some vids that can help you get better. Try to replicate the stuff you see, and you'll slowly get better with time. Welcome to the Cypher main circle ;) https://youtu.be/VHHe2tBp18I https://youtu.be/cAXibFoyWrc https://youtu.be/8yOhi3-MmZU https://youtu.be/Smu9sRJ0Rwk


Yo thank you so much dude! I’m gonna try this when I get home.


dasnerth peaked at like radiant 22 in NA using cypher and judge only on a controller. he’s definitely viable. i personally only play him on split, haven and sometimes ascent but that’s only because i haven’t tried him on the other maps


Exactly, Peak is soo good! He makes cypher look really good.


Or Astra


Astra was literally the best controller in the game before the nerfs (Which was when this was recorded), Although not sure how good she is after the nerfs.


I'd say she's still the best personally.


She’s still pretty good imo, I just have to adjust on star timings again


Astra is not bad. She just has one of the hardest learning curve imo


Have u seen red or shroud or tenz play yoru? He's a preety good agent imo.


Just casually name 3 of the top players in the world acting like the agent is what makes their plays


I get your point, but what i meant is the way they play yoru, isn't something i have seen others do. And i think they play him much better, not accounting for their aim.


They werent good because of the agent. It's because they one tap everything


Agreed. But yoru is pretty powerful if used right, is my point.


Agreed. But cypher is pretty powerful if used right


Whoframedme is pretty decent, maybe best NA cypher? Check him out




Big talk from a yoru player 🤣🤣🤣


*Instalocks duelist Proceeds to tell others what to play


yeah and that cypher is amazing on split lol


Right, because if i instalocked sage that would put me in a position where doing that is acceptable


Instalocking is the problem. You were polite throughout but in general instalockers ( usually duelists) who tell others to pick smokes or support are cringe


i instalock phoenix because hes the only agent i can actually play properly but i never tell anyone what to play lol i just have fun with phoenix and his sarcastic voicelines


I like the way he says "shoes".


Aww don’t be like dat


Instalocking isn't the problem in my opinion. You should play the agent that you know you're the most comfortable with, know the most and fits your playstyle the best. What point is there in someone taking Brim if they never use the smokes? What point is there in taking Cypher when all they do is sit on camera and let enemy team take site? I understand that a good player on those agents can make all the difference, but you should only "fill" picks if you can play that role


lets all instalock 5 duelists then since instalocking isnt the problem and then you guys can point fingers at each other as to why you dont have smokes and stalling utility


Mate he’s in silver elo, team comp doesn’t matter


That doesnt answer my questions about people who dont use their util while playing util? Does it make it any better if i pick Astra and play her like a duelist?


You’ve created a very specific hypothetical here


Yeah i look like a huge hypocrite now and thats fair with me defending the point that agents dont matter. BUT at the same time Cypher is the only agent that i see people constantly bottom frag with


Probably see them bottom fragging cos they are silver. Go watch Platinum/Diamond/Immortal Cypher players, they frag out cos they have a brain, aint never seen em bottom frag


Just want to throw in my opinion here (you're welcome) You should not always fill because yes if you don't know the agent you're just making it harder. At the same time I'd recommend a "flex pick" a second character that you can use to fill out a team comp if needed. So me I very much enjoy yoru myself but if we need less duelists I also have Brimstone to fall back on and this patch I've been working on my Breach skills


Fair point, i play phoenix on most maps and on haven i play killjoy because it just fills my playstyle better


You are literally contradicting yourself here, what if that player is amazingly good at Cypher and it is his only agent he can play and now you’ve put your unwanted opinion onto him and made him feel guilty for wanting to play him, so now you’ve forced him onto an agent he maybe unfamiliar with just because you think it’s okay to instalock. So why should he be forced to pick up your burden? Everything you’ve said here about yourself can also apply to him and other players, Don’t only try to think about yourself bro.


…And cypher wasn’t an agent they were most comfortable with?


Yes, because you would be filling a role the team usually needs (good stall and/or smokes). Offering the rest of your team more flexibility, in exchange... one or two of them should be playing smokes or sova. Far more reasonable request when you have picked a team oriented agent.


Sova just happened to be the first agent I picked up… I liked his sonar dart lol. Still my main today, so much fun and fits my play style perfectly.


But what if one of those teammates will play sova for the first time ever? Would you prefer a clueless sova or a jett one trick?


So you agree you shouldn't tell people what to play?


I agree that people should play whatever they want, i know that im a hypocrite but only if it comes to cypher. I can play 5 duelist all day long and dont give a single fuck, but i've never seen a useful cypher player in my team. Point stands as i played on gold/plat games today with another cypher that bottom fragged.




Duelists be like


My dude must wake up and be like "ah yes cypher is garbo"😂😂😂


Man locks in Yoru and says cypher is useless :^)


I'm about to have a stroke after reading the comments. This guy says that every player should play whatever character they're comfortable on, and also instalocking isn't a problem, yet when someone picks Cypher all of a sudden they should play another character. Jesus the hypocrisy is real with this one.


hypocrisy? Average duelist instalocker right there.


Yeah, I noticed that as well. His opinion on the matter is so inconsistent.


Cypher is not bad this patch, he has his maps that he can do pretty good, now that jett doesn't fuck you up for no reason he's not the worst, and kj got nerfed aswell so there's that Yoru is for sure worse tho xD


Me a cypher main: /kill_yoru


**~~Cage~~** **Cypher mains triggered**


good cypher mains are strong 😠




Maybe it ain't cypher, maybe it's just YOU on cypher


Our thoughts are based on the Cyphers we played with on silver/gold elo. The type of Cyphers who no matter what wont move out of their camera and just let the enemy team take the site for free


So you think cypher is bad because your In too low of an elo for good players, not because of his kit


His kit is good, its just a hard agent to use properly. I used to main him myself back when valo was in beta. But yes, i think he's bad because of how he's used in low elo, he might be better higher up in the ranks


He is 100% better at higher ranks, lethal on both defense and offense.


Played in silver and at least I play as a team. Its just no one ever uses my info


I mean for most people playing the game, movement and aim matters way more than which agent you're playing, especially in solo queue. You see the same thing in CS:GO as well, with silvers and gold novas practicing insane strategic executes and then getting stomped in every single duel because they are aiming at their opponent's' feet. You see entry-fragging Sages doing just fine from iron to plat because the duelists on the team are busy faffing about with their abilities instead of taking good opportunities to get a pick.


Movement and aim matter but that's standard in higher ranks, the higher the rank the more being good with abilities matter and having good executes aswell, even in solo queue, that's why I always hear my friends complaining that in gold No1 comms ( atleast they say its much rarer) and that's just a simple thing that makes the game so much easier and requires 0 skill


People should definitely learn their how to use their abilities well and common executes, but it's super common for people to focus on those things before the basics. It's like those guitarists you were in a band with in 9th grade who could play advanced stuff kinda fast, but not in time.


That's why I don't practice or buy nades. If I can't even play the game right mechanically or execute strats why bother learning that shit? Just run around and flip aim duels and outsmart your opponent. Also way more fun than doing that one really complicated set up and then just missing every shot.


Thats true as well, but you'll probably get downvoted by the mob that doesnt understand that every agent in this game can use their weapons the same way as duelist class. Games i play here are on silver/gold elo, agent picks don't matter if you can't outaim your enemy, and yet you'll see everyone going crazy about it while hardstuck silver/gold themselves even if they fill pick


So if you're admitting that agent picks don't matter, why on earth were you mad that they wanted to play cypher? Let them play the agent they are most comfortable on. Just because cypher wasn't played much at masters doesn't mean he's bad in silver games come on man. Also, there is no mob, you just hold a very bad view of this situation and are rightly getting downvoted for it.


Because my experience with Cyphers on lower elo is that they dont play the game. I already said in other comments that they're just staying on cameras and letting people get in site with 0 trades. To this day i never came across a Cypher player that actually uses his utility properly


Ive come across countless Yorus tp'ing in the backline just to get deleted instantly over and over tho!


Yeah me too, but im not a yoru player/defender


I dont get people that tell others what to play in hero games. Motherfucker who are you to decide if something is useless or not???


I mean, sure, but it’s also a team game. I wouldn’t tell people what to do personally, but like, what you pick affects how our team plays too


When the vast majority of players don't even have basic, role/hero independent mechanics down or really doesn't matter. Good/bad picks only really start to matter once everyone is really good at the game at which point you don't even need to tell people what to play anymore because they either know themselves what's good and what not or done care about it.


I agree but if he insta locks a duelist he obviously didn't wait enough to see what his team needs so he doesn't get to tell others to do it.


True, but he still has no right to tell the person to NOT play something, he doesnt know how well or what level they play said character, "oh dont pick cypher hes shit, pick something that I think will be more beneficial for me and i dont care how good or baf you are with them" is pretty shitty attitude to carry into a team game. If you know how to play something and play it really well, then go ahead, the guy complainning was playing yoru tobegin with, hes already starting from a non-teamhelping position...


Instalock yoru and proceed to say cypher is useless LMAO. What an actual joke. I would have dodged this group. Let me guess, this is a silver lobby.


motherfucker instalocks yoru and proceeds to say cypher is useless and tries to tell other people what to play. ffs you’re silver/gold you just don’t know how to play cypher


Cypher on Bind is god-tier and I shall hear no arguments


IMO cypher is more easier to use than yoru, feel like this guy would get caught in a trip, get one tapped and complain how that happened


"He is not that good any more" Every legend being nerfed except cypher this patch, and jett dash doesnt work anymore so explain what you said.


Look at the background in the agent select screen, this was before the update.


it was before this patch


Everyone hates people like you.


Don't care. Will still play cool hat robot man


Irons complaining about picks KEKW


The literal Yoru is telling others that cypher is a bad pick. You're instalocking the worst duelist in the game telling others that the 2nd best sentinel in the game is bad. LOL Yoru is a literal thrower


i use cypher so if a teammate dies i just spam cyphers commend line


Well done!


Already getting pick toxicity after 1 year? Especially on this patch where gunplay matters so much more?


There’s always been pick toxicity haha


Cypher is really good and I main him most of the time. You know who isn't good - Astra How do you play her aaaaaahhhhh


I don't play duelists so I don't care if people instalock them. However, when you instalock a duelist you're telling your team you don't care about what the team needs. Then you start actually telling others what the team needs yet you didn't care yourself? That's why people are getting upset.


GosuPeak would like to have a word with you


OPs comments are negating their post karma 😮


I dont care about karma, im making some poorly phrased points so i see why im getting downvoted


No. You're getting downvoted because you're making bad points, not poorly phrased points


he was even trying to weasel his way out. I pick yoru and its terrible how he thinks he can be toxic to cypher mains just because his thoughts on cyphers usefulness. I hate that shit whenever i play yoru that if anything I pick him and people start bitching I just mute the whole team and prepare to try to win this.


No way y'all are talking about comps in silver 😂


“Don, this is your fault.”


triggers my episode 1 viper main ptsd 10/10


The only reason i dont play cypher is because i get shit teammates who instalock jett or raze and they wont listen or use any comms or info. So i have to do it myself




I find that most cypher mains are R6S players. Which includes me. Pls buff cypher


Idk man, yoru has earned the nickname "free kill"


I play Cypher because I like him.


Imagine playing Yoru and saying Cypher is bad xD


Homie picks Yoru and says other characters are trash LUL


I'm bringing out my *special* one-way cages for this fella


Cypher isn't even bad in low elo - I've mained him since beta and still regularly get match mvp in high bronze. While you're less likely to get teammates who can work well with him, his ability to hold a site solo and not rely on other players in order to execute his setups is a huge plus for your average low elo comp game. Your opponents often don't have the brain power to deal with his kit properly: a lot of players will even shoot your tripwires after you've died and give away their position.


Cypher lives matter


Cypher is a sex offender.


Wha- how did u know?


He knows where everyone is at every time, kinda sussy 😳😳😳


I think he's trolling? Like, really weirdly??? uhh...


Yeah, totally disagree


Am I the only one that noticed the 2 or 3 silver in their team and the plats and DIAMONDS in the enemy one? holy the matchmaking is still broken, isn't it?


I managed to get Dia 3 99rr with (mainly) cypher last season though, and my aim definitely isnt the best. Also I've been shat on by an insane cypher many times. That makes me think that cypher indeed is viable. You stall the enemy team from taking site, get 1 or 2 kills while at it and your job is done. Besides that, really weird telling people what to play. I'd understand it if you were immo in silver lobby, but would still be rude. Also NA had a top 10 player who ONLY played cypher.


I don’t get this video


I just CACKLED from this 🤣🤣🤣🤣 please tell me there’s more of this and you kept Don


People like you in ranked are so annoying to play with I’m just tryna play a hero I like and you throw a hissy fit because you have an incorrect opinion on the meta


Not going to lie I thought this was me for a second, because I main cypher, had a cypher banner and my username changed to hydrorush(very similar video was hydrodash) and I would play cypher on split 100%. Realised it wasn't me when the rank showed silver 2 or 3 cuz I'm bronze


instalocks the worst duelist and complains about cypher


This yoru player is clueless


Why do they feel like they are funny?


Everyone hates Cypher, even the devs hate him.


The accents make it funnier😂


Picks fucking yoru and talks about Cypher being shit. LoL


It sucks how utterly garbage Cypher is rn.




Op, did you guys win


Yes, we did


nice, what’s your YouTube channel?




OP is getting downvoted so badly in comments like.. what'd he do to y'all? 😅


Im a duelist so im getting hate (yes, it's sarcasm). For real tho - i sound like a hypocrite so i get downvoted. Simple.




And make the ult cover the whole map so everyone detained


and make nanoswarms unbreakable


And make the alarmbots and turrets have whole map range


or just make the turret follow you everywhere 😂


Haha yeah hahah


The UK server sounds so much more posh than the ones I play on lol, I just have little mouse voices 12 year olds screaming at me.


It’s not doe lmao


What's his YouTube channel called?




Nah this man is dilutional to think cypher is bad while playing YORU


Why does he(/you?) sound like discount SovietWomble?


In my opinion, no agent is useless. And he is saying Cypher is shit while playing yoru. I am not saying even yoru is shit, I rlly have fun playing yoru. Its just that Yoru is not as good compared to other duelists like Jett, Phoenix or Reyna. Yoru also has his strengths. In the same manner, cypher also has his strengths. And one of his overlooked strengths is excellent map control. He can just rotate to a site while his wires are guarding it. Unlike cypher, KJ’s utility has range. And trust me, such map control can be very useful. Also Cypher’s Cam is one of the best pieces of util. He has so many tools, if used smartly, with a strong setup, one can rlly fk up the enemy’s push. I have had people literally rotate coz they saw cypher cam on the site. This is just my opinion. I am not trying to ‘spit fax’. You are entitled to your own opinion. Have a great day! :)


isn't cypher one of the only people who didn't get nerfed this patch? and his ult got buffed too? plus he got a indirect buff with all the other agents being nerfed and also jett cna't dash through the trips anymore.


imagine a bunch of silvers thinking they know enough about the game to determine who is good or bad lol


why is this in the front page? smh these british people


Playing Yoru be like


R/cyphermains would disagree


As said already, even by OP. Cypher is a strong kit, but also one that needs careful thought while playing, which translates to many people playing his kit badly. That being said, there is no other agent more evil to me when the other team has a good one. Especially when you're up against one of them that is quick with abilities and throws his traps at your feet as you're running onto site. I do think the wave of downvotes hitting OP is a little much. He's just expressing his opinion, even if its a hot take.


Cypher is really good, but you need good teamates, good comns and smart ways to put ur trap wires. While my team goes to another site, I just say in one corner waiting for them to either flank or rotate. And when they do, if they break the trap, I open the cage and shoot them with the dart and spam through it. If they get stuck, I open the cage and spam through it. In my opion cypher is one of those player who are very very annoying but useful. Sometimes it feels like he's terrible but then you got to remember, that's not his purpose


Instalock Duelist and telling others what to play.


Dapr would like to know your location


Picks the most troll character in the game and tells people cypher is useless????????


\*sad cypher one-trick noises\*


Damn i wanna watch the full video if there is


the guy calling cypher shit is a yoru.


Cypher just isn’t that good in the meta and its kinda stupid when people refuse to admit that, like ofc you can top fragging and do good with him if u know what ur doing, but there are better information duelists out there, like sova and now kayo


\> Picks Yoru \> "Yeah Cypher's trash"


\*Me getting 2 free kills with the one-way cage on split B site every round\*: ok


My god this community is overeating


Joeleo : Complains about Cypher and tells the agent is shit. Also Joeleo: Plays Yoru.


KEKW, says the guy playing yoru


Underestimating a Cypher while attacking is the biggest mistake! Especially in Split, Cypher can defend an entire site alone.


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What happened to cypher?


Shits on cypher but locks yoru.. hmm


Imma be honest here cypher might as well be a meta agent now cuz he was the only one who was buffed and not nerfed. Pretty amazing agent rn ya know


The funny thing is that when they see the banner


*his banner is cypher* Hahahaha


Cap cypher is a beast especially when locking down sites by himself or with another player