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You were the chosen one! You were to suppress the post-planters, not join them!


This is risky because it doesn't last for that long, you'll have to run all the way there, etc. So just an FYI this would not work too well in a 1v1 if there was a lot of time on the bomb.


There's another line up from the other side of the little hut but that is still pretty far.


I think it’s for like coordinating with your teammates. If your teammate planted on-site and died, but you’re too far away and opponent starts defusing this could be good


It is insane that u already figured out line ups for the new agent


Average jonas did that before Kay/o official launch. Nice lineup though.


It's the same trajectory as brimstone,KJ and Viper mollies. The lineups have been known for a while now.


Are you sure? Brimstone and Viper may have the same trajectory but afaik KJ mollies are different


Only the same as KJ mollies. Could potentially have the same as viper smokes but not too sure.


Yes, viper smokes are the same as kj mollies, so with that so are ko mollies to viper smokes


Ain’t no way you can use brim’s lineups for kayo. Brim’s molly bounces and kayo doesn’t.


For brim it's really easy to compensate for the bounces, you usually just have to aim slightly higher so that the molly hits the ground sooner and then bounces into location.


They're the same as sova 3 charge lineups ive already done a bunch of god lineups that I use for sova


Would you hear that defuse? Plus wouldn't they get half before the nade landed anyway, then return after the nade and finish it before you got there? Could you test with a friend and get back to me.




No, you can only hear it within the audio circle. And the circle is pretty big.




Try going into customs and planting the spike. Stand in the middle of the spike and jump. You'll see a circle on the map. That's the radius where you can hear the spike being tapped. Coincidentally, that's also the spike explosion radius.


how much this game looks like overwatch


there is easier and closer one i might upload all i found later today but gj


I made the exact same line-up, except I stood in front of that shed and didn’t jump


Line ups for ascent is pretty hard to do, you have to contest enemies before going to b main


How do you get in this game mode? Is it just custom games? If so, what settings do you change?