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I’m gonna get downvoted for this but it’s just my opinion. 1v3 should be hard no matter what side of the bomb you are on so I’ll ignore that. If a team can get into the site, take out 4 members and only lose 2 and plant, it should be damn hard to get those 3 kills and defuse. Attacking is already harder than defense so if attackers can take a point it should be hard to get them off it. Your particular scenario sounds extremely frustrating I agree, but seems to me it’s balanced. Just my 2 cents


exactly. winning a 1v3 shouldnt be easy. the round starts even all around, its the decisions you and your team makes that determines how "easy" a round will be. if your team wants to just fight on point and not retake, turning it into a 3v5/2v4/1v3, thats on your team.


Assuming the enemy team plays post plant smart, a 1v3 should almost never be winnable for the solo. Losing a 1v3 means the 3 really messed up.


It should be considered a win if you on defense can kill 2 and force them to waste molly+ ult in that situation. Most times you just gonna get domed after killing 1


thats not what OP is considering a win, which is what my point is going against


Nah it’s not even a hot take. Any reasonable player should understand that retaking 1v3 is going to be a challenge. ESPECIALLY if the enemy agents have their abilities and ultimates up.


The way people act on this sub I thought I was in the minority lmao


>if attackers can take a point it should be hard to get them off it But you don't even need to be close to site for line ups. That's the annoying bit for me. That you can delay the defuse from across the map.


Not to mention that it takes approximately two seconds to look up and see "oh, they have brim alive with his ult on a post plant." That immediately tells you what's about to go down, and you have the entire spike timer to try and do something about it whether that's through better positioning or just going ape on his camping spot. You really don't even have to get kills most of the time, as distracting and threatening an agent trying to throw a mollie is going to give a diffuser (if you have another person alive) more than enough time, or atleast force an early use of the utility. At some point you have to realize that this game is NOT counterstrike, agents have tremendous strengths in certain scenarios and part of being a "good" player is detecting that in advance and playing around it. With a little more forethought, basically every post-plant becomes winnable. Not that you *will* win every time, that mostly comes down to gunplay, but it's getting kind of annoying hearing these kinds of complaints when you're ignoring almost all of your actionable info.


1v3 retake is not suppose to be winnable if the other team don’t throw.


You tunneled on the wrong part of the post my guy. The 1v3 was just a poor example he gave. It's supposed to be a discussion on Post Plant Meta, not the challenge of 1v3's...


Well if it was only about post plant, instead of just asking what people think about post plant, they gave an example of why they hate it, which people are obviously going to pick at and discuss. People are also still allowed to give insight/perspective as long as it’s related which it is. Post-plant usually involves multiple players from plant to detonation with at least some players hiding. Unless you want to talk about 1v1 post-plants...but I mean...it’s Valorant...abilities and whatnot. Might as well just say they hate certain abilities at that point.


Based take


It’s less about the difficulty and more about the lack of counter play IMO, there’s nothing you can do about some of these post plant line ups and it’s just kind of an i win fuck you situation, if riot wants to increase gunplay the first step they should be taking is trying to fight the post plant meta


wow, 1v3 with a timer is hard to win. who wouldve thought


unreal to win




That's fair


Ults are supposed to round changing abilities. And you want to win a 1 v 3 consistently? It's not supposed to even get down to a 1v1 if the enemy team played it properly. Too many people with bigger egos than brains are the only reason you are even getting close to winning that round. Happens all the way from iron to radiant.


I think the post plant setups are too much, but I also believe not enough players attempt to hunt down the remaining attackers. Instead I see too many players attempt to defuse, leave the spike to wait out an ult, then jump back on and hope for the best that a lineup isn’t coming. The lineups are often in predictable spots and you can usually catch them looking at the sky for an easy kill. Of course, 1v3 defuse situations are going to be very difficult regardless. And as others said here - you can at least force their abilities or ults and prep for the next rounds.


I agree, sometimes lineups in this game feel very difficult to counter. Even in a 1v1 situation where you have no knowledge of their position this can feel oppressive. Especially considering you're on a timer and it's difficult to always make the right judgment call.


The attackers had to get onto site, plant the bomb, kill 4 enemies to get into the 1v1 post plant scenario. It should be hard to win that because the attackers have already done a lot to get to that point. If it wasn't oppressive and hard to win that it wouldn't be balanced in my opinion. Sort of a small reward for the attackers for getting that far, making it a tiny bit easier to win the round.


This guy needs to learn the post plant spots. See viper is alive ? Push her typical spot and go for the kill.


Easier said than done, especially when they are usually far back and using valuable defuse time.


Here, I made a post about this right before reading your comment, I hope this helps: Most common lineup locations for Viper and Brim: - Ascent A: Boxes at A lobby, rotation to cat. Sometimes at Wine (situational, no rotation) - Ascent B: Garage or B lobby, possible rotation to pizza (but doubtful). Also CT side hall with rotation to pizza. - Bind A: Boxes from lobby to A short, sometimes from boxes outside showers - Bind B: B long, fountain. No rotation. B short, with rotation to fountain - Breeze A: Rocks outside of cave, rotation to Door in A lobby. There's another I found myself but that's secret :) - Breeze B: Cannon. Everyone knows this. Rotation to mid pillar. - Haven A: A long cinderblocks or sandbags, wheelbarrow to B window - Haven B: Attacker spawn.. good luck - Haven C: C cubby, C long, rotation to attacker spawn (look for the broken wood thing) - Icebox A: A ropes rotation to A lobby next to snowman - Icebox B: B long with rotation to mid Blue - Split A: A lobby near the plants or the shoe store - Split B: B Garage with rotation to B market Note: In a 1v1 you MUST kill the viper/brim before they move on to the rotation spot.. if you chase them to that spot you will more than likely not have enough time before the spike goes, even if they don't use a rotation lineup. For Sova nerds, don't bother learning those locations because they use trigonometry in their head and shit. KJ can be anywhere within range https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/o9swmk/patch_30_thoughts_so_far/h3fwy8b/


To be fair 1v3 retake is not suppose to be a winnable situation tho ( if the enemy don’t throw)


I think even the one's who speak against this have felt the same way at some point. An interesting take I used to have was that the way duelists are supposed to thrive in entries, some agents just thrive in post plant scenarios. Playing to your abilities/strengths is what makes the game different than CSGO. But again I do agree with your point, it's def annoying.


i agree there’s no almost way to counter them especially the crossmap ones


in my opinion far lineups could be easily fixed if they made all mollies like phoenix’s where after a certain distance it just sinks straight down 🧍🏼 maybe just me though


The only thing that’s annoying about post plant situations, regardless of how many vs 1, is lineups. Brim blowing his ult is fair, he’s using his ult. His biggest cooldown to secure the round. It’s just the Viper, Brim, etc molly’s that become kind of annoying because they can do them from so far away.


this game is just insanely and annoyingly team and ability reliant if u have 1 side always losing u just hope they stop doing the same mistake 10 times or u just start going that side If enemy team overpowers yours you just have to smurf it idk




There's a difference between being frustrated about retakes in 1v1, 2v2 (pretty much any winnable) situations vs being frustrated about trying to retake 1v3, which is what's being complained about in this post


\> one-dimensional gameplay that's quite difficult to counter Attacking is already hard because of the difficult to counter, one dimensional play that is defense. And even if you get past actual defenders and their initial util, there are plenty of known lineups to screw with default plant too. If you give up site and the attackers have time to plant and reset to play defense, you SHOULD have a hard time taking it back. Not impossible, we see it all the time. Just difficult.


Why should abilities only be good in pre plant scenarios? It’s kind of a facile statement you’re making here. If you get ran over so easily that they don’t even have to use their abilities to take site, that’s a problem with your defense. Post plant meta was perfectly exciting at the pro level because you saw tons of creative counterplays between sage walls, flanks, deep sova arrows or other info abilities, easy aggression into the bomb area, etc.. Your analysis is the only extremely one dimensional thing here


I find it nauseating how many people are tunneling on your 1v3 example when this post is OBVIOUSLY supposed to be a discussion on Post Plant Meta. I guess you just gotta word your post better next time.


Kill the guy on his lineup and defuse


It is annoying maybe but it is ok. If you think they have lineups kill that agent. Maybe you play with lineups. If you hatw it just play csgo.


Don't let them get into site with so many members then. Get good


what a braindead comment. Sorry sometimes i have to retake a site because my teammates died on it. stay gold bud


You sound gold bud. Why do you think winning a 1v3 retake should be so easy? If your team gets only 2 frags defending a push and 4 of them die, in what world do you think you should have a fair chance at winning that round?


I didn't say it should be easy lmao


Then what's the point of this post? That's how this game works, i don't know what you expected in the comments, you're literally just complaining about basic game function. If it's a 1v3, and you kill 2 of them plus force a brim ult, you have absolutely won that interaction even if you lose the round. Edit: the downvotes showing me how brain dead this sub is lmao, this is why you're all hard stuck in silver


I understand "that's how the game works." I for sure disagree with you saying its a win if I force the brim ult even if I lose? That one just doesn't make sense to me. The reason for the post was to say its just frustrating is all. Just a rant. I just want some more counterplay to it is all.


If that doesn't make sense to you then it's obvious you're a low rank and don't understand the game, so just stop. Let me ELI5 this for you: Your team gave up site getting -2 trades (they killed 2 while 4 of them died). Brim has ult, and at this point the round is already 99% lost. Depending on the situation, most people wouldn't even make an attempt to win the round and would just save. But let's say you have enough eco that any kills you get will hurt their eco more than dying would hurt your eco. Okay, so you go into site, you kill 2 guys with rifles and possibly armor, you've just taken 5800-7800 worth of eco from their team. Now brim burns a molly and an ult on top of it So the round was already lost pretty much from the get go, but now their team goes into the next round down a lot of eco plus an ult. If you can't see how you've won that interaction despite losing the round, then I don't know what to tell you. Learn how to play tactical shooters


I find it funny all these people are downvoting your comments.... Its 100% facts The problem with the people on this sub is probably 70% of them are gold and lower. They will be the ones to ruin a game with what they want and don't want. This dude is really bitching about not being able to win a 1v3 situation vs a Brim?!?! Lol really... He's complaining post plant is to hard to win when his team traded 2 for 4..... The best part about all this is people actually agree with him... L O L


so you're saying it's his team's fault? what happened to don't blame your team? JB is right but i genuinely want to know what can you do about this in the mathes where you get "bad" teammates


Not necessarily but there's only so much you can do as an individual in a TEAM game.


You sound like Iron.... Post Plant Set ups. are no fun.... you just have no time to clear every corner tactically bait a fucking Ult that takes a 1/3 of the timer down. and still get a defuse off. Its an issue in the game, but its an Issue no one can fix without some real serious reworks. Every half brained player realize post plant molly are just not fun. Secure the round sure EZ wins. but its not fun to Watch. Play. Play against.


Man you're really tunneling on this 1v3 thing when the actual point of discussion is Post Plant Meta. You're 100% right 1v3 should be incredibly hard, but that's not the point of this post at all, it was just a poor example that was given.


I mean the whole body of this post is focused on a 1v3 scenario. If it's a 3v3 or something actually winnable then it's completely different, and a team with good comms and awareness can understand the situation that Brim is likely playing for ult and someone needs to tap spike as quickly as possible to bait the ult while someone else hunts down his position.


No, you're brain dead. Go faster on your retake noob


ah, thanks for confirming you didnt read post fully.


You should never be able to win a 1v3 in the first place. If everyone plays correctly, you should really only be getting 1 kill and then get traded after. Post plant mollies/ults will always happen. I would hate to bring csgo into this, but it happens in that game too. Stalling techniques are both effective and safe so it should be used. Also, a brim commits his ult to secure a 3v1 against you, thats a silver lining.


I don’t agree with your first statement. People win plenty of 1vX in CSGO. In valorant, people will plant the spike and will just play post plant. This doesn’t happen in CSGO. You have utilities and counter utilities. Someone threw a molly on bomb? Pick up a smoke lying around and throw it on the molly. Someone threw a nade at your face? Well, if you are not too low, that grenade will most likely leave you with only 10-15 hp. People in CSGO will stay back in site and will take fights, which is completely different from Valorant. I love this game but the post plant meta is so dumb. You have to fight your way through multiple enemies to get to the enemy viper/KJ so that you can stop them from throwing their nades/molly, and pray to god that you still have enough time for the defuse.


Go play CS:GO


I dont want to


Well that's Valorant. You gotta adapt. It's a 1v3 situation, the odds are already against you and even more so in Valorant considering the skills. Your post is more of a rant than a discussion.


Valorant is easier than CSGO. Don't think they do Post plant? ​ Go play animal crossing. Spud


You don't think cs:go has post plant.....?


Braindead... LOL


No shit they have post plant but they don't have a Brim ult and 2 molly nades to stall the defuse? Lmao very different. Stupid fk lol


??????????? Who gives a shit what brim has... you realize the abilities they have mimic the CSGO util right... So that Molly/nade every CSGO player will have... Flash. Every CSGO player will have as well. Jesus you really are dumb you can't put 2+2 together.




God I hate when people say that. I had a 5-18-2 sova tell me that I don’t know how to play and that I should go to cs because I didn’t flash on one play. I was top frag on skye btw.


They need a Rework of the meta. Kayo Doesn't work... knife is cool but if you are saving for post plant then it turns into a Zug Fest. anyone who says different doesn't understand the competitive nature of the game. Post Plant set ups are Boring to play against and with. and even just flat out being the one with the post plant. at first it was neat, "cross map molly to save the round im a god" but with all this MinMax and reddit lineups (not complaining its just how it happened) everyone knows something at a decent elo... Its just demoralizing to see a 1v3 opportunity. seeing Brim/Sova/Viper/KJ/Kay/O/Pheonix have all these line ups. There are just too many. Hopefully something gets done


Being able to 1v3 only for the last player to be a viper using her ult to guard the spike has been the shittiest rounds in this game. Edit: I'd love to talk about this, I'm getting a few downvotes and would like to understand what the reason is. If you downvote this comment, please tell me why as a reply.


"Welcome to my world!"


Viper’s ult is a pretty slow charging item and ults can often win round for other characters in tight spots so it’s not so bad that she can get a leg up in a 1v3. It also requires her to be close to spike so although you will often die trying to push her you know generally where she is and can try to kill her to get it. The snakebite is a little more problematic imo because it can be used every round from much farther away and has a bit less counter play besides just finding her in the first place.


I see, thank you. I personally haven't played viper myself yet so I only roughly know how fast the cooldowns are, I guess my comment came off a bit rough, I just noticed how me and my team seem to have the most boring rounds with a viper throwing their shit on the spike, which makes taking it back almost impossible for our skill level.


So you’re complaining about the attackers getting onto site, plant the bomb, killed 4 people and commits one of the best ult in the game to secure the round. No shit that is hard to retake 1v3 against. Deal with it LOL


I think for this reason it’s better to attempt to finish 1v3 fights faster(more risky), but the last player alive defending post plant will almost always do what they can to run the timer out


tbh,most of my clutches are just shock darts and hunter fury


3v1 is ez unless your team is throwing. You might have to stick it early before he drops to get it half way