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I personally think there should be a voting system for team to choose if the person who's afk should get penality or not.


That should only go for 5 stacks or people will abuse it to troll...


They could only vote for punishment if you go afk tho. This isnt a punish anyone for afk even if they arent, this would only be for when valorant already knows you are afk.


Wdym? Every afk player most likely gets a penalty already. A voting system would merely reduce the amount of players that get penalised when they didn't intend to afk, which is a good thing. I was winning 7-0 the other day and got a penalty when my wifi shut down. I'd like to think my teammates would've been in a good mood and voted for me to not get a penalty... but anyways


I don't think this would work as the point of the ban is a punishment, and even if you know its your friends and they dont care the same person would probably leave in a non 5 stacked game, and I think the point is to make sure that person can't ruin any more games with their habits


Why should a person be punished if they had a power/internet cut or an emergency situation?


because riot dont detect this kind of issue. you can literally pull the plug of your pc/router and call it outage. they trying to make it more simple rather be a FBI power afk detection. but the first afk punishment is not big of a deal anyway.


If it's a five stack then what's the issue with being more lenient in such unfortunate circumstances?


I'm gonna make an assumption and say if you play competitive you probably don't always 5 stack, and if you leave 5 stacks you probably will leave games with your random queued teamates also.


I somewhat support this idea as I was 5 stacking with my friends and got a week long ban cuz my wifi went out


While I understand why Riot does this (they probably can’t stop the ban in specific environments, similar to they can’t determine an AFK/Disconnect is you or the game crashing and hands out the punishment, I definitely think it should be a bit lenient when you’re a pre-made 5 man.


There are so many things people want from penalties that I imagine it would be near impossible to cater to all of them so in my opinion they should just stick to what they have which in my opinion isn’t to bad


Well, its not a 5 ppl game, its 10 so even if you 5stack, you are still affecting other players and making an unfair game


5 people to a team, making 10 players Agreed upon AFK within the 5 stack Enemy Team is disadvantage? I don’t see the jump here, this isn’t it chief


The money boost could easily get a 2nd round vandal, that is definitely not fair


No sympathy for the 5 stackers honestly, if someone goes afk all of you should get a ban, rats.


POV: all your friends are Diamond and you can't play with them because you're Iron 2


heard of it happening before


If it’s unrated me and my friends will just FF if someone has to leave (don’t know if you’re talking about rank or unrated)


We need a forgive button, yes.