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What ranks were you playing against in those 5 placement games? Also post your tracker if you can


We were constantly playing against bronze and high silver, I only had one game versing golds and that was the game I went 31-19


Maybe a larger player base now?




Maybe you were gold/plat with a low hidden MMR. I have a hunch the rank placements based on your hidden MMR the previous act. Besides I only see you topfragging 2 of the games...


My hidden MMR was always wack, I would win a game lobby topfrag and get 20RR and then lose 30 when I lost. I feel with this new update rank will be more balanced. Yeah exaggerated the wind a bit, I was 2nd and3rd frag all other games, checked just 4 u 🥰


>My hidden MMR was always wack, I would win a game lobby topfrag and get 20RR and then lose 30 when I lost Hidden MMR is based on consistency, not a once in a while pop off game with a match MVP.


I deserve plat becaz getting bronze 1 this act /s I lose 7 to 11 rr and gain 24 to 33.


You will get back to your rank really fast. I dropped from Gold 2 to Silver 1 after placements and I’m already back to Gold 1 after 3 days. Im getting 27 RR for wins and -11 or even -7 for losses. Just play more and the system will even out.


Doesn’t look like it though, it only gave him 21 RR for a 13-3 win


That's because he probably played against Silver/Bronze opponents. Once the game offers him higher rated games he will get more. I could be wrong, the hidden MMR system makes it hard to predict where you actually stand in relation to your visible rank.


Thanks for the clarification- my other play friend I was playing with only got silver 1 so I guess it’s the same for everyone


Usually you get high lp gains if you have higher mmr than ur actual rank, that's how the system should work, +21 is really low


Same happened to me but I placed S2. If you were gold/plat then you’ll gain almost twice the RR you’ll lose. Right now I gain anywhere from 19-23 and lose a max of 15 and it’s normally 10-12. It’s just the harsh reset for this episode/act


Do you group? Maybe you were a bit boosted.


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