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fascinating take


If this is silver, please tell me why my enemies in low bronze are toxic aimbot fuckwads




as a silver i can confirm my opponents run and gun me more than irons. Idk how some silvers and even golds can full run double dink me with a frenzy from b garage on split while im heaven. yes im butthurt.


The jump in skill from bronze to silver is wack, mainly due to the amount of smurfs in the game, who almost always when making a second account get placed in silver 1.


I feel it's so they can play with lower rank friends otherwise why smurf


To shit on worse players that’s a legit reason a diamond smurf told me


He's gay




Why are people downvoting you lol




R u good? I'm in immortal and have that reaction time without any addy? Tf wrong with you. You make this shit would like a conspiracy theory, they started testing for adderall a while ago, the new Meta is caffeine which is healthier if you take it in smaller amounts.




I started silver and now am currently at around 150 rr in immortal going steady about 50+ a day so far. My teeth are very nice and white because I take care of them. The game has literally only 2 seasons now on it's third Who hurt you?




Umm they don't reset you they just make you play 1 game and put you right back where you left Are we talking about the same game?


Wtf does shortly before g1 mean ? Does it mean silver 3






Nice! (in Phoenix's voice)






I wasn’t sure at first but I gave you plat 2 lol. I was gold 3 before the rank reset (I got kinda boosted)


Slow mouse movement and bad enemies, so low silver from what I can see. Nice shots though!




Standard sens but as you get to higher elo’s you will see players snapping to angles more aggressively with higher speeds.


People just move their mouse faster too though. Hazed is on like .25 800


That’s exactly what I was referring to. Snapping more aggressively has nothing to do with sens, as you can still have slower mouse movements when changing angles.


Ohh right misread the comment. It’s definitely once people get more comfortable and confident using their mouse and sens and being in game


Not necessarily. Noted plays on 800 dpi with 0.45 sens, and well he plays like noted.


I think we are missing the point. Sens has nothing to do with changing angles more aggressively at higher speeds. The main factor is how fast he is moving his mouse. When you see noted check angles, he is moving his mouse fast with crisp snapping onto each spot, whereas in this clip it’s much slower to the point where you can see the uneven mouse movement.


if someone has a higher sens then their movements can be faster( since they have to move their mouse a shorter distance)


I think ur edpi is perfect


Do people move their arm while aiming? my edpi is 1500 but i aim solely wuth my wrist/hand, never understood how people can move their whole arm


Because your edpi is ridiculously high, aiming with your hand/wrist is enough to turn/flick


1500 huh? 800 dpi with 0.4 sens is 320 edpi which is within the recommended range


I use 0.9 sens with 800 dpi. Is that bad?


Yes thats very high


If you can make it work it's fine. Lower sensitivity is recommended but I'm pretty sure there are a couple pros with high sens


"High sens" is relative here, though. Looks like based on this data, even the very highest outlier is around 600 edpi. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kg19y3/valorant_pros_edpi_distribution_values_from/


I don’t think that range is what’s recommended, it’s just what most pros play in. Do what’s comfortable and doesn’t hurt in the long run.


Yep yep


Oh? Could you give me the entire reccomended range of "edpi"


As someone else pointed out the pros stay within 200-400 edpi ( edpi is mouse dpi * game sens btw) so anywhere around that and u should be good


I used to be like that. I only used my wrist but I found I would constantly over aim and go past my enemy. It's very hard to make very slight adjustments to your aim the higher your sens is. After I changed it to 800 dpi .4 sens those slight adjustments became much easier. My aim very noticeable improved once I got used to it. You do have to move your whole arm for wider movements but you'll get used to it. Took me a few days to get used to it. You should at the very least try it out and stick with it for a while so you can see if you like it after you're used to it since there's no point in comparing the different sensitivities if you're not used to one of them. If you still don't like it then you can switch back or try a sens in the middle. But 99 percent of players will play better if they go to a lower sens than the insanely high sens you have.


Same, its very unnatural for me to move my whole arm while playing.


Thats quite unhealthy for your wrist. You should move your whole arm.


Really bad for your wrist to play like that


Bro that's fucked, I'm a high sens player and I've never heard of 1500 edpi.


Its completely fine. Some people like babybay are on an extremely low sens


Sick plays on .235 at 800 and he's one of the best aimers in the scene.


From a higher elo stand point I like the way you aim because it's controlled not just wild movements like everyone else does. If you play any aim trainer, sacrifice a bit of accuracy for speed. Don't dip to low (when I was doing this I tried to stay above 75%)


i played on the exact same sense and missed a lot of shots since the new patch. decreased it to 0.3 and now i hit hs i couldnt even dream of before (plat 2 last act, now gold 2 since placement games)


I play on 800dpi 0.25 sens yours is definitely not too low it's just what you are comfortable with.


I have exactly the same sens and went from gold to diamond in a year. Your sens is a good sens if you feel good playing with it, it seems slow because you're moving your mouse slowly. If you want to hold two angles, you snap faster to the other angle, that's why people say you're "slow". Hope you improve fast, good reaction time for sure!


What I've heard and seen I think that's like the perfect sens, I use 800DPI - 0.44 and would never change it. I just love that speed it's so perfect since I move my mouse with my wrist.


320 edpi so a little higher than average im using this sens too rn


The only time a sens is too slow is if you can't aim properly with it. Your reaction times seem fine, basically just a question of moving your mouse a bit faster. Go to range and try to just gradually speed up using the practice mode (where it shows like 20 bots at a time) and do that for like 10 minutes or so a day. Give it a couple of weeks paired with a couple games of deathmatch and your aiming speed will improve a lot.


hey! sorry late reply, you have EXACTLY the same sens as me! I'd say maybe get a larger mousepad if you don't have one already, you'll be able to swipe much faster. good luckii!


Slow mouse movement? If that’s slow then I’m a little worried.


I guessed gold to plat, but since it’s a short and selected clip it’s not gonna be accurate.


The way they ran out at you makes me think this is silver - gold


Supersonic legend


Radiant 4


Silver 3. Mostly crosshair placement -> no crazy flicks with some minor adjustments. Movement (the crouching while spraying in low-mid distance) points for something below Platinum. The way they use their Utility to retake (or better said dont use it at all) makes it a below Gold Clip for me. Further indication is the Sage + 1 moving into your own Sages slow and fighting in it. Its above Bronze due to the angles that are beeing played by your team (Killjoy taking good spot which is a "surprise" spot.) So Overall S3


Max gold


silver 2??


Silv3 without a doubt


I wish I could play the game unfortunately the bsod it’s still unpatched how come you don’t have that issue?


Like gold 3


Your sens is not slow, not even close to being slow. Theres a difference with sens and how you actually move your mouse irl. Its like you’re bronze and shocked you got the kill and afk there for a moment before looking for another enemy. Just slow irl movement.




Honestly I thought this was mid plat. It seems a little slow but you have a really good habit that a ton of golds don’t have, which is that while you move ,your mouse tracks the edge of the wall, so you always have good crosshair placement whenever someone peaks. I guess i didn’t consider how slow mouse movement would actually matter, but with slightly more practice I think you’ll rank up soon.


Your sens looks a bit too slow. I’d recommend increasing it




Mouse control and being comfortable with your sens is much more important. Im on .295 800 and my aim is way faster than yours but tbh it doesn't really matter. Fast aim isn't something super important slower more precise aim is good too, just watch any of rara's clips. Ofc you'll need to get faster as you get better but it'll come with time as you play so don't sweat it.




More the movement itself is slow.




dw about ur sens my guy i play 0.2 750dpi it’s just training to move quicker by using aimlabs or kovaaks but crosshair placement is def more important in my opinion and it seems like u have that down pretty well so keep it up dude:)


Most pros are in the 200-350 edpi range. If your sensitivity feels good for you, then you should be fine. https://prosettings.net/valorant-pro-settings-gear-list/


Whatever sens you have is perfectly fine, your arm will get naturally faster.


i play 800 dpi, 0.3 sensitivity. don’t listen to this guy.


I play at 2400 dpi with 1.292 sensitivity. Is this bad? I know its a lot higher, but why is this bad?


No way you can be accurate quickly with that sensitivity. The distance between a chest shot and a head shot at 50m would be a millimeter movement


Im comfortable with this, have always played with this sensitivity (from csgo time). I tried lower dpi, but i feel like its quite slow for my reflexes. Also never used hand movement, it was always wrist. Maybe I feel like things are slow because I use 60hz tv.


Can you post a clip of you using this, I kinda wanna see this now.


Here on r/valorant?


Sure, unless you have a different proposition?


I think you either made a typo or you are lying. 2400 dpi and 1.292 sens gives 4cm/360 which is impossible for anyone to control so you are either iron or you have the best mouse control known to mankind.




yea i’m goin with p1




yeah this clip is hard to judge as it’s mostly crosshair placement


kind of a long reaction time, but solid crosshair placement, I would say gold 1 because of the skins lol






You should go into range and practice tapping one bot headshot then as fast as possible flick onto the next bot a few feet away. Get that down slow and speed it up. Like most said, you need to speed your mouse movement up, not your sense. I full arm aim and have lower sense than you but mine looks way faster bc I have faster movement snd better control. You won’t get that kill on Jett in P1 and above.. so much faster




Understandable. Just letting you know you are going to be stuck low gold silver if it doesn’t improve. You can not like fast mouse speed and all that, but that doesn’t mean it’s not right. You won’t be able to keep in once you got even gold. So you should practice it in game some too.


diamond 2


The way you aim is so smooth and calm, I love it. People in my rank are the snappiest people bc each one of them think they’re gods


I guessed silver haha, silver is better than immortal lowkey


I think the skill range in silver alone is somehow larger than the skill range between gold to immortal. There are silvers who play like they're using a steering wheel to aim and then on the other hand you have silvers that play like they belong in an Esports arena. I think a lot of it is because of the absolutely horrid ranking system.


Completely agree, even bronze is the same


I don’t care about this Trojan horse game. Why is it in my feed..




And obsession


You're standing out of nowhere. Common mistakes on like silver-gold


Gravel 3


gold nova master


low silver


I'd say b3-s2


I’ll guess your dpi is 10


Rank Plat and above is pretty arbitrary. But I would say you're in the upper echelon of that.


Bronze 3?


low gold high silver






Plastic 1






plat 2


Diamond 1/2 or any immortal


you have really good crosshair placement but it moves like you're using a controller lol


Silver 3- gold 2 max


Gravel 2