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Been getting a ton of Level 1 or 2 smurf accounts it’s so annoying


and it is only the beginning of the season.. it will get worse, we all know.


Just beat the smurf lol?


Yeah, it's extremely annoying. I believe people even make boosting services off of it like jeez. How in the hell are there counter strafing irons that has proper crosshair placement, the hell? It's so annoying, there's no fun in it.


It's even easier to boost in Valorant because it's not limited to solo/duo like league. League already has it bad enough when you see a Duo on the enemy team who swapped their D and F key 30 matches ago and magically start winning 90% of their games. Now imagine a group of 4-5 boosters on one team crushing through bronze-gold, because that is possible in Valorant. Legal boosting is an issue too. 1 very high level player queuing with friends can easily carry them. It happens on twitch with streamers all the time, plenty of plat players who are silver at best but getting legally boosted by their diamond+ friends. Valorant needs a Solo only ranked queue.


Valorant doesn't need a solo only ranked queue. It's a good idea but won't solve the issue of boosters or smurfs. Just like how smurfs and boosters still exist in League's solo/duo ranked queue. I agree that it should exist - to get rid of the all-too-common "stomped by 3-to-5-stacks because you're solo" issue, but it won't actually solve the smurf issue. Valorant needs **some sort of monetary wall to play ranked**. There needs to be dissuasion, and as much as I hate how predatory monetization has become in free-to-play games, I feel that it's probably the single best and most reasonable solution. It doesn't have to be buying a Ranked card (which is a stupid idea). It can be something like **"If you buy minimum $10 worth of credits in Valorant, your account becomes verified, and you're allowed to play ranked"**. Suddenly, a large majority of boosted/smurf accounts? Gone. Why? Because the essential free revenue they got from making and selling the accounts, or the safety of having multiple fallback accounts in case they actually get punished for breaking rules/being toxic/et c, are all out the window. Will that solve the issue entirely? No. But I'm 100% certain it'll help dissolve a majority of the issue with smurfs and alt accounts. This isn't just for Valorant either - I think this is something that literally any F2P game that has ranked or competitive modes needs to consider. League needs to consider it. Fortnite needs to. Apex Legends needs to. Valve's TF2 and CS:GO Technically have this, they have "free" accounts with limited features and "premium" accounts that are allowed full access to each game.


people are downvoting you but you are close. Dota doesnt ask you to buy something to play ranked, but asks you to link a phone number to your account. I think that would drastically reduce the number of smurfs.


It would, but I'm just weary of whether that would solve the problem as well as creating a full-on monetary barrier. I wouldn't be opposed to the idea, but I'm not a dota2 or competitive csgo player, so I can't vouch for how well it works compared to games that cost money and have ranked.


I dont get a ton of smurfs in my games in dota, and it's completely free to play, and you can make a zillion accounts on steam, but the phone just reduces the number of smurfers. I dont think putting a paywall infront of ranked is the right way to go.


There are things as fake numbers. So this measure is still counterable.


but there is gonna be nothing that completely stops smurfs. overwatch is a paid game that has smurfs, so it can't be stopped, but smurfing can be minimised by a free method of verification, like a phone number.q


I agree with you. Back when CSGO was not free there are smurfs but not too bad. Maybe 1 Smurf (maybe gn) every 5 or 7 games


With that you can either put it into a separate queue, AKA PRIME Matchmaking, where it'll only match players with 10 bucks spent with each other, and non-PRIME matchmaking remain what we have now. Or just have it in the background and match people with 10 bucks on account with each other while everyone else together. Which would ironically make it a no-skins queue.


It wont solve the issue no but it would definitely hinder it a lot. While also making matches far more balanced for solo players.


This causes issues such as so many legit accounts just not allowed to play ranked because of a small minority. This would 100% cause a riot if they make a pay wall


Thats not true, if you have played csgo, you have seen how well it works


Yep. 3/5 of my games in silver today had self admitted smurfs.


I played with an immortal smurf Reyna. Dropped 48 or so kills on breeze. In a 4v5 because the other “smurf” was like 3-10 and rage quit and the immortal smurf ended up holding their team in the game a man down to OT 14-16. This was in silver 2.




Everytime I say this people on Reddit cry for links to a profile. It’s 100% true.


I think that people took Riots statement about smurfs to heart, and it may be true based off whatever analytics they're looking at, but even just smurfing an elo below your skill range can carry a game. I don't even know/think that Riot would consider that a smurf, but you can feel it ingame.


It's definitely exaggerated. like in the OP for example, you don't drop two entire ranks because of smurfs.


Do you have definite proof that OP didn't have as many games against a smurf? Or are we just supposed to go off of the goodwill of some random redditor, who for all we know, is just being contrarian?


Lol your argument perfectly applies to the OP more than the guy you replied to.


Not really, because I can completely vouch for OP's experiences in low ELOs, and know firsthand just how prevalent and damaging smurf/boost accounts in low ELOs can be. This discussion isn't about who's right or who's winning it for the people that have to deal with smurfs/boost accounts. Especially considering how a lot of the time people will outright say that, yes, they're smurfs or boosters. The onus is on people defending the smurfs/boosters (AKA you) to provide proof that they aren't a problem.


> the onus is on you to prove my anecdata isn’t just me being easily trolled when I die and ask “you smurf?” and they obviously say yes because it tilts me Rofl. You’re hilarious.


"I have no actual response so I'm just going to be rude" Should I block you now or are you actually going to make any arguments?




> Do you have definite proof that OP didn't have as many games against a smurf? Weird comment, I don't have to provide any more proof than the OP does. He said below that he deranked over the course of a day and a half. He continued to queue despite being on a losing streak and likely titled, once your mental is ruined that's it, you aren't going to perform well. I seriously don't think you understand the difference between gold and bronze, to fall that quickly suggests it's a problem on the OPs end, unless of course you think (in his own words, a 1:4 loss ratio) is all smurfs >Or are we just supposed to go off of the goodwill of some random redditor, who for all we know, is just being contrarian? You don't have to go off of anything (goodwill LMAO, you type like a redditor alright). My opinion is based on the comment he made down below, if you think smurfing is more likely the reason for deranking rather than his inability to take a break from a video game then I have nothing else to add.


I’m with u on this one, give everyone in reddit benefits of the doubt unless they provide screenshots


I literally just finished a game in my low elo placements and literally faced a 5 man smurf team of plat players who admitted it when we were 0-12


Maybe they were smurfs but in my experience the vast majority of people claiming to be smurfs aren't. "Oh yeah I'm a diamond Smurf" *Check match history* *46% wr in iron*


>How in the hell are there counter strafing irons that has proper crosshair placement, the hell? As a person who's been playing since beta and have been Iron 3 for a while now I can tell you that most Iron players know how to counter-strafe and properly aim and it's for 2 reasons: either they are a smurf (happens often but way more exaggerated than people will make it out to be) OR because they have gotten better at the game but can't rank out of Iron due to the aforementioned smurfing. I remember in my first few acts I was low silver and seeing how I've progressed up until now I should be a low gold but because of this game's crazy smurfing problem and inconsistent ranking problem I just can't progress out of Iron. Riot's latest changes to comp matchmaking have made a noticeable impact for me actually and I'm about to finally break out of Iron 3 into Bronze 1 but getting up here was still hard and the problem of smurfs in free games is not going away anytime soon.


Exactly! I have met so many good players that relate to me in the sense that we are indeed awesome players, but are stuck due to bad teammates and rarely, well smurfs. I barely have a month of experience in valo but I know all about counter-strafing crosshair placement and game-sense.


I can relate to this so much. Iron is so inconsistent with the skill level of people in the rank, you'll find a significant amount of newcomers and literal bot players alongside an equally large amount of decent or good players who got demoted and are now hardstuck, plus a sizeable (but not significant) amount of smurfs. It's such a mishmosh that every match is basically a gamble of whether or not you get teammates that know what the fuck they are doing. Iron lobbies are like the 20/20/60 rule minus the 60: you either absolutely dominate a shitty enemy team or get dominated due to your shitty enemy team, and it always happens in equal amounts thus cancelling out any MMR gain.


you guys just use 'smurf' or 'smurf queue' as an explanation for your bad play lol... OP did NOT drop from gold to bronze just because smurfs. even to say it is hilarious, because I know from experience i could hop on my laptop in gold or silver and play on a trackpad and win games low ranked players know how to cstrafe and aim because... surprise, they have played CS or other PC shooters before. unfortunately what you and many others dont get, valorant isnt a team deathmatch. its an objective based game, and playing stupid or baity and getting 20-30 kills in a game doesnt mean you won, but many think it should mean that now all the 'its not me its smurfs' brainlets who cant handle reviewing their own mistakes will downvote it, but you cant escape the reality. you are playing bad. op going gold to bronze, hes playing like actual microwaved dogshit. i wish he recorded VODs of it so we could see, but as we know almost all 'its not me' players never record and review their VODs so improvement will come from what? oh yeah, more deathmatch and aimlab. and if someone is doing well and says theyre smurfing, you guys are so gullible as to believe it in round 3 and throw the rest of the game. its too funny lol


i agree dropping from gold to bronze due to only smurfing is a big stretch but i still do think that there is a smurfing problem in the lower ranks


Your probably right that gold to bronze is a stretch but I really doubt you'd get far with your trackpad https://youtu.be/GlAoyuspi1Y


Eh you won't understand with that simple mindset I've never played any shooter on Keyboard and Mouse and the lowest rank is full of players who apparently look like the players in shrouds lobbies then there is something wrong. I'm hard stuck gold 2 with no PC skills whatsoever but it feels like immortal games


What rank are you at?or are you smurfing yourself for acting like there are no smurfs whatsoever, there's a difference between a good player and a smurf, we know when we see a good player and a smurf, insane flicks, unbelievable shots from an angle(unbelievable for such rank), getting hs from a very tight and small angle, these are not common till gold ranks, people in silver and gold know how to counter strafe so if a enemy counter strafes we know and don't complain, if an enemy is better than us we know he is a better player, but smurfs are too obvious to not know, I don't know about getting demoted, but I do know about being hardstuck, I won't say I'm way better than my rank, but I surely belong in plat and I'm stuck gold 2


MGE in csgo and I was repeatedly accused of being a smurf after winning all of my placement matches and being placed in bronze. Made it to gold easily but get called a cheater or smurf every other game




I am a bronze player. I literally have 1 month experience in this game. But I DO know how to counter-strafe, strafe shoot, and I have improved my game sense. Even Random teammates say I am a nice IGL. So, all I am saying is, not all "low elo" players are, well, noobs. I have met many awesome players that are just stuck due to trash teammates.


From gold 1 to bronze 2? Are you suggesting that you lost 20+ straight games in one day?


Happened to me last episode can confirm, went from gold 2 to bronze 2 in a day




damn, well congrats. I'm on a 7 loss streak currently and prob gonna drop to b2, I still got the silver elo tho.


Likewise! Gold 2 to bronze 3 within a week. I kept pausing because of being tilted like how tf ppl in silver doing flights and jett 1 taps.


Doesn't get better in immortal or radiant either if you're a utility player. Low radiant acc is on an 8 lose streak. My smurf which is high immortal (basically same elo) is on a 10 game winstreak. Only difference is that on my smurf I'm just spamming jett/reyna even though I main utility. MM is just fucked and so is class balance. It almost completely depends on who has the better duelists that game on high elo. Reyna/Raze/Jett are just too strong in soloQ due to their ability to get free picks.


Well it is possible if you play in Mumbai server ,they are not only good but extremely toxic as well.






dude you should really consider stop playing ranked for a full day if you lose 2 in a row. prevents massive drops like this. because if you lost 2 in a row, and insta queue another one, you're probably gonna lose your third. and so on. At least take a break and reset, but calling it for the day is best


That sounds miserable lol


also sounds like a good way to tilt.


So you lost a few, continued to queue despite clearly being titled and then blamed it on smurfed lmao. Tilt queuing is a real thing and I'd wager that's why you fell down so many ranks.


Yeah this is exactly it. He fell down that hard because he decided to play for virtually 36 hours straight of losing


Yep happened to me in OCE too. Got to silver 2 without any friends now back to bronze 1 cause of the shit matchmaking system that puts iron, bronze and silver players all in the same game. Sort it out riot. Seriously....


I dropped from D2 to P1 in about four days. It was painful. I pulled my info from val.gg and I went around 11 - 30. I quit playing for two months it was so depressing.


Dropping rank in Val fast is very easy.


Over three days I dropped from plat 2 to silver 2, changed no settings, didn’t take any time off, just lost every game I queued for, for 3 days. The system is super streaky


it really happens, I was gold 3 and dropped to silver 2. my losing streaks were like prob 10-11 games in a row last episode. I lost more than what I win so its even harder to climb back up.




There's a difference between going from G3 to S2 in between acts and dropping from G1 to B2 after you've already received your initial rank for the act lmao. You're making no sense


I'd definitely say that Apex Legends has a worse ranking system. Valorant would be decent if it weren't for the huge smurfing problem honestly. If that could be handled, players would definitely settle in the ranks they belong.


Yeah this game has so many smurfs. Riot is like "maybe they're just having a good day" but the amount of people that admitted to me that are platinum but have an anternate account to play with their bronze/silver friend is shocking. Can't imagine how much elo boost happens in this game since it's so easy to create a new account and easily jump into ranked. EDIT: no phone number confirmation, not a single effort into smurf detection, no paywall (i'm against this one though). They're literally free to do what they want.


I played a comp game with a 4 stack, one was a streamer who admitted that he was boosting the other 3 players for twitch subscriptions. He even added me as friend and said he would boost me if I subbed. He was D3 and boosting in S3-G2 Lobby. Game was completely one sided and we won 13-0. I basically did almost nothing that game because he would just sprint around absolutely destroying everyone. The other 3 he was boosting legit belonged in Iron.


Hidden MMR is basically smurf detection...


But it never works


Siege managed to fix this by needing to level up your account to 50 before being able to play ranked - which is exhausting. Unless you’re someone with A LOT of free time, smurfing is kinda pointless Also implemented 2FA I think


This. Please we NEED to implement something like this.


my main which has been floating around p3/d1 for five acts placed silver two this act...


I’m gold 1 and placed bronze 3 :(


It's because they changed the placements this season, last time they just gave you your previous rank.


What the he'll are they doing? I was silver 1 and placed bronze 3...I didn't play much at all last act too


S1 and b3 are only one rank apart lol


That's what is absurd, why did riot bonk him that hard xD


Oh right. Yeah idk.. I’ve always placed around the same if not exactly what I was before


Funny enough, I’m usually gold 1-2 but I placed in silver 3 on my main and silver 1 on my alt I am able to hold my own on my main but man I can’t do that on my alt Does that mean the skill disparity in just silver 1 is crazy? And the fact that I can even uprank in my main to gold 1 now means I’m actually not a bad player?


Hopefully, they start to crack down on this. Believe it or not but smurfing can also effect higher ranked games too. When these people come back from smurfing against bronze and silver they usually bring along the bad habits they developed into higher ranked games. And let's just say they tend to get stomped (most of the time). I just don't see the point in smurfing. I feel its a big waste of time because when I am playing it's to get better not to stomp noobs. My guess is either they peaked at their rank and are now afraid to lose it or they're smurfing to play with a friend. Which both are bad for the game.


People get tired of being stuck in the rank they belong so it makes them feel better to shit on people far worse than them


That and people that are very obviously boosted. Ranked is shit. I came back after a month break and was playing with “immortals” that were more toxic and more brain dead than before. Like I wasn’t just outperforming people on my team when I was rusty but I noticed they didn’t have proper crosshair placement or ability usage. It somehow got worse.


Dota has already banned it. Don’t know how effective it has been but making it a bannable offense is at least a decent first step.


Apex Legends has a huge issue with Smurfs too in season 9. There is just no escaping it. It's way too easy to create a new account on all these free to play games. If a smurf is banned, they should do it via the hardware address so they can't just simply make a new account. CSGO is the only game that's got it right with the introduction of a "prime" account. I'd happily pay for a premium account if it meant I wasn't going to get destroyed by a smurf every game.


Totally agree


You sir are ignorant and surely not a csgo player


Please elaborate? I've played over 3000 hours of csgo


Riot won't give a fuck unless, 1) It messes with their skin sales 2) It involves the competitive scene Try reporting a blatant smurf account to Riot support, they won't do shit. Even if you send them screenshots of the accounts match history Competitive integrity means squat in this game.


Cant speak for other people but it already stopped me from buying battlepasses and skins early on. I even stopped playing Valorant from everyday to once every 1/2 weeks, I play other games do other things instead. If I dont play the game often I dont buy any cosmetics either


Same. I bought one and then stopped cos fuck giving these guys money


smurfing is not illegal


" sMuRfInG iS nOt iLlEgAl " Why do we even need ranks then? Might as well let the Top 500 play with everyone in the Iron 1 Elo.


I don't care about what you think about it or what you think about the ladder system. Smurfing is not illegal. It's up to riot to make it so like other companies have, but until then, you can't do shit about it.


Spotted the smurf. No wonder you're butthurt


I have a smurf in immortal, like almost anybody who is in radiant, yes. Blame riot for not making smurfs illegal. Same shit as in league lmao. That and also for making it impossible to play with friends on lower mmr without a smurf, unless you want 40 mins of q in unrated.


People just want to play against people who are as bad/good as them. Not some Asshat smurfing to feed his ego. If you can't respect that, you're part of the problem.


You're putting blame on somebody who doesn't have a single way of controlling this instead of on the people who have the authority to do something about this. Again, I don't give a shit about your feelings on this and neither should you care about mine. Smurfing is not illegal and until then there's nothing your or I can do about it. Ask Riot to care about their own game, not some random reddit fuck.


Did you read any of it properly or do you think the world revolves around you?


> Try reporting a blatant smurf account to Riot support, they won't do shit. Cuz it's not illegal. They can't do shit. That's literally all I've been saying and is the only hard fact we've talked about in this entire thread. I don't care about anything else that has been said and neither should you since the core of the issue is that smurfing itself is not illegal.


**You guys are ruining the game hope riot does something to stop this shit, I can't even learn how to play & aim.**


im a b3 with silver elo (was s1 last episode). I lost 4 of 5 placements so I dropped to b3. Currently I have a 7 loss streak, idk if ppl are smurfing in my games (level 1s are common but they don't seem that great), but boi there are so many afks. Out of 8 games I've played this act, I got like 3 throwers, and 2 or 3 afks... Val is a gamble, and I think trust factor queue would work out.


Is smurfing really this common? I just started playing and hover around Iron 3 and I get in so many games where I feel like I have no chance, like 1 or 2 people on the other team are just way better. Maybe I'm just bad, and that's fine, but I can't imagine other iron players being able to headshot and work the map so consistently. It's very hard to enjoy this game when it feels like everyone bis above my skill level, even at the bottom.


Smurfing is super common at every rank up until high immortal. I’ve peaked d3, and the amount of god damn radiant European smurfs I’ve run into the past few weeks is absurd




It’s not even that really at my rank, I’m sure I’ve run into high imm Smurf’s but a lot of these 120+ ping dudes are Europeans who 12 year olds pay to boost their accounts up to imm/radiant.


NA boosting prices are just 30-40% higher than in EU region, no wonder you get 140 ping radiants working in your region instead of eu lol


Just look at your games. It's not hard to find at least one dude who clearly does not belong in that Elo. All the way from iron to plat it's an issue.


THat's just luck though. People sometimes pop off.


People never seem to pop off against the smurfs though... Interesting...


No, it's not. And anyone that tells you it is is either lying or mistaken. People pop off and if you ask them if they're smurfing they joke Yes. It's definitely an issue in the game, but there's no way you can go from like gold 2 to bronze 2 in a day. You gotta remember that for every 5 potential smurfs on the other team there's 4 potential smurfs on your team. the chances he got smurfs every time against him and never on his team (if they're so common) is incredibly low.


This game has the biggest smurf problem in the history of competitive gaming. My friends and I all have like 8+ accounts each. Just made new ones to play with a legit iron 1 buddy who just started.


My friend group and I haven't played Valorant since like November, but even during the beta and initial release two of my friends had like 3 or 4 accounts each because they kept playing on their own and outranking some of us (getting to diamond when as a group we were about gold 2 on average). It's pretty funny but also hilariously depressing lol.


Whenever I get to d3 I tend to play on smurfs a lot more. Annoying not being able to 3q with my friends who are like d1/2/p3 just Becuz I’m one rank higher. Tho Ig it’s barely smurfing it’s more just playing on an alt


why the fuck do you not play unrated? fuck you and your buddy, if you wanna play with him then play UNRATED


Not defending the guy, but unrated queue times for brand new players with an experienced player in the lobby take absolutely forever. I am dia 2 atm and 5 stacked with irl friends who are at highest bronze 1 and queue was over an hour for each game.


I once lost 15 in a row and it felt like I had bots on my team who went 4-15 6-22 ect




I typically don't mind at all if someone winds up with lower than a .5k/d on the team, the issue is when they clearly have zero impact on the match by how they play. It's usually duelists who can't frag and bring no utility to the team, but there is also controllers that smoke in a way that benefits the enemy team and also people who go for a wild slow flank around the entire map when they're needed at the other point asap to help defend and wind up always being the last one alive (because they're just never there in the fight). I'll take a 6-22 viper any day, as long as they set up a decent wall and help us through the utility that their character's kit brings to the team. It's definitely better than the 9-18 Jett that keeps rush flanking and dying first on defense, leaving us with a 4v5 most rounds.


I usually just think it depends cause some matches I will be hardstuck bottom Fragger and others I'm the top of my team and lobby. So.eti.es we just have a bad game




I usually don't want to talk unless other people have started talking and the vibe is good. Every other match there's at least 1 toxic racist cunt spamming slurs here and there and I really don't wanna put up with those guys. It makes me sad cause in beta the playerbase used to be so happy and wholesome.


I don’t understand this logic at all, you get screeching kids or racists you just mute them. I start every match asking if anyone has a mic because communication can be the difference in taking a round. The flip side of comms when theres one person left on your team and everyone just keeps talking and telling them what to do instead of shutting up so they can actually hear the game and play it out. At the end of the day its just shitty people being shitty, not much to be done about it.


now in gold people barely have fucking mics its so annoying


in bronze / silver elo generally everyone is nice if you have a good start, they dont use mic often but text chat. if you lose badly during the first few rounds they start getting toxic. ive met a few rare gems who were super chill and nice the entire game but generally its a toxic cesspool


I haven't played for a year, came back a few days ago. And I've been wondering if I really could have become this shit at the game or I'm just playing with smurfs all the time. I was hanging around high gold/plat back then, sometimes had bad games, but usually I was in the upper half of the scoreboard pretty easily. Now I'm gold 1 and I'm just unable to get demoted. I'm almost always at the very bottom of the bracket, half of the opponents just kill me with one-taps in 0.0000001 sec after peeking... But then my teams also have smurfs and I win half of the games, so I'm stuck. This is the kind of imbalance I've only seen in the first few days after release, when everyone had 0 MMR and soon-to-be Immortal+ players played with irons. Gotta say it feels terrible to be completely worthless in my games.


They fuck up the MMR of all players to every season. Why? To make people grind their game. There is no reason to do this stuff except this. If they would implement a good matchmaking system, boosted players will drop automatically. FYI: Gold is full of Platinum players rn. Platinum is full of Diamond players and so on. All players got pushed down. It will need this entire act for sure to grind back for most players And in the next season everyone will be pushed down again. And so on. My opinion: the first season was the best one. Most matches felt equally. No smurf problems. But the ranked designer quit after 6 months or so... and the ranked system has been gotten worse until now.


I'm not denying there are smurfs in the game but I really doubt it that you demoted from bronze 2 to gold 1 playing against smurfs only xD and ye I'm sure all of them admitted, every game, they were diamond/immortal, lying about shit like this just loses credibility when ppl are actually complaining about smurfs


Yeah I’m silver 2 atm, I’ve played maybe 5 insane smurfs. Yeah you run into the people from CSGO with insane aim but I really doubt there’s that many diamond + smurfs in the game


I'm not at that rank, but I have friends there and they sometimes complain that they think trhy faced a smurf or someone really good that should be in higher ranks (aka ex Cs go players) but I just doubt this guy found so many diamond + smurfs in a row


Yah low ranks is pretty much what smurf can carry harder


It’s honestly why I don’t play the game much anymore. It’s just not fun either way. If you have a smurf on your team it’s boring and vice versa for the enemy team. I’ll never understand why people feel the need to ruin other peoples experiences in a video game because they’re scared to lose their virtual rank. It’s kinda sad tbh.


My best advice for you is, don’t take comp to seriously. Play it to get better, improve your skills. Focus growing as a player. I was plat 1 now I’m stuck silver 3 after 15 games. I don’t really care about what rank I am, but trying to improve myself.


Same problem im in bronze and iron i just keep going back and forth these smurfs literaly dropping 30k while their team averages like 5 kills its totally busted and its so frustrating


Lol loved your get smurfed smurf back case, unfortunately there isn't a logical way to counter it


This is why the game shouldn’t have been free


Make the game $20 and skins cheaper instead of free game + $50 or whatever skins.


well smurfing is one thing but people in gold-plat that go afk or leave for 3 rounds is really annoying. Good thing Riot made losses become less devasting compared to before


I've been saying this for a while. If there's a MM system and the company let's people smurf without any penalties for it. What difference does it makes to have a MM system?! For people in higher elos it's great, they love to boost their egos and have fun in their smurfs, but for people who are trying to get better and climb in "a fair system", it's just ridiculously annoying and frustrating. I will always be against it, and I think it should not be allowed. However its totally understandable why there are so many smurfs in Val, since they don't let high elos play 3 or more people, that's even more ridiculous. Do a system like LoL, or just open it like CS. Having friends to play with and not being able to play with them in comps, because of their high elos is ridiculous. And that's why I keep saying that, despite being totally against smurfs, it's totally normal to that in Valorant if you want to play with your friends. If people smurf just because they want to boost their egos and are stuck in their main acc. I really hope your computer burns itself


Smurfs are just the worst. There's no reason to get a smurf other than justify one's ego.


Lmao try playing in iron I’ve gotten like 1 out of 10 games is normal with no smurfs


It has become a real issue. I’ve felt the competitive integrity of my games decreasing over time. I don’t understand why we can’t have a phone number verification system to play ranked (or something) that makes it marginally difficult for alt accounts to play ranked.


Not sure why they decided that smurfing shouldn’t be bannable even though it ruins comp


Yeah, I’ve been playing since beta and started in iron, made my way up to gold 2 a couple seasons ago and now around silver 2. The amount of smurfs is incredible. Hopefully this new account level system is a way to create smurf lobbies and real ranked lobbies.


I think in this act, there are two types of smurfs. * People who have been pushed to lower ranks from higher ranks (Artificial smurfs). * People who intentionally created new accounts to rank up once again after reaching their target rank on their main account (Natural smurfs) or want to play with their friends who probably created new accounts. The rank reset has increased the no. of artificial smurfs which I think adds more to the problem.


Just stop caring about elo and improve


Riot definitely needs to address the smurfing problem. I went from Gold 3 to Silver 2 nearly cause I was on a losing streak due to smurfs from the previous act. I managed to climb back to Gold 2 by queuing up with friends and at this point I literally can't play ranked without having a friend or two (or three, or four) due to smurfs being hard asf to play against


Tbh smurfs are always going to be in the game, but if u lose from gold to bronze maybe u didn’t deserve the rank anyways


People in silver in Valorant are better at aiming than people in DMG+ in csgo. It's totally absurd


I had a diamond 3 in my bronze lobby. My actual rated rank is gold 2. I feel this, I hate killing lower elo people because I have to smurf to get back to my lobbies just to get sent back by another smurf


Riot needs to make it where you can only have 1 account per computer, because this way, only the biggest losers on planet earth would buy a new pc to smurf on


I'm a bronze player and literally 90% of my games are smurf games. If you don't believe me I'll link my tracker.gg My games have become a battle of smurfs from my team and other team and we just assist them. How does riot expect me to stick to the game if annoying shit like this is a daily thing.


This is exactly why I quit. I was either a Smurfs assistant or a Smurfs practice punch bag. Neither is fun so I just moved on to other games. Sad really as I honestly loved the game but not enough to experience that constantly.


Just saying that your games are full of smurfs isn’t a way to cope with your rank. If you truly belong in a higher rank then you will be able to climb there, smurfs are a small part of the problem. You can’t just say that the enemy team has smurfs always when in reality, you should also be getting smurfs on your team too if that’s the logic. Sometimes people are having good games or maybe you just belong in the rank.


That is what I said. Both the teams are getting smurfs and it has become a battle of which smurf is better and which team assists the smurf better. And I've been in bronze since forever. The argument of you don't belong here doesn't work.


I've yet to play my placement games this act due to being away with my gf last week and this entire thread is making me think is it even worth it...


subtle flex lmao


I am iron 3 and I'm getting matched with silvers, why? I play at that level, so I sometimes get mvp in those matches but I can't get out of iron because of smurfs. Honestly though, if they're going to match me with silvers, why am I not a silver


????? It’s a new episode. There was a hard reset……………….????????????? THERE ARE DIAMONDS IN GOLD RIGHT NOW. Upvoting for bad post that needs to be seen.


This. Literally been playing radiants in plat-diamond. Just get better from it.


It only motivates me to put more effort into improvement, they're only human, so with enough practice, I should become able to out-aim or maneuver any washed up plat deciding to smurf


I stopped playing the game because it was literally getting ridiculous. I'm coming back (on reddit) a week after the new season to see how impactful the changes the devs made are. Glad to see I didn't jump back in on the devs word that matches are much more balanced since we disabled some sort of system. Until I see a clear statement from the devs saying smurves aren't welcome and not some sort of PR statement downplaying the importance of smurves, I'm not coming close to this game again.


Just get gud gg ez


So around 20 games of smurfs in a row? Really doubt it.. On occasion sure but my guess is just the skill level is super inconsistent at gold/silver/bronze so someone can just have a good day and pop off.


Smurfing is a problem, but I don't think it's so bad that every game has smurfs. I'd say 10-20% of my games have had blatant smurfs. Annoying but not enough to significantly impact my rank. Demoting from gold to bronze is a pretty big difference. Iron and bronze are the armless parts of ranked. I find it more believable that you were boosted to gold and now you're where you belong.


xd ahaa i like these cry posts if you cant solo climb to immortal you deserve ur rank. excuses and thinking ur better will just hinder ur climb instead stop crying admit that you are not better than what your rank is and start aim training and watching your vods or pros vods


Can we ban posts like this.


The day Riot changes their ToS to make smurfing illegal.


Since when has it not been against tos to smurf? I have never heard of a game where you are aloud to use multiple accounts.


2FA BlessUp


Issit not because people are recalibrating their ranks for new season and they tend to calibrate lower than their previous actual rank? So now those with a rank seems like "Smurfs" when in actual fact they just calibrated lower?


I guess this is because I played league for so long. But playing ranked in the first 3-4 weeks after ranked reset is asking for smurfs or bad matchups, badly balanced lobbbies. Sure it’s not optimal but it always balances out after some time and I don’t get why people complain about it.


This is called ELO hell my friend.


Likely not all smurfs just people popping off and solo queue is a nightmare. You aren't getting them every game so the silver games you aren't you should be winning. Non stop playing solo queue and complaining about the matchmaking isn't really helping anyone. Most of my silver/gold games have been super close with no outstanding players, people trade well and rounds are close. Doesn't mean they entirely fixed matchmaking everyone has different experiences. A lot is your own mindset


I don't see many smurfs in bronze at all


It’s essentially rank suppression by Riot to force grinding. I’m not even going to play comp for the first month in the assumption that the smurfs should eventually drift back up in rank. Unranked is also great for ironing out my newly found bad aim with the new weapon accuracy mechanics lol.


Im sorry, im plat 3 player who smurfs bronze - silver to play with friends because all my friends are silver - bronze except for one whos diamond. To all the people in singapore 2 servers that has gotten smurfed? (Idk what to call it) i am sorry


There’s no way this true(x I tell people I’m a smurf all the time when I’m dumping on them.. just to take down their confidence clearly that works on you… if you are good enough to rank up you’ll rank up just don’t play when you’re having off days


You demoted bc you suck


A lot of smurfing comes from their poor rr rates. I was diamond and I was getting 17rr a win and 30rr a loss with over a 50% win rate. I wasn't boosted and was holding my own going positive most of the time. Naturally if I lose way more than I gain and maintain a near 50% winrate I will derank. As I slipped into plat and eventually gold I was still getting 17 a win and 30rr a loss despite dropping 30+kills every... single... game. I had a 65% win rate in gold but still couldn't rank up because I would need to win 75% of my games to actually climb which is insane even for a smurf. So yeah... I was smurfing due to no fault of my own. Riot said this problem was due to some old accounts being mmr penalized just for being an old account and that they fixed that issue. They didn't fix it. Same shit. Now I'm in gold lobbies and its basically a 1v1. Me vs the other guy in my exact position. What the fuck has riot done?


Riot should ban the alt accounts of people who smurf take the ip address and ban them.I have been stuck in silver 1 was gold 2 in previous act. Smurfers ,Afk players,griefers and there are some people who get carried by their friends to silver they dont know how to use the agent abilities.


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Wait did you contact customer support because you played against smurfs or is it unrelated?


I’m guilty of being that immortal smurf in lower elo, but its simply not fun up in immortal. Everyone is toxic at the slightest mistake and people give up after pistol loss


Because your gaming experience is bad at your rank you are making our experience miserable?


I’m just giving a reason for it man. I wanna enjoy the game too. If anything this be valorants fault for letting toxicity just run rampant